/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2642

► Detected: 599,340(+1,146) ► Died: 27,453(+29)
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 200 countries and territories infected —
— 46% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —


Cats might be carriers of the virus

17 year old athlete in the US dies from COVID

Riots and chaos, police fight each other in China

Chinese company amassed Australian supplies and shipped them out

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

Virus spreads before symptoms and up to 12 days after "recovery"

Virus might spread through banknotes

48% of cases originate from pre-symptomatic transmission

Asymptomatic carriers, asymptomatic transmission

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

WHO says detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

$2.4 trillion global recession expected

White House admits they lack tests

05:50: 86 new cases in Nevada, United States.
04:57: 70 new cases in Queensland, Australia.
04:56: 111 new cases in Victoria, Australia.
04:53: 212 new cases and 1 new death in New South Wales, Australia.
04:29: 190 new cases and 3 new deaths in Norway.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I'll bake next user

Stay safe anons.

i have supplies for 1.5 months but i want more

What's this about the federal reserve being usurped by Trump? Can't find any info online

the rollout of the military on the streets to put non compliant americans into fema camps

when they try to bring back obama and stop trump from being elected soon

thats what theyre doing

all this is staged to get trump removed

notice how the impeachment failed

this is their next thing

theyre going to say trump wasnt handling the virus right and we need to have more lockdown and this is how america ends

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Remember ladies and gentlemen, misinformation is more dangerous than the virus itself!
Always check to make sure what you're reading is from a reliable source!

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Don't trust the argentine, he's CDC damage control.

Is this the right thread?

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>same amount of threads than deaths/10

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Hail Nurgle

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nothing burger

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Remember when Trump got impeached, non-stop debate coverage over green deal, bloomberg torching 100's of millions of dollars?
Me neither, thxs corona-chan.

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How many US deaths by Monday?

Salzburg femanon please report your last big update. Thanks!




wat do?

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Don’t trust americans they prefer money over life

Anyone else know people acting like they're sick to trick caring family to do groceries for them?

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what next obama takes all of our guns and puts us into fema camps and then becomes dictator?
please go back on your meds.


God damn fucking gooks

This is the most plausible scenario right now. China is becoming (assuming it isn't already) technologically very powerful.

The more technologically advanced a country is the greater the threat to any established powers, especially if that country has a different world view from them.

There's a reason why the US doesn't want other countries to have a certain class of weapons, for instance. Or why they don't want to lose key infrastructure technology to other countries.

>but the oddly poor responses in western countries
Despite all the scenarios, simulations, tests, etc no country is ever prepared to deal with the real thing.

I hope they died gasping for air from this virus

A ventillator is a $100 device sold by big pharma business for $40k.
If you want to help your local hospital out, you can make one too. Here are the instructions for one.
You can find more blueprints floating around on the internet.

First hand description of what it's like to have Coronavirus by a 38 year old.

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Cough on him

what's it with you and posting these webms in every thread? beginning to think you like that shit

I have enough for two months but I feel lacking as well.


This is an interesting idea, considering "recovered" are often left infertile could lead to slow extinction of small nations/countries

Don't trust chinks

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I'm really looking for a boyfriend at the moment to take care of me in these trying times. I need some things paid for with credit card maybe if you would be so kind. Sehr gut. Ja

He's a chink, of course he does

Yes people need to contract this virus as mass to realize all the media hype are fake
Coof at every public place
Coof at your hand and try to handshake as many people as you can
The more people infected with corona-chan, the more likely they realize all the hype about this virus is fake
You have to do your parts to make people realizing their freedom is taken away

Deus Volt. I will dock on my way to the holy land, ok?

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Reminder that Bernie Bros are gift-giving faggots.
Keep in mind that individuals donating blood are NOT tested for HIV. Instead large blood batches are tested, which means they have to accept low-risk donors only or else the blood supply will plummet.

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házme un mate cebado

Fuck off we're full

>Proceeds to not answer me
>Continues to type like a reddit fag.
Ok I've given you examples of how it is real tell me how it's not.

