Try not to cry
I like this thread.
he fought for life. he fought for his right to exist. when all was lost he called out to almighty God and was uplifted to become a icon that every man woman and child that will ever walk the face of earth will look up to and follow. Sieg heil,
It's hard to post things when Yas Forums doesn't allow audio webms
not gonna let this thread die. bump again
Did hitler know how many times jews wrote 6 million in other countries?
It probably will because this board is shit now and infested with newfags and retards. All the good threads die young
>Goes on an invasion spree by taking over Czechoslovakia and Poland to kickstart WW2 while killing millions of whites and destroys countless amounts of historical architecture
>he a good boy dindu nuffin
Wehraboos are cringe
Germany made a lot of mistakes but it was France and Britain that started WW2
"You throw sand against the wind, and the wind blows it back again." - William Blake
Im looking for a vid on Bitchute. Its a montage with Hitler and Natsoc footage with intense music that really gets ya going, anyone have a link?
>it was France and Britain that started WW2
Nigger, we weren't the ones chimping out by aggressively invading and gobbling up neighboring European countries for "living space" of your people. Plus, Poland was guaranteed by the UK so Hitler very well knew that he was going to be in trouble for his actions, and he recently broke his promises to not demand more than the Sudetenland by invading Czechoslovakia which wasn't even part of Germany prior to WW1. You act as a warmongering brute, you deal with the consequences.
> one testicle
> liberal arts fag
> never lifted before
> drug addict
> closet atheist
> fucked buddied his cousin
> had homosexual tendencies
> tryed to start a civil war for socialism
> staged a fire to overhtrow government
> made it illegal to have other political parties
> revoked freedom of speach, press, bear arms, and privacy
> killed his gay lover to hide the evidence
> remilitarized Rhineland, breaking versallies
> annex Austria, breaking versallies
> lied to the British about Sudetenland
> persecuted jews, slavs, gypsises, mormons, gays, and hanicaped
> Invaded Poland knowing they where under British and French protection, starting WW2
> Invaded Denmark and Norway on shaky grounds
> Fucked up in Dunkirk thinking it would bring a peace deal to end war
> Fucked the Luftwaffe by ordering them to to target civilion industry and housing rather than key airfields
> Sent Germanys best general to Africa instead of Barbarossa
> Delayed Barabossa by allowing Italy to invade Greece, then haivng to save them
> Botched Barbarossa by focusing on taking more territory rather than key cities and resources
> Declared war on the USA
> Wait until it is too late to save Italy after Africa is lost
> persecute Ukrainians even though many supported you pushing out the Russians
> Make a southern push in Russia while you could have taken Moscow
> Order Army Group B to enter Stalingrad against your generals adivice
> Order Amry Group B to stay in Stalingrad and die rather than retreat before full encirclement
> Commit genocide against millions of innocent people and eligable workforce
> Sleep through D-Day
> Murder your best general becuase your paranoid and loosing
> Waste resources on the V2 program over jet fighters
> Blame Germany for loosing the war before you kill yourself
> Allow half your naiton and all of eastern europe to fall to communism while you wasted resources fighting UK and USA
> Kill millions of white people in a pointless war
not a single bullet was fired in Czechoslovakia. You just made yourself look stupid.
>Britain didn't carpet bomb europe
Germany started a war with Poland, and France and Britain started WW2. These are simply facts. A war between Germany in Poland, a Central European conflict covering an area of land comparable to one American state, is objectively not a world war by any standard. The French and British empires (which did plenty of “gobbling”) declaring war on and invading Germany is a world war, because you now have multiple continents engaged in a war. Germany’s war with France was a defensive one after France declares war in them and invaded. All parties believed they were justified in the wars that they declared. I’m not debating those justifications here, I’m stating chronological facts about when a world war began.
cry? what am I? a bitch?
Hitler was an instrument of God's Punishment of the Jews.. you can see throughout history the nations which God used to punish the Jews have gone to dust but the Jews remain because they are God's Possession and matter for that reason not for their own merit. You fail to see the whole picture if you fetishize the Hammer over the Smith.
britain guaranteed Poland just to have justification to start a war.
meanwhile they were owned all of africa and inda. You keep making yourself look really dumb, you might want to stop
thanks for the bump
>not a single bullet was fired in Czechoslovakia
Ok moron
>150 dead
not a war, those were terrorists who attacked German civilians and then were kill by both German and Czechoslovakian troops. This is getting embarrassing dude
>britain guaranteed Poland just to have justification to start a war.
>guaranteeing means you want war
It's the opposite you utter retard, it was a measure of deterrence to stop Germany's aggressive expansionist policy. If they didnt chimp out and invade, there wouldn't have been a war in the first place.
People talking about the guarantee as if it was some blockchain smartcontract that automatically required a declaration of war is silly and dishonest. Two countries invaded Poland within the span of two weeks. Britain declared war on one and aligned themselves to the other.
>giving someone a ultimatum means you want peace
>do x or I declare war
>if you do x I declare war
>oh it looks like you couldn't fulfill my outrages demands looks like im the good guy
>claims to want to protect Poland
>Poland gets annexed by the USSR
>allies with the USSR
ops how do you explain that one, guess they didnt give a fuck about poland
>war is about muh numbers
Those were two armed forces from their respective nations fighting out, that is a war. And no, the Czechs were the ones defending their lands against German troops and aggression. It was an invasion no matter how much you try to deny it.
>If Germany didn’t declare war on Poland there wouldn’t have been a war with Poland
Correct, and if Britain and France didn’t declare war on Germany there wouldn’t have been World War 2
I would rather cry for 27 million Russians who lost their lives because of him, you goddamn imbecile.
You can teach libearals at universities in art of moving goal posts and ignorance of history.
