I spent 8 freaken years on image boards, on Yas Forums etc, read billy the heretic...

I spent 8 freaken years on image boards, on Yas Forums etc, read billy the heretic, looked at (((them))) in porn and media statistics.

But i did not get ACTUALLY redpilled until recently after deciding to look into the "early life" of feminist writers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's feminism that pointed you toward the evil of kikes? Was communism, socialism, marxism, psychology, the pill, lgbt, miscegenation, the banks, the media, and on and fucking on not enough for you?

welcome to the real world friend.
good luck trying to go back

wow 8 years you're such an oldfag

I’m guessing they were sexually abused?

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its because i was not looking at the actual people individually, once i did i noticed they were all jews and i was able to put it together.

get on my oldfag level

no, theyre all fuckin jewish... search on wikipedia for feminists by religion

this is a delusional schizo rambling post, sausage

leave newfag

t. Haim Sheklesteinbergenbaumstein

did you normalise for IQ?

You're post-AIDS normie influx.

thank you

Whats ur problem, i bet you have only been here since 2015 or later

>8 years
I’ve been here since 04

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you are my problem. leave fucking NEWFAG LEAVE MY FUCKING WEBSITE NEWFAG


I just want to go back user

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same retard.

Please show us your wisdom, what did you discover? Some links would be fine.

12 year channer here. I learned to hate the jews by watching propaganda in school when I was 13 and i asked myself "well why did they gate the jews so much these Nazi dogs?" Read Mein Kampf and been redpilled on the JQ before Yas Forums even existed. Alwats thought women were retarded, always knew niggers are dumb violent animalz, always knew tv and other bread and circus shit exists to pacify normies, and I pretty much always knew about the illuminati shit.

Guess what....CHICKEN BUTT!

8 years not long enough?

This didn't fix anything in 2016 and it won't fucking fix anything now
Shut the fuck up

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it's true. got here just after "pool's closed"

This stormfag probably thinks Harvey Weinstein did nothing wrong. I’m a wignat, but I’ll take women over jews any day.

I've been here since 2004. Anyone that got here after 2006 needs to fucking leave

I just researched who was jewish, noticed they were incredibly over represented in the media.

I started getting doubtful, so i looked into all the jewish run websites,

Went a bit crazy to the point i started thinking there was no such thing as a factual website with credibility, then i looked into videos where the jews themselves said they were jewish.

What year did you guys start here?

How old were you when you started here?

How much time have you spent here?

Most importantly... why are you still here?

Once you're here, you never leave
... you know that

So why are they doing that? Recreation, evil or any other plans?


are you posting

like this


Mutt/kike whatever cutfag you are, always celebrating war crimes... I get it. Your parents sold you to old men to mutilate and traumatize. You can't even remember it but the emotions remain.
Now you know, target those who ruoned you, not the scarecrows they put before you.

Its multiple reasons, they are also parasitic.

>95% of this board needs to leave because they are overshadowing my false sense of superiority
I've been here since 2004 too. I fucking hate your type. We would have been a glorified suicide pact had new anons not joined us over the years.

Attached: ocelotsquad.webm (480x360, 2.81M)

For dramatic effect. Full-stop.


Yeah there's no going back now like this dude said

too long
Because it's still tolerable. Not that I'm not stuck here forever anyway.

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What we have right now is worse than death. you can defend the kikes that put our memes on tshirts in hot topic and the normalfags that came here with their reddit bullshit but I WANT YOU TO LEAVE AND DIE

The Wikipedia 'guardians of fact' have taken note, and measures are taken to obfuscate 'early life' sections.

Guys got a point...

The only people who aren't redpilled these days are boomers who can't Internet and sheep who are willfully ignorant.


around 2005

36 (yes, i am 51 now)

i was always off and on (more off) until 2016, admittedly

you know the answer to that one

You don’t get the life i lived though...

No, no. Past 2006? MANY of them assimilated fine. Regardless;
>you're here forever. :^)

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Tell us a story pls


A true elder fag

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i've spent 90% of my life on the computer for the past 18 years

also fuck off newfag

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I went thru the exact same process on this board.

Was looking for .gif porn on my PSP browser
Since 2008 or 2009
Every other site is even gayer than Yas Forums

>Every other site is even gayer than Yas Forums

First of all i am not gay or a tranny, so fill in the blank.
I grew up around abos, my mother was a single mother cuz she dumped my dad that was a drug dealer. My dad was white and looked white but his mother was part aboriginal and becuase of that my mother kept telling me i was aboriginal and that i was also autistic and was causing her problems becuase i was so hard to raise becuase she said so. she overfed me, was a sjw feminist vegan. she later became vegetarian and guilted me and my sister into being vegetarian, she would always fail and get mcdonalds so we would fail too. She was always antiwhite all the time and when i said i was white and not aboriginal she would have hysterical rage tantrums telling me im aboriginal. I was bullied at school a lot by sluts, and did badly at school and developed anxiety and dropped out of highschool and stayed inside the house She always wanted me to be a feminist but i knew it was all bullshit as a kid, until i went crazy from staying inside around my mother then i got into radical feminism(its less crazy than the regular kind, almost redpilled, it had standards) but other women would tell me its not feminist of me to expect standards from others that call themselves feminist, i always knew liberal feminism was bullshit, but after going theough mental abuse with a mean person i realised radical feminism is just bullshit and its stupid to blame men, i stopped being a hikkikomori, and it lead me to get more and more redpilled over time.

Oh and my mother had drunk parties with abos and one time an abo followed me and was going to molest me but i avoided that situation.

I'm glad you woke up user. Some women don't wake up to the feminism thing until it's too late. I'm in my 30s and I know a lot of women who are in their late thirties or early forties and who are still unmarried and childless. All of them are now living lives of regret.

Im married now in my 20s, but probably will not have kids becuase there is too much degeneracy to influence them and i also just dont give a shit about raising a kid (especially in this clown world).

12 years now. I was 13 and thought Yas Forums was the funniest and greatest thing ever. Then I became an /x/phile until Yas Forums was created. Sometimes I visit Yas Forums or Yas Forums and when I actually want to laugh I go to Yas Forums

Still here because its easily the best website there is despite the incredible number of newfags and literal retards.