Welcome back argiebro! Hope you slept well.




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Why did you assholes make Coronachan so cute. Something so deadly shouldn't be cute.

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I havent caught a cold or flu in over a decade. Why would I catch this?

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Hi, I am a girl and I am looking for a boyfriend to care for me. Thank you.

600k soon stalker

Thanks, I'll read it. I'm just curious because, since we use the USD dollar as currency, I wonder if my savings are going to shit due to an upcoming inflation caused by Trumpbux brrr printing.

How many days has it been since Gary has posted? 4 days? 5 days?

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These threads are super comfy, thank you for your service

Good morning argibro, roger that.

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that's not the update though

>black death wiped out 30-50% of Europe's population
>this faggy virus only kills 1-3% worldwide
Can you faggots just stop now? No societal collapse will happen. The only reason economies and society is shutting down right now is because of governments and people overreacting to this which has been blown way out of proportion. Future generations will look at us and cite this as an example of what mass hysteria does.

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a number of cases isnt proof dude

you havnt learned from the 6 gorrillian jews

its the same thing dude

there has never been one case of coronavirus

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I recognize your disgusting plastic gook pics from weeks ago. You weren't shilling against the pandemic being real then, so why now?

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i love this Dutch sentiment you guys only have like 50 ventilators aswell

Please do not post pornography with ladies present, bitte.

oh great.
lets just give everyone aids as well.
great fucking plan guys.

Sigh...unzips pants.

Let's see your dick to see what u bring to the table


Gibe the newest info graphic pls. I want to sent it to my stupid coworkers who think its still a joke.

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Too new to remember ebola chan?

Is it safe to order takeout? I havent left my house in a week and I'm already bored of all the food

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its also the reserve currency. basically if it crashes things go to high hell. elites have to have their money somewhere.

Wonder how Vietnam is faring with the virus
There was a time when they got 14 patients and all of them recovered afterwards

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>We have chinese and japanese immigrants here in droves and the one thing that struck me is the japanese ones blend and love murica. The chinese ones are absolute fucking cunts that don't even speak english and their 'restaurants' are usually fronts for selling meth using some frozen prepackaged shit they just microwave shipped right from home.

All you need to know about chinks is that they can't even make a living selling their own ethinic food. Japs can make decent to amazing sushi, gooks do pho, koreans do hotpots, even niggers and russians can run restaurants with authentic cuisine. But chinks make the same old sugar coated american bastardized version of their own nation's food because it's illegal here in the civilized world to cook all the weird shit they want.

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the only argument against it causing hyperinflation is that this is a deflationary crisis
but still, it sets a precedent

probably not. just learn to cook more complex shit.

I could eat spaghetti forever

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in the first few weeks i was on the fence i didnt know if it was real or not like february ish

then it became a obvious hoax because the lack of evidence

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Except that bodies were piling up on the streets and people were lynching Jews during the plague
Expect the same to happen if the situation doesnt improve in the next 2 months.

He's trying his best to make the doubters go outside and perhaps inflict max damage to the rest of the society. It's a cute. If you have such low self-confidence maybe you should take the bait and do as he wishes.

You won't so go ahead and get out there and live life as normal. So long as you're not a 100 year old boomer with aids, diabetes, and black lung you'll be fine. Have fun with it and remember to tell anyone who is scared that they're a pussy bitch.

Friendly reminder arguing on Chinese image board wont solve anything
People's freedom are taken away as we speak
We need to do this as fast as we can before the media cover everyone in fear and take the complete control

Learn to cook user. This is the best time to do it.

Nobody cares stupid bitch. post your tits or go larp for simps somewhere else.

2 months, but feel like ima need 1 year to feel safe

man it's been too long since I tonguefucked a girl's ass

> almost 7% kill rate
> estimated number is ×19 of what's confirmed

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China should have been happy being a global production center but instead became too power hungry. Poor bastards will enjoy another 200 years of obscurity

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Oh no you don't roastie. I know your type

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Is that the way to speak to a lovely frau who wants only compassion and love?

