Instagram is just as damaging to society as porn...

Instagram is just as damaging to society as porn. The number of like fueled dopamine spiked a girl will get from posting traveling pictures of herself completely overshadows any natural sources, so traditional sources of affirmation like monogamous relationships have fallen by the wayside. Where once pics like related leaking would be a source of shame and ridicule, you know see underaged middle class girls posting them en masse.

If we want to save society, we need to meme "noLike" into existence.

In addition

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Other urls found in this thread:

Social media is porn for women. Quite true


Honestly worse than porn

Most of them look like shit without filters and camera angle enhancement. Narcissism on drugs.


I had a recent blackpoll moment. Looked up a 20 year old I saw on tinder. Clicked through tags in the pictures down the rabbit hole and it's asses and lingerie everywhere and invariable hundreds of likes. No wonder modesty is dead, and died at an exponential rate. Hell, I even find high school sophomores getting in on the action. Realistically how can the Pandora's box of easy validation be closed?

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Based and redpilled


its sad but what do we do. It's not that these women should be ashamed of being attractive, but showing off to everyone that has a phone or computer?

>Realistically how can the Pandora's box of easy validation be closed?
Simple.. but it requires bravery.

Public shaming in the form of one liners.

Be me
>waiting in line
>see girl line wearing yoga "pants" with pussy lines showing
>It's a cold day
>I turn to her and say "aernt you cold wearing just underwear?"
>shes dumbfounded
>Her faces gets so red and she drops her head in sheer embarassment.
>she shrinks up in line like a turle, basically doing the fetal position standing up.
>she checks out quickly
>I say have a nice day
>she puts her head down like the "virgin walk" guy and throws up this weird goodbye wave and speed walks to her car.
>on way out i see her almost crying in her car, she cant even leave the parking lot
>seen this girl a few times since on lunch breaks and she never wears yoga pants now.

Attached: Check Em.webm (1920x1080, 521.96K)

The only way it ever could be fixed is if the general public were somehow moderately educated in psychology and sociological theories. There would have to be first an acknowledgement that there is a problem and second an understanding of what is causing it.

People can try to spin this and make women out to be completely at fault here, but men are just as affected by the technology gratification trap. Think about how much porn has demoralized and disaffected millions of men. There’s thousands of other ways that technology is fucking with our minds. What’s going to happen is that people are just going to become more and more detached from reality. Mental illness is going to become exponentially more common. Society is going to become totally unhinged over the course of the next few decades. Whatever insanity you think you’ve seen is only the beginning of a trend that is going to continue indefinitely. The internet/ mass media opened a pandora’s box that isn’t going to be closed anytime soon.

>should be ashamed of being attractive
but there usually not even attractive. due to obesity women have never been uglier in human history.

They would be better off sitting on a muscular Black guy having his BBC immersed inside their butts

Cool, you're a bully. Congrats.

And she is a whore, which is way worse.

did the guy behind you in line hand you $100 before or after everyone clapped?

Sadly accurate. Only way I see this occuring is massive, existential depression setting in. That or scientists finding a way to induce evolution to catch us up with modern tech, since we're mentally still hunter-gatherers. Basically to the point where family structure again becomes necessary to survive. I legitimately wonder in the reason we don't see any aliens is because as a species reaches the point of global social connection, technological development turns from outward conquests (space travel) to inward (convenience and comfort).

i like to think that there is probably a way to structure our society in a way that helps us to be balanced psychologically. Closer family units, focus on local communities, de-emphasize the ‘career’ and have a top down management system that takes cultural psychology into account. It’s a start. Unfortunately I see civilization being reduced to a sad state by the end of this century. I hope I don’t live to see it.

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Fucking this. Social media has done thousands time more damage to society than porn ever will. Don’t get me wrong porn is bad and needs to go too. But Instagram and the like need to go first.

Can confirm. Broke up with my bitchy ex and now she just post on Instagram for validation

>>she puts her head down like the "virgin walk" guy

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I'm not going to freak out over a woman being chubby or fitting her age or having curves, but if a woman gets no exercise at all and has no active things in her life I won't date her at all.

I'm done with lazy obese modern women and have started communicating my lack of attraction to excessive body fat and low motivation to women I sleep with. One woman I sleep with has lost a bunch of weight because she listened to me, and so I'm considering dating her now. Not just because of her improved looks, but because I like that she listened to me.

I think I'd like to be in a relationship where the woman I'm with listens to me, and I can help her improve and take pride in impressing me. I could see myself providing for a woman like that. But I can't see myself providing for a lazy modern fat person who is "nasty" and won't listen to anything I say while 1,000 guys on social media hit on their filtered pictures trying to fuck them. That's just not attractive.

I still think everyone has the right to use social media however they want, women included. I just don't want to date a social media whore. I think that's my right to choose. Thankfully in this interconnected world it's very easy to see if someone is a social media whore. My rule is if over 5 dicks are persistently trying to fuck my date in her recent social media posts and she's allowing that, I probably won't call back for a second date. She can be into me and be a lady who gets more dates with me, or she can get sleazy guys off on social media, but she can't have both.

