It took him 3 years but he's finally coming around to the fact that Sanders is a professional loser
Mfw he's blackpilled on Bernie Sanders
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Worked for TYT, spit on Alex Jones and the ran away. I don't give two shits what that liberal homo thinks about comrade Sanders.
Sanders just has tiny balls, he's no leader.
Why would you care about e-celb. Neck yourself faggot.
He's been taking great big shits on Bernie lately. He doesn't want to face that he has to vote Trump.
Deets. Show vid.
Jimmy had a mental breakdown when Tulsi refused to shill for Bernie (combined with the fact that he's been gravitating to Tulsi rather than Bernie for months now so to see her break away completely seemed to break something in him, March 22):
He went into a brief denial phase where he tried to rationalize Bernie being weak/controlled opposition and then suddenly, as said, BIG SHITS :
I'm waiting for the day he jumps on the Trump Train
He might never get that far, but it's enough that he's a blackpilled ex-Sanderite. He's praising Tucker commonly and interviewing libertarians now
Can't wait for some far lefty to call Dore of all people right wing, you know it's bound to happen
He just did a vid with Trump talking about
Biden's "problems" and I swear I saw the exact
moment Jimmy fell in love with God Emperor
>defending a jew
Same, the spitting on Based Jones is just unforgivable
Tfw you realize Bernie is not in it to win.
All about the money.
is this really the timeline where Jimmy fucking Dore becomes a hardcore national socialist?
>His smile and optimism gone
Its true but, he and his wife were shook up on their subsequent live stream today.. its going to be rough for them realizing everything they believed was a lie.
as a genuine liberal, he is a dying breed. You are just witnessing the death of that.
didn't know about the Jones spitting thing, but oh well it happens
I watch jimmy dore almost daily for a "lefry take" on current happenings, also because I find his live show clips funny. but last week when Tulsi folded and endorsed Biden I could see his soul literally crush on camera. The democratic party fucking breaks people dude.
Imagine sticking your cock in Stef's mouth
So wheres the jokes
>He goes on a bitter tirade about how weak Bernie is, how he'll give everything away for his brand
>Remarking at multiple points how he expects Berners to attack him
>Slowly realizing how systemic and deep rooted political issues are in society, how it's not just as simple as getting a professional loser like Bernie into a position of power
I feel bad for him. It's been a long time going but it must suck to believe things couldn't get any worse and then realizing that your side is 10 times shittier than even your cynicism prepped him for
this. he doesn't have the killer instinct to win
no idea who this is but who blackpill did he take?
>Sanders doesn't have what it takes to win
>Sanders literally gets paid to lose. he runs to draw the far left in and get them to agree to "vote blue no matter who" early in the process even though they fucking hate the nominee
It's just sad. He represented the last of the sane left, someone who despite being bitter as fuck still believed the left/government could be a vehicle for good. It's sad seeing the light in his eyes die in real time, it's like a car crash in slow motion
That entire interview/day was depressing. He was so broke near the end of that period of time.
Theres been a few interviews hes done this week that have been making his mind tick over but this is the straw that broke the camels back, its long at 45 minutes but you'll notice him push back initially as the cognitive dissonance is fucking when he calls bernie a liar, but by the end he gets in touch with reality
I've been watching him regularly, since January, to follow the Democratic primaries
He's sincere, I like him
>nominate the one person that could lose to Trump
>nominate the other one person that could lost to Trump
>The democratic party fucking breaks people dude
can't blame them
This guy is basically my hero. He's just misguided but he's absolutely getting there. Lately he's been teaming up with Dylan Ratigan a lot. Ratigan is another pretty fucking liberal asshole who basically gotta fucked over really really really hard by cnbc like 10 years ago. He was their biggest name and actually really fucking smart about markets and he'd basically host the shows with the tard trader bros and keep everything rational.
But then he talked too much. He started ranting and raving about Saudi Arabia a lot. Then he disappeared. He was so talented everybody just figured he'd go somewhere equally big instantly. Nope. Gone. Blacklisted. I honestly don't even know what he's been up to. Around the last election i saw a video of him ranting and raving about Saudi Arabia on the street. It was fucking hilarious. I think he hates Trump but he's just too damn smart to not see all the bullshit.
During quarantine he's been the guy just talking sensible economics with Jimmy and they're both kind of just trying to deal with Trump making the right calls. Where you'd expect Jimmy to rant and rave about the quantitative easing and trillions way more like the paultards, he doesn't because Ratigan comes on and explains the loan aspects and the quantitative easing now vs Obama era.
The two of them would be 1000x stronger than any current dem ticket and they're both seeming about to ditch the party.
