Daily reminder that Bezos is dating a tranny

Why are élites so much into satanic tranny shit? Dumping some pics

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>tfw you just finished sucking your tranny's cock

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Imagine believing those are feminine hands

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why do Wh*te men have such bad taste?

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Full bogged tranny: pic related

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I wonder how much the split up will cost him. She is deteriorating rapidly and she’ll have to be making an exit soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a fatal accident one of these days, really.

Satanic demon

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Proof latinas are the best waifu's. Imagine wanting an asian GF and the flipping out when you see an asian to white coupl.e

He is merging
you can not understand what is going on yet but it is necessary, one step of many, 23705 years in the making
this is a blessed event

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It's another Micheal Obama again: fake identity, lack of young photos, the usual muh I was with "her" in highschool
Imagine unironically believing this thing is a woman

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Pls explain

They’re bottoms. Bezos likes it in the booty

Would you fuck Zuckerberg every day for the rest of your life for a billion dollars?

Only a bat eating, dog roasting, bug munching, Chinkoid was willing to do it.

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because there's something about being able to fuck a tranny's anus while they have a nice big cock hanging down. The tranny is a mix between male and female which creates the ultimate sexual beast.

>no womb
>no risk of having a kid
>no child support to pay
is Bezos, dare I say it, based as fuck?

wow, poor guy

these people have billions and they date the most ugly females...he could at least date some hot japanese trap or something, wtf.

When you're that rich, everything is aboot physical value.
Satan is all aboot materialism.

please calm down, Mrs. Bezos

Its simple, kill the batman

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Yeah obviously, but why?

Why the FUCK would you leave your tall qt wife for a freak beaner? This baldo is supposed to be smart

>rything is aboot physical value.
Then shouldn't he be choosing super 20 something top model instead of spic trannies?

Because former wife didn't have a huge cock and strap ons get weary really quickly?

Zi blackmailed him while he was still married. It was all over the news for like a solid month user. Zi probably has even worse stuff on Bezos than the sex pictures zi gave to zer brother.

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Imagine what this means for men if one of the richest man in the world can‘t do better than a heap of plastic.

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she's just a goblina

Also, the braaaap fetish?
>I want to smell you
>you are a real woman

Well it doesn't really mean shit because everyone lives their own life

The g-spot is there my dude


I envy him

lol yeah imagine that

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Yep that thing is a tranny


i doubt he has a choice.

Why is the strong, square jaw on the person wearing a dress?

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She is just an extremely ugly woman with a ton of plastic surgeries. His first wife was also ugly af

Correct. People don't understand that nobody with that much money and influence is allowed to do their own thing.


It might be a tranny but if you think about it, it really doesn't matter if it's a tranny or not, cause she/he sure as hell is fucking ugly and full of plastic like a tranny.

What makes me shocked is Jeff is filthy rich, makes no sense

What a degenerate, I can't wait for Barron to hang him when he's Emperor. Imagine leaving the mother of your 5 children for some cut up granny whore

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Deep down inside he doesn't believe he deserves a pretty woman with a sweet personality.

Looks like an old prostitute

Based and red pilled

Yes. Its a brilliant strategy.

test supplements rot your brain, makes you do dumb shit

these demon possessed minions of satan have handlers not wives/gfs

That's because she is.

Every time I see him I think he must be Ted Cruz's son, and not Trump's.

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And what is his name?

Let's dig up some dirt on that tranny

I bet he's personally tried every sex toy amazon sells

He left a pretty wife for that Rocklord-looking troll.

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His ex-wife was so much better looking, WTF was he thinking?

I can't wait to play his new MMO 'New World Order'
Shit looks illuminating

If there ever was proof that money doesn't buy you taste.

Is it just me or does bezos look way better bald


biblically the rebirth of Eve, who rides the Great Dragon, hearlding the end of times, is supposed to be the transfer of essence from masculine to feminine.

He does look like an arch nemesis of Superman

>penis and boipucci, truly the best of both worlds
>no nasty period blood or PMS
>zero chance of pregnancy and child support
>like minded companion and not just some money hungry roastie
>a benis you can grip onto for stabilization when pumping
>can give best bj's since they share anatomy and know what's best
How many of you have taken the shemale pill yet?

Zuckercuck ain't white.

Whats wrong with his eyes? He looks like strabism

>beard growing
>shitty smell everywhere
>hormone induced hysteria
Yeah, no thanks you faggot

No man does

Imagine being the richest man in the world and wanting to fuck that.

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