Attached: 5E4694BE-8350-46F6-BFC5-E1E963B2435B.png (1536x1152, 2.18M)

WTF I want Corona now!

this but unironically

Me on the left

Flu has already killed 10x as many people as corona just this year alone. Flu kills 30,000 people every single year. Also flu wasn’t named based on protecting the sensitive feelings of diseased nonwhites
>virgin corona vs CHAD INFLUENZA

what the fuck am i looking at here?

so these are the ventilators everybody is talking about?

>mfw when masturbation cocoons are out of stock everywhere

Attached: feels bad.jpg (1400x802, 52.33K)

do you tell us what the fuck is the matter here

Attached: image.jpg (200x200, 55.24K)

>american education

>The flu kills 30k every year
Coronas death toll will break 30k tomorrow and it's only been 3 months you fucking retard

guy with ventilator and feeding tube directly into the stomach. i guess his wife decided it made a cool selfie pic. women are attention whores.

Woman in pic infront of object

sig heil in all fields

Shitty quads
That is not what that is. U best b trollin.


>what the fuck am i looking at here?
Just a small setback. He'll be good to go in the morning.

Attached: Hisashi-Ouchi-Tokaimura-Nuclear-Accident-4.jpg (750x443, 74.34K)

I need this but with VR goggles

Attached: vr.gif (400x333, 846.17K)



Attached: vYGUotM.jpg (1280x1034, 178.35K)

how i want to die


hubby strapped down in bodybag waiting to die.
>selfie time

The nukes were dropped in the wrong place.

Is nothing just a flu bro, don't worry.

Does nobody find it suspicious that the person is strapped down and in a body bag?

Attached: cat slug.gif (350x197, 731.33K)

Is that Ivanka

You retards do know this is a fetish picture right?


That’s the new head of the cia. Some tour tire queen.
They should sell this at GameStop

You can clearly see the semen, they're milking that poor bastard to death.

Attached: 1584851382599.jpg (1134x706, 182.94K)

I love the flu

It's a fucking S&M photo, he has a fucking cum collector on his knob and things attached to nipples for fuck's sake.

Yas Forums is truly full of incel virgins

your local milking farm

Attached: 352409D.jpg (1024x785, 224.63K)

Dude that is literally my mum in this pick where the fuck did you find this. She's not even a medical professional she makes art like films n shit

Fucking saved kek

whats this feel like bros

is this one of those auschwitz masturbation machines?

wheres the full set

Attached: unnamed.jpg (210x200, 16.1K)

that lady should be wearing a mask so that she doesn't get it too

god i wish..

pretty sure this is some trippy dominatrix thing

shes a total milf. You lucky guy

Never had your cock milked user?

Our species were killing each other with sharp stones 10000 years ago and now this is what came of it.

Just one of Fauci's treatments that's in the pipeline being researched.... this particular treatment is perhaps a bit unusual but corona is forcing us to take extremes. May have some results and data on the experimental treatments in a few months.

Question. How many has this killed in the last 2 months?

The figures currently available don't even include all the cases China is lying about, lets get real here. This has destroyed your annual flu figure in under two months.

Attached: bunnies.jpg (960x689, 90.74K)


>medical professional
user, i...

Attached: 1554820635494.png (515x821, 61.49K)

reminds me of these

Attached: hwzzzrjc81321.jpg (780x655, 143.51K)

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Furries get the gas

Attached: furry_con_gassed.jpg (1200x960, 257.21K)

this is exactly what the nurses did to me to cure me of the chinavirus over 2 weeks

Attached: Dusty2.jpg (800x541, 73.82K)

so this is what germans do in their free time.....

most furries are german too

kinda glad you lost both ww now

I absolutely hate women holy fuck

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Is his ballsack okay?

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Just another crock of shit.

Attached: Capture+_2020-03-28-04-18-12.png (720x1193, 342.78K)

Nigger that picture is some fetish shit. Not a fucking hospital.

Why do Germans do this

I knew someone would post it. That's all I could think of.

Attached: goodlife.jpg (650x487, 92.6K)

Haha france surrender over germany shut up french faggot

it's a guy getting jerked off you fucking retard

The way these MFS lie I'm starting to think it's even less of a threat than the flu, nobody should have to make up this many lies if this shit was really happening.

some people pay for this, sad

Attached: 1571198007625.jpg (1536x2048, 471.17K)

And that's with a bunch of extreme measures like quarantines. Imagine if we continued as normal instead. The figure would probably be exponentially higher

Damn lad, that cope.
The flu kills 30k in ONE COUNTRY in 3 months EVERY YEAR.
and here you are, flipping shit over something that killed 30k over the entire planet in a similar time frame.
Just fucking lol.
rekt mate.

that a machine milking his cock?

Do people pay money for this

they re gross perverts, scatophiles, furries, fetishists, all germans

really, was the semen pump not enough evidence lol

I and my shitty dad

Attached: funny-men-with-cats-10.jpg (800x1121, 144.08K)

maybe it could have been a new amazing technique to extract the fluid from the lungs

open bob pls

Crazy Corona Congress Lady
Corona Mania jumping the shark.

This self-taking whore (is that just a medical dummy wrapped in a tarp?) is just swimming in Her wake.

Attached: coronavirus.true.believer.webm (720x600, 2.72M)

That's a weird fetish

>a new amazing technique to extract the fluid from the lungs

Attached: sasha_grey.jpg (800x1200, 88.99K)


Attached: banenoaud.webm (1280x720, 45.05K)

Yeah but it was obviously done with intentions of pushing the corona bs as you see here there's multiple ppl beleiving it and op sure isn't setting the record straight that it was a joke, you fucking retard. And why are you so quick to defend op? Are you blowing him or do you guys just work together? I know how it works, one guy shills the other one trolls and defends

no actually its nowhere near a flu

What a complicated fetish to have.

Attached: 1498088592420.jpg (612x574, 72.54K)

because it's incredibly painful

>has a head start of thousands of years and is already all over the planet and in every last city
>kills more people in less time

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How new are you to not recognize that image?

Its been circulating for as long as COOMER has been.

You're a big guy, figure it out.

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To hide his post-nut shame