/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2641

► Detected: 599,294(+1,146) ► Died: 27,453(+29)
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 200 countries and territories infected —
— 46% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —


Cats might be carriers of the virus

17 year old athlete in the US dies from COVID

Riots and chaos, police fight each other in China

Chinese company amassed Australian supplies and shipped them out

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

Virus spreads before symptoms and up to 12 days after "recovery"

Virus might spread through banknotes

48% of cases originate from pre-symptomatic transmission

Asymptomatic carriers, asymptomatic transmission

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

WHO says detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

$2.4 trillion global recession expected

White House admits they lack tests

04:57: 70 new cases in Queensland, Australia.
04:56: 111 new cases in Victoria, Australia.
04:53: 212 new cases and 1 new death in New South Wales, Australia.
04:29: 190 new cases and 3 new deaths in Norway.
03:00: 146 new cases and 5 new deaths in South Korea.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 27,365
lol, still only 27,365.
How many days has it been stuck at 27,365? Four days? Five days?

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Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn under Covid-19. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get control of the toilet paper supply.

First time I see this thread not started by Argieanon, guess I woke up early

WIP of a depressed Corona-chan.

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Try drawing with your dominate hand drawfag

why she depressed anons?

That stool in the right hand corner is fucked.

Earth-chan is fucking angry, and the elites know it as well!

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are you that guy who rejected himself of cooming?

Donald, the ventilators.
Hand them over.

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who here

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How did the South African land a doctor that’s breed worthy while the simp landed buggy Mc.Bugeyes

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In your opinion, based on the evidence available so far, which scenario seems more likely to be responsible for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic?

No schizos pls. Be serious.

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surround her with a bunch of dead bodies


>But some Wuhan residents who had tested positive earlier and then recovered from the disease are testing positive for the virus a second time. Based on data from several quarantine facilities in the city, which house patients for further observation after their discharge from hospitals, about 5%-10% of patients pronounced "recovered" have tested positive again.

>Under its newest COVID-19 prevention guidelines, China does not include in its overall daily count for total and for new cases those who retest positive after being released from medical care. China also does not include asymptomatic cases in case counts.

>"I have no idea why the authorities choose not to count [asymptomatic] cases in the official case count. I am baffled," said one of the Wuhan doctors who had a second positive test after recovering.

>In February, Wang Chen, a director at the state-run Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, estimated that the nucleic acid tests used in China were accurate at identifying positive cases of the coronavirus only 30%-50% of the time.

lmao, the Chinese tests are ass. What country got a shipment of them that didn't work again? Italy? France?

Already +1,146. TB forever #2

No idea who you're talking about, user. There are so many Dane anons in these threads.

HArd since I am use both hands

I don't understand the question

STFU (you)nigger

China is a festering shithole to the point that there's genuinely no way of telling apart the 'bat eating chink' story from the 'negligently leaked bioweapon' story.

leaked bioweapon by honest mistake
second scenario would be the schizo id2020

Worldwide martial law

He's been awol for a few days now or maybe just when I'm on


spainiards did. Fucking chinks will send us all to fucking oblivion


nvm read the question wrong

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Yikes man learn perspective.

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Did that user fuck his sister?

How can we meme ventilators?

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can you imagine stocking booze for the quarantine haha who needs a bunch of liquor for days of staying at home

Gain of function Research specimen that breached containment, probably some guy selling animals marked for destruction for a quick buck


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China has completely stopped the spread, why can the rest of the world follow suit?

They been 80-82k since early March!

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My impression was that it's both, the infected lab animals were sold at the meat market which is next to the lab.


comfier than ever before, as a neet at heart who accidentally stumbled into having a family and social obligations this has been a world-class blessing. Long live queen corona-chan.


Gary!!! Where would we be without you buddy!

Already stocked for quarantine with a largely unplayed steam catalogue

>jew york almost makes up half of us cases
>la county is next to pop off not enough beds and threatening to shut power off to businesses
Comfy indeed...

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Can we get more wacky and cute antics of Ebola-chan being jealous of Corona-chan? I'm at the epicenter and their comfy is calming right now.

COuld a draw fag come up with a ventilator like with the hazmats?

It is a learning process.

I absolutely can not wait to get infected
Pic related, my Corona shrine

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What if the infected soup was brought into the lab and consumed there, and the authorities simply assumed it escaped?

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My family is starting to get depressed from the quarantine and here I am happy as can be despite warning them.

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So when 1/3 the USA population gets infected, or about 110 million, we are to expect 1.1 million deaths, "best" case scenario right?

People wanna work
People don’t wanna let them work
But they all just reinfected each other

Why so many copeposting have America flag
Is it just Trumptards or burgers actually think their country is invincible?

