Why can’t women cope with loneliness?

Is corona-chan the worst thing that could have happened to women?

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they need to be kept on leashes

>goodwill message
>look at my ass
>Im so easy to read like a child
Women psychology exposed. Covid keeps on confirming Yas Forums is always right.

They're all stupid fucking whores.

i hope their bare born children are mentally retarded like them and they get incarcerated by a freight train

Probably cuz most chicks dont have real hobbies but makeup and gossip.
Some chicks go into withdrawl if theres no one to show their face off too.
I can agree with this. It seems women dont like to be alone.
Being a femanon, I never wanted to be around my bf more than now. It's ike some weird instinct for attention.
(Sorry guys no tits today, its too late for that shit)

Women can't be alone because they did not evolve to procure resources for themselves, but instead to process resources given to them by men. Alone means no resources to women.

Because they are built. Literally built.

Just try and stay positive now look at my ass and give me compliments

Children are more susceptible to boredom, and women are closer to children mentally.

Wow, thanks for the ass, random stranger!

the lack the usual attention they get

What a perfect ass built for BBC

Show tots bitch

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Typical case of womanwhining

Because that is what our KIKE-orchestrated society has turned them into - mentally stunted (child-like level of cognitive development) retards.

>Being a femanon, I never wanted to be around my bf more than now. It's ike some weird instinct for attention.
Aww typical women. It's not really an instinct for attention, but an instinct for survival. Women for thousands of years didn't really survive on their own very well.

Fpbp, based Muzzie gets it.

>last line is literally "Don't hit on me silly boys :>)"
stfu slut and show ure tits

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These thots are going to make a bunch of dumbass guys break quarantine and spread corona. Bitches dumb enough to believe "I have a latex allergy" are definitely going to fall for "No I don't have corona babe, it's fine if I come over."

Can confirm, some gurl i was seeing a few months back was being all passive aggressive in her messages (so i just gave up) messaged me out of the blue yesterday to meet up with me for a countryside walk. Then we went back to mine fucked and she drove back home an hour away after just laying with me (i had work in the morning).

Can only guess it’s this isolation. Pkus another one is sending me none stop nudes, whereas it was a once every few months occurrence.

I wish my wife would go back to work in an office. I have to hide somewhere in the house all day now.

>Probably cuz most chicks dont have real hobbies but makeup and gossip.

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AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I;ve gone a full week without sex this is so fucking depressing I might kill myself.

I can agree with that. Being around men to protect you ensures a longer life.

Corona Chan has crashed thotcoin.
Thots ending up in iso are giving away the farm.
As you know, a slut's biggest commodity is getting out there giving punters the false hope that for a few drinks or trinkets, she could be theirs. But in iso they are out of play and realise everyone knows it so they're getting their shit out to one up each other and stay relevant.
The exceptions are zoomer sluts that know about the betabux up for grabs on twitch and the instathots with established big numbers. They're still cock teasing for pajeet as per usual for tips

Let me be a lazy bitch and lay on my back at 5 am and shitpost plzzzz.
Maybe tomorrow boys. ;)

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They need male attention to try and fill the void left by their absent or alienated fathers. Online attention does a good dela, but they also need to go out and ride the cock carousel as many times as possible. Having to stay inside means they’re left with their unresolved daddy issues. They must confront the void and overcome them, and since they have not built up any personal strength, they invariably lose to the void.

Why do girls always go for douchebags and not nice guys like me

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So now, be extra good to your hubby and suck his dick like your life depended on it.


That's because you're a stupid ass frog.

Modern women have been groomed by social media to be as addicted to attention as heroin addicts or drinks are addicted to their substances of choice. Proven science that social media is an addiction.

you're boring and not a challenge. what does every female want from when she is a little girl til she is an old woman? to be like a man. treat her like an equal, dont put pussy on a pedestal.

Post nudes or larp


because loneliness reminds them that they're worth nothing without a male's guidance

How many times a day do you have to dilate? Is it painful? How does your boyfriend keep an erection while fucking an open wound in a guy?

I thought this was all just a meme until I suddenly got a text last night from an ex I hadn't seen or talked to in about 8 years. We chatted a bit and an hour later she showed up and I let her come all over my face. As of midnight we're now on lockdown and she can't/won't leave.

>Children are more susceptible to boredom,
how is that, they can play space shuttle with a carton box

I literally hooked up with a 9/10 goddess that live 2 blocks away from me

How do we make quarantine permanent?

Yeah I always made a spaceship. Good time.

Women usually have weak personalities, insecurities and low self-stem. When your personality sucks, you can't endure being alone with yourself for too long. Insecure people need to be constantly praised and recognized by others. Too much time without their emotional crutches and they start falling apart.

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>Cats might be carriers of the virus


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Females have been trained by the (_____)
to trade out nurturement and self confidence for attention.
Do they really have self confidence if they need to be seen and given acceptance by wankers constantly?
Is that really self-love? really?
fuck it, maybe!

The world was placed into material worship and the idea of faith, usefulness of the soul, or any real reason of the potential of existing was killed out.

The asses got really fucking fat (thicc?) by the way. Maybe the food itself did this, and fucked with their brainsies also.

The answer is: yes. The virus was... well, no, they were fucked before this.
Eradicate simps and be more confident and demanding toward women, ya pozzos.

(& shut down those who 'shut it down.')


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Women dont wanna listen to good advice? Let them suffer

Show tits or GTFO

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It’s on sc they can see if you save.

This. I’ve been intentionally going for comfy dog walks in scenery areas so they know i can just land at theirs at anytime. They’re definitely biting on more bait.

>treat her like an equal, dont put pussy on a pedestal
pick one

I guess the eikaiwa standards have dropped quite low if they're hiring writers like you.

That’s not true.
A ton of men don’t like being alone either.

Show us that nu-vagina you dirty tranny.

>sorry guys no tits today teehee
I hope he finds out about you whoring yourself out so he doesnt waste his precious resources on you

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Social validation is important for everyone.

you know the rules whore
post em

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Because in loneliness , your co-consciousness and your past actions go back to work

the rules are not time dependant. tits of gtfo

not as long as there is the internet to be a whore. if that was shut down for 3 months roastie mass suicide would commence

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Of course, but you can become addicted to it to a point you can't operate normally without it for some time.

>Social validation is important for everyone.
not me, i'm a hermit neet :^)
and i shall inherit the earth because of corona-chan

secretly, and not so secretly, every woman wants to get raped by a pack of feral negroes

Because they're like plastic bags blowing in the wind. Just going whichever way the wind is.

They're also cheap, toxic and most people throw them away after one use, kek.

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based colgate

>incarcerated by a freight train
odd fetish

>Women usually have weak personalities, insecurities and low self-stem
Eh? Doesnt that lead to isolating yourself? Also

Men can become addicted to social validation too.

post your tits hole
also let me guess your real flag
it's sw*dish isn't it

Food is important to everyone. But only some get unhealthily addicted and become gluttonous fat asses. That's women. Most of them are pure hedonists.