Meanwhile in Spain

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Other than the asinine hats aesthetic as fuck

You Yanks should have annexed them after the Spanish-American war and atleast force them to learn English.

My spine shivers when I hear screaming Spanish and it's the only kind of Spanish that exists.

Cant catch the wuflu if you already have aids

you mean gay as fuck.

they all look like fags

is this real military?
this a joke , right?
these guys are fucking gay

Do these retards not understand the concept of a parade uniform?

Well that's anti-hetero.


This cannot be real. It's like they are sexworkers in a gay club.

Attached: dd0.jpg (680x450, 33.04K)

They did this to make nostalgic Franco soldiers look like fags didn’t they?

All Hispanic people have gay tendencies. It's a part of their culture.

Seriously. Does the guy who wrote that article think the Spanish Legion goes into combat like that?

Literally nothing gay about those unis. If that’s gay, then fag my ass right up.

I know Right? Aesthetic as fuck bro. Why don't you get a song from your cringe fashwave collection and make a youtube video to go along with it. Then you can fap to it every night. Oh, and don't forget to make a shopped version of the image with some vhs noise overlapped on it. That would be so fucking dope!!

everyone says they look like faggots but like what else are you supposed to do if you have tom of finland phenotype

These niggas more likely to spread AIDS than to stop Corona BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

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That is true.

I knew an American who spoke Spanish quite fluently in Hong Kong. He lived there for some time. He denied it but, he was a died in the wool practicing homosexual! In fact he always had his beard present whenever I visited his apartment.

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>Masculinity is gay

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And why were you visiting his apartment?

Think you might be projecting a bit because I hsve no clue what any of those things are that you mentioned other than YouTube

Those bulges though, I would.

The Spanish Legion under Franco are what kept Spain from going communist. They of course rewarded Franco for doing this by defiling his corpse. This is why communists have to be fully eradicated and oppressed. You let them win and they'll dig up your corpse and feed your bones to a pack of stray dogs.

>Projecting this hard

Attached: reallynigga.jpg (220x300, 40.09K)


Women love those uniforms. I am not sure why.

Kek they look like raging faggots

Que piensas pendejo?

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They're probably testing for the virus with rectal thermometers.

Go back to sheddit?

You speak to me in American boy.

>And why were you visiting his apartment?
Check his ID, it says Gay.

Spanish Legion are Ranger tier.

Bet they purposely fall out of road marches to get the silver bullet. Bet they love it.

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Rangers have Wahmens in their ranks now.

They used to be Franco's legion.
Also lefty women seem to love some fascist dick

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seething newfag kek

What an exceptional troll.

Well done.

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Thats one thirsty woman

ITT: disgusting skinnyfat NEET faggots seething

kek that's what i was thinking...

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>they all look like fags
Only a fag would think that.

WTF Spain? Pic related looks like a gay bar on dress up day.


They look like gay porn models.

I mean, if they all got pecs like that then of course they should be wearing deep v-necks. No homo.

>They look like gay porn models.
Why do you know what a gay porn model looks like?


I hope this is not my fault somehow. What in the fuck is italy doing?

>Muhammed Gonsavles the Third
>joins Spanish Military
>wears thin rolled up shirt with fast food hat
>in public

Its apropriate this time.

How do you know how gay porn models look like?

>attractive men in uniform must be something I despise
Ah, sour grapes

Hey, you guys told me Spaniards are white. What gives? Those guys look like wetbacks or Arabs.

Attached: icebae6.jpg (1206x2048, 243.36K)

Military: okay, what kind of uniform do you want us to have?
Spain: the gayest

Projecting to this degree makes you seem really pathetic. Please stop, I feel bad watching people embarrass themselves like this.

Southern Spaniards tend to be pretty dark. Northern Spanish are very light skinned.

I'm American born half white half Costa Rican. I hear you bro.

So you're saying the only whites in Spain are the people who moved there from other parts of Europe?


>So you're saying the only whites in Spain are the people who moved there from other parts of Europe?

Southern Spain was conquered by the Moors, so the mixing occurred. Then they were kicked out, but the genetics remained. Northern Spaniards were undefeated. They are Celtic, like those in that general region (France, UK)

Legit looks like a Village People cosplay of a soldier.

fucking kek @ the ID

based and homosex-is-best-sex-pilled