These are democratic socialists. They are annoying...

These are democratic socialists. They are annoying, but they cannot do much more than give you a broken nose or get you fired from your job. They do not have power over you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

These are democratic capitalists. They are the real enemy and they are more dangerous because they can really fuck you over and bring your society crashing to its knees.

This seems like a good way to normies to put it, thoughts?

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>give you a broken nose

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I am a democratic socialist and I have def never given anyone a broken nose or tried to get anyone fired. Conservatives are more likely to actually try to do that shit IMO. Look at the incidence of right-wing terror attacks vs left-wing terror attacks, you'll see the right is indeed far more violent.

The right just flips out anytime anyone challenges them. Because they are so damn fragile. You're like "Hey dude, I disagree with you cuz reason x, y and z" and the conservative is like "OH MY GOD, VIOLENCE. WHY ARE YOU BEING SO VIOLENT, YOU SNOWFLAKE?"

> noses

How old are you?

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They're neoliberals whose only belief is hatred of whites.

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No. It's NOT OK. You should NOT be violent or want to enact violence on others. You should work hard to try to make the world a better place and take care of your fellow human by ensuring the Earth is plentiful and fertile and the air is clean and that everyone has a reasonably attainable and reasonably equal claim to the land and its resources

Ignoring this guy because of the bad faith leftypol style but thanks for the bump. I am actually not trying to paint all lefties with a broad brush, I am just talking to conservatives about how we can express our ideas to other conservatives.

>"They do not have power over you."
>they can ruin your livelihood
>they can assault you while police are on stand-down orders
>but they have no power over you
Okay retard.

How do you have such a childlike mindset at 35?

>They are annoying, but they cannot do much more than give you a broken nose or get you fired from your job.
Do you see this man? The man in my image OP? He was democratically elected. He was democratically elected and then proceeded to nationalize every industry, strip away the civil liberties of his people, and murdered anyone who dissented.

Just because a socialist doesn't come to power through a revolution, doesn't mean they aren't dangerous sociopaths.

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They are shock troops, or "useful idiots", but they do not have the power. It is actually funny that some of them think they have the power over the corporations who pander to them and etc. when it is so apparently the other way around.

Why is it childlike, bro?

>they have no power
>can ruin your career
>no power
Okay retard.

Obviously dsa people are a faction with some power, but ultimately they probably have their balls held by the big banks and other businesses. I don't think that "democrats/liberals are communists" rhetoric is accurate although it is more effective than some economic populists say, I agree with them it is not accurate. Globalists can't be communists in any coherent "ideological" sense if they're deeply hierarchical and hoard all the money.

Bret Weinstein said it best, these people are just pawns who genuinely believe they are on the right side of history and doing the right thing. They’re actually just being manipulated by those who don’t want to end racism and oppression, they want to turn the tables of racism and oppression onto white people and rich people.

Shut the fuck up. The left is super violent, they just institutionalize it. You kill babies, for fuck's sake. How do you think your treasonous gun control laws work?

"Lefties" like me almost always support unmitigated gun rights and usually literally think machine guns should be legal again, with no background checks.

As far as killing babies, I guess you mean abortion. Yeah. I've never "killed a baby" the problem is that I don't believe in the right of one person to tell another how to live. I don't believe in the state and I sure as hell don't believe in your judeo-christian morality, which is deeply perverted and twisted


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That's what it is. Christianity is an offshoot sect of Judaism. Objective facts, sorry if you don't like them bud.

>think they have the power over the corporations
They literally fucking do though. Amazon, Apple, Twitter, Alphabet/Google, all of them subscribe to the multiculti sjw orthodoxy.

Vampire 5e literally put in trigger warnings because SJWs complained

>"Lefties" like me almost always support unmitigated gun rights and usually literally think machine guns should be legal again, with no background checks.
>I don't believe in the right of one person to tell another how to live.
> I don't believe in the state

Then you aren't a leftie.

