South Africa belongs to the native black Africans

Here is archaeological evidence that the land was not empty before 1488:
> history first peoples in western cape&source=bl&ots=jIgre22eLb&sig=ACfU3U1-Yr9Lqkg5sh7AKAKckPyWQTKPMg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEuIvLvLzoAhWmJTQIHTxGArsQ6AEwC3oECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=archaeological history first peoples in western cape&f=false

There is also a lot of evidence of Bantu tribes arriving circa 300 - 500 AD.

Everything after the Dutch arrival in 1652, or even the Portuguese arrival in 1488, is native blacks being forced off their land, used as servants or slaves in mines, or discriminated against during apartheid while being the driving force of the economy (apartheid economy could not work without the extremely cheap black labor). The inward trek made by the Dutch in the 1700's displaced many black tribes (khoisan and bantu).

Pic related is an Iron Age kingdom that existed circa 435 B.C.

Thoughts, /pol?

Attached: Thulamela.jpg (540x306, 44.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bantu scum are also invaders, Khoisan are the natives dumb nigger lover

Your information is contradictory.

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There is plenty of evidence proving their existence in modern day South Africa thousands of years before whites arrived.


Portuguese arrived at symbolic time. It’s God’s will! Onward we go until we hit... JERUSALEM!!

South Africa, like any other land, belongs to whoever can take it and hold it.

I mentioned the Bantu part because a lot of people refer to a false myth that Bantu people had arrived during or after the Dutch arrived. In reality, they arrived circa 300- 500 AD.

The whites will simply lose as soon as they try anything.

What's this purported kingdom that existed in 435 B.C?

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I think you're a Khazaro-Bulgaroid who should fuck off out of Palestine, slut.

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you thought since making up the holocaust and forcing it on everyone worked so well that you could do something similar with south africa?


Says it started from approx 1240 A.D. Remember to check your sources.

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The Venda people are Bantus.

pic related.

Attached: Venda thulamela.png (781x237, 33.67K)

Right of Conquest is a thing so just fuck off.

They couldn't defend it. It ceased being "theirs" when people took it from them

It isn't theirs anymore. It now belongs to the black government who will soon take the land from the whites.

The land isn't theirs anymore and soon the government will finish off the whites by taking back the farmland they stole.

True. Apparently they found Chinese porcelain there, implying it was connected to the outside world.

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Man, you kikes really piss me off. They had already solved started to solve the problem with Bantustan, just as we had already solved our injun problem in the US. It's like you filthy rats love destroying what better men have created.

Thing is though, there's Griquas and Cape Coloureds there too.

The current blacks that live in South Africa have no claim to the land.

What do you think the best solution is moving forward? Should the blacks take back the land or should the whites form their own state? I don't think it's fair to the blacks to have their land stolen and receive no justice. On the other hand, not all the whites currently living in South Africa are horrible racists.

Read original post, blacks (including bantus) came before whites.

>Thinks Khoisan are Bantu
ok shill

The problem is the idea there's just "Blacks" in South Africa. There's many nations, ethnic groups and tribes there that don't like the idea of any particular ethnic group appropriating power for themselves.

Only the Khoisan are aboriginal to South Africa. Bantus are invaders just like Europeans and the latter were more historically violent. The Zulu themselves genocided so many tribes than when the Boers and Trekkers arrived in the Transvaal they came upon empty land since the previous inhabitants were either killed or displaced by the Zulus. Fuck SA nativist bullshit, niggers just wanna do in SA what they did in Rhodesia

Nothing belongs to you that you are incapable of keeping.

I think every ethnic group in South Africa deserves a state and should be united under a defense pact. It's the only way everyone's happy.

Whites don't belong in South Africa. Just go back to Europe and leave the blacks alone.

*meant former as the Bantus were more violent

Let them turn it into zimbabwe 2.0 why do you care? Bantus are not invaders, there is plenty of evidence above go read. also, you are contradicting yourself when you say that the whites came upon empty land, who made that land empty?

you really dont know the history of sa do you?

the problem isn't that the land was totally uninhabited its that the original tribes living on the land were killed off mostly by the xhosa and the Zulu suprisingly not the europeans. none of the major ethnic groups in sa are indigenous to sa especially not the cape, not 100% sure about the entire territory
also this lmao

It's not right for us to abuse africans as they have done nothing wrong to europeans.

If whites are invaders then so are Bantu nogs. Don't be a hypocrite you silly kike.

Afrikaners are unique to South Africa however. It's not quite "Black and White", even many Afrikaners can claim ancestry to mixed marriages between the Dutch and the various Bushmen. Fun fact, "Afrikaner" was originally a designation for mixed marriages of such ancestry.

Zulus were in South Africa long before the white man came.

The Ngini people are the ancestors of the Zulus and Xhosa, they arrived in KwaZulu-Natal circa 3rd century AD.

I mean the Transvaal circa 1st century AD.

