This truck was in front of my house briefly today. No one was in it when I went to check it out and had temporary tags. It made my spidey senses tingle. It was there for less than an hour. What is it for?
This truck was in front of my house briefly today. No one was in it when I went to check it out and had temporary tags...
Other urls found in this thread:
take your meds
that's a plumber fixing your neighbor's toilet. Take your meds schizo
to install 5g and cook yo brain
FBI Party Van
Which one of your neighbors cooks the best meth?
I'm so sorry user. I am truly sorry.
probably 5G surveying, user. check light poles in the area maybe.
You are being followed by FBI. Lol.
probably this. But if not there is a small chance it was law enforcement. Did you say any fucked up shit on here? They have heat senors and can see your body through walls. Also they use a device called a stingray to spoof your ip so you're sending everything to them instead of your local server. One time there was a suspicious looking van outside my house with black windows and i texted a friend about it and right then they drove off fast. Oh well, i don't do anything illegal anyways.
Idk but maybe now I want to know.
Karma police. Rip bruh.
Take your meds before you kill someone.
are you behind on any payments?
You would think if it were a plumber or a utility company they would have a company name? Logo? Phone number?
On side of truck?
Usually business like to you know... Advertise their business...
Thanks for making a thread because someone bought a work van.
Brand new fucking Ford service truck and the little fucking faggot lets comic books and scary movies rule his emotions.
Picking up a dead body.
Where the fuck do you live? Kentucky? The state of those houses.
Is the house Micheal Jackson grew up in on your block?
Probably. I have been researching some deep stuff about AI.
He's probably an illegal trying to fly under the radar and not get a contractor's license
good guess. I think the type of trees and houses puts OP somewhere, Indiana Kentucky, michigan, Ohio
Call 9/11, say you saw someone smoking drugs in it, problem solved.
Its the FBI installing 5g lazers that turn the kids gay.
That's not a truck, it's a refrigerator hearse.
That is possible. My neighborhood consists of boomers and Mexicans. They are all nice enough and leave me alone.
Why is that?
>Hi, I'm Mr. Roberts I just moved in across the street
Looks like a new work truck. Each one of those four doors is a toolbox. The bars on top are for ladders. The temp tags means it was just bought, most likely.
If they come back and offer you candy, don't take it.
It is highly possible, not all illegals drive 25 year old pick up trucks for their contractor businesses. Some have some nice new ass shit in their fleet. Makes you wonder who finances all that shit to people with none or stolen SSNs
If it WERE surveillance they probably wouldn't be parking right in front of user's house, more likely they're spying on somebody a few houses down.
You're gonna get abducted. Lock your doors... or else!!1!
That's a nice 1 ton truck, you should steal it.
It looked really nice and new.
Party van is here for you
looks like an animal shelter truck. The dog catcher, pound, kill-em-in-3-days kind o truck.
>Yikes OP
Condolences on the situation. Hope things turn around for you
coronavan shooting microwaves in to your house
I'm also being followed by some squad of private investigators. I got involved in a programming project with very rich folks and politicians here and saw things I couldn't.
5 months, I don't know how much time they will keep tracking me.
I left the project because of a misunderstanding.
While I don't say anything about it they won't do anything against me, I guess.
Take your meds weirdo
pit bull eradication teams
It's the gay-mobile , it came for you.
They're sniffing your wireless. Trust me I have a science.
That's your soul. When it left, it took part of you. Every truck that looks like that carries dozens of souls aboard. They drive to subterranean parking garages to deposit their collected souls into hell.
Deep State pedos. That's the same truck that was at the Kennedy Assassination and 9/11, it was linked to Hillary. If you see it again you should firebomb it
>don't say anything about it
You literally just said something about it.
It's a Tempest van. You should turn your room into a Faraday cage.
It's just a repair man. All those old houses look like they need repairs.
Fucking hell this thread, my sides.
Good point. Probably a neighbor is doing something
Hello newfag.
If you ain't used to being shadowed by the FEDS. I don't know what to tell ya.
Go knock on door and ask!
Your neighborhood has a lot of people who don’t pay their mortgage. Checking occupancy of shit hole homes.
Its the BBC truck filled with 7 BBCs ready to black your mom
based and oldfag pilled
Hello FED.
They won't touch me with a 10 foot pole I'm so autistic, still they park outside my place sometimes. I leave resumes under their windshield wipers but they still haven't called me back for an interview
Xenoestrogens already do that, smartass.
Looks like a truck with fridge capacities. I know Quest diagnostics use those trucks for the delivery of bio samples but they could be used alternatively for food drive related activities
Alien body.
My nigga.
You said it better than I did
I would agree, even if I knew it was a setup.
>kinda I want to
See all those doors? Each door carries one schizo. I hope you're not a manlet because the little compartment is the least comfy. I tried to warn you about makey thread.
No, a Winnebago with wings!
when the van shows up again he should quickly upload nude pix of himself here, just think of the feds sitting in their van looking at his butthole ha ha
They were in it in the back ya goof
I AM the collector.
Where exactly are you seeing an A/C or refrigeration unit on that truck? It must be super stealthy
According to the FBI, spreading conspiracy theories makes you a terrorist threat.