Trump just signed the CARE act.
Trump just signed the CARE act.
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Probably buy something nice for my doggo.
She deserves something special since we can't go to the park right now.
Donate it to Bernies campaign. Match me bros!
Pay back taxes.
You dumb shits realize you have to pay it back right?
tfw neets dont get anything
Donate more. Donate out of pocket. Because remember, no refunds.
my baby momma gonna get it cause I owe child support. FML.
Please user
Donate your money to a candidate who lost...
>Wahhhe muh socialism bad kill 100 gorillion joos
>Wow based BASED bASED grumpf give me $1200 based BASED
God punished me being a bean, no money for me
We could have had more than $6,000 per worker
But instead we got one single payment of $1,200 and that depends on your taxes
The rest of it is going to Big corporations.
Buy Monogatari, Katanagatari, and Spice & Wolf
Stroke my pp with a 100 dollar bill
but you mom get something right? so indirectly you get something too
Whats that thingy with the skull on it?
I have an urge to chew on it.
What percentage of the trillions is the $1200 to everyone and what % are the bankers and megacorps getting?
tree fiddy
Laugh at the Yas Forums neets that don't get shit since I'm an anchor baby and worked in 2018-20 so I'm good
I'll use some of the check to fuck brothel girls in Tijuana when the brothels reopen
Partially pay my $1500 rent, I guess...
true, 500 bucks can buy a lot of tendies
>I have an urge to chew on it.
I'm not getting any fucking money
Give it to Israel
hell yeah, nobody told me commies just give you money, they might be onto something. Hail Stalin lol
I don't get anything because they fucked NEETS... They have millions for the JFK center for the arts but can't kick me a single dollar.
I'm going on vacation
How do you qualify for the small business grants? Sounds like a good plan for burger-anons.
Buy a used HK USP in .40SW
then hold on to it to save up for a 686 and moar guns
Survive the summer, or put it towards savings for an investment property.
Imagine not living innawoods
Admit it: The only reason this got passed is because they sneaked 2 billion dollars to kikes. If this was just a pure and kind-hearted bill meant to help the American people this wouldn't have passed.
You got jewed again.
just get a job for a couple of weeks and quit just long enough to file your taxes once a year. You gotta leave your NEET life eventually and make some cash, you can get MAX government cheese if you go out.
>get Trumpbux
>fill out paperwork to start biotech company
>fill vials with bleach
>tell everyone its the COOVID-19 cure *misspelling intentional for legal
>watch stock moon
>sell company for 6 gorillion
>enjoy my rich life alone because I killed everyone
pic related its lion-o from thundercats
How much do they go for? Also Monkey is best girl
I've shot that weapon extensively, it's extremely nice, extremely accurate, but the .40 is a meme round that is inconvenient to acquire and lacks good cross-compatibility with other firearms.
Hell yeah on the 686.
I'm buying a new laptop and the rest goes into savings.
Save it so that in 6 months when I still don't have a job and can no longer afford my rent I can give it to my parents and have slightly less shame moving back home and becoming a full time neet.
inb4 only spics and niggers receive neetbucks
nice doggo
Rainy day fund.
I'm grabbing the HK USP in that particular caliber because I have at least 100 rounds of .40SW in HP on the way
I usually EDC a Beretta M9A1 but most of my 9mm is FMJ, not really good for self defense
Yeah I'll wait on it because I want the 6 inch version but they are kind of way too much at my LGS and first I want to cover an alternative gun to my M9
Although I'm sure I'll be able to cover for both with some money from my paychecks while I wait for trumpbux
will i get anything if i havent foiled taxes in 2 years?
I got to save up to buy a car, mine's fucked, plus I have to pay for a wedding.
>plus I have to pay for a wedding.
Forget about it
Just have a small private ceremony and no flashy shit
times are gonna get hard and weddings are expensive as fuck
Spend $200 on onlyfans subscriptions and donate the rest to Ilhan Omar to fight Islamophobia of course
Get it cashed.
Buy a nice rifle
Book a trip to the philippines.
What nasties are hidden in the CARE bill?
3 year neet here. do i still get my gibs if unemployed and parents basement?
Good luck finding any flights on Emirates, Qatar, Etihad, or any major US/Euro airlines from your local airport to Manila because shits canceled or outright banned
I'm already expecting some BS welfare shit
if your parents claimed you as a dependent no...but you might ask your parents for the additional credit you get if you have kids.I think it is like 600. At least that is what I have read.
After this manufactured hysteria they won't be. If so however, I'll go to Colombia.
AOC is already bitching about wanting to extend the stimulus to illegals.
I plan to use my socialism check to buy a few more guns.
Colombia would be a better choice honestly
For me it would just be like another day in Miami lol
Sounds like socialism to me desu
Can't get $1200 from me if I have $0 retard
I don't think it's cheaper, but hanging out in the coffee area or Cartagena sounds very nice.
so all niggers? holy based
Why is no one talking about the $600 a week bonus unemployment bucks? Am I really going to be paid 600 on top of the 400 im already getting for unemployment every week? That can't be real right and yet everywhere I'm reading it is? How the fuck am I going to be making literally twice what I would be if I was working?
Nothing. I don't qualify for welfare like so many of the dirty mongrels that are allowed to exist.
I didn't file taxes last year because I was in school. Does that mean I won't get my money?
Yes it’s real welcome to socialism . Just remember soon a loaf of bread will be $20
Yep you get nothing you’re supposed to file taxes even if you made $0
>one time checks