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Cringe and im a virgin and everybody clapped pilled

Why would anyone want 100 guys masturbating over them for validation?

Not so long ago you would have been ostracised and declared a mentally deranged narcissist for taking 500 photos a day of yourself, nowadays you are admired and proclaimed to be an influencer

The one positive side I'll give it is the pajeet comments. You know this dumb thots are thinking of giga Chad seeing them when they post these, only to see some fat faced guy named Mandeep comment "mmmm sexy baby I want orgy and spank ass".

Bullying has a function.

i've been doing this forever OP. i can honestly say i don't have instagram, but i do have facebook, and i have never liked a single selfie of any girl.
in the overwhelming vast majority they are heavily filtered, high angle 'look at my tits' photos, and there's not even an attempt to disguise that's what it is. very classy.
i don't have problems getting women if we meet in the flesh, but i'll be honest, if you don't play their game on facebook, your facebook will become suffer for it. do it long enough like me and it'll become a graveyard. all the women i've dated and/or fucked in the past 10 years (give or take) i have refused to add on facebook for this reason, and i keep my profile unviewable if not on friends list. i learned early on that a woman can be super into you, and for a good period of time, but if she sees that your facebook doesn't have show you being part of a bunch of women (or guys even) who all like eachothers pics and dumb memes and shit, she will turn off like a lightswitch.
just saying. i'm for the idea, i do it myself. but it's not consequence free. if you really want to do it, do it on principle and do it for yourself. you won't change the world with it, mate, no one will follow you and no one will care

Mentally we're still programmed as cavemen. You might meet 30 men in your life, so they seek to be appealing to all to give you potential to select best genes. Brain isn't even capable of fathoming the possibility of encountering that many unappealing men being around you.

Just like porn tricks the brain to make us think we impregnated a girl, social media tricks them into thinking they seduced the whole village.


I agree 100% with this. Women used to be publicly shamed for stuff like this, and it's not the new "normal" for girls as young as tween age. Whenever I see a picture of a girl posing slatternly, I am immediately repulsed. It doesn't matter how physically "attractive" she is. My first instinct is to assume she's a whore with no self respect, and that makes her absolutely worthless in my mind. Social media in general is quickly bringing about the downfall of traditionalism and morality. Now, women don't have to leave their bedrooms to be slutty. They merely have to post a picture/video of themselves and get an endless stream of horny pathetic guys worshiping them like they are holy or some shit. I'm tired of this shit.

Spread this. #nolike

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I know of a female that used to take hundreds of filtered angles photos of herself. They looked quite attractive. I saw her pull up at a store one day and could not believe it was the same person. She was morbidly obese and looked nothing like her photos. She eventually lured some simp into her lair and got him to knock her up. Now all she posts is hundreds of photos of her kid for likes. These leeches thrive on this shit.

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>you know see underaged middle class girls posting them en masse
True (redpilled)

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Sadly true, learned the hard way. I deleted my FB for a while and came back, and once you're out of the loop it's impossible to get back, and girls view inactive social media as a red flag. I had one case where this one girl was pursing me and then I finally told her my fb. I gave the heads up I barely use it other than to message a few people, but it was clear any interest evaporated with that. Since then I changed it to a meme name and don't give it out to girls.

You are thinking as a dude.
Men with porn issues is the same issue with women and social media validation.
Dopamine gets fried up as a reward

Bullet dodged. She wasn't worth your time. Shame and scold women and they will subconsciously respect you for it.

for those who are curious, this is mostly caused by psychological projection BTW. all across the animal kingdom, 'pre-validation' of the male from other females is one of the quickest and most reliable ways for a female to assess the viability of a potential partner. "if lots of females have chosen this male, and still choose this male, there must be a good reason for it" is basically the mechanic. this isn't so prevalent in male thinking as it is in females, far less so, in fact.
the whole social media whoring for validation en masse thing is women projecting out what they perceive to be the way to quickly and easily establish attractiveness, a wealth of pre-validation. this is also why you'll find that high value men do the total opposite. i don't think there's any quick fix for that and there's certainly little to no balance, nor equilibrium to be found as a result of the two juxtaposed extremes of the male/female scale here. hate to be the cynic but your hashtag won't do anything. speaking from experience, unless you are happy to have no result and do it solely for principle, just get in line.

>and came back
>then I finally told her my fb

Those were your mistakes. Instead, try this: use apps where you can keep your contacts private (DM apps) and apps where you join communities (Discord and shit). Get them to install apps to contact you. Act confident, and like what you like. The more you act like a social media pioneer and trend setter who just likes what he likes the better. I make women I date install the apps I use and introduce them to how I do social media. I never follow them to Shitbook. They get a little adventure checking out how I do things, and I don't have to play into the social media bullshit I don't like. Win/win.

Even with social media you have to be a man and *lead*. So instead of saying "I'm not active much on FB", just say you don't use that shit and tell her where you're at. If you hate a social media platform, don't use it, and lead your social contacts to what you do use. Half of them will be glad. Everyone knows Facebook sucks anyways.