Yeah but this history occurred before whites came, why is it any of your concern if they murdered each other?

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Bantus are invaders, and killed/displaced the native Khoisan while they did


Boers didn’t kill any Africans to get their land, the Africans did that themselves, and only due to their later involvement in Apartheid and the South African government did they get their reputation as “big bad white man”. South Africa is a violent shithole already but was faaaar worse before. Tribal conflicts between the Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi and various other groups bathed the region in blood, and those tribal divisions still split people to this day. Whites are the reason South Africa doesn’t look like the fucking Congo right now you memeflag retard.

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How it will look is not your concern the land isn't yours, get that in your head. Bantus were there before whites came so they are not invaders. Boers did 100% kill lots of native black africans when they were looking for land to steal circa 1700s - 1800s

Attached: boer trek killing.png (793x403, 53.64K)

You’re historically ignorant, 100% what I’d expect from some memeflag nigger


Try hundreds of thousands bitch.

> be Boer with senpai
> treks out and settles on empty land
> Zulu & other tribal kings claim land as their own
> get attacked
> btfo niggers with repeating rifles and horses

The absolute state

I can post many documentaries of apartheid, slavery, stolen land, and genocide. Go back to Europe pig skin.

the land was occupied but the boers stole it,

To be fair. Ever since the Mfecane, Southern Africa was incredibly unstable to the point I could've founded a little kingdom with enough courage.

He is in Europe.

I don't understand why anyone wants to live in south Africa. It's arid and shitty. Muh farmland is shitty.

>iron age
>Mud huts.
>no iron.
Africans are subhuman.
Humans weren't in Africa until white ones arrived.

i know, but it proves that natives had settled and had kingdoms. The land was not empty and unused. Can you honestly say that the land that white south africans inhabit today was taken peacefully, without any bloodshed?

>Bantus were more violent than Europeans
And what happened to the Khoisan after they came into contact with Europeans in the Western Cape?

The South African government actually makes it extremely difficult for them to leave -- they want to force them to stay as high-value labor and try to seize all of their assets if they want to emigrate.


Why does jacob zuma want to expropriate land without compensation then?

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Originally, it was a stop point for Portuguese Sailors and then the Dutch East Indian company. Settlement was largely accidental.

As a Canadian I must say we get similar shit from the natives the time.

1. There weren't enough natives to occupy the land in any meaningful way.

2. Large swathes of hinterland were simply inaccessible with out iron, roads and the wheel - settler technology. Even to day we have hinterland that is inaccessible except by helicopter because the woods are so thick and overgrown. It would have taken them 2000 years of serious intent to even set foot in many places Europeans managed to settle within a few decades of arrival.

I expect Africa is much the same.

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south africa's life expectancy went down during apartheid.


Of course not. Not that easy to achieve statehood through peace.

incorrect, south africa was inhabited with kingdoms and a advanced culture long before the white man. the natives of canada were not treated like subhumans until 1994.

Because you are bitching about whites doing the same thing the Bantus did, except they actually brought civilization and advanced technology and the like. If it weren't for Europeans, most or all nog tribes in Africa would still be warring with other nog tribes as they were long before Euros came.

Like a rock and a stick? Fucking Jewish archeology, what a joke.

you're retarded, read above replies

Exactly what I just said. Forced labor. People without assets, or whose assets are under perennial threat, are more easily forced. The South Africans are dumb and can't run their country without the Whites and they know it. They've already had poor results with Indians and Chinese.

You're living on land that used to belong to other people as well you stupid fuck.

Annunaki were there first. There's plenty of evidence. Haven't you seen ancient aliens on the History Channel? Such a credible institution wouldn't publicize just garbage so it has to be true. It really belongs to them and their ancestors.

Did you know I have an average body temperature of 35°C, that means I am not Human and I really belong in warmer regions.

>wilderness is a bad thing

Cope with what? Niggers being apes? What is there to cope? Ha ha, you have some mud mounds and think it's a. "Civilization" - but what did they accomplish? What did they do? Did they farm?
You've got a few mud mounds that span a couple acres at best.
Niggers were the first humans, right?
And yet... they accomplish the least.
Seethe more, nigger lover.

Obviously not too advanced if they got rolled by guys in covered wagons. When the Germans showed up in Namibia, which is to the North of SA, they didn't know what a wheel was.

He just said right of conquest you unironic retard

You sound like a bitch
Answer my pic

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Well if you want a ruined nigger country with more hiv than there already is. Give blacks back their land and wait for them to pray that the white man will return

Hes a German, why the fuck would he own south Africa? Seriously, you're weird.

But Blacks seem to be taking it now. Does it fall to the same right? Why not?


I see this as a win, Africa has way too many people already.

Whites are no longer in power, thus Blacks are taking the shots. Oh Yas Forumstards, stop trying to justify things or anything and just admit that you have a preference. Even if Whites invaded and destroyed Singapore you would defend them.