People were already lynching Jews in your continent even before the plague spread. Still, a 1% death rate is fucking nothing.

I am not sending this gif to my boss, user. I need normal graphic.

And let the meth binge begin

Fucking kek

You got one without the stupid fucking blonde version?

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If you can't live off a big pot of goulash or bean soup for four or five days you're not gonna make it

>doubling time shorter than a week

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For the user who wanted my ground report reposted

Austria on the ground report:
we are getting drowned in work rn
my usual shifts are anywhere between 8-12 hours
now the average is 15hrs
we have no PPE and have to resort to our "scarfs" as mouth/nose cover
same but worse, it reached the homeless population and they now have put 3 homeless shelters under quarantine, the workers are stuck their with their clients, unable to get out and have to sleep among them.
>lower austria
they have a backlog of tests now and already surpassed vienna
>upper austria
it's madmax tier their
every village fren i know there started planting their own food "just in case" now

I'm from Florida, he's fucked.

In the U.S. you should also expect if you get coronavirus and are severe or get sick or injured for any other reason, health care professionals will be unavailable and you'll be on our own. People here who work in medical fields have been saying this for a while now, hospitals and clinics are past capacity already in some areas. So hope nothing happens to you for a few months of any kind.

Why are Aussies so good at shitposting? Is it genetic?

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Yeah you're a troll. You still haven't answerd my post from last thread and you provide no proof for your stupid theory. Show me how they faked it with out just saying
>Muh fake news
Not to mention you always post images of attractive women so more people will see your poar, to me it seams like you are just fishing for (you)s.

It is when you're making money selling HIV drugs

God, these threads are so much better now that all the Americans are sick in hospital.

Is it too late to order anime merch like dakis and figures?

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This is great. Now I need self-intubation instructions.

fuck i love thisss

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Did you know there were other infected countries other than your own mutt?

washington really needs to pump those numbers up. absolutely embarassing performance, you'd think for what a shithole seattle is they'd be having a better go of it.

Hell yeah. You're the best

I can take care of you but only if you pledge yourself to learning the way of the gun and cooking venison. Also, you can't watch any TV shows with a laughtrack in the house.

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Try 17%

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>past capacity already in some areas
which areas are those

Why yes, it is the way to speak to faggot larpers attention seeking.

Just another parasite, now tell me about Majestic 12.

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How does cvg make a quaranteeny ?


Will Australia be okay?

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Does blond Coronachan give anyone serious Molly from BA Kitchen vibes?

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Just do it pussy

The user who edits the black hair hasn’t made a nude one yet, expect it soon

You're in champ.

Kinda "happy", not so much for our doctors and nurses who are the ones facing it. I say kinda happy because boomers ruined our lives, always voting for thieves and selling all of our companies and business to the gaijin, leaving us without work and with a debt we can't pay.

Yet boomers are insulting us because we have to kiss their asses. To me it will always be an abomination that parents and grandpas put themselves above their children and grandchildren, many people under 30 either commit suicide, is poor or has depression, yet we have to hear
>Youngs who can't respect their elders are destined to be cursed!
Says the ones voting for corrupts who give them their pensions and who made every shitty house cost 120,000 euros with salaries of 700 euros

black death nuked Feudalism into nonexistence and wiped out vast swaths of Europe friendo

thanks user, sleep well

>no laughtrack
You'll never get a gf

You cant self intubate.