Same boat bud.

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China has also welded people's houses shut.
they've been taking measures that can only be done in a authoritarian, if not full blown totalitarian, regime.
the west simply can't take the same measures.

There's a psychological theory that people try to allocate responsibility to random acts, because the idea that we live in a world where senseless loss of life and violence could occur is too anxiety-inducing.

Sometimes when earthquakes, storms etc. occur people blame them on government projects and secret weapons.

Truth is, shit happens, and we're barely more than ants crawling along a heap a shit.

The CV came because it's only natural for viruses to develop, especially in close contact with other humans and animals.

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I'll be waiting for that drawing. You know the one

What if it was actually infected gerbals that infected some faggot researchers via anal insertion during gay sex

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Badass, I've got a bit of a cough going on, wheezing at night making it hard to sleep. Going to the grocery store and just fucking Touching Shit every day. I live in service of Corona-chan.

>China has also welded people's houses shut.
How do they get food to eat?

it's all the kikes and friends of kikes infesting our country. they come here to derail everything.

we'll only have to wait 2 months to see this happen everywhere comfy

America has the most cases. Dumbest country, quickest spread. Who cares what they think.

It's a bot, lad

Probably some obese rostie that smokes weed or crack. Nothing of value was lost.

Their neighbors tied some food to ropes and lowered them to their windows

Fell asleep for a couple hours can get all newsworthy current events please..

>Dumbest country
woah dude, that attack was unnecessary.

Yea this is true. It’s less traumatizing for people to believe that some secret society has absolute control and is pulling the strings. Realizing that chaos actually reigns and no one is behind the wheel is extremely panic inducing

I believe the military delivered it in hazmat suits.

Any vids from NY? I hear they're bringing in the military

Couldn't be much comfier. I am free of normalfags.

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>assuming we aren't doing it on purpose

Cute of you to assume that the authorities cared if people starved to death locked in their apartments.

>he says while thinking his government murdered gorrillions

Doesnt work on corona

when an Aussie calls you stupid, that’s really some strong grounds to pause and reevaluate life choices


Ok, cvg, who wants to be my bf in apocalyptic times?
F, 30/179/ 60, nurse, can shoot Saiga and AK, makarov and TT too.
[email protected]
Don't even bother to write if you're american, nigger or muslim.

Posting last time before i go to sleep

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My only friends are from the internet so this really hasn't been much of a change of pace

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How are they welding to keep them in if they can get food in and out can't they get people in and out.
That's what I don't understand.

Are they fucking unwelding the doors for deliveries and welding them back every time??

There's some evidence that this is a reworked version of the first sars though, a failed vaccine maybe?

Self-infection via lab worker

It's happened before and it'll happen again

>this can't last forever
>nothing to do everything closed
>lost jobs
Feels good to have listened.

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Gotta do your part to raise that curve my Corbrona

It depends honestly on if the hospitals get overwhelmed since that's the factor that pushes case mortality to or past 10% (no vents/intubation anymore). That scenario would lead to the millions of deaths results, but that's a huge if and one of the worst case scenarios. Would also lead to tons of non-corona deaths as health care systems are overrun. Absolute worst case and very unlikely but possible case scenario = more severe strain emerges from random mutation like MERS (30% case mortality at least under good circumstances with containment).

I have an acquaintance in NYC, she still think there's only a couple hundred of cases. Normies are so dumb.

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post your tits, THEN state your business you fetal alcohol syndrome dumb slav cunt

Just because Poland won’t be receive any doesn’t mean it is ineffective

Got fired from my wageslave job now this quarantine bullshit is extended to the 13th of April maybe even more, ain't gonna make it, pray for all the poorfags out there.

can someone give me an updated chart showing coronavirus vs other diseases

imagine being one of those big shot fortune tellers who broadcast predictions for the new year and not having predicted this
fortune tellers on suicide watch

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I do, offer some form of proof you're not a tranny or a honeypot first though.

I know I'm wading into deep water posting this on Yas Forums but...

A significant proportion of victims of violent rape (I mean walking home and having a knife pulled on you), go on to blame themselves.

They can either live in a world where they are never truly safe, where people can do evil things, where awful things happen to good people.


It was my fault. That means I can control it, and stop it from happening again.

Let's see Yas Forums do what Yas Forums does best now....

> double pneumonia
The fuck is that

Put through some hole I assume, like your lunch in jail

Footage from inside a Queens hospital

>all the Twitter replies to the Authoritarian Right one

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They would do the same thing here. China and the US aren't that far apart in the realm of authoritarianism.