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Whatever. I just don't understand how you can pretend the left isn't violent. Even if you're personally not, one needs to only be in the general vicinity of a random history book to realize the left has a long history of violence that continues to this day. Any violent right-wing reaction to the left is merely an attempt to fend of the left's unrelenting legacy of violence.

Leaving aside that's a protest against Kavanaugh...

Since Social Democracy is the ONLY ideology Yas Forums will consistently shill against, while happily pushing outright communism, yes I do believe they are a threat.

Not to you, but to the bank account of your kike paymaster. Pic related, you're on the scooter...

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yes but does multiculti sjw = communism, leftism, socialism, etc.? maybe in a convoluted Yas Forums way but probably not in a way that can push the gop masses in the right direction. or maybe i'm wrong. just idk.

All of that is literally what it means to be a lefty and what is central to left-wing thinking and political philosophy. Jesus Christ.

It's not my fault is you're so naturally ignorant that you make judgements about people whom you obviously don't even know what they stand for or believe in

"The left" isn't violent. Politics are violent. You see a few videos of a few people on the streets put out there by right-wing media, and you really think "that's the left"? You really let yourself get conned by people selling you an agenda if that's what you think.

You go on /r/chapotraphouse and say "wow, these people are violent! The left is violent!". OK. Those people are fucking idiots and awful, I agree, but then come on Yas Forums and you can see objectively far more violence and it just doesn't even register to you. "Day of the rope! Kill niggers!" and that's all just totally normal and acceptable to you.

So, you know, don't tell me "the left is violent tho!" when you're on fucking Yas Forums. It's grossly hypocritical and lacking in self-awareness

Yeah, I guess we should just ignore all of the communist revolutions that killed hunreds of millions of people in a mere century. Let me guess, they weren't the "real left" right?

Lmao your mask completely fell off during this pathetic attempt yidnigger. You couldn't even stop yourself from projecting lmao
Thanks for the late night kek though

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Lmao lurk harder retard.... In fact fuck lurking, you can answer your middle school tier questions with simple google searches

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>"The left" isn't violent. Politics are violent. You see a few videos of a few people on the streets put out there by right-wing media, and you really think "that's the left"?
This is the same argument V*ush used against Ralph and it sucks because retards like him openly defend and incite that kind of violence lol. Again, like I said above, though, I don't like painting the left with a broad brush and I'm just suggesting this as a useful frame to conservatives, since there's capitalist conservatives and conservatives critical of capitalism, and I think both of them might be able to agree on a reframing like this. If demsoc is a shit brand to us then demcap could be too.

Is that really what you think? That anyone who is on the left is some violent, mask-wearing antifa? Dude, you've consumed too much right-wing media. You should know that is objectively incorrect.
IDK bud, the revolutions were one thing and usually warranted, the repressive regimes that sprang up in their wake, which I think is what you're really getting at, were not cool and were fairly antithetical to leftism, generally. I think the thing that people like you always try not to face is that those were military dictatorships and autocracies. So you're always trying to paint this record as "an issue with socialism" whereas in reality you're looking at an issue with a lack of democracy, or at least with dictatorships. You can definitely find plenty of capitalist dicatorships who were awful to their own people and murdered people. And really, I think there's a blind spot that most Americans have to the barbarism and murder and oppression that exits in this country presently. For example, cops are just wholesale executing people in the streets and not facing any consequences. Conservatives in this country openly defend such practices

honestly when you consider how every industry is staffed with the (((cabal))) i have a feeling we're gonna have to do that too. nationalize them that is, not kill people.

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It was a rhetorical question that I answered in the same post, shit for brains.

