New York City Housing Authority - A Disaster Waiting to Happen

This video shows a NYC Public Housing apartment tower with only 1 working elevator. No hand sanitizer, no wipes, nothing. People crowded together in lobbies, outside congregating in groups, etc. This is just yesterday!

Apparently all NYCHA apartment blocks are like this. The Chinese welded people into these, look what's going on here! Oh my God, it's going to get bad here.

Attached: NYCHA2.png (1267x596, 1.66M)

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… waiting to happen? or been a disaster since forever.

Don’t live in a shithole.

that's all thanks to having to deal with niggers by the way. normal, actual human beings don't need to be stockaded and given free koolaid and chicken to survive

Funny story. All those projects were built in areas where real estate prices were rising too high to house blacks.
But none of those were built where politicians and Jews lived.
Projects should be removed. It's not like those that live there are even working. You might as well move them far away.

Dirt poor niggerdom can’t expect luxury in free housing.

This is good -niggers will cull themselves, everyone wins

That's exactly how most Russians live but they're doing fine throughout this pandemic. This is just another way to demonise Latinx and the poor.

OP pic looks like my home
Very comfy

You just don't get it do you?

You don't have to live here, the simple fact that this is occurring there will directly cause harm to you or your family.

China welded people into these apartment blocks, relatively early on. That will never happen in the USA, so the spread will be worse.

I think we will have a lower death rate than China, but I think it will be a lot easier to catch it in NYC (as far as it's rate of reproduction) than it was in Wuhan, which is sad.

Attached: nycha.png (1216x599, 1.3M)

I was thinking about this very subject the other day. Every person living there is in serious danger.

This video made me sick. This is going to be bad.

oh man that sucks

You just don't comprehend that this affects everyone, not just the people in these buildings.

Attached: NYCHA3.png (474x258, 258.51K)

Aren't there stairwells?

LOL what a fucking hellhole...

nuke the whole city.
its the only way to be sure.

They should restrict the use of elevator :
>1 person at a time

not possible, plus most of the people there would probably rather risk infection from riding in the elevator together to save time. I mean when no surfaces are cleaned, thousands of people go thru the area daily, how is one person per elevator ride going to fix anything? Even if implemented it would just lead to dozens of people in the stairwells at all time which is not much better. NYC is fucked, glad I live in "flyover country" right now

Look at that fucking shithole. Selling NYC to the world as the pinnacle of existence is the greatest Jewish lie ever told.

80% of the united states is a third world shithole, we lost the cold war too it just took a decade and a half more time for it to show.

Damn I thought they tore those places down, imagine living in third world conditions in one of the richest cities on earth.

they tore high rise projects down in most American cities, but New York is so densely populated and they need their underclass to keep it functioning so they had to keep the projects. Even Chicago demolished the Cabrini-Green projects, as did basically every other city. They breed crime and disease and are a poor living environment for the residents, there's nothing good about these massive projects.

Even in megalopolises like the bay area people can still live outside the city and commute to their shitty jobs, such is not possible in the NYC metro area. Tech white chads along with chinks and pajeets in san francisco can automate shit but the kikes in NYC can't innovate thus they need their mudblood golem caste within arm's reach

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literally looks like wuhan

Weld up the buildings like in Wuhan. We should have done it years ago.

remove the takers. good.

Nope lol

Attached: 7D57709C-6EC1-4AE1-B26C-A322E04BF9E4.jpg (275x183, 10.68K)

That will never happen in the USA. This will be worse than Wuhan.

Attached: NYCHA4.png (1216x674, 1.76M)

Wheres you’re source on the Chinese being literally locked down (for covod-19, specifically).

>it's going to get bad here
And that's a good thing

Did you miss the pictures of people having steel bars welded in front of their doorways to block entry or exit or something?


Attached: 2F01740B-CB03-42E6-A35C-85A192CA1599.gif (360x203, 677.16K)

There are dozens of other videos they have been posted for months on Yas Forums did you miss ALL of January in the original coronavirus general threads?

Attached: wuhan.png (537x542, 656.99K)

Use the stairs you lazy niggers

do these naive white shitlibs really expect us to believe all of the nogs in the projects are too dumb to tune into nightly news? or that they don't have phones? niggers have always been obsessed with cell phones ever since they first showed up in the 90s

We are no where close at all to locking down like Wuhan did, and as a result the virus will spread far more rapidly.

I have no doubt our healthcare system is far better than China's. I think we will have a lower death rate percentage than them due to it, but probably only marginally. But that doesn't mean we are stopping the SPREAD as effectively as they did, and that's a problem. With that said I do think their official numbers are a lie as well- they're much higher. That's bad news for our future.

Attached: wuhan2.png (1211x657, 1.22M)

We are not segregated. The virus spreading massively there means it is more likely to infect YOU

Outside the boundary walls, a desert. A cursed earth. Inside the walls, a cursed city, stretching from Boston to Washington D.C. An unbroken concrete landscape. 800 million people living in the ruin of the old world and the mega structures of the new one. Mega blocks. Mega highways. Mega City One.

Rule #1) Around blacks never relax.

You should avoid them like the plague, because they ARE THE PLAGUE.

Jews won WW1 WW2 and the Cold War

>This is good -niggers will cull themselves, everyone wins
I don't think coronachan is lethal enough, but it's fucking annoying that the inhabitants can't clean it themselves in a crisis.

talk shit about my city? pull up

It's 2020. You knew what will happen and you didnu shit.

>we lost the cold war too it just took a decade and a half more time for it to show.
The Soviet plan was to make the USA into Brazil, so yeah.

>We are no where close at all to locking down like Wuhan did, and as a result the virus will spread far more rapidly.
Everybody in Wuhan likely got infected. Coronachan is more infectious and less lethal than originally thought.

too bad. if they didnt want a welfare apartment, then they can get a fucking job


Hysterical. The whole "redpilled" crowd is buying this Korona scam.

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Stfu you faggot. Let nature run it’s course. Why is it my responsibility to take care of these people. We all live in close quarters in NYC. Everyone is packed like sardines on mass transit, in buildings and everywhere. Of course a virus will spread and kill easily in an environment like this.

>Jews won WW2
>Over 6 million were killed in the largest genocide known to man
I don't think you know what "won" means.

shame on you you idiot

Why do you type so weird. Like the ads and announcements on my phone games

1. it was not the biggest, maybe in top 10, but not eve in top 3
2. According to offical numbers you are wrong, but what about real numbers? This genocide is not even in top 10. Top 100.
3. You are crying about it.
4. you are a kike

If the death rate is only 1%, and nearly all of America gets infected, that's still millions of deaths. The current death rate is higher than that, and has only steadily been increasing.

Attached: 3-28.png (521x285, 15.84K)

>Israel created and given a pass to do anything they want
>Jews have as much victim shielding as niggers despite occupying high profile, high paying jobs and monopolizing America's biggest city and being massively overrepresented in professional fields and in academia

How is that not a win?

>How will a bunch of Niggers dying directly impact me?


why would you put hinges on the outside of a door?


That shit needs to be nuked.

Now it's "over 6 gorillion " fuck off schlomo

Hoping the virus culls the population of homeless and welfare niggers.

Doors open outward in many parts of China. Here is a video of a family pleading as they are sealed into their home.