This Israeli man died today from coronavirus. He was only 40 years old. "It's just a flu"

press f to respect

Attached: before.jpg (1600x1200, 687.91K)

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Very sad, God bless his soul

>This Israeli man
Paid actor
>No link
Op is gay

Free Palestine


Attached: E2F25B9B-467C-45C7-B331-B3800B52392D.png (782x758, 126.63K)

palestine doesn't exist fuck off

Press S to spit on his grave


Fuck Palestine and all the other shitholes in the sandbox.


Keep sucking that jew cock you fucking POS

40 year old? we reached 13 deaths now? I dont see any updates, thus far all the dead people are like, 70+ with prior conditions, oldest being 93

The jews in the autonomous nation of Lakewood, NJ are still holding large gatherings such as weddings. Also you are all now aware that Jews have their own private ambulance services that serve their own communities but receive federal funding

>how dare you call it a flu!
You know the flu DOES kill many people?

Why did you guys create this virus anyway?

He's 40?

Dude looks 55.

>10,000 boomers die
>1 non-boomer dies
nigger, that's how statistics work. young people will die. but a million more fucking boomers will die. every young death is shoved in our faces, yet way more oldies die.

remove boomers and holocaust leftovers, they overburden the economy, duh

>have huge nose
>die of respiratory failure

Because too many goyim know

So would you on your deathbed, donut.

but he is giving ok symbol?

fuck the jews
fuck imaginary palestine
and especially fuck you you fucking leaf

looks like nestor carbonara

Is he going to be cremated ?


isnt that bolsonaro from when he got stabbed?

Israel Stats - Saturday AM

3,460 tested and confirmed
73 patients are in moderate condition
50 in serious condition.
89 have recovered.
12 deaths

I also have my doubts about reports of people below 50 dying, how many of them really do have severe precipitations like being obese or have HIV my suspicion is almost all of them have something pretty significant.

dudes 55 at the youngest
and you are full of shit op
memflaggots usually are
must be from all the dicking the get

is that supposed to rhyme?


> According to authorities, all the recent victims were pensioners suffering of prior medical conditions.

Op is a lying Muslim pig.


But you're a breadit fag so i trust op more


not one line rhymes at all

no fucking shit retard, why do you think i asked?

Hahaha good troll OP

Yeah, totally looks like 40.

if this is 40 then I am 132 years old

>image search
>it's some swedish meme from 2017
wow OP is a faggot, what a surprise

Neither does the holohoax.


There's no fucking way that guy is only one year older than me. He looks old enough to be my father

>israeli man
i wish his jew masters shared with him the same fate

>Israeli man died today

Attached: ringing_in_the_jew_year.gif (175x160, 3.61M)


He looks 60

Being a jew is hard man

Israel? Never heard of it. Are you talking about the WHO designated area of "Occupied Palestinian Territory"?

So some pozzed up dickhead with gonaherpasyphylaids got corona channed?
So what?

The holocaust is happening again! Drumpf do something! Save the chosen heeble!

I'm hoping it exterminates all you filthy Christ hating demons.

based israel should nukem.

Wow a real mummy

>He was only 40 years old
He looks at least 60.

I'm 39. There is no way this mofo is 40. This douche looks 55.

Attached: 1585015829946.jpg (789x529, 124.55K)

Man died. That's sad.


>thumb's up
clearly he's ok

S for spit on his grave

Carl Sagan?


He was just weak. For the genetically superior it's literally the fucking flu

>for the genetically superior it's literally the fucking flu

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