I have no idea who those people are. Obviously people who think "the left is violent!" are basing their views off of people on the internet or in some youtube videos. Usually the people on the internet or the youtube videos are young people. College kids. Teenagers. So great, a teenager said a mean thing to you and your answer is to vote for unrestrained capitalism, the suppression of human rights and economic enslavement. You know, it's a really immature way of reacting to someone saying a mean thing to you, if you think about it

They were dictatorships and autocracies because that is Marxist-Leninist doctrine. The dictatorship of the proletariat, held in trust, naturally, by tyrants. Isn't it strange how tyranny always seems to follow your philosophy? At what point does it stop being coincidence?

>or get you fired from your job.
>They do not have power over you.
Pick one.

Honestly, if you're not going to be defensive, your input is welcome, my dude. I am a capitalist but my gut has been saying for years that lefties and natsoc-ish people both have good criticisms to make of modern capitalism (i am not a nazi lol).

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this was such a bad look, a bunch of clueless women gleefully clapping in the crash of 2020.

I think you're confusing liberalism, with leftism. The hallmarks of leftism are state control of the economy, state mandated morality, limiting individual liberties, collectivism etc. All things you say you oppose.

Unless you're an anarcho-communist, in which case there's no point even talking to you, as that is an inherently impossible system to achieve.

Nationalizing to remove ((influence)) doesn't really work when they are also occupy high positions of power in government though.

Democratic socialism doesn't exist. Republic democracy or socialism - choose what has worked in history.

How would you like to go for a ride in a helicopter my fiend?

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I don't really mind if someone is an ancom in the sense that they believe the shit Chomsky is selling, but a lot of them are assholes and consoomers to boot.

I think socialism/leftism is like a dangerous virus. And we are perfectly justified in being violent toward this mental disease. We need to go back to putting communists in prison. It wasn’t so long ago that we did this.

If I tell your employer you believe in trans rights and universal healthcare nothing happens to you.

If you tell my employer I don't believe in transgenderism and don't want whites to become a minority in their own countries then there's a solid chance I get fired.

You have the backing of the elite establishment. Your views are endorsed while ours are censored. The only reason you haven't had your way yet is because the silent majority, the 'people', disagree with you at the polls.

No I’m with the other guy. A lefty opposes gun rights. A lefty wants a big “social safety net” aka big government programs that bankrupt the country. A lefty cares deeply about trans rights and the plight of illegal aliens. This is the common meaning for a lefty

>They were dictatorships and autocracies because that is Marxist-Leninist doctrine.
Marxist-Leninist. Yes. You are correct about that. Where you are generally incorrect and failing to see reality here is by thinking that Marxist-Leninists or even just Marxists = everyone on the left, or even a majority of people on the left. That's just fundamentally deeply untrue. I am pretty far to the left, and I would vote for a Ron Paul type before I'd vote for a Marxist-Leninist type.

What you're doing is like conflating Ron Paul with Donald Trump on the right. You take the authoritarian right and the libertarian right and you just try to paint them as one. If I did that to you, you'd obviously get offended and say "no no no no no, that's not what my ideology or beliefs are about!". And rightly so, and that's how I feel about what you're saying to me right now.

Both the left and the right have their authoritarian sides

Well, you JUST don't know what you're talking about. Esp on guns (pic related). In terms of the social safety net, that's not entirely accurate either, but that's far more complicated and I'd rather not get drawn into it. Trans rights has nothing to do with leftism, that's something being pushed by corporations and megabanks, mostly. Illegal aliens, same deal. Historically the left has been against immigration because it hurts workers. But yeah, I will give you a little bit of credit on that last point in saying that a lot of people on the left have capitulated on that point. I think that's wrong. I think it's fair to criticize the left on the immigration point. But you're still failing to recognize that the only reason that immigration is happening is because of capitalism and the profit incentive attached to it. Immigrants = cheaper labor and a higher GDP. You want to fix that? Fix capitalism by abolishing it. That's the only way you'll EVER stop immigration because as it stands right now you've got Republicans whispering false promises to you on the matter and then turning around and stabbing you in the back for business interests, as they've always done

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Your assertion of the "hallmarks of leftism" are completely untrue. Just factually. IDK what else to say. You just pulled it out of your butt, dude. It's completely random and made up and basically the opposite of everything most lefties stand for

>I am pretty far to the left
What actual policies are you "to the left" on? Because every position you've stated are general conservative ideals.

