Why are women like this? It’s so cringe and obviously a cry for attention.
Anyone else see nurses coming out of the woodwork begging for attention?
Yeah I’m seeing this a lot as well. Disgusting attention whoring
Somebody call the wambulance a female had a bad day
they start quitting due to emotional overload
Pro tip. Nurses have the best ghost stories.
She cute. Is it bad to jerk off to these pics these whores post on media?
lets hear some
Not at all. In fact I bet she would appreciated a nice dick pick too
They should at the very least post tits. Social media was a mistake.
>blue hair
No thanks, I'll go to another emergency room
Women are essentially children. They crave to be patted on the back for everything they do. Get used to it, because it won't change anytime soon.
There were videos of Chinese nurses breaking down back in December. You guys should've seen this coming.
It's a well known fact that women believe they will actually die without attention.
I honestly love this new meme. How often do you get to see women's faces so badly bruised?
A lot of nurses get in to the work because it pays well and they don't have to work much. Obviously times like these will overwork them and many will not like it. They didn't sign up for this.
Doctor here. Nurses are the biggest martyr complex, I am a hero, facebook profile picture editing "I can't stay home, because I'm a NURSE" people in history.
I love them, but god dammit they need to calm down.
looks like she wiped her patient's shit under her eyes like a football player
This is only your nurses. Our nurses are grim figures of pure professionalism and seriousness.
post some, I need me some /x/ rn
He's not wrong though
All of you faggots ITT better hope those nurses don't quit their jobs. I bet you homos would if you were in their shoes
>thanks Internet
>now I have a tired nurse fetish
It's hard being a nurse these days, especially when they lack equipment to even protect themselves.
It hasn't even been 3 weeks... Weak and attention starved
Remember the Chinese nurse that declared herself a hero and said that China should assign a bodybuilding Chad as her boyfriend after her work is done?
Oh no you mean greys anatomy isnt real?
My mom is a nurse and has been bitching about how the younger nurses are sitting around doing jack shit.
My sister is a phlebotomist. She went to draw some guy's blood the other day and there was diarrhea sprayed everywhere and there was a toilet like 10 feet away. She had a mask on and didn't smell it, so she ended up getting some on her shoes. I bet that's worse than what that woman's whining about.
as in quitting without notice and ghosting their employer
Tits or STFU
When I feel like shit I don't take a selfie of myself. Who are these dumb cunts kidding?
> why are women attention-seeking cringe monsters?
user, I....
Very cool, but make sure to leave everything as you found it or your dad will be pissed.
in a few days/weeks you will cry for a person like her.
Oh shit, and another one bites the dust
And another one gone
And another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Wuflu might get you too
Another one bites the dust
Dunbfuck, maybe they want people to take this virus seriously. She is showing her face at its worst. If it was for attention, she would make her self look good. You deserve a slow death from Covid you obese prick. How do I know you're fat, because you posted this thread.
yes. they were insecure roasties before.
now they are entitled roasties. fake news it to blame... for exaerrating this mess.
She just needs some white dick
I feel like they’re trying to make the pandemic about them. The moment something gets more attention than them, they begin to panic and cry out
You can see the retardation in her eyes, you don't even need to focus
I'm gonna be a nurse soon. What am I in for working with roasties?
They are always like that, I've dated nurses and they are all extremely fucked in the head. I'm not sure why.
phlebotomists are my favorite because they give me food in exchange for my too much blood
Kek that nigger on bottom right.
OP is faggot
these women are far more essential to the well-being of our nation than any NEET whining about women on a Kamchatkan dildo-molding forum
Stay salty virgins!
Why the last man has 3 legs?!
this is why i dropped out of nursing...females are annoying pissy fucking cunts. Honestly if you are a guy, go to medical school or another field. Female nurses eat their young and are insufferable.
nurses are notoriously dickhungry
>see more
No thanks bitch.
It’s because they work long shifts in a high stress environment so they become delusional after getting little to no sleep.
Yes they did sign up for it, there job is to care for the sick not post pics on social media showing how "brave" they are.
What’s your specialty?
I have. >50% of our patients who are intubated are unlikely to come off vent according to experiences out of WA, LA, and NYC.
I use FB to do the same thing everyone who knows what the fuck is going on should be posting: telling people to stay home.
I don't need people's attention to do my job well.
There's some cool ones. The problem is nursing is a useful job which earns rightful social capital and makes good money. So you get your normal girl and add a sense of (partially earned) entitlement. You'll also get the "nursing model" of medicine which is hilariously dumb. Lastly, prepare to be asked to lift anything and everything.
Male nurses are all cool
Pulmonary and Critical Care.
Yeah, no way I would risk her thinking I raped her by smiling at her or something. She'd probably overdose you on something and make it look like an accident.