>don't play their game on facebook, your facebook will become suffer for it. do it long enough like me and it'll become a graveyard. all the women i've dated and/or fucked in the past 10 years (give or take) i have refused to add on facebook for this reason,

It's not bad advice. However I will say if you have a clique of friends, women do love to be included in that and as long as your clique of friends is happy, confident, has their in-jokes, and doesn't give a fuck about anything outside of it, you'll be fine.

>is coffee bad for you

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I'm not sure how it can be marketed. Universities and Hollywood have taught many women that family and kids are a fail state, so citing the negative impact on that isn't a winning strategy. Peer and attractive male shaming is effective, but all the "cool" girls do it and Chad isn't gonna turn down his easier lays, so that angle is cut off. I'm all ears to ideas, because I'm at a loss.

Delete all social media and straight up tell women that you don't have any of that shit when they ask about it. You'll seem mysterious to them because they can't fathom not being connected like that. It's the same as calling a girl to set up a date instead of texting them. It separates you from the rest of the guys in her life. It's almost always worked in my favor.

I can't think of any feasible method to reverse the damage that's already been done. The only think we as men can do is to look for wholesome women who were raised properly. It's hard to tell of a woman is wholesome or not. I've been fooled. I thought one girl I was interested in was a pure little Catholic girl... NOT. I found her Instagram and she was posing in her underwear. The only thing I can really think of, is to try to find Catholic girls (real ones). I personally know one girl who would be the perfect wife. No social media, conservative, Catholic, modest, virgin... The only problem is, she might become a Nun. So, all in all, I'm still at a loss and am losing faith in humanity at an ever acceleration rate.

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Based and 200 IQ

Destroy all Smartphones!

They have provided morons access to the internet who wouldn't have bothered to access it otherwise. They also have a stupid fucking cameras so those morons can post thousands of images of themselves onto the now easily accessible internet..

My experience is the "wholesome" ones these days are all mad mentally ill who only hide themselves due to massive self image problems. Generally, it's always been the healthier option to behave as the herd does. When the herd was mostly pure, whores were shamed. When the herd engages in sluttery, purity is shamed.

Sitting on that rock looks really uncomfortable.

That’s why it’s important to only engage with cultures where wholesomeness is still part of the herd. Is Russia still an ideal example? It seems central Europeans have very conservative women.

Imagine even trying to apply logic to the actions of women. It's a fruitless task.

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Probably was creeped out you'd make socially retarded comment.

You don't want to hear this but I'm pretty sure EE women are massive whores. It's so blackpilling how not just women but men act today.

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This is true. Women are very passive and like to conform to how society is telling them to act. This is not a good thing, as we are clearly seeing. Not only women are falling for this shit though. Many men are following along with (((their))) narrative, just making everything worse. I no longer have the patients to deal with other men who are sucked into the main stream culture. Seems like very conversation with guys today turns into, "Oh she's hot" "Look at her ass" or something along those lines. Men are not helping the current state of affairs. Our society is in it's final hours. There's no recovering from this point. Some sort of major/total societal and cultural reset.

On another note, we men must also resist the temptation to give slatternly women attention. The problem is, when you put a woman in her place or disagree with how she is acting, a lot of times she will just feel more attracted to you. Don't cave in and be with her. I almost did this, but caught myself before it was too late. Be nonchalant and say things as they are. Hopefully there are enough good women out there who have not been totally corrupted by all of the shit that we are living with today.

Oh, its also important to remember that women are followers, not leaders. If you can find a women who is not a total slut, but is somewhat sucked into the culture, you can possibly snap her out of it. Don't change your views/act like a bitch around women. Stand firm in your beliefs and you will often times find women conforming to your beliefs.

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I'm not so sure about this. For example, in South Korea, they generally assume that white women they see around are Russian prostitutes. Unfortunately, I think the Russian trad wife meme is just that, a meme. I could be wrong though. I would love to check out Ukraine to see what it's like. That will have to wait now because of the fucking coronavirus.

I hate to admit it, but this is the truth.

No. While women may not think logically, the logic behind their behavior is actually pretty clear. Women are inherently social creatures and young women are programmed to be as attractive as possible to men, with only potential for social censure limiting their behavior. Like men use careers and sexual success as status indicators, women use quantity of male attention to rank personal status. Social media has them in an arms race amongst themselves for getting as much attention as they can, posting increasingly lewd photos to out compete each other. Trace the social media timeline of a girl in her late 20s who began pre-collapse and now posts shit like this, and you can basically model an inverse linear trend of "surface area covered vs time". This shifts the overton window as well; pic related is probably a bit on the "bad girl" side of things (but by no means shamed), wheras the "good girl" side may now be only posting "cheeky" bikinis but not full on thong. Compare this to say 2007 on early facebook where "cheeky" bikinis would be risquè and the "good girl" wouldn't even post a picture of herself in a two piece.

Internet accelerationism has gone from conspiracy theory to undeniable fact.

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Wait... this is actually brilliant.

How many dopamine hits did (you) get from all the replies you hypocrite?

>Don't discuss things because people will reply to your threads and that's bad because I saw so
Do you try to be a retard or does it just come naturally?

if her instagram is set to private is that wife material?

asking for a friend

Wait till you guys see tiktok. It will make your head spin.