>Both the left and the right have their authoritarian sides
That is true. But how do you impose traditional left wing policies like wealth distribution without force? What form of leftism doesn't necessitate authoritarianism? Seriously, I'm actually quite curious now.

To be honest with you dude, I'd me a lot more tolerant of democratic socialists if they stopped being open borders gun grabbers. When someone tells me they don't trust me with the tools I'm entitled to as a man to defend myself and mine, and that they want to flood my community with strange foreigners, I turn them off and am not interested in anything else they have to say.

I believe that if the American left were willing to drop those two intolerable planks from their world view, they'd have an easier time winning elections. But the truth is, you can't do that, because the gravity of the left is such that reforming themselves along these lines makes any candidate inviable in elections. Just look at Bernie. He used to be skeptical of those two features of the modern left, but dropped his skepticism when he tried to run for President. Because he had to in order to be electorally viable.

I don't think you're completely honest with yourself about your own bedfellows.

I think the average leftist would rather have less liberty in exchange for more wealth redistribution than vice versa. Indeed, if you were to pick the liberty over the equality then in what way are you still leftist? What do you believe in that differentiates you from a libertarian?

Okay then, please share with us what policies you believe in that constitute leftism.

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>What actual policies are you "to the left" on? Because every position you've stated are general conservative ideals.
Honestly, aside from immigration, which is something that represents a really recent change, all of my policies and beliefs are characteristic of the left.
If you wanna start having more disagreements with me, you can start talking about my views on private property and why it should be abolished, or the welfare state, or the police state.

Trust me I promise you I am an extreme far lefty whackjob by the standards of any sort of normal person.
>But how do you impose traditional left wing policies like wealth distribution without force? What form of leftism doesn't necessitate authoritarianism?
OK, well that comes down to the question of private property. Private property only exists via statism. Without the state protecting these vast empires of "private" property, those empires wouldn't exist. That land would be available to everyone. No absentee property. No "landlords". No corporations, really. So the way you "impose" wealth distribution is by not "imposing" anything at all. You simply STOP "imposing" the private property. That's the libertarian lefty solution. I'm a libertarian lefty.

What you also have, in terms of all of that, is this kind of pragmatic idea that if the state is going to enforce all of this private property statism, and basically thieve the Earth from humanity in order to create the private empires for people, then yeah, maybe you should tax them and have a welfare state. The right cries "authoritairanism" but it's already "authoritairanism" that's forcing people to die for the crime of not paying rent.

For me, personally, I'm not really an anarchist. I sort of am, but not really. In practical terms, I'd be more happy with the government simply setting limits to the amount of private property it will defend. Say, more than 10 acres, and the govt just won't protect "your" shit anymore.

Yeah well the fact is that the way conservatism as we know it came to be is that it grew out of backlash to the civil rights movement. We had a very left-wing country from leftover FDR policies that created a booming middle class. Wealth was spread evenly across people. And so people started supporting the civil rights movement. Then we even got LBJ and the "great society", which pretty much would be considered "full communism" by today's standards. But white Americans were getting fed up with the civil rights stuff. Republicans wanted to win elections without representing the economic interests of the working class, and realized the way they could do that was through racial politics.

So that's how our current political paradigm got laid out. And it's still happening today. You need to choose to vote for your race or your class. If you choose to vote for race, you won't see any practical benefits though. Pic related. Republicans will pander to you without any real interest of solving the immigration problems, then go behind closed doors and laugh about how foolish and easy you were to manipulate. I don't say this to insult you, because I UNDERSTAND the racial tensions and problems of this country, but I'm just saying this is the reality
>Just look at Bernie. He used to be skeptical of those two features of the modern left, but dropped his skepticism when he tried to run for President. Because he had to in order to be electorally viable.
Yup. I agree. I think Bernie still adheres to the classically left-wing positions of being anti-immigration deep down, but he def bent the knee and pandered to politics in order to get elected. And it didn't even work for him. That's one common thing among politicians. It fucking blows
>I don't think you're completely honest with yourself about your own bedfellows.
That's not true. I would just ultimately say that class is the bigger divider than race, even if race is also a divider, in the end. Class is still bigger.