>coronavirus is a bioweapon created by trump to fuck over the chinks
>has plausible deniability because, as the 'record' shows, the US has more cases than china, so why would they infect themselves?
>mass hysteria, or psyochogenic and sociogenic illnesses commonly show symptoms of HEADACHES, DIZZINESS, SHORTNESS OF BREATH/DIFFICULTY BREATHING, FEVER, COUGH, INSOMNIA
>can get worse for people that already have medical issues
>happens because of psychological and social stressors (quarantine, fear of pandemic, fear of losing your house/job)
>all during peak flu season

only thing I can't explain is the pneumonia

Looks like public transportation wasn't so great

i dont have the latest sorry
golden corona face = golden corona hair
learn and memorize it fag

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capped for documentation

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thanks, you're the best

>we have no PPE and have to resort to our "scarfs" as mouth/nose cover
The last few ambulances I have seen in Vienna have one guy with mask and apron, the other two have maybe some crappy mask if lucky

>same but worse, it reached the homeless population and they now have put 3 homeless shelters under quarantine, the workers are stuck their with their clients, unable to get out and have to sleep among them.
Holy shit, I have friends that work in this field

>every village fren i know there started planting their own food "just in case" now
if there is one good thing about this, that people are becoming more self sustaining and learning some skills


agree, with 3 recovered and 546 deaths in the Netherlands you don't have to worry about it

Good and it better be a futa version. Corona-chan without a bulge is fucking weird.

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Is this normal enough?

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Confirmation bias. They're only testing people with obvious symptoms and those dying so it's gonna skew the numbers. Do randomized mass testing like America and South Korea and death rates plummet to 1%. This is a literal fucking nothingburger.

>Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google parent company Alphabet, has warned that China is poised to overtake the US in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) if the US government doesn't act soon.

>Speaking at the Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Summit on Wednesday, the former Google CEO said: "Trust me, these Chinese people are good."

>He added: "They are going to use this technology for both commercial as well as military objectives with all sorts of implications."

archive.fo/qBmCR (Eric Schmidt on AI: 'Trust me, these Chinese people are good')
archive.fo/wip/B4DKu (Google's ex-CEO Eric Schmidt says the internet will split in two by 2028)

The problem the West now faces is how to deal with a certain political spectrum who wishes to stay out of AI military tech applications for ethical reasons.

This may create a technological void and put China at the forefront of AI. The US public needs to wake up for this reality or one day they'll be eating bugs from a bowl with chopsticks. And that is assuming they'll be alive to eat them.

I hope you're right, burgerbro. The West needs to wake the fuck up and shuffle their industry to their respective countries. The threat is real.

"Tell the stock market... I love it...."

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The infection rate is already decreasing
Happening over by early June

you theoretically could. im sure they've built at least a robotic prototype that does it and thus you could do it

Shitposting started way back in Queensland in 1950s lad... yer, it's natural.

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burden of proof is on you to prove that it exists sir

media has a history of fake hoaxes

i havnt seen any evidence

i saw a thread the other day called "empty hospitals" or something of that nature and they proved at urgent cares around the country theres literally nobody there.

theres no main hub for conspiracy theories anymore because youtube is censored too . so the people who know this is a hoax is fewer than if a few years ago there was a big hoax shooting or something

now were really in the dark right now because of the censorship

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Big Bang Theory is the greatest television show of all time though.

Holy shit, now I have an erection. May Coronachan hit Williamsburg and Brooklyn worst.

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It's all gone in china now. Thank god they can get back to normal in such a short amount of time. How did they do it?

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> Actually believing the Chinese propaganda when their p4 lab is near the wet market.

Just how much lower your IQ can get ?

919 dead in italy. New world daily record (excluding china, because their statistics are all bullshit).

>Corona chan is a chinese girl but ebola chan is just a 2d nurse

Is it because niggers are disgusting?


I hate gooks

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Our new daily cases are going down for the past 4 days. As long as we isolate for a few more weeks then restrict all overseas travel, I think we’ll be ok.

>more threads than deaths dai-
Wait, no
>more threads than deaths hourly
Wow it's a big fat nothingburger

Ok user.

