Liking dogs is one of the most prominent features of the white race

Liking dogs is one of the most prominent features of the white race
If you don't like dogs and don't feel empathy for them chances are you're either an edgy faggot or a mutt.

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Do the french even have yards for their dogs to run around?

what if its a pitbull or smashfaced pug?

Wtf are you on about nigger

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While I agree, unfortunately it is also our empathy that has doomed us.

Jesus, who doesn’t like dogs apart from Muslims? The only animal I like more than dogs are horses.

When white people see dogs they see the potential for a useful tool for guarding and hunting and even companionship. When chink insects see dogs they see food that tastes better when tortured.

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>Jesus, who doesn’t like dogs apart from Muslims?


It is empathy for our own race that will save us

I like dogs. But most pet dogs are spoiled brats that have taken on the mental damage of their owners, which means that most dogs i come across are insufferable cunts that i do not like. I also think that in most cases, owning a dog is more of burden than anything else (most dogs don’t really serve any purpose other than „emotional support pet“) and that if you can‘t cater to your dog‘s need and instead try to humanize him, you shouldn‘t be allowed to own one. It should be seen as animal abuse to do so.

Liking natures NPC's is neither noble nor wrong. But it has become utterly cringe to do so.

White people fuck their dogs, it's gross man. How can you sleep with an animal in your bed? White women kiss their dogs after their dogs lick their own ass. I think a dog is fine if you have some property and it doesnt come inside. But people basically worship their dogs now, treat them like expensive stuffed animals. It's sick and unnatural.

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There is nothing more repulsive to the Northern European psyche that the other races do not share his empathetic instincts. This alone turns millions of people into /ourguy/s. We are beginning to see it with reactions to Chinese behaviour during the virus outbreak, and Sudanese gangs

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Worse, they treat them like humans because they are mentally incapable of forming real human relationships anymore. So they project human attributes to animals to satisfy their need for „being loved“. It‘s pretty pathetic.

Based respect for dogs. With how little meat they give and how useful they are, they're clearly not for eating. Dogs are the manifestation of everything we value:
Dogs are forever valuable and not to be eaten.

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Nonsense. Just a reflection of your own sick brain really.

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Another PETA lolcow thread. When will you realize dogs are happy to see you only because their brain relate you to the food you bring?

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White people have empathy. It's what allows us to work in groups, and accomplish a common goal, for the common good, unlike the African. And because our cooperation is born out of empathy, and not slavish obedience, we retain our creative individualism, unlike the Chinese ant men. Could be cultural, could be genetic, but either way, there it is.

Dogs literally evolved to comprehend human emotions you little mountain Jew. More than half of all early Indo-European Clan names were named after dogs or wolves. Stop projecting your insecurities onto happy people and their dogs

Only narcissists are zealot dogfags

I love Huskies, GSDs, real dogs closer to the wolves they evolved from. I hate worthless ankle biters like chihuahuas, poodles, yorkies, etc. They serve no purpose but to bark at and bite people who are trying to mind their own business and feed their owner's narcissism as an accessory.

>Op pic is about hunting
Whatever you say retard

Dishonest argument by simplicity, all animals get rowdy if they lose access to food, dogs develop complex social pack relationships with human beings they live with. Many will go out of their way to protect their owners and even their owners children. Again you're probably a soulless chink with an underdeveloped frontal lobe so this behaviour is alien to you.

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Found the one who can‘t find love in humans. Sorry for you. I hope your dog loves you a lot to compensate.


Horses are also very loyal.

Based this

>When will you realize dogs are happy to see you only because their brain relate you to the food you bring?
>When will you realize that your mother only loves you because you carry her genetic material?

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They stay there when an Indian bull breeds a French qt

empathy is part of what made us strong to begin with. as long as we're still around we are not doomed, and we will be around

Am I a race traitor if I'm mostly Scottish but like Borzoi more?

I love cats and dogs, feel sympathy and empathy, and live in the first world. Guess I'm White, fuck yeah.

another seething nonwhite trying to get back at whitey any way he can, even going so far as to try to make us doubt our pets' affection for us. you are a literal nigger subhuman. and you're also wrong, they love for the same reasons and in the same way we (whites) do

>how can you sleep with an animal in your bed?
How can you not?
I literally get the most restful sleep when there is an animal or another person with me. I can actually sleep less and wake up feeling more rested if I rest with an animal.

You sound pretty goddamn soulless right now.


Based Indian bull

Just clean your damn dog. It's not that hard to pat him down and brush him once per week. Having a dog in bed makes it 100% cozier with that snoozing little dude curled up beside you. Black people seem to think that every dog is caked in mud and shit. It's some next level projection I swear.
>shieet why look aftuh a dawg when I got keeds to look aftuh SHIEEET

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Oh yh. How could I forget

Very well put.

i've found the easiest way to redpill people is just to share videos of chinks eating baby birds, live rats, boiling dogs alive, etc

following up with chinks causing their own fatal industrial accidents

Enjoy my dog. Not sure exactly what he is. Mostly husky I think.

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Are you from New York City?

Nice dog. Post more pictures, please.


Thanks here you go.

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I want a dog
a cow
a couple of pigs
and a handful of chickens
then life will be good

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Don't forget dogs are based when it comes to race.

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Thanks, bro. We're all gonna make it.

No, I'm just autistic and I hate loud noises like barking. I also hate getting my hands all smelly by just petting a dog for 2 seconds.

Aye, very true. Dogs need to work. If your dog has a good temperament and you give him too much protein, and you don't give him work, he's going to be a bad dog. And don't feed your dog more than once per day. You feed your dog once per day, and you give him the right amount of protein that he needs to do the work for the day. You feed your dog when you eat so that he knows you're both getting enough protein to do the work for the day. If he doesn't have a lot of work to do, then you don't give him much protein. Maybe you give him a bone every now and then, but only if he does good work. If he does bad work, you don't give him a bone, but you still give him the protein that he needs to do the work for the day.

Bobs vagene

Southern Europeans share this characteristic also.


Being able to enjoy female foot odor is also patrician as fuck. It's like a fine wine. Every woman has a different scent and taste.

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Not because of the usual reasons though. I think they're both equally lovable and amazing.

But cats are the lazy man's animal. Dogs take hard work each and every day by walking them, and that also implies additional worries such as vaccines and possible illnesses or parasites he may get from outside. But you can just keep a cat inside (it's better for them) and all you really have to do is feed it, love it and play with it when you feel like it, which will be often cause they're amazing.

Beautiful. Dogs with a white coat look hard to keep clean though. Do huskies shed a lot? I had an old English sheepdog and his hair was everywhere. I miss him

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Cats are nice to own but they’re just a bit boring compared to dogs.

You're a weak willed faggot if you keep pets, especially indoors.