why are you RACIST ? :)
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It's natural. If you're not, you're fighting your natural instincts and it's literally causing you cognitive dissonance.
i'm not inherently racist but around certain people i pick up vibes that my gut tells me to avoid
brown people smell bad
I'm not but I don't consider racism to be worse than any other mindset involved in gross generalization, feminism is as bad as racism to me. But racist people are a lot funnier, well, if you aren't a nigger.
Baby I was born this way.
I'm not. I was, but then I realized that humanity has been controlled by nefarious and evil bloodline families, cults, and outright demons for millennia. Our societal structure itself has been shaped for their benefit, including all of the social engineering that contributes to people hating each other.... focusing our energy on each other, instead of on them. They feed off of negative energy, they have an insatiable lust for power, and they have never wanted what is best for the people.
>why are you RACIST ?
I an not racist . I just hate : niggers , sandniggers , poos . spics , Aboriginal Australians .
Not racist. Just don't like blacks and pakis. Simple as.
People that are incapable of being racist are like people that are incapable of feeling pain. They are bound to self destruct.
A certain amount of racism it's healthy.
Because it's a politically incorrect opinion, retard.
I'm prejudiced sweaty. There's a difference.
Bouh :)
I'm not. Race realist separationist, completely different unironically.
Black. The worst color of them all.
>why are you RACIST ? :)
That's what Marxists call REALIST.
French people love niggers. I am not French.
Why do you think french people loves black people ?
Some animals are just animals. Humans have humanity.
Although it's practically always construed this way, being racist doesn't necessarily require hating other races, but only recognizing their differences. I learned a lot about holistic racism and the purpose it can serve when I visited 3rd world non-white countries where people were racist to me without meaning any harm.
Black people are humans :)
Why? Because nonwhites are used by kikes to destroy whites. Non whites are parasites that provide no benefit to us, your mere existence is an affront to my people.
7.5% of the population
I hate everyone who interferes with someone or commits crimes, aggression, regardless of skin color
Wants to end all races and generally low IQ
Rednecks and SJWs
>Race realist
Wants to be friends without multicultural issues
Recognizes we are different and that's ok
So hate "kikes" who manipulates you, not black people.
It's a natural reaction to the rise in identarians.
Recognizing bad behavior between groups that I once just thought were stereotypes, is disheartening.
Formal friend who is black, has three known kids and takes care of none of them.
Formal Jewish friend went full commie and anti-west, despite being the best well off one.
I hate what became of them and me.
Because I not just love my people but every other. They were made for where they are suppose to be.
Ta gueule sale negre.
I am from the deep south where we are all exposed to niggers from day one every single day. That is why.
What the fuck is a "formal friend"?
Everybody in France thought this famous first pic awkward as hell (and his weird ADORATION of black people and african culture)
He wants to look OPEN, i guess.
This user gets it.
Well someone has to do it properly
Je t'emmerde fils de pute :)
I wasn't, until I lived with persians and had to deal with their friends that included somalis, palestinians and other various muslims.
They stole, lied, took drugs and even tried to suckerpunch me when I told them they couldn't take what was mine.
And "racist" just means I have preference for my own people. Just like you have a preference for your own kind. Now fuck off back to your own people where you belong.
Cause life is a game and Europeans want the championship
Stop crying racism and fight for your race
Sieg fucking Heil
Neither of you get it. "Want's to be friends"? Are you fucking kidding me? You can't be friends with people you oppress. The modern first world is literally based on the exploitation of mud people. You either get used to that or you let them all in so that each special little race can have an equally shitty quality of life.
It's how a sub-80 IQ retard spells "former", I guess.
what is your definition of racist ?
Because i can
Not my definition, but the definition : "Being racist = consider there's a hierarchy between human races" :)
How things have changed. I'm old enough to remember when a white girl dating a negro meant the same thing as her not having a father, either before, or because of it. It was the same as disowning each other. She simply didn't exist after that. Her siblings would never speak about her. Neighbors had the decency not to ask about her. The belongings got packed and disappeared, even childhood stuff. New family pictures replaced old ones. To her family, her neighborhood, even her old friends, it was as if she never existed; no one would ever ask about her. Its just how people felt about it. There didn't seem to be any need for an explanation so people just didn't talk about it. It was as if someones family member died or went to jail or turned gay. Everyone knew what it meant to the father, so you knew never to mention them.