Lemme tell you a story.
>be me mid January
>get weird sore throat for 4 days, not understand why I have laryngitis and stabby left tit pains. (mild angina)
>follow that up with a weird cold not cold, 2 weeks later
>still be me, but now its February.
>get weird rocket ass shits. this is how hard the intestinal contractions were: It would force my pelvis into flexion. (my knees would come up to my chest)
>be rocket ass and fatigue for 5 days. wonder what disease the fops I work with gave me
>be me, now its mid february
>have weird mild fever for 4 days. can't explain the fever, I feel fine.
>be me today. March 28 posting to you
>for the past month and a half every 2 weeks I get rocket ass, or a slight fever, or a loss of appetite, or fatigue, or a burny throat/pain not pain sensation in my throat.
>since january, I have had a persistent mild coof.
>look back and wonder if those people that went to China, Italy, on cruises, had weird colds/flus, actually had Corona. There were over 20 of them.
>Corona is a nothing burger faggot.

Major metropolitan areas (NYC is the biggest one that's a problem) but some surrounding suburban areas are also getting overrun pretty much all over the country, though in scattered locations based on number of beds started with. Louisiana is turning into the next big problem area.

First of all, 1% is huge
Second, Diamond Princess is 1.4% (with 10 critical cases pending), so that's the bare minimum with top care

kulang nga yung mga gamit natin dito, may na donate pa sa mga intsik
fuck you

She is canonically female, just ask Spain.

More meat for the freezer

Do you guys have to sleep in air conditioning in the phillipines? The night-time humidity is ridiculous.

j-j-j-j-just the flu bros!

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>The last few ambulances I have seen in Vienna have one guy with mask and apron, the other two have maybe some crappy mask if lucky
pretty much our experiences when we are lucky and only take suspected cases for the shift, but for everyone who drives a normal ktw or rtw tough luck if you get a corona guy.
>Holy shit, I have friends that work in this field
me too, already contacted her to ask if she needs anything taken care of if she's put under quarantine too, suggest you do the same if able
>if there is one good thing about this, that people are becoming more self sustaining and learning some skills
yeah, and the EU crumbling, if we are lucky

If it gets to the point where you need intubation, you're probably fucked either way.

Do you think Corona-chan can kill enough boomers to affect voting?

He has, it's somewhere out there. I dun seen it.

if it sticks around for your lifetime you will be fucked. you body can't handle infections that much and something will give.

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>plummet to 1%
wew we are saved
only hundreds of millions of people will die, nothingburger confirmed

nothing ever happens ever

>what next obama takes all of our guns and puts us into fema camps
shit man, i remember when that happened. it was a traumatic experience, and quite frankly you are triggering me by bringing it up.

Awake self intubation:


By lying about the cases they do have just like they did when the outbreak started

why the fuck does some one who cant do math always make the corona general? there are not 27k deaths from this shit

I don't think that is the case. She is futa cuz shes fucking the world with her large, but not macro sized, futa-cock(that has a little bow at the tip. A red one with gold trim and chinese lettering). I've honestly thought about this a lot.

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Fucking based and redpilled. Only sheep need to be told when something is funny. Have you ever seen one of those tv shows without the laugh track? It's a fucking abomination.

It was for a hoax we did to trick niggers into killing the medical staff that was supposed to go there to help.

Not the point friendo. In the grand scheme of things, this virus is literally a nothigburger.

>1% death rate with randomized mass testing

Jesus, the state of happeningfags.

yes, ventilator memes. we must have more. someone have a a ventilator png to use like the hazmats?

Not to mention most of the recovered cases are from fake China numbers

So a worse 2nd wave is guaranteed, right? You cannot make people self isolate forever, the entire system will collapse. Eventually people will have to leave, or chaos will erupt. When they do, there is a 0.001% chance the virus won't spread again.

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Have you eaten all the eggs user?

That fucker got corona. Y’all americunts are really fucking doomed

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Reflexes permit selfintubation if memory serves well. Just like you cant break your own neck with your own hands.

Do we know what happened to the 100 or so diamond princess cases that aren't counted as recovered?

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People who think shit like this is fine or make fun of people who feel apathetic to animals when they are in pain make me sick to my stomach. If you get off on this shit get a heart, a life or get some rope and neck yourself. You are worthless garbage and need to cleanse yourself because you are no better than the chinks or niggers. Animals are beautiful and sacred creatures unlike you, pathetic goblin that doesn't deserve to be called a human.