Female nurses are there to get fucked by male colleagues and doctors. They rarely produce anything useful. Mostly drama whores.
t.Male nurse
a doctor friend of mine said that everyone but the nurses understand to stay at home if they get sick. he said he constantly has to tell them off. I guess they all want to be "brave heroes" and post shit like this, even if it means people might die because of it
God damn can that bitch be anymore dramatic just from three sentences to begin her attention whoring virtue signalling post?
When a girl gets a kid it's just over. You will be nothing more than a servant to her. Fucking bitches.
On the insane scale, they are basically strippers.
With that awful handwriting i actually believe you.
Generally speaking, he's right
damn this nigga couldn't even finish. got beaten by a bunch of ladies lol
Same brand of people who post thin blue line pro cop shit on Facebook. Moralfag normies cry about everything.
In case anyone wanted to read the post for more context
Chill the fuck out she’s an ER nurse god bless her but she could lose the dyed hair
fuck off simp.
They are getting paid a lot, if they didn't want to treat something that could get them infected, they should have learned how to code
Do the curtains match her pewbs?
Most issues involving women can be solved if they had a dick in their mouth
I have hundreds of n95 masks available for med professionals at the cost of one blowjob each. Females and convincing traps only, please.
If there is a thing woman like it's to bitch about others while braging how they are differents.
"Oh other women are so boring and bad, that's why I have lot of males friends".
In reality most of them are the same grown-children who want attention to have their dose of oxytocin.
why is the WE and hospitals so creepy? I've been there a handful of times and it's all the nurses ans staff laughing and shooting the shit juxtaposed against the agonizing screams and moans of sick people. It's incredibly surreal and off putting
Based Ивaн
The ancient Greeks would treat viruses by placing hot bags of oats around the body and keeping the body temperature high for long periods.
Why aren't you useless cunts doing that?
Every time I get a virus I have multiple hot baths a day & pile on the blankets in bed and it clears up in no time.
>doctor complaining about personality complexes
that's rich
Shucks. I was hoping it was surgical because my surgeon is pretty young and based and I tend to think he browses here.
Do you ever dream of fucking one in k e of those old school white one piece uniforms with the hat and the orthopedic shoes? Hot.....,
Umm... They have always begged for attention. You are just noticing it more, as it is getting more attention.
They're just using the circumstances for more "looks."
Who even thinks about women?
Bunch of coomers ITT
Hahaha I didn’t notice it till seeing this
Our hospital was hacked by ransomware a while back. We had to shift to paper charts. A brand new nurse (granted she was stressed) started crying when she tried to read mine lol.
Eh, If she focused a little bit less on herself she's got a good story. Whatever, I guess. The overall message is good: we're in trouble.
Here's the problem: our hospital is going to run out of ventilators. That means every other person with a heart attack, trauma, heart failure, COPD exacerbation that progresses to respiratory failure, status asthmaticus requiring vent that shows up after every vent is occupied will die.
It's not just the people showing up with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that will need a vent. They'll also need it. They'll also die. If grandpa is over 80, we'll stop giving them vents.
You get used to it. People moan. We close the doors. We try to give meds if we can. But meds have side effects. So you do your best and cope with humor.
Fevers are okay to a point. Then you get diminishing returns.
Found the nurse
He probably does.
fake and gay. I have a female nurse friend, and I asked her about all the dead people in hospital, ghosts and their night duties. She said she doesn't believe in any of that, and it gets old because they have to do it everyday.
The biggest trashed is that people should be thinking police for their service, but instead are thanking nurses s.m.h.
I foresee many years of women telling you how they bravely combatted this global pandemic
ITT: Cuntlets who didn't have the physical or emotional constitution to stay in the ICU for 20hrs while their family member were dying and give respect/&or heckle the nurses taking on the job.
Jews are saints.
>Lastly, prepare to be asked to lift anything and everything.
I already work as a private caregiver and I'm swole. I have this image in my head that male nurses are jocks who never had plans after their high school sports career didn't go well and mellowed down with the assholery
On related note, what's the demographics of white doctors? I swer I only see nosebergs and middle easterners aside from indians.
>She cute. Is it bad to jerk off to these pics these whores post on media?
next tuesday everyone will go onto their doorstep at 8pm and jerkoff in praise of nurses everywhere
Ghost stories are for faggots who can't cope with the finality of death
Do it the asian way. You are her dog before the marriage then you beat her when she is annoying.