Racism is just what happens when we overdose on diversity
It happens to us all, so we should all segregate and build countries of our own making. I’m sure you and Africa need to sit down and have a long talk
I don't cry, I'm asking why you guys are racist :)
>The modern first world is literally based on the exploitation of mud people
>she just disappeared
She had kids and taught her kids that it’s ok to date niggers
That’s what happened. She was allowed to disappear and spread her degeneracy
This pretty much. It's a self-preservation instinct, much like we're naturally afraid of things that threaten our existence and ability to pass our genes like snakes, spiders, heights, being cucked and the dark.
Well, there was a time before mine. That is to say communities solved their own problems.
I m not racist, I'm asking why you niggers arent human :)
there are different definitions: that's why i asked you. the one you are using now is supremacism, when you talk about hierachy or tiers. ability or whatever
but user there are a lot of people here that simply don't want to have to be forced to live with people, in fact so many millions of different people, that are from different races. separatists, in other words. how can separatists be supremacist ?
Pour citer Steve Albini :
>My band shared an airport shuttle with [Odd Future] in Barcelona. They piled onto the shuttle late, after finally getting corralled by their minder, who was nursing a head wound with an ice bag wrapped in a towel. They piled in, niggering everything in sight, motherfucking the driver, boasting into the air unbidden about getting their dicks sucked and calling everyone in the area a faggot. Then one of them lit a joint (or a pipe, I didn’t look) and told the driver to shut the fuck up nigger and smoked it anyway. A female passenger tried to engage one of them in conversation, but he just stared at her with a dead-to-me stare while his seatmate flipped double birds in her face.
>The whole trip they complained about not being at a McDonalds and repeatedly shouted for the motherfucker to pull over so they could get some fucking McDonalds nigger. Interspersed with the McDonalds requests were shouted boasts about how often they masturbated and fucked bitches nigger and got paid like a motherfucker fifty grand like a motherfucker. They continued complaining that the trip was taking too long and insisted they be fed immediately all the way to the airport, where their minder presumably fed them.
> I am quite happy none of them engaged me directly, because at least one of us would have regretted it.
Les noirs sont des êtres humains, juste pas de la même race que les blancs ou les asiat, par exemple :)
I already answer it, because I want my race to rule the world, I’m proud of my land and my heritage, fucking learn something with Hitler and be proud of Nigeria or whatever the fuck you came from.
Kill yourself
>you didn’t kill the milkman
>yup didn’t think you had it in ya
Being afraid without any reason is dumb :)
>Les noirs sont des êtres humains
>nigger can’t help but smile while it lies straight to your face
Take notes guys, this is nigger psychology 101
Don't be silly. Until humanity decouples itself from global trade, every modern convenience you enjoy will be brought to you by some underpaid, uneducated third-world shit stain. Start living by candle light or get used to the idea.
Kek. A Monsieur of Paris I see.
because I went to Paris
These are all valid and there's a reason they're hard-coded in our genes.
Because racism is defined as a White person who acts in their own best interest.
>juste pas de la même race que les blancs ou les asiat, par exemple :)
tu crois en les races?? mais user cest raciste!!!
I cant figure out if you are white in a shadow, an arab, or a black. Good job,
So you don't think that France should be white?
You've been given a variety of reasons you stupid fuck.
>You don't smell like us
>you don't look like us
>you don't act like us
>you're not as intelligent as us
you're not wanted by us
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from and stop shitting up my board with your dumb, stinking, ugly, lip flapping, nigger acting ways. We do not fear you. We fear what shall become of us.
>reverse logic
>its not working
fuck off nigger
Chacun a ses atouts et ses défauts, on est pas pareils. C'est tout. C'est comme les diffèrentes races de chien.
>being a literal kike: the post.
I never said they need to stop being oppressed. I said there are have and have-nots, and guess what? THEY CANT BE FRIENDS.
sorry you were born retarded
to maintain the lie that the stealing of their land is justified, next question sambo
so youre afraid of white people like swedes because they dont look like us?
>Chacun a ses atouts et ses défauts,
lol non
Correct but unless we plan to literally kill them all(even in their own countries) we have coexist and confine them to their own lands and use any act of aggression as reasons to actually oppress them
Because if it ain't white it ain't right and you're a glownigger.
Bah c'est une réalité scientifique, c'est juste le mot "race" qui pose problème (car très connoté), d'où le "bannissement" de ce mot.
If we killed them all, who would build our shit? I'm not seeing where we disagree here, so why the hostility?
speak english you fucking baguetts