Just saw this CNN article on my Home page. Can you guess which "workers in America" they are referring to? It will break your heart.
NONONO! Millions of workers in America won't be getting stimulus checks pol?!?!
Other urls found in this thread:
The ones that don't pay taxes.
But they are taxpayers...
> It's a dangerous decision, they argue, that puts the whole country's health at risk as the novel coronavirus spreads.
Nooo this is a goood idea let these guys get sick without money so they can spread it!!! Great idea Yas Forums!!!!
>which "workers in America"
the crying anchorbabies and the burdens they keep docked in our country?
Issa slide
If I were them I'd be so insulted that I'd immediately pack up and return to my country of origin.
Maybe under a fake SSN just to be able to work, yes.
>t. mom had her identity stolen from one
Tax paying work Visa holders. Yes we discussed this in length yesterday.
They are not American citizens, they send most of their money to wherever they're from. When shit gets bad they have another nation to return home to, Americans can't.
No they aren’t you stupid nigger, now go back to Mexico
And they would receive paper checks in cash.
>t. worked with illegal aliens
>"workers in America"
It should be obvious since they didn't write "American workers".
Think more along the lines of the poos tech companies ship in to work for a fraction of the cost of hiring American.
no one is getting anything. What you're getting is an advance on next years tax return. So next year you'll have the money deducted from whatever you'd normally receive back.
why, because the big corporations do?
They're not even US citizens.
Dumb Americans truly believed that he gets 1200 bucks just like that? . Kek.
>Don’t pay taxes
>Send billions back to Mexico rather than stimulating US economy
Those illegal alien leeches deserve jack shit.
Why can't mutts spell 'cheque' correctly?
Big if true
Cry moar bish
Never before in life
but the big corporations that pay fuck all taxes deserve a bailout?
This means I have to cut a check to millions of migrants who also pay nothing into the system? Fuck'em. This is a huge normie redpill too ... people are advocating for this in the open air.
>When stimulus checks start going out across the country, undocumented immigrants won't be receiving them.
No this can't be happening
Neither do.
>millions of parasites won't get any Trumpbux.
They can simply go back to Mexico. No Corona virus there, just Corona beer.
Dependents don't get any. Doesn't sound so bad, until you realize 80% of college students under the age of 24 are counted as dependents for their parents to get the tax benefits. I don't get a dime because I wanted to help my mom with her student loans. That's fucked up. None of my friends get any. Nobody I know gets any. We all are laid off because of the virus, how are we supposed to pay our bills?
yet they're getting it, meanwhile you faggots are here pretending muh based Trump is sticking it to the leeches, see
We are a nation of citizens, why do all "workers" need to get a paycheck?
The ones who took American jobs because they would work for slave wages, pennies on the fuckin dollar, and put millions of hard working Americans out of work because their bosses didn't have to pay them fairly because they weren't even legal citizens?
You mean millions of illegals who shouldn't be here to begin with?
Millions of decript boomers will get it though and they're the ones constantly crying about muh snowflakes muh handouts
Even if one is totally on the side of hardworking illegals, we couldn't send them checks. It's logistically impossible.
As you know, that's not true. They're mostly busboys and fruit pickers.
it's for Americans only fucktard. I don't like most boomers much either but at least its their land. Don't like it go back to Mexico and ask for gibs
I've worked construction all my life, 7 out of 10 crews in new housing zones we worked beside were always full on mexicans hardly speaking english and they all lived together just to pay rent cuz theyre making half minimum wage,
If all the Mexicans leave boomers will starve to death in two weeks.
ok spic
lol I'll just take your word for it then
I'm not a mexican and my point still stands. Parasites (boomers) will benefit greatly from this, no questions asked. Meanwhile young working class American citizen people who are dependent won't get fuck all.
Der boomer strikes again once again.
and cooks. and landscapers. and construction workers. and factory workers. and every single blue collar job you can think of that doesn't require some kind of license.
>young working class dependent
that made no sense leech
What's the difference between an undocumented worker and an illegal alien? Serious question. And if theyre the same, why are people mad that criminals aren't being coddled? Shouldn't you be deporting them instead of paying them?
9 grams of lead will solve this issue.
Edgy mutt detected.
>I'm not a mexican
go to Mexico anyways.
the leaf speaks truth
They will take the money and send it back to their country, like they do with all their money.
More worried about the 10 trillion going to a few thousand corporations, investors, and bankers. The grains of sand the average American may or may not get seems irreverent by comparison. Man it must be nice to be able to command the government to invent so much capital to fork over to you so you can buy up all those soon to be bankrupt assets.
The post was poop, I'm phoneposting
Anyway my point is that some of the biggest parasites in the country will still benefit from this stimulus package, no questions asked, meanwhile some working citizens will get cucked due to technicalities.
No thanks. I refuse to let der boomer go unnamed.
I dunno chaim, do you suck dique or dick?
Good post. But most posters on here are brainwashed corporate boot licking cancerous migatards and they wont agree because their overlords shills tell them that Trump being a wall street stooge is a 4d chess and based.
>undocumented worker and an illegal alien
They are the same. According to the current newspeak, no one is "illegal" only "undocumented."
It's a textbook marketing ploy to rebrand illegal aliens as an alternative type of "worker."
But you don't name the illegals.. At least most boomers paid into the system they're living off of. Illegals just took.
Motherfuckers just walk into America and people like you want to give them priority over people who have been here their whole lives? You really should go to Mexico or somewhere else because we do not need your backwards ass here in this country
I bet it's actually Shoichel. Why do they do this? How can they be so evil?
I'm guessing the very same workers who are still being forced to work despite facing certain personal injury.
Kill yourself, faggot.
"workers in the US"
clever wording, nobody cares if illegals get to clean out the treasury more than they already have
lol college students and high schoolers wont get shit lol....and to think all that trolling and work they put into it
meanwhile as a liberal in california ill be enjoying my trump bux.
>mfw trump gives me money and fat diabeetus midwestern trump supporters dont get shit