Here's one of Ratigans old rants.
Spicy. Jesus Christ no matter Ratigan was blacklisted after all of this
You want somebody like that on your side!
He spit on Alex Jones because attention whore Alex Jones interrupted the liberal bullshit TYT was doing. Jimmy Dore is actually based for a liberal anyway. He gets the bullshir liberals spit out too. After all, TYT
He pulled this shit many times. He's basically a fucking old fashioned pollack. He can't stop himself because he knows he's fucking right.
Seems that way. He was on fucking point, he didn't give anyone the chance to redirect that convo. It's shocking how nowadays most TV stations won't even fucking talk about the foreign policy dimension to politics/the economy nowadays. That vid was a breath of fresh air.
>watching his live show yesterday
>Matt Stoller starts shit talking China
>entire chat REEEEEing hard as fuck
>multiple variations of "china did a good job handling the virus" or "oh yeah what about USA"
I'm constantly surprised by how deep the shilling goes.
So i noticed some of these are msnbc but i knew him from cnbc. I guess he got shuffled around for a while before getting completely blacklisted. He was really talented.
Here's one from his traderbro show in 08
And here's the one from 2012ish that they're calling his resignation rant from msnbc. Lmfao. I actually can't believe msnbc would let this guy anywhere near their studio. I guess things really changed.
I watch him to see the inner chambers of the liberal community meltdown on a regular basis.
His show is a fucking salt mine.
I watched him drunk off his ass at a show scream at his director when things werent going right. Not a nice man
Holy shit i just watched these again. Holy shit. Trump might actually be doing basically what he's saying to do. His idea is
>open a new bank with direct lending at 2% to every American business. Fund it with money repatriated from foreign tax havens. Show the Americans that their banks are defrauding them.
This man could legitimately be the next Trump.
>That second rant/vid tho
His criticism was fucking surgical
Dore's problem is that he's a white guilt ridden simp. He wants to suck black cock while taking a bullet for a jew and laying across a puddle so m'lady can walk across. He is slowly beginning to realize that the blacks, jews, and women don't give a single shit about him. He'll be wearing a death's head pendant and calling for rwds in a year.
Bernie secured another 4 years of free personal jet.
That's because he's a Jew.
He doesn't treat his regular guests very nicely either, but they follow him around like beta cucks to ride on his coat tails. Watch how he interrupts them constantly, and see how it hurts their ego.
The salt flavor on this show is overwhelming!
Bernie is also a nigger faggot
I wonder how long it will take for the True Believers to excommunicate fucking Dore for heresy.
Jimmy Dore was a good stepping stone for me a couple years ago as I was red pilled. I was a Bernie bro and confused that NONE of the leftists were talking about what the DNC did and instead were trying to blame Trump/Russia (which even back then I knew was a hoax). Dore was the only one calling out democrats and agreeing with Tucker a lot. He also called out the Syria gas attack as a false flag. Then CNN wrote a hit piece on him and Jewtube demonetized him. That made me realize how fake the media is, that they weren't just biased for "neoliberals" but something else deeper than that.
Dore is a good ally for the right because he seems sincere in his leftist beliefs and confusion about the Democrat party, because he doesn't really get who they work for. Maybe he will figure it out soon though and his followers will get it too.
fuck this faggot who cares about ecelebs
Jimmy calls himself a progressive, he's just an opportunistic contrarian.
Spitting on someone is subhuman sand nigger behaviour. /Thread
this guy is alright, but he never addresses race and he's a democuck so he needs the rope. and 90% of his panel are old unfunny jews.
say it to his fucking face
Real traders are the most assertive and analytical creatures on earth.
It's too bad he trashes Trump so much. I think he sees Trump as continuing too much of the neocon imperialism with Iran and not going after lobbyists and money enough. It's a fair pov.
I feel like pol could really get this guy on board with the vegas/saudi coup happening angle. He needs a good glownigger blackpill. I was the same way. When you look at just the finance you think it's just a corrupt economics game. His whole career feel apart and now he and Jimmy are just sad. They might legitimately need some pol in their lives.
I kinda wanna slap that old ladies giant titties around. She's an irl bobs burger mommy.
>Thinking Bernie was going to win in the first place.
Matt Stoller took a big steaming turd on Bernie on Jimmy's show.
Alex Jones is a disinfo agent and Zionist shill. Even fucking Eddie Bravo called him out on it
>>She's an irl bobs burger mommy.
Michael Tracey is trending that way
Give it another 3 years and he'll be noticing the jails are full of niggers because they are criminals
fucking hell this man is based. those roasties were speechless.
Imagine being a Berniebro in 2020 LMAO