Does Yas Forums Believe in Blood "Libel"?

Is it blood libel, or did medieval Jews actually sacrifice gentile children and put their blood in Passover matzoh? What would you say, if I told you that an Israeli Jewish historian wrote a book in 2007 claiming that blood murders were a real thing?

>Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff

Also, what's a catchy new name for us counter-semites and race realists to rebrand and meme "blood libel" into?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Sounds like a false flag to blame jews for a Christian rape gang of a kid.

It might be. But what's a catchy name that we can sell the idea to normies as? "Blood murders"? "Blood rituals"? "Blood Passovers"?

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its real

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Libel impies a false accusation, there is nothing false about jews and their hand in human trafficking. Israel is known as a hub for human trafficking, sex slaves etc. They celebrate every year (passover) a holiday about the murder of children. You don't have to stretch your imagination very far to be able to connect a few dots.
Not to mention they mutilate baby boys and suckle on their bleeding penis.

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pol art masterpiece, invaluable, we are in the renaissance 2 frens

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Soon the "browning" of the west will be an antisemitic canard

Blood libel is anti-semitic Christian nonsense. Don't forget the masturbation machines, lampshades and German shepherds with poisoned teeth.

It's not libel if it is true

It is real you rat kikes. Here is one of you admitting it


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I see what you're getting at, but weird analogy. The bad guys in that book are the Catholics.


For anyone still on the fence about if the holocaust was real or not. This will settle it once and for all. The best documentary there is.

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My grandmother, God rest her soul, has told me when I was young about the jewish communities in her hometown (Brasov / Kronstadt - Romania) and how they were asking for blood from the neighbours in exchange for money when they were having their Pascal celebrations. I have always remembered that as she opened my eyes about the jews at a very early age, I miss her very much and I will always have imprinted in my mind her words of caution : "be very careful with the synagogue of satan, they are your sworn enemies".
I hope everyone understands that this is not a larp. Everything about the blood libel is true. You wouldn't have thousands of google search pages telling you it's a fake antisemitic hoax otherwise. It is very true. God bless you all christian brothers and stay safe from the juden.

Ok retard

i believe you

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Holy shit their facebook page has Jews absolutely losing it.

At the page giovannigasparroart (The italian artist) on faceberg

We know orthodox bro and we believe you.

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers:
one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'" -Joseph Goebbels

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers:
one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"

-Joseph Goebbels

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>did medieval Jews actually sacrifice gentile children and put their blood in Passover matzoh?
Yes which means it isn't libel

Like with all of these sorts of things, there's always some kernel of truth. The question is how much.

whats this artists name again?

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers:
one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'" -Joseph Goebbels

giovanni gasparro


it's anti semitic to depict jews as bad guys. Amazing!

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>whats this artists name again?

Samarindho Hydeorginia

its their culture/religion.
we have no right to deny it.
let them live as they please.

Who painted that?


doesn't pol/ believe in pizzagate? Anyway- anyone who knows about Dutroux Affair cannot not know these things go on today- would it be surprising if the origin is jewish?

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'" -Joseph Goebbels

I don't know what kind of book that is, but it's definitely not the religion Moses gave to them.
It's clearly a mystical sect.
Maybe there is a group of people that are evil that are Jews but it's not all Jews.
If you read the Bible it's very clear that there was always the YHWH worshippers and also the Moloch worshipers. And the Moloch worshipers and they would only be YHWH worshippers when a strong Judge or King was in power and they would go back to their own ways afterwards.
The Moloch worshippers would hurt children, that is Biblical. It happened by Jews in Israel.
And Jews who worshipped YHWH alone tried to stop it.
But yeah, the mystic demon worshippers are talked about throughout the Hebrew Scriptures as always being there.
Any honest Jew who believes in YHWH would admit to that but they are afraid that all of them will get blamed for it.
They shouldn't, not all of them are responsible. Real Jews have fought against them from the start. A huge amount of the Hebrew Bible is Jews trying to stop the pagan worshippers, the Baal worship and the Moloch worship.
Jews in history put themselves on the front lines against these people. And all they get is thrown into the same category as them.
But that is ignorant of the civil war that has existed between the two groups.

‘jewish blood crime’.

The jew Aaron Kosminski, aka ‘jack the ripper’ was murdering Gentile females on Christian holy days. His fellow jews covered it up then and have continued to do so up until today. They are still doing it.

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‘Blood libel’ is what the jews call it when people call out their perverse crimes.

