TERRONI, on different supermarkets tried to leave without paying at least 20 families involved

>TERRONI, on different supermarkets tried to leave without paying at least 20 families involved
Its happening bros, food is starting to be scarce and people savings are almost gone

If this goes on there'll be hungry people on the streets fucking everything up

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Cura Italia is taking way too long to be approved and the EU is being a penny pinching jew as usual

I hope the terroni all kill each other so we can have more living space

Based, we should change landlords, maybe with Putin who actually helped us more than the US

ughi bugheranno

It'd be really good to become a strong Russian and Chinese ally while still being part of NATO
And leaving the EU of course, filthy fucking bastards


>strong Russian and Chinese ally
>while still being part of NATO
Double lol
Is this your brain on Corona?

Fuck yeah! Pasta and pizza niggers are going to be Somalis circa 1993.

funny how a bit of shit appears in the pasta and suddenly the entirety of Italy becomes a communist cocksucker spreading their asscheeks for Putin and Xi. No honour, no spine, no courage.

lmao it's only Germans who ever defend the EU, the jig is up Heinrich

An explanation for other anons:
>terrone works unregistered (in nero)
>lives paycheck by paycheck
>shit happens
>no more work
>no cassa integrazione (welfare for workers who cannot work) since worked in nero
>no more money
>chimps out

Attached: chiaramente un popolo inferiore.jpg (298x169, 7.1K)

Fuck off Hans, germs keep destroying Europe all the fucking time
Even this covid bullshit is your fault since the European spread started from Munich

Based, fuck the state

>workshy italians fighting like petulant children
wew never could imagine this

I'm not saying that all teruns are hypocritical, violent, rude, opportunistica leeches, but those who are behave worse than niggers

Worst case scenario but this is my fear for the west. Supply chains depleted, personal funds dry up. It's a thin line between society functioning well and everything falling apart. Especially when most major Western cities are no longer majority white. They all have a high percentage of immigrants who will end masse turn to their 3rd world ways of dealing with things at the first hint of difficulty.

We are the safest in Italy, we are mostly good to each other and there is a low percentage of immigrants compared to other euro countries. In fact I'm glad to be Italian during this crisis

>yeah fuck the state, fuck the police
>*cough* help me state*cough* I can't pay my rent cause I don't work *cough* I only take false checks from the North *cough* why don't you help me i'm italian!

Actually most of those Italians who are dyeing are either southern Italians or southern diaspora in the North. Ask yourself why people are dying at rate similars to iran istead to those of civilized white western countries like France or Germany, the reason is there are millions of southern descendents in Lombardy with large genetic overlap with middle easterns like iran also badly hit by Coronavirus.

There are huge differences between North and south, especially the south is genetically a mix of Arabian-Turkish-Black genes, speaking of Italian nation is just a joke.

I live in North Italy ( Lombardy named after the Swedish tribe Longobards) and here the phenotype is mostly Nordid among actual natives ( tall, quiet, fair, intelligent). Lombardy is full of 3rd gen southern diaspora who flooded after the war, ethnic Lombards are actually a minority and we're the ones working for pratically the rest of the country sending rome more than 110 billions a year in surplus taxes. We could be like Austria or Switzerland if we were indipendent.

Lombardy is much more like Germany/France than rome/naples that you know from TV series. It is wealthy (finance, industry, and fashion) and Teutonic culturally.

A lot of Northern Italians have white skin and green eyes. The dialects even sound more German.

very nice, soon I will move south and partake in pillaging and bleaching their gene pool

Nobody should be left without food, shit they provide for negroes

Daily reminder that you should know whether your country can sustain itself without food imports. See pic related: Italy can't, so if you're in a similar country, STACK THE FUCK UP ASAP, but if you're in a country that exports food, chances are you won't have any issues (perhaps a lowering of variety, but that's all).

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I wish you and your nation well Sergio. It's Los Angeles, Toronto, Paris, Stockholm and London I'm getting the pop corn for

>fucking everything up
This is where looting begins and the military is deployed against them. Make sure you have everything you need. Barricade yourself in and don't leave. Have a weapon at hand in case of looters and an exit plan with a backpack ready to go in case they start petrol bonbing

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can no longer tell if these kind of posts are real or satire

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Based ubermensch, next time I'm in Bergamo your wallet is safe.

As a terrone myself I somewhat agree
A good terrone is a perfectly good person with some quirks like an unhealthy obsession with local food and a little old fashioned
But a bad terrone is a real pain, especially because they're cunning and it's literally part of the culture to be the smart guy who played the system unlike chumps who go to work
It's fucking maddening that these people complain that south Italy is a shithole

kek, top notch Vlachian banter


you nazis are ruining yurope the third time now. EU is undemocratic just like your country

i cant believe that in this moment of horrific death in your country, instead of helping each other you are turning to hate. This is not good for you, or how people see you from the outside
Greece is 100 times poorer, but very connected with each other especially now

That's their fault for not having a proper, regular job instead of trying constantly not to pay taxes. Niggers have our asses handed to them, no argument there, and it's outrageous and should be left to rot in the mediterranean. But we're talking about people that don't give a shit about anyone and few days ago they were too busy trying to fool the revenue agency. This is a lesson, always pay your fucking taxes

Good graph. For instance Netherlands, second biggest agricultural producer in the world, allegedly imports more? What?