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Ill never forget the time a coworker brought up politics in the most NPC orange man bad kind of way. It was about the impeachment and how trump was gonna go to jail yada yada. I said it was all bullshit and she just froze. Her eyes got batshit crazy wide and in utter shock she said "YOU ARENT A TRUMP SUPPORTER, RIGHT??!? RIGHT???" i just replied "yep i am"
Now by this time she actually was literally shaking. She looked back and forth to everyone around us as if somebody else would back her up or sum shit. I politely said its just politics and no big deal ect ect. Just ending the subject since i could tell she was about to explode. Her face turned straight dog-dick red and then it happened...
She fucking starts screeching and screaming in my face "POLITICS IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU FUCKING YOURE A FUCKING RACIST PIECE OF blah blah blah..." Just completely losing her shit. Whaling like a rabid animal in its final death throes. Whole place is staring at us and right when my boss walks over she spit in fucking face. Nasty ass bitch probably sucked off thousands of niggers. Boss fired her on the spot and we all laughed our fucking asses off as she was getting her shit lol

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The wealth redistribution for a lefty isn't really about "free stuff" like conservative say. It's about the theft of the land and the fact that capitalism forces people to pay rent to live. You shouldn't need to PAY to exist. Your right to exist IS natural and inborn, in the mind of the lefty. So that is right and freedom #1. If you're going to say to someone "you need to pay rent to live" then the lefty is gonna say "you better have a welfare state then". It's not about handouts though. If you want to say "OK, well no welfare and no private property" then the vast majority of lefties will support that. The VAST majority. At least once you get to the far left.
>What do you believe in that differentiates you from a libertarian?
The concept of private property creates the biggest divide between left-wing libertarians and right-wing libertarians. Right-wing libertarians love their private property, which sort of makes them purveyors of the status quo and defenders of a lot of problems we have in our society. Not all of them. I don't really have anything against genuine, good-natured right-wing libertarians who have a cohesive vision for a more positive future, but ultimately they are hugely wrong on the private property issue. Also some of them want to abolish welfare and social safety nets in the context of a world where people still need to pay rent to survive. IDK, that is wrong.

And also, in practice, I would support expanding social safety nets BECAUSE of the statism of private property. So even though I don't think it's what's ideal, or "right" or "utopian" or whatever, as a practical matter because I know we're gonna have private property for the foreseeable future, I would support greatly expanding the welfare state and single payer healthcare and so forth.

So you see, there are some big differences.

I'm not crazy about the Republican Party either. And I know they yank our chain on immigration. They sold us out on that for corporate sponsorship. They sold us out on a lot of things. It's a party of greedy functionaries and I'm not here to defend them. But one whiff of what the left is selling these days is enough to drive any healthy white American back into their arms, which is, of course, what they count on. And yet the left keeps feeding that expectation.

Another problem with democratic socialists is that, much like outright Marxists, you guys view the world entirely through a materialist lens, but life is more complicated than economics. This is why you're always so mystefied that poor and middle class whites "vote against their economic interests." It's not that they're voting against their economic interests, it's that their voting for their other, non-economic interests, because they, unlike you, are not die hard materialists, and see the world through a prism with more colors than black and white.

Racial tensions rise as whites become less and less racially dominant. To think this can be washed away with talk of class struggle is buffoonery, man. People don't operate that way. Nobody wants to feel like a stranger in their own land, which is exactly what whites are increasingly apt to feel as their country becomes unrecognizable through mass immigration.