These vermin actually had to come up with that to attempt to deflect, like the idiotic (((cia)) term: ‘conspiracy theorist’.

Giovanni Gasparro. He's an Italian oil painter who does lots of Christian-themed works. He unveiled it a couple days ago, and the yids are flipping their lids. It was likely a publicity stunt, and it's working wonders.

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There was work done by a Jewish scholar that basically said there was a specific group of ashkenezis that were consistently accused as it moved from city to city, so there were probably some weird sects that did indeed practice some level of blood rituals.


Bless you, user.

Well considering Jews still seem to like the odd satanic sacrifice here and there nowadays - it makes sense they would have done it back then too.

>German shepherds with poisoned teeth.
Are shit like these actually taught in history classes?

>medieval Jews

Not just medieval and not just in Europe

>kernel of truth

Shut the fuck up, memefaggot. These subhuman bags of shit steal people’s organs.


just a cohencidence

You cant blame the actions of a few Negro Americans for the group as a whole, remember your ancestors also committed atrocities against the native population.

>Jews but it's not all Jews

Idiot! All jews are complicit.

Where are the jewish groups calling out the crimes of their tribesmen, the lies of the holoshlock, etc.

These vermin create a thousand organisations and are all scurrying about like good little sayanim. WHERE ARE ALL THE ‘GOOD JEW’ WHISTLE BLOWERS???

There are literally hundreds of cases like these through centuries and through all nations. The ritual is always similar, with several descriptions of how the victims are tortured, punctured many times, and the blood completely extracted. Then there have been several former jews who confirmed these things, and of course there are the dozens of investigations done for the dozens of trials. Even early Church historians describe how jews would buy a slave christian child to later slaughter him, for example.

>AD 1220, Holy Roman Empire
>Little Hans died of Rickets

I bet the Jews were behind this. Little group of weird desert people engaging in money lending, who else could it be?



What a phenomenal white pill.

God bless this excellent Italian painter and his gigantic balls!

Dr. Erich Bischoff, the chief German authority on Jewish law and religion, claims to have laid his finger on a passage authorising Ritual Murder in the Thikunne Zohar (Edition Berdiwetsch), a book of cabbalistic theosophy. The passage runs:

"Furthermore, there is a commandment pertaining to the killing of strangers, who are like beasts. This killing has to be done in the lawful method. Those who do not ascribe themselves to the Jewish religious law must be offered up as sacrifices to the High God."


Jewish Ritual Murder- Arnold Leese

Good book, short and very informative. There is a pdf article from Der Sturmer somewhere which is good too, had it but lost it..

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Tepid take, retard.

Black Nationalists are the original Israelis btw and also the Khazars, we controlled both factions.

Vampire myth comes from KIKES


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that doublethink

And witches from their “women”

John Gasparro. Martyrdom of San Simonino da Trento (Simone Unverdorben), for Jewish ritual murder (particular). Centinated diptych, oil on canvas, 225 x 150 cm. 2019-2020. Private Collection.

Who bought it? I need the meet them.

>rebrand and meme "blood libel" into?
no need - call it what it is - JEWISH RITUAL MURDER

It was/is obviously a real thing. There are many isolated cases that popped up all over Europe that described the exact same thing, all the way from England to eastern europe completely independent of each other. There were trials in court that we still have documents of, all kinds of stuff.
THIS however, is fake. These "ancient scrolls" depict symbols that were first invented in the 1800's.

looks at circumcision...yeah probably.

God bless user and thanks for sharing

As a generalized religious practice? No, it wasn't real.

I wouldn't rule out the possibility of individual outbreaks of ritualized murder: since Jewish culture specifically condemns child sacrifice (ritual murder of children was the reason given for exterminating some rival tribes) and the consumption of blood (kosher law), a man like Michael Ryan, James Mason, Ian Brady, or Anders Breivik, who was raised as a medieval Jew would be naturally drawn towards drinking the blood of murdered children. But that's serial killer shit, not normal Jewish practice.

So say you!

Where has it been proven fake. Or are you just retrieving this from your behind?

I’m not insisting it’s real, I have no idea, but you are claiming definitive insight...

LI BEL dont be a NOT SEEaka pagan white power faith over everything hitler was a zionist

But that's not catchy, user.

Fair points, but those are some very pilpul-esque examples of psychos you gave. Why not name Harvey Glatman, Joel Rifkin or David Berkowitz?

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nice try, rabbi

this book documents court cases spanning over 1000 years. st. simon of trent is on pp 51-54