What the fuck is a simp? I'm not into normie memes
Basically what you said. I work as a computer programmer. We have one woman who works here who literally does nothing. That sounds like I am exaggerating. I'm not in the least. I can't think of a single thing she has ever done. Sure, she gets work assigned to her. She never does it though. Someone else ends up doing it. Most of the time she'll get a very trivial task assigned to her. She admits she can't do it, and asks someone for help. She spends the entire time feigning stupidity, even to the point of pretending like she doesn't know how to use the mouse. She makes it as difficult as possible so that you'll give up trying to help her and just do it entirely yourself. Lately though, she hasn't even gone this far. The past couple of tasks assigned to her, she just flat out lied and said they were done. She had one task that she was supposed to have finished in January. I found out today that she just lied about it and hasn't even started on it.
I'm not a complete sexist. I do think there are some good women who have the drive and motivation to be a part of the workforce, but they are a minority. 80% of women who are in the workforce absolutely don't belong there. They collect a paycheck just for showing up.
You actually take seriously anything a woman says? I love women for who they are but I would never try to rationalize anything that they told me.
I spent my whole life as a skelly, then my military service put some meat on my bones. But not quite fat yet my dude. My wife is a nurse and is the one who complained to me about her entitled attention whore peers, so try again nigger dick lover
I'm white. I feel you there. Depends on the specialty. Lots of poos in my specialty (it pays a lot and they like it) but a good mix of whites. You'll find the most white doctors in surgical subspecialties (especially CT surg, ENT, and Ortho). Peds and Family still has a good amount of whites. IM is full minority mode.
Why are all nurses fat?
Are these pricks fucking serious? I know there is a shortage of ppe but fuck.
>diminishing returns
By artificially raising the body temperature you reduce the strain on the body as it's not having to raise it's own temperature.
After that you just need to keep them hydrated.
God modern doctors are so trash.
I realized I can make more in another field while not being a slave.
I'm a nurse that works at an ICU, can confirm almost every nurse on my FB feed is talking with the "I can't stay home" when there's barely any corona cases in our hospitals yet
I literally work in national security lol
Can't wait to hear your dumb ghost say the same shit once Covid ravishes your entire country.
truth, ex gf was a nurse for a retirement home for dementia patients
You're looking in the wrong places. Pediatric and EM nurses tend to be fit. Floor nurses tend to be obese because they sit on their asses for prolonged periods of time.
I'm amenable to this idea, it's not just accepted modern practice. Just show me an actual trial and i'll buy it.
Same. We have 10 people intubated. We're only at 75% ICU capacity. It's going to get worse, we should save the FB posting for after the crisis is over.
Because they make all the male nurses do the physical work.
>being on Yas Forums
>believing things you cannot validate
Meanwhile during WW1 20% of the population of France (so 40% of the males) was on the battlefield and millions died lol.
Female break down for a faggot little flu that kill almost dead old people.
>old school white one piece uniforms
Way before my time. Only ever seen uniforms like that in old photos of the the hospitals founding. That being said scrubs are linked to sex in my mind now. Its fairly awkward but knowing how easily it is to just pull them down in a closet somewhere really gets me going.
Maybe I'm just anti-social, but I can;t stand this stuff. I would feel ashamed participating in this, and instead ask that a standard message go out.
Let the poor mongoloids LARP. Its all they have user.
fiancee is a crybaby attention whore nurse. Inb4 hate, she's white, and woman, can't help it.
People die on her floor every week, shadow people, lights flickering, patients seeing figures walking around. She's got a lot of cool stories
I saw a nurse on Twitter saying she was coming back to work from maternity leave early because she can’t sit on the sidelines and not help and it’s like nah bitch you’re just lazy and suck at motherhood
Have sex incel FREAK
you at least get to bang one every now and again?
Women aren’t meant for the workplace. Naturally, men are the providers, and women take care of the home.
"Former bartenders".
Nurses are always former service workers. Not professional.
Lab director here.
One down - a good start. Keep it rolling nurses.
I work the ER in a smaller community, our county has like 6 cases last I checked. I've always hated the nurses since I was a student coming in for training but they've taken it to another level. I swear to God less work has been done over the past two weeks than a weekend around the holidays (which they're also cunty about). The fact that you're all not sucking their dick right now fucking wounds them. They are each literally the second coming of Jesus and the hardships they now endure are worse than the crucifixion as they'll tell anyone who will listen.
>show me an actual trial
It was trailed in ancient Greece, but modern physicians have this, "bah everyone was dumb and/or wrong prior to modern medicine."
Seriously, when the bodies are piling up in your hospital just try it.
Find some way to raise the body temperature and keep them hydrated (preferably by them drinking).
Ideally before they get put on the ventilator, but try it on high risk cases.
Thank the britanon when you get to write a paper on it and become famous.
I'm deleting them off my normie book and snapchat left and right. Cant stand all their stupid bullshit ranting on like they actually know anything. I'll tell you what, when your a doctor I'll read your posts until then shut the fuck up and go suck the docs dick so he can keep saving lives.