We are fucked
>3 weeks of infectiousness
The Italian who caught it first and started everything in Lombardy was asymptomatic and running around for 3 weeks before becoming sick.
chad superspreader
Is this bitch in the bath or something whilst recording this?
whats up with her adding -"nee" to the end of certain words?
whats the deal south africa bro
This is actually an opportunity for the Boers.
SA has the highest rate for HIV, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis, most of the blacks are weak. SA also has the worst public healthcare and dirtiest squatter camps.
Africans may suffer a big hit.
rhodesia will rise again
this tbqh
The fuck is this kaffir?
The uneducated are still roaming the streets , some believe this to be a hoax and others don't care.
Maybe china will remove dindu's better than the trail of tears did.
I haven't seen any army vehicles or much police in my suburbs. I can't imagine what shit show the townships are going through.
YouTube virologist Dr Stephan Lanka. Viruses don't exist.
we are having a braai at the pool, its super hot today
She sounds posh as fuck, typical Cape Town fancypants, nee is an Afrikaans thing, mate, never heard it used with English like this, though.
That would require 100% of whites to be on the same page desiring to remove niggers
Even "conservative" whites just want things they don't like made illegal, they don't actually have the pioneering spirit of their ancestors to shoot all the nogs. Half of them have "black family" that are maids and gardeners that work for them, they view nigs as pets that get out of control rather than an existential threat.
its gonna be great vriend
when the great chimpout happens that rensburg has prophecized then the men will be on the same page
Jesus, listening to her makes me realized how fucked Italy is right now, holy shit.
Can't listen atm, summary?
Army vehicles will only be patrolling the townships not suburbs.They are allowed to go buy groceries in the morning but are required to be back in the townships by the afternoon.
Listen to it you stupid fucking leaf.
So what should I be expected to do beyond being extra cautious? You wouldn't believe what I saw when I made a simple trip to the convenience store yesterday. Obviously I'm hyper aware of other people's actions in the midst of all this. I'm actually noticing strange behaviours happening around me when I dare leave the house.
So Apartheid is back on the menu.
>in order to fight total destruction, we had to re-implement Apartheid globally.
Really makes you think.
What part of can't listen at the moment is hard to comprehend, retard?
She says they've spoken to people, and things are bad.
We still need Open Borders for Israel!
Listening, interesting she says the virus was in the wild from June last year. Loving the accent "Diseasenee", "Anyeee", "Seriouslee".
Who is she? A random youtuber? Professor of epidemology? Crisis actor?
>black government fears niggers
kek, like pottery
Wtf? I didn't Reddit format..
kek, sounds like a fancy ICU doc in Cape Town, this also sounds like maybe a week old or so, I didn't realize shit was so bad in Italy, holy fuck.
Sounds like a good time to learn Italian. I might be able to buy an entire village in the mountains next by this time next year.
based doom investor
Wtf? I didn't Reddit format..
She spoke to the Italians, claims no one survives who has been on a ventilator. They go into lung failure if you try and remove them.
Italy to lose 40% of their population.
Hospitals will be in crisis by May through August.
West Cape govt run hospitals will not even let in patients who are over 65. They are pretriaged to die.
SA hospital wards are being closed and cleared planning for overflow. All hospital meetings closed, two meter distancing in the office.
No funds for extra infrastructure in SA.
SWITZERLAND built a 2000 bed hospital, already full and sending patients to Germany.
Implement social distancing ,don't travel, don't shop.
China did not give all the info about spread rate, how long it was in the wild or that no one survives on a ventilator.
Niggers know niggers. They grow up among them qnd are the main victims of nogging..
Cheers mate
Sounds like she's in the bath as well, big brain bitch able to recall all this shit.
The bit about kids being immune because their immune system is sooper strong is bullshit. Kids get sick all the time. And she says they're being sent to school, asymptomatic, to encourage mah HERD IMMUNITIES. While in the same breath trying to "flatten the curve".
Bullshit, lady.
This audio is likely a week or two old, Ivan, prior to the UK lockdown while the UK was still running with that retarded fucking herd immunity theory.
No problem. I still firmly believe this is a massive power grab. Gun shops have been ordered to close in Western Australia, all state borders are closed (unconstitutional), national border is closed, calls for an empty 1700 bed jail to be turned into a 'corona holding facility'
Airlines bankrupt, all restaurants bankrupt, beauty salons, etc. Calls for borders between towns with no travel permitted. Police briefed to seize firearms in lockdown in NSW, govt prioritizing national chain stores over local stores.