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zoomers don't vote and boomers don't give a fuck about viruses even if they have a 50/50 percent chance to die, so no it won't change anything just look at bernstein in USA lmao, so much shilling and noise online but it amounted to shit because the demographic was sitting at home jacking to m'lady posts on plebbit rather than voting.

Unfortunately our leaders are dumb as cucks so all the boomers will be replaced by niggers and Muslims. But the thing is that Spain is ruined, there is not enough Spanish to replace workers because our birthrates are on the ground, you can easily see geezers earning 2,500 euros of pension and having two paid houses while young people barely reach the 800 euros. Rents are also like 500, 600 or 800 euros.

Our feminists shit are even trying to make a business even in this situation



Actually 27K IS the official death toll, 600K the official case count. Right now.

Remove China's numbers and it's 30%

rolling for immunity. witness me and despair.

kys fag shit taste fuck of already


To anyone who has not prepped.
Get to the stores tomorrow and start prepping

Cases with an outcome are the only cases relevant when talking about recovery rate/death rate

Yup, second wave is a for sure thing if you ask me. Even a seasonal thing but by that time we'll have at least a treatment hopefully.

fuck. thought you'd be disciplined enough to contain this shit.

weve done the same for the dutch because they’re already out of ventilators

>waiting for argie bbro
what are your sleeping hours mate?

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I would have expected germany to agree with me, but it seems like the tide of refugees has already taken it's toll upon the populace.

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if singles /cvg/ posters will survive and become the scribes of a new era

Big words from a country that made and makes the most nigger loved pistol on earth.

>leaving the house now

it's too late for them

Look, I might give an exemption on the laughtrack thing for Seinfeld or Young & the Restless, but I refuse to laugh at people with developmental disabilities. Plus homosex is a sin, so I can't support such a show.

Call me an old fuddy duddy but that's just how things operate in this house little missy. I hope you'll still consider being my ward and training in the deadly arts of gun fu.

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Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

the upper class in my country already stayed indoors this week, but there's still a lot of us outside working since we either have our own small business or their bosses won't pay their salaries for not going home.

Yet they're all starting to believe everything is fine, so i don't expect them to stay any longer than 1 or 2 more weeks, that's when the real pandemic will happen.

This whole world shutdown over the flu is really weird and makes no sense, especially because we can use plasma with antibodies, and now that there's medicine proven to treat people 100% recovery rate. But nobody noticed, nobody cares, just do what you're told

We have more than enough free ventilators and that's how Europe works. Enjoy your child chancellor talking big but acting smol.

This is a fucking nothingburger, we're destroying the global economy to save a bunch of geriatric old people.

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look at this nigger tier shit. I get people are in distress by forcing your kids to go out and beg is despicable.

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>yes. thats me

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Wait is it possible that the disease could be made worse by standard methods of treatment if designed correctly?

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ngl anywhere that displays recovered vs. dead ratio for cases after a few months the numbers are scary.

boomers didn't abuse themselves to tranny/blacked/loli porn

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>greatest event of our lifetimes
>"i-in the grand scheme..."
the absolute state of nothingburgers

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>black death
The black death made labour scarce and was a huge boon for worker's rights. Immigration and globalization have fucked over the working class, but maybe Corona-chan can fix part of that. A happy coincidence is that she mostly kills boomers.

>pretty much our experiences when we are lucky and only take suspected cases for the shift
yeah I'm pretty sure they were only for suspected cases

>already contacted her to ask if she needs anything taken care of
you are right, will contact them and see if they need anything

>EU crumbling
Nurgle bless

of course it is

And who's fault is that idiot?

>b-b-b-but MUH 100% death rates

I swear to God you people are brainwashed sheeple. I see people like you all the time on kikebook among my normie friends and relatives feeding the mass hysteria. This is a fucking nothingburger.

Sheldon is my favorite character. His catchphrase is Bazinga. That is very wacky.

>still no community-based transmissions in my county

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