Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - 24/7 Krautism Edition

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>AfD TV (german)

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först för Nürgle

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no nürgle for me behind my m3 mask

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You will embrace Papa Nurgles love sooner or later no matter what!

24/7 kraut threads wooooo

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Is it true that saying bad things about immigrants islam and foreign races gets you arrested in Germany? And if so why and who passed the law?

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no thats not true you can say:
fuck merkel and her policies. fuck refugees.

You will not be arrested at once but you will be buried under indictments, ostracised from society, lose your job and shamed in public.

Niger es ist sieben Uhr

not behind a mememask like that :D Nurgle's got ya!

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this sadly.
there were some people who lost their jobs because of not agreeing with all this, its insane

Yeah but if you say Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl or Blacks are retards you will go to prison

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checked und uhr ablesen gepillt
bruh death korps of krieg are the only ones that matter

Literally how though, popular consensus at least here up until 2012 was Africa is a shithole and Islam is backwards. Almost like a tiny minority controls the news and gives the illusion of their opinions being public consensus

what? I can say that mohammed had a 9 year old as his wife. but maybe Id get shot for that like Malcolm X did

yep it was 2012 when this whole shit started creeping in

The majority of Germans are absolutely authority believers and brainwashed continously since 75 years our state and education system is completely filled with subversive elements and actively working against our peoples interest. And last but not least we are still occupied by the great satan.

read pic related of really interested what they are doing here, if not skip to henry fords 4 volumes

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No you can't. An Austrian woman got sued and lost and was deemed guilty of blaspheme by the European court for human rights. There is no freedom of speech here in Europe or Germany.

what? but it is proven and is stated in many historical writings

well when I think about how censored we are now just wait till 2025

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>that feel when you are the last one awake and single handedly keep the thread alive

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Doing us a great service!

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kek saved.

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60k infections today?

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>Die Bundeswehr bereitet sich derweil auf einen umfassenden Unterstützungseinsatz in Deutschland wegen der Pandemie vor. Zur Unterstützung von Ländern und Kommunen setzt die Bundeswehr in der Corona-Krise 15.000 Soldaten ein. Volle Einsatzbereitschaft solle in der kommenden Woche hergestellt sein, sagte Generalleutnant Martin Schelleis, der den Unterstützungseinsatz koordiniert und führt, am Freitag in einer telefonischen Pressekonferenz.
was soll das werden bitte? unsere toll vorbereite bundeswehr wird eingesetzt. kek

>was soll das werden
a gay boyscout LARP adventure time

we simply can not allow this bread to go down, now that its direct predecessor survived the night!

probably. maybe they clean up some bad neighborhoods of migrants who dont follow the rules but thats about it

it wont go down mods already accepted that theres now always a kraut thread open. starting today

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>maybe they clean up some bad neighborhoods of migrants
that's so horribly raycissss! es wird nicht erfolgt

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checked. reality is racist tho

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once people understand that and all the boomer politians retire, we start the technocracy in the west. but till then we stay literally frozen in time

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wer von euch ottos kauft hier immer die nudeln leer?

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keep it alive, Krautbros, I'm off to change the roof on chicken house

orban save us from our government

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alright good carpenting

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I hope your chickens look like this

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oh no tell me he was just making fun and didnt actually kill the chicken

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based pizzas. every eu citizen should do that

wrong link. here:

ganz vergessen guten morgen zu sagen.
und wie ist die situation in österreich corona technisch?

He wasn't making fun so it was a tragic end for him when the tables turned.

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kek twitter arbeitet sich schon wieder an nuhr ab, warum hassen normies ihn so sehr?

could be we will never know

aso der. tja das passiert wenn du ins links grüne nest stichst die hivemind npc's attackieren dich

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>Is it true that saying bad things about immigrants islam and foreign races gets you arrested in Germany?

no, only if you threated violence.In severe cases you can get a libel court case.
wie die auch noch die möglichkeit vom spiegel bekommt sich zu rechtfertigen. so lächerlich


Corona killt AfD-Boomer

corona killt die groko wähler in erster linie

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Der Nudelkönig.

The chicken was a filthy communist!

ich hab grad tränen in den augen

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Stimmt mal ab jungs

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nah user sitzt du auch grad im nazi-homeoffice

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Irgendwas hat die falsch gemacht, die Schwarzer hat es zusammengebracht mit einem Blatt, dass gerade mal vllt. eine Auflage von 10.000 Exemplaren hat, Millionen in die Schweiz zu schaffen (möchte nicht wissen, wieviel davon Steuergeld war).

Let us hope they do not start praising TSCHAINA too much after this shit.

evakuieren nach syrien oder?

>People of Color

Gott strafe die US-Linke, warum sagt sie nicht einfach Farbige?

Sitzt sie grad nicht in Corontäne?

Germans, you are bad at reality.

Oops there goes gravity!

Ich geh dann mal Rasen mähen oder denkt ihr es ist noch zu früh dafür?

Let it be known, next time you steal my culture, at least let me win. Having your goonk eyed friends try to kill me, and then me nuking the world, and now our WW3 will be fought with stick and stones.


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then can praise whatever they want as long as they leave the eu soon so this shit union collapses
ja trend aus den usa hier rüber geschwabbt denk ich
es ist witzig, weil sie sagt sie hätte es aber sie wurde jedoch nicht getestet. also ich glaube die lügt um noch mehr sympathie für ihre bettelkampagne zu bekommen

>ja trend aus den usa hier rüber geschwabbt denk ich

Selbstverständlich, schau mal wie colour geschrieben ist.

>what? but it is proven and is stated in many historical writings
As if the truth was ever a matter of concern to these people. They don't censor, they don't arrest and they do not do in order to spread the truth but instead to suppress it.

Internet fucking sucks.
I keep trying to order an Austrian from here.
It never works.

Jesus christ why are you people like that

Thats literally what it should be at this point. A bigger THW with green vehicles instead of blue...
Defense should be left to our economy and civilians with guns like god intended.

Japanese are such fucking faggots.
Why would any idiot align themselves with the virgin tiny island "I think we need more land, do you think it's too late?" welfare country.

>An Austrian woman got sued and lost and was deemed guilty of blaspheme by the European court for human rights.
>human rights

LOL, when humanism bows down to Islam.

Don't worry he isn't German.

LOL, das Patriarchat stürzen wollen und wenn das Patriarchat mal hüstelt, sofort in Existenznot geraden. Poetisch.

nigger wird das eigentlich geschrieben

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>civilians with guns
Finally German with a brain.
That's not right.
Neither are you.

Via Ius sanguinis I actually am.

You pressure Germans to be with Meds, when Germany has a longer history of love, hate, with vikings. It's just fact.

>Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz