so what is the actual PROBLEM introduced by trans people
>inb4 ""people""
So what is the actual PROBLEM introduced by trans people
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If you want to wear a skirt, and be as gay as an Englishman's cousin, that's fine.
Just don't follow it up with unprotected sex with a straight person and spread disease to us, or expect me to call you a woman because you wear a skirt.
You can be mentally ill all you want, just dont expect me to share your delusion even when biology disagrees with it.
see though there's hostility there, and like that's the thing I don't really get.
just leave children alone, there is no real science there to justify stopping puberty it just seems like a half thought out attempt to destroy people before they even get a chance to be people
Do whatever you want, faggot
Just don't get upset over me calling you a faggot
extrapolate on that, bro, because I've heard this and wanted to know more about exactly what you mean. Are you talking about AIDS?
shut up meme flagging fag
I get that point of view. Like, yeah people really shouldn't care about if people call them names and shit, but you can see why people would be right? Like, literally the only reason to call someone a faggot would be to upset them. Not like that some evil thing or something, I do shit like that too, but is that the only reason you do it, or defend doing it?
Sage in all fields
BTW all faggots need to be shot
I think you may be misinformed. I thought exactly what you think, but there really isn't a whole lot that people do other than let their kid dress as the other gender. The puberty blockers and shit are pretty crazy, though. Those do come later, but I don't really like that shit so much either. It can really effect the kid
This. And don't push your lifestyle on everyone else. Keep it in your clubhouse.
They fucking freaks and cucks are going to try to get you fired from your job if you don’t play along with them. That’s the problem. They should have a right to chop their dick off and put it inside their own ass if they want but I also should have the right to say it’s disgusting.
In what ways do you feel a lifestyle has been or is being pushed on you? I'm seriously asking because I don't personally notice much publicity regarding trans people, but I live in the south so it might have a lot to do with that
literally first results for "lgbt" and "std":
They're a mix of coomers that managed to wank their way into a case of autogynephilia, narcissists/borderliners that get off on being able to force the world to say up is down whenever they want, or tragic autists that think popping pinks is the only way they'll find a place in the world. They're an illness, a disease. All highly mentally ill and needing help. HRT is modern-day lobotomizing with how barbaric it is. That doesn't even get into how their very presence is an affront to common sense.
What about the people with gender dysphoria who feel legitimate distress and dread until they manage to transition to something resembling the body they feel they should have?
weak minded and/or genetic dead ends
Okay so the problem introduced is they contract STDs. I can understand why that'd be a problem for those people, but I can't see where that is introduced on a societal level. Or is the problem beyond a societal thing?
Also, you seem to think I'm debating you. I just haven't ever had a serious conversation with someone who hardcore hates trans people, so I wanted to. I seriously just wanna know why you think the way you do
Well of course they're genetic dead ends. They're voluntarily castrating themselves. It's kind of orthogonal to the original question though.
Don't worry, I'll be calling you faggot behind your back too.
I get why you personally don't think the lifestyle is beneficial, and why it is in fact harmful. I do not understand where the actual problem is generated from the perspective of the general public.
They need to learn to live with what they are through therapy. It's all in their head and should be treated as such.
Plenty of things "in people's heads" get treated with more than therapy. Depression and anxiety have a multitude of behavioral and chemical treatments available; what's wrong with deploying the same thing for gender dysphoria?
Need is an interesting word, because it implies grave consequences if it isn't fulfilled. What do you see those as being? Suicide? Is that where your passion stems from? Concern?
I don't have an issue with trans people, I don't get too caught up in the pronouns either.
However, if a transman tries to tell me that they are literally a male, I will tell them they are wrong; because they are. But that's less of problem with trans people in more of a problem with wrong people.
Honestly and wholehearted, you are damaging yourself needlessly. You will not find happiness pursuing this road. Improve yourself, improve your community and your family. I can not imagine a more heart-breaking thing than watching your son or daughter willingly and deludedly castrate themselves.
They convince people that its okay to kill themselves.
>what is the actual PROBLEM introduced by trans people
Pic related.
It's a problem because it's poison spread by the Jew. Like yourself. Meme flagging kike.
It's not something anyone needs to be doing.
Again, it's societal poison. Propaganda meant to spread a mental illness for which the cure is mutilation. You've done this before.
And you paid for it before too. Why do you insist on playing the same games in the same way with the same eventual results?
Are you that suicidal jews? Fine by me.
I definitely get that. That makes sense to me. I also feel an urge to correct people when they're wrong, and do so with little shame if any. I don't see it as wrong to correct people, or even be smug about it while doing so.