Top Jews sold up and fled the country in December, Jewish State Premiers trying to undermine the Prime Minister, non Jew Premier orders Holocaust to be taught in Primary school.
PM doesn't ban Chinese until hours after Israel does. Before that it was wacist. Then he meets with the Jewish President and lets Chinese students back in. Then Israel closes its borders so we close our borders. Etc. Etc .
Then rolling out increasing restrictions on movement and business, even though there is a known cure.
It's a big opportunity for nefarious authoritarian abuse, for sure. Police/Nanny states must be whacking themselves off thanks to this thing.
Further, per John Hopkins we should have 720,000 infected and 14,000 dead now, not less than 1000 and 12 respectively, half of whom came off cruise liners. They estimated 10 to 20 thousand infected arrived from Whuhan prior to the ban.
If the audio is to be believed, being dismissive of this thing at first is a global pattern, then she fucks you harder than your health system has ever been fucked before.
I was in full panic mode until I started seeing the many, many inconsistencies in the narrative.
I would not put it past ruling elites to let out a virus to kill old people, but it doesn't appear to be doing a good job.
Italy has the same strain as Germany, Germany had it before Italy. They use the same means of counting deaths. Italy is refusing to treat people over 65, Germany isn't. Last time I looked Germany's death rate was 5% of Italy's.
>Italy to lose 40% of their population.
Yeah give it a listen, it's pretty fucking grim.
spread baby spread
Occam's razor:
A manufactured world killing virus is loose that will depopulate the third world and wipe out the pension age cohort in the first world
Jews are looting the assets of the world during a manufactured stock market crash while the world is locked in doors and being scared by a bogeyman pushed by the media they control?
Vid related:
what about other countries?
what about africa?
>Hospitals will be in crisis by May through August.
Note that I believe she was specifically referring to South Africa here.
Thats the claim in theaudio file.
why not both?
They extrapolated that from discussions with the Italian medical people listen to the fucking audio you unruly monkey this is why you all DIE OF THIS SHIT FUCKING APES
Not thinking far back enough, always fuck China.
I don't want to listen to the audio.
But if that's the case for Italy, then why would it be different for other countries?
The speaker is in Africa, scaring her fellow health workers with stories from Italy.
Correct. I was typing as I listened, so it wasn't the best transcript.
Africa doesn't have many old people. Italy's population is almost 50% people over 60.
Africa has a lot of diseases.
We aren't seeing the mass deaths expected. We aren't seeing the mass imfrctions expected either.
At first I thought the refusal to test most with symptoms was to let it spread. Ditto allowing potentially infected in for a month.
Now I think its a massive scare campaign based on a small kernel of truth.
What is the situation in Porto?
I have no idea.
Haven't left my house since january.
>Africans may suffer a big hit.
more will just migrate from the north. South africa is a loss caused and all whites should gtfo of that country while they still can.
How is the cataplana situation?
MSM reports of infection or death? Spain makes out that its going through the black death. Spain also has seperatist and Francoist movements it would like to squash. Locking everyone in doors stops resistance. I wonder if the death toll is real and if real is it 'selective'.
They won't. Too stubborn.
They have no where to go. They have been abandoned by their fellow whites. Rich with a degree? No problem, they have already fled. Working class? No chance.
i thought Australia and russia allowed them refugee status?
>I wonder if the death toll is real and if real is it 'selective'.
the spanish leftist government refused to cancel a feminazi march some weeks ago.
their "equality" prime minister got infected there.
so.. no?
We have denied refugee status to Whites but given it to blacks. Our refugee policy is set by Israel. Effectively we only take Somalis.
>She sounds posh as fuck
Is this supposed to sound nice or attractive to you people? This might be the ugliest English accent for females Ive heard. It seems masculine and is a plus for men imo but sounds terrible on women, same with Aussie accents but this is like 75% uglier
i just remember hearing about Lauren southern getting them refugee status for australia.
>Is this supposed to sound nice or attractive to you people? This might be the ugliest English accent for females Ive heard. It seems masculine and is a plus for men imo but sounds terrible on women, same with Aussie accents but this is like 75% uglier