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wow thats genius talking about math numbers of a virus which doesnt exist

npcs talking to other npcs

questioning statistics about a fake virus is actually pro-illuminati and pro new world order

because youre already defeated when you accepted that it exists

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Look at some pics dumbass the doors open like 6"

Oh thank god, I thought the coof got to you

what's the 60 for? You're too tall

>He doesn't know about the millions that have it in China.

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No, it's a well though out post that just so happens to be the same every day.

Pneumonia in both of the lungs

America is the most free country in the world (outside MAYBE Iceland), because we have the Constitution. We literally created the concept of constitutionalism.

Why does Corona chan have such a sexy body.

>millions that have it

have what?

you thought corona exists because the media told you

that didnt stop them from faking 9-11 and sandy hook

and the moon landing

when are you gonna realize how dumb u were

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Who is the simp? Also isn’t his wife a doctor from a Chinese med school? Not as simpressive.

Well yeah, sort of. Like families, classes, phyla, and all of that shit we have for biota, we have a taxonomy for viruses. This is in the same family as SARS, like Swine Flu and Bird Flu were somewhat related (I think). I assume it's just the natural order of things for viruses to mutate.

>China and the US aren't that far apart in the realm of authoritarianism.

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Normies, boomers, are about to get rekt mentally. I constantly witness how the denial is slowly washed away and less and less hope is left for normality. Makes me kek all the time

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Also, what evidence? Asking for a friend...

Put down the phone billy boy...

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Well then you can tell the virus that you have rights and infecting people is unconstitutional unless you talk to your lawyer.

Coronachan saves my life. 3 days before they shut down my school I was in GATE class fucking my fingerbox.. the resin caused inflammation and I got stuck.. it was penis inspection day.. at least I got sent home before holocaust class, and school got shut down before I went back. Thanks coronachan.

Are you the cunt from yesterday who said the virus isn't ever real but when I asked you to explain how they managed to convince everyone it exists you just called me a jew?


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Quads of lies satan
> they already made more studies and it proved no significant improvement. It may just make the illness longer

Kinda reminds me of a face hugger or head crab. Maybe put a headcrab on the man and have alyx hands with a caption like "wow so real" or some shit

Imagine sitting on here all day just waiting to get the first copypasted reply in then not interacting for the rest of the thread, waiting to hit bump limit. This is some true autism/sociopathy

Millions of people have the flu, otherwise known as covid19. Now get your panties out of a bunch and get back to work.

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maybe the real racewar was the coronavirus all along

I'd like to see those.

they convinced you it exists because it was on the news

thats literally all they have they came up with 6 gorrillian new cases every day

and thats all they did because people are so dumb and listen to anything the media tells them

not one person has it.

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what? based op baked a ton before

Please explain to me how it doesn't exist. Try not to use that reddit spacing when you do it.

Cuál es tu fuente compa?

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>long-term evolution chart
>deaths top out at 6 million

What the fuck is a finger box?

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This same family of virus in slightly different forms will just keep coming every few years or better case decades, as it has been for a while. We'd better get used to this.

So is this really happening or not ?
Think I'm going to start prepping tomorrow just in case

I've seen the most stubborn reality TV watching normies pull a complete 180 and start believing this is a bioweapon once it got to their doorstep. I've never seen anything like it.

Some David Icke tier guys on youtube.

>tfw no bunker gf

>black death wiped out 30-50% of Europe's population
>this faggy virus only kills 1-3% worldwide
Can you faggots just sop now? No societal collapse will happen. The only reason economies and society is shutting down right now is because of governments and people overreacting to this which has been blown way out of proportion. Future generations will look at us and cite this as an example of what mass hysteria does.

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they all come from china, don't they? maybe we should seriously consider nuking china. no bat soup == no coronachan foothold

With world population and density increasing, this is only going to get worse. I honestly think every 5 - 15 years there'll be a similar story. We'll get better at this, but in 30 years we'll be the boomers freaking out at home.

What else is there to do apart from shitpost on Yas Forums?

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theres no proof that it does exist


burden of proof is on you

a hospital in italy with people in the hospital they had crises actors for sandy hook

your local hospital has nobody with covid 19

you dont know anybody who has covid 19 except what you heard on tv or twitter of famous people or some shit

theres no such thing as coronavirus

its all to get the new world order running and taking over its been the plan teh whole time

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>newfag confirmed

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Its a coincidence: at peak degeneracy with naked women screaming in the streets and children being educated to take drugs and chop their dicks off, at this time the volcanoes start going off, earthquakes, and now this pandemic.
Discarnate intelligences control a lot of this, they have secret societies too.

