DIY Face Masks Are Basically Useless Against the Coronavirus

>Despite their good intentions, the simple fact is that home-sown cloth masks are nearly useless in protecting against the virus, as Wirecutter reports, and should only be a very last resort for practitioners in the field
>Studies have confirmed the fact that homemade cloth masks are pretty terrible at catching viruses. A 2013 Cambridge University study found that tea towels and vacuum cleaner bags were far closer to the effectiveness of actual surgical masks in blocking a certain type of virus

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>That dude on the left
nice McMask bud

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Here's your DIY mask bro

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good i have more excuses to wear my full mask and scare people around. Three weeks since sunlight touched my face. I know some NEETS here can go for months even without pandemia.

If you're trying to block the virus in the air then sure, a homemade mask sucks. If the homemade mask stops you from absent mindedly touching your face with dirty hands then it is actually useful.

this weezer album fucking blows

Western experts are so fucking dumb.

>they were too beta cucks to buy masks when virus was just starting
>they were too pussy to buy them because "normies will think that im shizo"

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Bought mine in January lad. Didn't bother with the DIY paper one you bought.

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If I ever had to rob a place, the mask on the left is what I'd use.

I honestly wish I bought the more expensive and comfortable models. This one is not bad, but definitely not for extended wearing. After 3 hours it starts to annoy the fuck out of me.

Why do we take all of nothing approaches to mostly everything? If something reduces the likelihood of infection by 5%, isn’t that better than nothing?

Do you wear the mask when you go outside?

bit more than 5%

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How is a P95? Got one a few months ago while cleaning mold. Was about $15 with a coupon from harbor freight.

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These masks, and the DIY sewing projects are most likely just a diversion, so the general population can feel they're doing their part (not to forget, update all their instagram or pinterest-followers about their snazzy designs), while sheltering in place, because if they knew what's going on in the hospitals, they'd probably panic and lose control of themselves, and do stupid shit.
It's a bit like when you have someone who's shell-shocked, you give them a familiar mundane task, like reloading mags, so they have something to do, and you can keep an eye on them.

im sure they're trying to prevent people from reselling/hoarding masks so that doctors can use them
still they should just allow a store to sell at least one or two per person.

Maybe there's a vacuum cleaner bag that will fit this? If not someone should make an adapter.

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Vitamin D is nessessary to fight the infection user.
Get as much sun as you can on that shitty island without a license.

Bandanas have been proven to work better than that shitty construction dust mask.

>Studies have confirmed the fact that homemade cloth masks are pretty terrible at catching viruses. A 2013 Cambridge University study found that tea towels and vacuum cleaner bags were far closer to the effectiveness of actual surgical masks in blocking a certain type of virus

The second sentence contradicts the first.

If everyone worse tea towel masks at home there would be a reduction in transmission even if in many cases transmission would still occur.

>home-sown cloth masks are nearly useless
No way! Who would've thought!

Real world studies show medical personnel working with flu patients wearing N95 masks get infected at the same rate as those with the shitty surgical masks.
The reasons they figure is improper hand hygiene and improper use of gloves.
So remember bros, discipline and proper decontamination.

>the simple fact is that home-sown cloth masks are nearly useless in protecting against the virus,

Yet they're great at preventing those who have it from spreading it.
Would it kill you mother fuckers to be honest for once?

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Idk what model you have but the 6000's 3Ms I have after 2 hours you feel that its not very comfortable. After 3+ hour you definitely need to take them off. They were are originally around 15 eurobucks now cost 30. I can say that most of these basic model's biggest fault is that sweat builds up very fast, especially when its 15°C+. I mean if you go outside for a quick shopping trip its good, but holy hell no way for working 8+ hours, you need to constantly take brakes. I think Moldex's masks are more comfortable for me, but the problem with those is that its impossible to find filters for them.

>Theres no way anyone could have some spare fucking teatowels at home to make a mask with

I’m gonna make some today.
>Inner layer soft cloth made of a cotton blend t shirt
>Main layer doubled over teatowel
>Outer layer full cotton blend t shirt (not cut up, goes around whole head down to chest)

Gonna be comfy. Gf is good at sewing. Yeah maybe it only reduces my chances of breathing it in by 80%, guess what you’d have to be fucking retarded not to improve your odds at all.

Forgot pic

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>nearly useless
Why do journalists keep writing these articles in a way that frames "nearly useless" as being as bad as "Useless", when having something that they admit is not useless is practically infinitely better than having something that actually is useless?
Who benefits from convincing the population to stop trying to protect themselves?

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A real HAZMAT job you're doing 12+ hr shifts in that thing every day faggot.

covering your mouth and nose with at least something is still better than not covering your mouth and nose, change my mind.
who gives a fuck about DEGREES of protection.
virus gets through holes on your face -> cover some holes on your face -> lower percentage of shit can go into you
simple videogame logic.
plus coofers cant pollute as much with their coofing if they are also wearing something that covers their coofing mouth and leaking nose.

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Try using pickaxe and pneumatic drill to break concrete, you'll definitely want the more comfortable models.

nooo you can't spread correct information the plebs will come to the wrong conclusions you have to tell just the right thing to make the automata operate correctly

That's a big mask.

kek, Mandalorian mode

They desire nothing more than to be above the rest of us. Getting a “I told you so” jab at us commoners is more important than reducing people’s chances of catching the virus, regardless of whether or not the effectiveness is small.

>If it doesn't help me directly it's not working
What is it with that cancerous mindset?
Helping others by not infecting them and others helping you by not infecting you.
It works, but people here are just too egocentric.

That guy with the cigarette xDDDDDD

It's just such dishonest trash. Stepping a metre back from an infected person lowers your risk, turning your head slightly away lowers your risk. It's not 100% or nothing and they know that. So the relevant authorities are saying it in order to not compete with the public for resources and the journalists are conveying it because they like feeling smug over the foolish masses. Sick behaviour on both counts coming at the expense of human life resultant from their stupidity and lack of planning.

Haven't had to go out of my garden yet. I did my prepping in january when I first heard 14 day incubation.

Panic buying is for plebs.

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Doubtful, do you have a source?

Have you bolted those together to make a bra for your tits?

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Try using a digger poorlad.

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Gee golly, let's see. Do I believe your American meme site, a country that is currently being slaughtered by the virus. Or do I believe a Hong Kong government agency and university, a country which has had 4 entire deaths despite bordering fucking mainland China?

All attempts at mask usage by uneducated normalfags will fail regardless because they cannot conceptualize proper PPE/quarantine.
>wear mask to the store
>use hands to remove mask, wiping fingers all over face in the process
>mask has now been rendered useless

>wore clothing to store
>brushed sleeves all over things that everyone else has touched
>go home and continue to wear the same clothing instead of disrobing in the garage and immediately washing the clothes

>make posts on faceberg about how you're quarantining
>continue going out to the grocery and liquor store to resupply every other day

Looks like a journalist holocaust is long overdue.

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This. If your not properly decontaminating it's all for nothing.

For you!

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I never got the a PEEL of bandanas

DO NOT wear a mask goys. Just stand right there....

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Kill yourself

anything stopping water droplets spraying out of your infected face is a good thing.

Sending out instant social signals that you're taking quarantine measures is a good thing.

Leave the full bio-hazard suit to the professionals.

Except its not a game of all or nothing, all you need a certain initial infective load to be infected and all those actions minimize probability.

>nice McMask bud

The war mask frees the actor.

They keep you from touching your face. So yes, it does something.

Lmaoing @ the garlic

Literally LMAOING at your life muttboi. Masks are not protecting you from others but others from you. But not even masks can protect us from mutt stupidity.