>two nations fighting
>Czechs formally join Germany
>terrorists him and start killing civilians
>Czech government orders them to be executed for crimes against humanity
>Germany and the Czech nation kill the terrorists
>IT WAS A WAR!!!!!!
the literal definition of a war is when two nations formally declare war on one another. jihad is not a war its terrorist no matter how you try to water it down. They bombed unarmed women and children. Thats sick
This one always make me cry.
I really hope that the europeans peoples and their descendants become aware of what's happening and capable of claiming what is rightfully theirs
>kills 60 million of your own people
>cries about "27million' that died in a war where you just lied about the numbers
you killed them and just blamed it on Germany, then you just out right denied the other 33 million. Russias population even to this day still hasn't recovered from all the communist genocide
>giving someone a ultimatum means you want peace
An ultimatum after stirring shit up and gobbling up the entire region, yes.
>claims to want to protect Poland
>Poland gets annexed by the USSR
>allies with the USSR
If they declared war against the USSR, the Allies would have been at war with 2 superpowers, which will put them at an even bigger risk. So they temporarily allied with the USSR to take out the bigger threat, which is basic warfare 101. Ever wonder why the Cold War started immediately after WW2? We were never allied with the USSR.
>Correct, and if Britain and France didn’t declare war on Germany there wouldn’t have been World War 2
Then they would have continued to gobble up the entirety of Europe, which means putting the allied nations at risk of an invasion by an even bigger foe you utter moron.
>invades a nation that is under the protection of another
>annexes that nation and becomes allies with the protector
seems like you had that planned out didnt you? You even got justification for a war you wanted
>the literal definition of a war is when two nations formally declare war on one another
So you are telling me the Eastern front wasn't a war between the USSR and Germany because Germany didnt declare war on them?
> Fucked up in Dunkirk
> Botched Barbarossa
> Waste resources on the V2 program over jet fighters
Should have focused on V2 program
>allies with the ussr
>makes them into a super power
>oh noooooo you are too strong from me
>lets just be friends now
oh fucking convenient is that, honestly what are the chances that literally everything worked out perfectly for both sides. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM REALLY MAKES YOU THINK
I cry everytime
Because Stalin sucked doesn't meant we had to just bent over and take German cock all up in our asses. Commie regime was terrible enough, but being conquered by genocidial maniacs and enslavers woulld be even worse.
>making yourself look this retarded
whew lad. Both sides declared war. Just because the papers arent signed on the first day doesnt mean its not a war. If the papers are never signed its refereed to as a conflict fyi
So what you’re saying is, Britain and France were in no way forced to declare war on someone who invaded Poland. You’re correct.
>Warfare 101
The war that Britain and France started led to the total occupation and surrender of France and the eradication of Britain as a superpower for the first time in 300 years, and ultimately the near total erasure of both their empires. Speaking as if either of these governments were conducting wise warfare at the time seems silly.
>Then they would have continued to gobble up the entirety of Europe, which means putting the allied nations at risk of an invasion by an even bigger foe you utter moron.
Wether this would have actually happened or not (Germany would have gone to war with Russia, doubtful there would have been so much western activity without Britain and France being hostile), al you’re doing is providing the French and British perspective on why they felt justified to start WW2. I already know they felt justified in starting WW2, I said that. Why would a country declare war unless they thought they had a reason to do so? I don’t see what the point of this is.
>Hitler sees Russians getting genocided to complete extinction
>can't watch any longer
>fights the kikes to save the russians
>kikes get a perfect chance to blame the tens of millions of people they killed on Germany due to the war
>jews get aways with killing 60 million russians and it gets blamed on Germans
>move to another nation
>start the process all over again
Nah this is dumb, Hitler did not invade because he felt bad for Russians.
if the british and french were really running their nations they wouldnt have declared war, because they both knew their empires wouldnt survive. No french or englishmen would just throw their empires away over some eastern farm land
Your jewish 'nazi' agit-prop is so lame and boring.
Remember over 80% of 'nazi/Hitler' promotion online is Counter-Intelligence bullshit.
>the soviet society is rotten to the core, its already falling. We need only kick in the door and the house will fall down- Hitler 1941
If you’re referring to jewish interests those are certainly relevant, but no one knows the outcome of war until it comes. It’s not like every lost war is the result of some shadow government; overconfidence, misjudgments, and luck all come into play.
Thread-Killer, I.
That has absolutely zero relation to any suggestion about the war being started due to humanitarian concerns towards Russians, which is an over the top retarded suggestion.
lmfao so fucking fake
>ww1 german troops were jews
Germans actually got mad because Jews didnt fight in ww1, they considered them traitors and welfare queens because they didnt help out in a time of war. nice try though kike, next time use a meme flag
We need to put out thr information that Hitler was not racist. Thats jew spin, and the new neo nazis, they act like cartoonish villains the jews have portrayed them in movies and tv shows like the hunters. That is untrue. Hitler had 2 enemies. Marxism and jewry. Thats it. He didnt hate niggers or spics or chinks. He hated those 2 things.
I started tearnin up not gonna lie.
I know, thats why I posted it. I just made the humanitarian shit up. Hitler wanted the loaded gun to the east gone, and with them killing the entire population in mass it was the best time to strike
He absolutely didn’t want blacks in Germany. Wanting a homogenous society doesn’t require bags of course, but it does require removing non whites if they’re there in large numbers, regardless of Marxism or jews.
I like this because is normie friendly until 4:08
*doesn’t require hate
>lets be civic nationalists guys
kys, thats how you end up with the current state of the GOP and trump. Race is important, anyone who says otherwise is lying to push an agenda or fucking retarded
Berchtesgaden was my favorite place in Germany!!
You read that in a story book did you. How sweet.
I can smell the onions
Why did he hate brown eyed whites?
>international hyenas