Oh it's real. A real bad runny nose unless you have a decrepit immune system like Italians and New Yorkers. Otherwise you're getting hysteric over a cold

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>life just went on during the black death

Gary has made split threads before for the sake of getting the first post.

Thanks bud. Have another (You)

Fixed it for that autistic Argie

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>start prepping tomorrow
jej, never gonna make it

>he doesn't have a finger box

>cannot read a log chart

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holy shit ive been here since thread 1, cant believe youre still at it. Despite being a bot and all.


what if jew?

Leave it to a God damn Ger*an to ruin our fun

Sehr schön.

user, I...

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A cousin of mine has it. Not dead yet.

You can really tell its 2:25pm in china.


The irony of it is that almost all reasonable scenarios feel equally plausible.

I remain on the "it was a human error" camp as well, until some kind of Snowden-like evidence is put forth and kills all doubt.

Sometimes patterns are just that. Patterns. It doesn't mean there's any connection between them despite one feels that there is.

I still remember the bioweapon scare of the 90s. If any of you here is old enough to remember, there were a lot of movies about that during that decade. (I mean it's not like the nauseous zombie trend in the past decade or so is any different.) But the feeling was different.

Besides IIRC one of the arguments at the time against using such weapons was actually the fact that it'd be super hard to find a proper treatment/cure in time before it kills everyone. It just wasn't economical from a cost-benefit point-of-view. Well, war never is an economical and beneficial endeavour, if we really think about it.

The ID2020 scenario dumb because the elites already have almost all of the population "chipped"--who here DOESN'T have and/or USE a smartphone or a dumbphone? Everything they need to know is already there. It's a known fact that banks share cardit card data, at least in the US. It still amazes me that it still surprises some people. The data sharing economy is a huge money printing industry.

>create mindless consoomer drones whose entire existence depends on escapism
>remove escapism and consumption
>judgement day

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no its not people always get runny noses

not a single italian or new yorker has it

but everyone is afraid of it living in their house and putting masks on loooool

so they can take over the country for a fake virus

they need fake virus for people to come together to form a new world order

my wifes son has it too btw

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Nice work user

It clearly is happening, it's where I live. Whether it becomes a massive disaster with civil breakdown and mass death is completely up to our government though. If they're even slightly competent, it won't be that bad at all. Bare minimum intelligence from the government will stop it from being a big deal.

I'm a poorfag, I don't make alot, work more than 5 days a week, no vacation or paid leave.

Company closes because of rona, I file for unemployment.

Its basically my entire check, and now with the government stimulus check and the bill increasing the amount unemployed are getting, I'll be making more while sitting at home while my company is closed.

thank you corona chan

You are actually so fucked

based and saved

I made a twitter account just to watch norms in suffer in isolation, denied their drugs and parties and casual sex, but I don't know what tags to look for. Any ideas?

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this is great

What an unintelligent and ignorant statement. Do us all a favor and don't breed. We don't need anymore of whatever you are running around.

Life was already shit in the dark ages, the plauge didnt change that.
We have a lot more to lose now.
>I miss my tendies

Post more cute Korean girls

File a US tax return and tell them your an immigrant, maybe they will mail you $1200.

Three people in my small town in WI are confirmed so far. How many asymptomatic spreaders walking around?

skim through this
first few chapters should be enough for now

Go out in public more. Lick some door knobs. Show us how retarded all of us are, you know with knowing people who work in hospitals and knowing people who have actually contracted it.

Rookie numbers.

that money will worth nothing soon BRRRR BRRRRR


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Tell me, why did they invent it?

That table is fuckin huge

a small village dies everyday now in Italy and ypu call that nothing

oh wow theyre confirmed 3 people in your small town

have you met them and seen them huffing a ventilator at your local hospital

probably not

i have been

ive been driving around in my car to every nasty ghetto dollar store in my town to buy up the toilet paper and lysol and make bank for the past 3 months

while everyone is afraid of this fake virus

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What a fucking newfag

When the Black Death hit, it wiped out a third to half of the plebeian workforce. That's (You). As a result, the serfdom economical structure changed.

Dead boomers = more money for us.
Dead zoomers = a seller's labor market

The corona virus is killing everyone, and that's a good thing.

same honestly.
Its a weird feeling honestly and is one of the reasons I declined their invitation to bunker down with them.
I suspect that my elated outlook would start to rub them wrong.

forgot pic
fuck captcha

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I'm sorry.

They knew how many would die.

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>We have a lot more to lose now
NEETS don't have anything to lose user or anything to look forward to in life.

Why buy Lysol if the virus is fake?

here's to hoping coronachan ravages mexico and central america. then they can all fucking go back and stay there because there'll be so many jobs opening up.