However, I also think it is at least mildly unfair to claim that someone is wrong when using differing definitions of terms. regardless of whether or not it is the true definition, when a trans person says they would like to be a man, they mean that they would like to be a person with the general characteristics associated with the male sex in modern western society. The only thing wrong with that is their use of the term man.
I'm not transgender
>when a trans person says they would like to be a man, they mean that they would like to be a person with the general characteristics associated with the male sex in modern western society
I know how to cure that.
real trans are fine and rare. meme trans are nuts. ladyboys are a fetish. drag queens are gay. pol is obsessed with ladyboys, queens and meme trannies. real trans are as fucked over as ever. gender roles are retarded. clothing mandates are retarded.
>I'm not transgender
No you're a Jew. It means you're a rat.
And it also means your women love fucking niggers.
Your intention is to deceive, you literally call yourselves traps. Why is it the cis opinion doesn’t matter you when you’re after cis people and use cis spaces. We don’t want you? Then you yell bigot.
There's no amount of surgeries or chemical treatments that will actually quell gender dysmorphia. It's the same reason we don't give steroids out to people when they say their natty limit is too small. There's not a point where someone with gender dysmorphia will look in the mirror and be satisfied with the changes they've made to themselves
Real shit, user.
>so what is the actual PROBLEM introduced by trans people
they are the problem that needs to be exterminated
Where to start...
>Feeling up kids and putting on strip shows during story time at a public library
>Grooming your kids and taking them to strip clubs to perform for faggot sex predators
>Legally forcing parents to pump their kids full of HRT meds the moment one of them expresses even the slightest interest in becoming the wrong gender to a teacher, social worker or other liberal activist
>Sending people to jail for misgendering or being ignorant of the latest made up pronoun
>Attacking and attempting to murder random people during an HRT psychosis episode.
Plenty more than just this
They won't fuck dudes that see them for what they are, rather than pretend they are an actual woman. Sorry dude, you're hot but it's still gay and you have a dick.
>that will actually quell gender dysmorphia.
Thats not true though. I started hormones roughly 6 years ago and i can honestly say i went from feeling super dysphoric all the time to the point where i was extremely depressed/suicudal, to now being at a point where i rarely ever feel dysphoric and my mental health has dramatically increased. Hormones saved my life :)
they are sexual predators and spreaders of disease and deviance.
More precisely, I mean why ARE they a problem.
>to now being at a point where i rarely ever feel dysphoric and my mental health has dramatically increased
> Mental health dramatically increased
I noticed how you didn't deny that you still have the problems which you do. I figure his point still stands.
I call people faggots and niggers for all kinds of reasons. Stop being so sensitive, the world is a cold and awful place. You are so fucking privileged, even as the most underprivileged person in Western society it makes me sick to hear the complaints and whining. Niggers are being swarmed by locusts in Africa, have to drink water out of cow shit, and eat each other for sustenance. Life is really good in the West, quit your bitching nigger.
>I noticed how you didn't deny that you still have the problems which you do
It went from all day every day to maybe 20 minutes a month. If thats not an extreme improvement I dont know what is. His point is moot. Obviously there is no cure, treatment is meant to alleviate gender dysphoria and thats what it did for me.
have you ever talked to a stranger?
when your parents said “don’t talk to strangers” did you not understand?
world craves blood my dude
blinders don’t make it better
Okay, yeah aside from me being a snowflake faggot liberal cocksucker retard, what is the actual purpose of pointing it out each time you see it? Or calling people names behind their backs? Like I said, I'm just asking why you think the way you do, I don't need any advice on anything.
>I mean why ARE they a problem
Because it's a Jew invention meant to be poison and confuse the family, which is the backbone of society. If they can convince the goy to be gay they will. And if they can convince the goy to chop their cocks off permanently they'll certainly do that too.
Jews corrupt the mind. Society. The world.
It's what they're bad for.
also quit coming onto me
I get that it feels bold daring and exhilarating for you, but to me it feels like I have been dropped two social statuses and need to start collecting scalps for grandma
They treat everyone like they're morons and act like no one knows they're really a man. Then they expect us to really take their side against science and keep up with their bullshit. When we don't we're labeled hateful.
We all have personal issues and shit we need to get past. Take care of it on your own without involving the innocent public and expect them to continue the charade. Grow the fuck up and keep your shit to yourself. I've got enough to deal with without involving myself in a weak person's losing battle with they're own inner demons.
