>b-but my blonde femoids in wheat fields...
B-but my blonde femoids in wheat fields
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Wtf they got computers in Indonesia?
Wtf they got computers in Indonesia?
>Europe in 1500
>Europe in 2019
Shit thread
I would be okay with all whites coming back to Europe and all non-whites leaving it.
Fuck off Jews with no arguments
Where are the numbers and percentages, faggot? You might as well paint the whole thing blue. No one here is dumb enough to fall for shit like this, cocksucker.
This was proposed numerous times, the proponents have consistently been demonised and deplatformed by the Kalergist niggers. See
doesn't change the fact whitoids have been spreading like rats and trying to claim there's some kind of white genocide going on when it's the whitoids who are squatting in non white countries is pure hypocrisy
almost all of the blue countries in 2019 also have Africans and Asians, even the one that was blue in 1500, what's your point?
The entire planet except China Korea Japan india and central Asia are white lands
You are the squatters in made up countries by white imperial powers
What a shitty map. South America is not white, nor Russia.
im white and i unironically want to come back to europe
which country has the least migrants?
whites don't have a home region or country anymore
the poor ones
>Costa Rica
Not true, we are practically a spanish/med colony...but iberians and meds arent white.
Also you forgot Israel
Kikes are Kikes but most of them are still white
g-gotta start somew-where i g-guess
>Africa is white land
>Americas are white lands
>Australia and New Zealand are white lands
>SEA is white land
>middle east is white land
whitoid education everyone
you are a faggot and a traitor
heres a typical school in Africa. can you spot something wierd?
>number of jews in the middle ages: 20,000
>number of jews after ww2: 16,000,000
>muh holocaust
>typical school in Africa
LMAO. That's the school from the all white town, you lying cunt. Better hope you can defend that shit when the coronavirus causes everything to go to hell and the blacks have to raid your town for supplies.
>all white town
which one? there are tons
Real maps: Slavery in 2020 is basically everywhere except white countries. Meanwhile jews are insisting, quite vocally, that their destiny is to enslave everyone. In other news jews are taking public credit for genociding whites.
Strange clownish world we live in.
>Africa is white land
>Americas are white lands
>Australia and New Zealand are white lands
These are literally correct though.
>In other news jews are taking public credit for genociding whites.
White guilt is one hell of a drug
Why is this so hard to understand?
The fact the left cries at the littlest things but handwaves what would be genocide for every other race is a teaser for what's in store.
>Africa is white land
Chinese. they got the balls to colonize.
>Americas are white lands
Also chinese.
>some kind of white genocide
There is. The issue isnt with % of whites in the world. The issue is we are being replaced in our homelands.
This replacement is being enabled by a massive racist propaganda campaign aimed against us as well as rapid economic disinvestment from our countries.
You can deny it all you want, but what is being done to white countries rises to the scale of genocide, and eventually this fact will become undeniable.
It already is undeniable, but the media is in the hands of the perpetrators.
>The issue is we are being replaced in our homelands.
then its not white genocide, its colonialism.
Can we take all the money and resources you stole from other nations back while we leave?
God, it's certainly whiter thant the whitest of places in Finland! Here they must have at least one non white: mulatto or happa and put it in front for photo so that everyone would see institutution is diverse.
>White guilt is one hell of a drug
Tell me about it.. I mean you know. Your country was dismantled over a version of apartheid that makes the palestinian situation look like what it is: outright genocide.
Jews love enslaving, and they love genocide. Both are foundational aspects of their religion. It becomes impossible to hide at this point, where digital media has allowed us to begin cataloging their disparate statements.
this video might cheer you up
Jack and shit? Yes you may take that with you.
>then its not white genocide, its colonialism.
Read the pic related. These are not mutually exclusive, and it isnt colonialism, because the people doing it to us are (((citizens of our countries))).
>t. daquan from Nigeria
You're a nigger though
Misery, revenge, death and war do nothing for me.
No. All the slave labor you made other countries do and all the resources you stole during colonization.
If not they will be.
>No. All the slave labor you made other countries do and all the resources you stole during colonization.
America didn't do much colonization, they took their homeland from savages & that is that. true culprits of Colonization & Slavery are the British, French & Portuguese.
hell theres even a tiny island here in africa called Mauritius that has millions of ethnically white frenchman to "hold down the fort".
So it's fine for whites to replace native populations outside of Europe but it's suddenly a genocide when the same happens to whitoids?
If the Native American was so wrong why would another one be justified?
they conform to whatever is best for them.
>No. All the slave labor you made other countries do and all the resources you stole during colonization.
Endlessly using colonialism as an attack on solely white countries will not work forever. You might think sins of the father, and propaganda about long past conquest somehow means random immigrants in 2020 deserve random tax $ from americans. That isnt how it works.
If that was how it works, the entire world would be at each others throats for reparations. Why do white citizens have to suddenly sacrifice anything to random immigrants?
The saddest thing is your dumbass has been (((propagandized))) so sucessfully, you honestly think genocide is somehow justified for your imaginary 'muh colonialism'.
The entirety of history is colonialism. White people can pay reparations to every single minority group in the world the moment those minority groups begin paying each other for their own identical colonial activities.
In short. Sins of the father is not justice.
they coomed so much
now draw a map of niggers from 1500 until now, retard.
>So it's fine for whites to replace native populations outside of Europe but it's suddenly a genocide when the same happens to whitoids?
It is a genocide because we are being ethnically replaced in our own lands. Did you read the definition of what a genocide is?
The native americans were dozens of individual warring tribes. They should have made better trade deals. Also, in USA at least, the natives get an absolutely epic, endless stream of reparations.
Let me be clear: are you actualyl saying genocide against white people is justified because 200-400 years ago, or more, some of their ancestors may have been involved in conquest in an era when human rights were far different? Once you accept blaming descendants of people for the claimed sins of their ancestors, you open a serious can of worms i doubt you are willing to accept.
By your logic, also, we should immediately go to war and wipe out all non-whites (I am not advocating this) simply because you are ALL our moral enemies for the sins of our fathers, and we have to defend ourselves against your genocidal attacks, or perish.
yeah what that image fails to point out is how shitskin populations have absolutely exploded because whites had to feed their messiah complexes and give them buildings, food and clothes instead of them just being allowed to starve like nature intended
Should europe wipe out the middle east in revenge for the islamification?
Would it be justified for white europeans to, all of a sudden in 2020, realize they didnt finish the job paying back the arabs, and genocide the entire middle east, to, you know, finish the 'justified payback from the crusades?
Above all, know your dumbass is a genocidal maniac, being used by the fucking jews to commit an atrocity, and you are attempting to justify it with "400+ years ago your ancestors also may have done something".
Nigga. My ancestors were slaves too.
Neck yourself, traitor.
funny that this maps almost entirely to the corona affected areas
No, because white took them with the las of the fittets. Fuck off, nigger x--D