Who does he work for?

Is there anyone above him?

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You know the funny thing is I met him once and he was obscenely nice as people go. He was even self aware of the fact that he's a Rothschild...which was in and of itself kinda hilarious.
He's very well mannered, for a ruthless bloodthirsty monster, I'll give him that.

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>Is there anyone above him?

Nobody I'm aware of, I think of him as a top with other competing equal individuals.

Delete this

Yeah the Pope. Godfather 3 is a true story.


Where did you meet him?

Above? The Rothschild family is one of many. Don't be stupid.

built for BBC

He works for the interdimensional deities and aliens. They work together with the cabal as their ultimate reasoning for all this treachery is to prevent humans chances of liberation (escaping rebirth) because these beings live off our pain as a life force. Essentially just like Monster Inc.

so no then?


Lucifer himself



For Hashem. Lord Rothschild is a good dude. People say hes an ass just because he's rich, which isn't so. He is a very charitable man and has sponsored many artists, scholars, and other foundations throughout the years.


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The council of 10 is not the highest no

I there is, I doubt wed ever see them

>heh...hello earthclowns

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we are not allowed to discuss them.

Trump is now

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No. He's king kike that funds and protects Israel.

Come 'ere you fucker

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WHO.... DO... YOU ...WORK ...FOR...?

Was a Scotch-Irish Mason's gathering, my father took me, I was pretty young at the time and didn't really get things like I do now, but he was just wandering around like a normal guy and conversing with people after the event's speakers. He had a man with him who was obviously his security but he was otherwise very low key and wasn't making a big deal out of himself.
He literally told jokes. It was kinda surreal now that I think back on it. He chatted with my grandmother for like an hour, just stood there with her and the group.....randomly talking about general things adults talked about at the time.

remov this

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I doubt it. Billions work for him. Owns most developed land.

You can tell his brother is his superior just by their interactions.

It’s painful when you even understand this shit on a very basic level. You feel like a schizophrenic freak even attempting to explain it... it’s ruff. Especially when your whole family are turbo normies.

>Trump is above the Rothschilds

Oh, sweetie.
Trump was bailed out by the Rothschilds. He is the controlled opposition for the controlled demolition of his base.

>implying the Rothschilds care about Trump's base enough to try to destroy it.


>Especially when your whole family are turbo normies.

My stupid family members think this virus is not harmless, Holohoax, Sandy Hook, Nukes. Even 9/11 probably. Fucking living in a (((movie))) plot.

Let's just put it this way. Trump most of all other politicians are slaves to the jews. The Rothschilds are the royal family of Judaism.

>>implying the Rothschilds care about Trump's base enough to try to destroy it.

I think Michael Moore and Tucker, and most everyone "representing" the White victims of globalism are controlled opposition and the native White Americans are marked for obsolescence. On Bloomberg and CNBC they talk about it openly, though they don't name White people literally.

Satan, like all jews


The only correct answer in this thread, too many newfags shitting up the joint.

>being this much of a forklift driver

>escaping rebirth
Explain? Pretty sure we come here willingly.

Wtf is the rundown on these two?

Room 937

The jewish diaspora and anglo American breakaway civilization. He's just a middle echelon manager.


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Did we really need to have this thread? Take the Bogpill already OP.

"Nobody I'm aware of"

Thanks for the hot take literally who!

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Hush now


A literal alien pic was just posted in Yas Forums and nobody fucking noticed.

Sigh yup

im sleepy now

I can't be in every thread at once

Thread is gone anyways

Why didn't you save it

he's a little weird looking, sure. but i don't think he is a literal alien.

The marking at the top though. It looked too real.

Sad thing is they probably indirectly own this place too.

I aint saving that shit. I enjoy being a free man

oh i thought you were talking about rothschild. what is this about?


whats the post #

Someone uploaded what looked like a real fucking ayy

It was surreal even of it was a movie prop

Did you save it? I only saw shitty photoshop



I dont want to be on a list so no i did not. Fuck that. Some reckless user did though I bet


Do you think you aren't already on a list?

I was there. Shitty photoshop. You've got to be kidding.

So this confirms that Jacob Rothschild is a freemason?

>I was pretty young when I met the pedo demon
>he was a nice guy
gee I wonder why

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There's not just one group, vying for control globalization, there are several, sometimes conflating their aims and often opposing.
There's a loose coterie of about 8,000 individuals mainly international private bankers, captains of industry and statesman who 'run' the world.
Most of the original banking families are legacy partners (like Rothchild) , their work is done at the behest of Multi-National-Corporations (MNCs).
Many of the legacy partners in globalization are jews, because that's where their power base originally derived from, thanks to private banking.
MNCs, want to see a world with 100% free neoliberal markets; to do that, they own each sovereign nation's bank; and then their arms of governments.
If they cannot control and a nation by owning it's bank; privatizing it's resources, offering loans, then they either assassinate it's leaders, stage a coup, or bomb it.

Read John Perkins 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman'.

TLDR; Rothchild (of which there are now thousands of progeny) is a legacy partner in Globalized matters of financial affairs, he's probably the official secret partner on the BoEN before it was shut down in 2017.

Rothschild are the top managers, highest level clerks, for about a dozen or so families.

Families such as the:
- Reading(s)
- Samuel(s)
- Fleming(s)
- Keswick(s)

It's like a whole team of aristocratic-banking families who have made a clan together. The Rothschilds are in the foreground. Pretty sure these other dozen or so families, such as the one's listed, make up the top of the British Empire.

Is your name Rhiyad and are you related to Erin Everly?