The aftermath of this will be a gold occasion to change a lot of things for the better, meanwhile in this special moment everyone have to be fed.

Don't be too connected you will get corona's


Literally all of that is Zimbabwean white farmers lol.

>second biggest

I have doubts about that, maybe second biggest per hectare of space.

>Its happening bros, food is starting to be scarce
No. It's just terroni being terroni and using the virus as an excuse to not pay their groceries

>That's their fault for not having a proper, regular job
That's most uni students you retard
This shit is fucking over the youth

>In case of emergency they do TERRONATE
Why are you surprised?

wtf is this graph?

I feel the same way about being a Finn desu. Imagine being a Brit in London, or a Swede in Malmö, though. Yikes.

Leave NATO and EU.

One of the biggest anyway. Does it matter when its a country of 17 million and theyre in the top 5 or so.

looks pretty stupid indeed. Pretty sure it's only about industrial food production, meaning it's not really telling us anything. Also, you aren't the Irish, you'd probably manage to go fishing if needed.


Even a cashier is a regular job you dumbbell, even a waiter or a dish washer. Just because a job is humble and low paid doesn't mean it's illicit. People who work in those conditions are fully aware of them, it's like those "models" who went to a porn producer and then sued it for sexual harassment. If you know your job doesn't give you guarantees, then don't be surprised when shit hit the fan, and most of all don't come crawling to the state asking it to save your buttcheeks

Just wait for loot of truck to the market

porco dio

Nobody is left without food, they are just trying to take advantage of the situation

Nice english dude

Shut the fuck up greased arab mutt

Made with highest bozgor retardations and attention to wrong detail - next time you see anything hungarian, better to ignore. especially important since in 3 months they run out of goulash and horse dicks to eat and they come to beg at our door. Ignore and carry on with day as usual.

>gladly giving away sovereignty of his own state to another, first the EU and then Russia
you are what is wrong with my nation, user

>be Italy
>be anti EU
>Corona crisis comes
>now you want EU money

Aren't you guys tired of your populists politicians?

>thinking our state, as of now, has any sovereignty whatsoever
how old are you?

>there's always a croatian hating italy on every thread
why tho, we never think about you, the dalmazia is gone we've got over it you should too

>We could be like Austria or Switzerland if we were indipendent.
Nah m8, you would be like us if you didn't suck François the first's cock in 1515... now get lost.

>send a handful of doctors
Idiot. They're trying to get as much press with the least effort possible. Cuba is also doing this by sending us ebola (?) experts, and China has graciously allowed us to BUY their masks. But it seems to work, since now we have plenty of lobotomized commies roaming around, forgetting that from those totalitarian shitholes the virus spread in the first place

Based. We need a fucking rebellion, this is the perfect time to finally get rid of the shitalian state

When has Italy been anti-EU?

no, we are tired of romanians

now that's actually rare

Yeah, he's right... But it's never too late

What has your shitty country offered the world? Stfu Finnish faggot

how would the free market solve this? lmao

We're anti-EU because we're net contributors to them and our opinion isn't even heard and now it's the EU's time to give back what we gave them.

I propose we unleash the full force of our nuclear arsenal on Italy TODAY to put an end to:
1. Your suffering
2. Your constant bitching
3. You're shitty greasy faces

No one gives a shit, we hope you all die of Covid-19 soon so we don't have to waste our nukes on your garbage country barely even worth nuking. You have three weeks, you better all be dead by then or Trump is taking matters into his own hands.

You're living on borrowed time, keep that in mind.

Half terrone 26yo living in north italy here.

Today went to supermarket t**ano and all the freezed food like ice cream,vegetables and fabricated shit -tier food,were all gone by 10.30 am. People not even in these time of crysis do take their free time to think about eating healthy and staying positive. They all think about themselves ,being rude as fuck as i even got yelled today.

>got to automated cash machine
>was passing food i bought trough the laser ray
>shop assistant had to come by cuz machine stopped work
>got in front of me and couldnt see shit in the monitor
>i politely asked if i had to pass it again
>she nearly yell at me for whatever fucking reason
>"IF you maybe GO BACK A LITTLE SIR.. "

ITS NOT MY FAULT IF THIS STUPID BITCH ASS HOE GOT BRAINWASHED BY MAINSTREAM NEWS OF MED*ASET,GET YOUR SHITTY CHROMOSOMES TOGHETER HOLY FUCK!!!! Shitaly,i fucking hate you more than everything else. In this stupid fucking country,the more you are polite and kind towards the next,the more people pretend and become rude if you dont behave like they want you to. Thats what i learned pretty much about it in 10 years after i dropped out of school


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