HAPPENING Strange Air Travel over LA right now

Can any airplane autists look into this and see if anything unusual is going on over LA right now? Many planes that sound unusually large (military?) have been flying over. Is something happening? I don't know how to track air travel so I'm genuinely looking for help

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Flight tracker

I saw 20 aircraft carriers fly above


holy shit a plane just flew over my house!!!!!

but on a side note. Anyone remember those helicopters landing on wilshire blvd in Los Angles? Where the commando dudes blew a fucking door open and carried some shit out?


Never happened.

They've been all over Sacramento for a week.

Most head inland. Some North.

Probably a movie shoot. Without a permit and stuff. You know. Nothing to see. Unreal

I think an airplane just flew over my house

for what you fucking schizo

I haven’t seen anything unusual. I’m right under LAX approach path. Haven’t noticed anything out the usual lanes.

I remember.

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kek. Hard to tell if shills, or just being ironic. That shit was nuts. I know for a fact it was real. Ill make a thread about it soon.

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Good. Thanks

Shit was fucking crazy. I wonder what it was the were carrying?

An airport just dug a secret base under my house!

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>checked glownigger
So sleepy zzzzzzz

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yeah it was. I'd like to know too.

Its happenin

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nice, much better version than mine.

those streets were not shut down either.


why are you sucking niggers off faggot?

Stupid American

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A house just flew over my airplane.

aircraft carriers are boats fucktard

The only thing unusual is the low amount of air traffic due to the coronavirus, calm down.

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What the fuck is going on here?

prince harry just moved to LA yesterday so LA is likely the safest place in the world.

Wow what the fuck could that be? Were they coming out of Wells Fargo?

This wasn't a movie shot right?

Any south bay anons here? This place has always felt like a safe haven, but Im pretty sure the redondo beach police is heavily Masonic.

lad i, just why?


Baited lolz

160th SOAR, the best helo pilots the U.S has training in a live urban environment.

when was this?

No. It was not a movie shot. Two giant ass black hawks and like 8 small bell type spec ops helicopters all flew in landed dropped off guys. They went into this building took something out and took off. The streets are not closed off. There are no cameras. Some spooky shit. They landed on a narrow street. A lot to risk.


I want to say 2 years ago

Why am I just now hearing about this

I'd love to know what went on.

no way. That was not training. The streets were not blocked off and they were only doing drilling in long beach.


it got memory-holed pretty quick.

Why’d you do it?

With the choppers flying literally a few 10's of feet above the ground between the buildings? I feel like I must have dreamed that it was so fucking nuts


Delta force dont do live drills like that in public; they have training facilities for that. Especially when the place that was raided is connected to a pedophile ring and NXIVM lawyer building was next door. There was also bio teams spraying down their helicopters after. They also had surveillance planes flying in circles all day there .

Theres literally police cars in the full video you fucking retard

This. When you think of it in this way, whatever they went in for must have been fucking massively valuable.
For something faggy they pull up in a plain van or 2 and a few guys go in.
But no, they land a chopper on a fucking public street and a stream of men blow up a fucking door.
That amount of exposure is never EVER witnessed in such a high profile area.
Didn’t they also do an ‘exercise’ at a different building on the same day? Also don’t forget sunspot.

not quite
These are linked. Have fun anons.

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anons were speculating about it likely being a Server/s iirc. I cant really remember why though

no lights? Not a marked vehicle? Interesting. Why isnt it parked in the middle of the street?

the sex cult with stormy d

Wow that's wild, man. I wonder if it was snatch and grab training. If not that's some serious shit

They were doing exercises in Long Beach a city like 15-20 miles away, at a shipping yard.

>Many planes that sound unusually large

Cringe and yikes

With so many fucking happenings I almost completely forgot about this shit. Insane times.

If you aren't baiting and actually think that this training exercise was an actual operation of some sort you should unironically end your life for being a low IQ retard.

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There are a bunch of different theories. Supposedly there was a NIXIVM sex cult lawyers office there. But one thing is for certain is that this was not a drill, to much risk to the public.

You have a vehicle that is not marked and is only blocking one lane. No lights. What exactly is it doing? It is not marked. How is someone going to know not to drive there?

I think it was a Wells Fargo they raided. Either taking hard drives, gold/money, or paper files if they're cavemen

Yeah, showed it to my old man ex-UKSF, trained and worked a lot with Americans. He couldn't believe it "why would a commander take the risk of that for training. One cock up and his career would be toast". Plus the fact that the US has an engineer unit dedicated to building mock training areas.

This area is LAPD, they drive black and white vehicles.

good shit