People are naturally hostile? Is that what you're getting at? That makes enough sense, I guess. Trans people are an easy target, and people are looking for targets. At least something to be mad about
Its the slippery slope buddy, first you let people be fags together then pedophillia is legal. I have no problem with adults making these sorts of decisions with themselves or other adults but the shit being pushed onto children isn't hearsay its happening. I get the whole dysmorphia (they keep trying to co-opt the term dysphoria but thats for things like schizophrenia where people literally dissociate with themselves and not their bodies) thing but the science isn't there to justify doing that to childrens bodies
they're a problem because of the shit people try to do under the guise of "helping" if this is truly body dysmorphia than its the only one where its "treatment" to buy into the delusion you wouldn't tell someone with anorexia or bulimia to "keep the pounds off" would you? The why tell someone who thinks they're a woman its ok to get surgery to castrate themselves?
not everything is about you user
its a natural part of us that detects social status and sickness
we are naturally hostile, especially to things that may lower social status and spread sickness,
you can try to change this paradigm
but then you will recreate the 2010’s and we will end up where we are today.
Yeah I kinda have to agree. Trans people are pretty dismissive. Not like I don't get it, certain things can make you pretty edgy. I just don't hang around dismissive people if I can help it
I call people niggers and faggots to their face like a man. There isn't one friend I have that I haven't called a nigger, regardless of race. I also never called you any of those adjectives, stop projecting. You are just a weak person that blames others for your problems, instead of making the world your bitch. I think the way I do because I have a soul, and it is aflame. You clearly do not have one, and the flames await you in the afterlife.
Saying inb4 doesn't exempt you from criticism. They aren't people, and they never will be. They're disgusting, mentally ill genetic dead ends
Same as faggots. They don't keep to themselves they flare their insane beliefs at our faces like "LOOK AT ME I'M A FAGGOT". It's degenerate. I don't go around faggots shoving my cock at their face "LOOK AT ME I'M STRAIGHT". Fucking attention whores.
They're mostly straight men and lesbians, not really disease vectors
I am not a trans person.
However, your personal values have been indicated to me, and I respect that you were honest and not tried to shroud your beliefs in political prowess. You simply think they're freaks. I mean, by the modern definition of "freak", they kinda are. I don't personally think that's a bad thing, but you do, so you don't like them. Seems fair to me. Thank you
I have a friend I have known since I was a child who converted to trans
I will frequently point out inconsistencies in their behavior and try to bring up what people around them may be thinking
they will take this personally
I don’t mean it personally
I mean it because they ought to be aware of the landmines they place for themselves.
If you keep walking around in search of love its going to eat you.
an entire holybook dedicated to consent won’t save you from a hungry and vengeful world
nor will a loving and caring community
especially if you are just a confusing mouth to feed
Them existing is the problem.There is 0 benefit in it for them, their family, friends and anyone they will ever come into contact with. It's literally a man made disease.
They're a burden on society in every way possible. Any issue that exists will be easier to solve without having to care about this stupid issue.
People who believe they're trans are just mentally ill people and should be treated as such.
Erasure of actual women, taking up resources meant for women
Upholding gender stereotypes by saying " i like dresses and make up therefore i am wahmen"
Men using a mental illness as cover to push their autogynephilia fetish on everyone in public.
the indoctrination of children, experimentation and sterilization of children, and it's not a far leap from "my child can choose their gender, if they want kids in the future, and what kind of genital construction they want at less than 10 years old" to "children can consent to using those genitals for sex you bigot"
I never used to care if someone was gay or trans, now i say just gas them all. i'm tired of this shit.
So you make prejudice remarks to remind people that others would make prejudice remarks in that instance as well? I can see that. The problem is one experienced by transgender people, and your problem is only with concern for them. Fair enough
The fact that we are legitimizing a mental illness. 99.9% of these "trans" children just need guidance.
Lots of children like dogs. If you told a 5 year old who like dogs, "hmm, you know some people are really dogs on the inside", that would confuse the fuck out of him. Before, it wouldn't have even crossed his mind.
Also, xenoestrogens disrupting gender identity.
These people are mentally ill. Going along with their delusion is like telling a paranoid schizophrenic his delusions are valid.
This too. The fact that I have to call a man Xe or faced being fired, sued, and socially outcasted is beyond fucked up. They are controlling the words you are allowed to say.
From one Tranny to another, a lot of hate doesn't come from a completely unfounded place. Nobody likes to be forced along an agenda, especially one that literally spits in the face of reality. If the left didn't push acceptance on to the populace or try to actively recruit young people, I know many would stop caring as they believe in your rights to personally medicate/express yourself, as long as your not infringing on there rights ala calling a fag a fag.
The denial of rapes and molestation's doesn't help, being born with a predisposition to feeling trans is quite possible but to ignore the prevalence of mental health issues and abuse among the trans population is quite off putting. Why not just be honest and accept what we are, feminized males.
Which is ok in its self, but the other half is forcing people to conform to a delusion which is wrong to do.