>My hands are shaking i can’t type

>A nurse at my elmhurst hospital who i don’t know just called me crying. She said they need vents but more so need doctors and also doctors who are ICU trained. She told me they cry everyday bc they know they’re gonna die. They’re begging. Please
Where are the nothingburger faggots now?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Grace Meng on Twitter My hands are shaking i can’t type A nurse at my elmhurst hospital who i don’t k[...].png (599x305, 26.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Honestly wouldn't care if everyone in jew york perished.
Oops did I say that out loud.

>p-p-prease rike and sharw

So much for city superiorty faggots. suck this dick long and slow

Why are they crying tho?

I know nobody who has this virus. In know nobody that knows nobody that has this virus.

>In Minecraft

What do we pay health care workers so much for if they can't clean up public health messes like this?
Your job is to deal with dead people bitch


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>I can’t type
>proceeds to type

Oh thank god I thought I did!

>Wife & Mother, Congresswoman, DNC Vice Chair, Attorney.
Two ICU trained doctors just flew over my house!

Tom Hanks.

I'm gonna sit in my (extremely comfy) shitty flyover state, watch cityfags die slowly, and laugh so much that it reverses aging

>overcrowded hospital is overcrowded
It always was and always will be. Not corona related. Still a nothingburger.




>someone, i don't know who
is not a reliable source of information

Whu flu makes you go


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Why does OP have a chinese accent?

Coworkers wife is nurse In Seattle. She hasn’t seen a single case.

I do not know Tom Hanks. He has never been in my Kitchen.

Damn. that's some sweet licks. Sung to War Pigs.
>My hands are shaking
>I can't type
>She needs vents more than Doctors
>We are crying everyday
>Because they know they gonna die
Oh lord please!

Libtard city enclaves must be hell - my condolences for your shitty life choices catching up to you

Elmhurst just flew over my house!

Twitter is so fucking gay.

Why contain it?

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>nurses lose their minds when real shit goes down
in other words
>women lose their minds when real shit goes down

color me not-shocked, ICU doctors and their nurses deal with this every day, every week, every month, every year

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Nice one mate

>My hands are shaking, i can't larp and type at the same time, i must roleplay my fucking post because it wouldn't look so emotional and fake, but i still need to type, even tho i can't type.

Fuck yourself.

"A person I don't even know called me and said they were a nurse and that everyone is crying because they are all gonna die."
Let's hope this bat soup noodle nigger bitch never gets a Nigerian Prince email.

Dont lump upstate in with the shitty city

Its a common sentiment my friend.

Yep. It doesn't exist. This is the next level Sandy Hook.

Why the fuck are women allowed in politics and the internet again? Especially this fat hog.

I don't know Hanx and he doesn't have the virus.

Lying on twitter like this should be punishable with death.

>wow, a rando on Twitter post, everything I believe is a lie

Attached: giphy (13).gif (200x193, 1.25M)

They could just quit their jobs, but then they couldn't get social credit on twitter anymore.

Nightmare on Elmhurst.

That vent's name? Albert Einstein.

When are state borders being shut down? Let semis thru but if you have out of state tags..you turn around or you some fresh recruit lights you up with a .50 cal machine gun.

My wife has it but was denied any test kits because they ran out and she is still able to walk. This shit is fucked

Has anyone seen a single pandemic video out of the west like we saw from China?

K what she’s talking about isn’t twitter it’s all real.

Shut up, cunt. Cuomo said he got the damn ventilators.

Send in those nazi incel death squads now

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Your wife has it yet was never tested for it...and you know this how?

this post is a hidden gold mine.

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My dick is shaking as I type this. Fuckin drama queens

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Jews. Look behind the suffragette movement and you will find them lurking and rubbing their hands.

Watching my friend who works at a hospital send me videos when she gets off work of the unusually empty parking lot

Don’t care, if they can charge people tens of thousands of dollars for mundane shit, the least they can do is cry.

and then everybody clapped

All these twitter hysteria posters are ...
>never say what hospital
Super weird, guys!

Already happened in Australia, less the .50 cals.

She has the flu.

Attached: Screenshot_522.jpg (253x401, 30.03K)

if its not locked down with troops, tanks and guns then its not locked down little buddy

>hand over the country to jews and jamals
>everything goes to shit
I'm shocked.

Send her this and she will find the strength to what she needs to do. Kek bless you all. youtu.be/zgMAz5XP7Jk. 88

This. And I've talked about this with a ton of people, and I haven't met a single person that personally knows anyone with it. A few "have a friend at work whose boyfriends mom's sister" had it, with no testing of course.

>my wife has it
>she was denied a test kit
Then she has not tested positive for it

Elmhurst is the Comet Ping Pong of hospital info. You can be assured that any info with "Elmhurst" is going to be lefty propaganda. Do not doubt me.

Jew York does not include upstate besides some select enclaves and/or Albany, I think. I'm not from your accursed state and neither are most people so forgive our lack of specificity. Same thing with Illinois, obviously.

Friend died in aspen today

>My wife has it
>but was denied any test kits
One of my big takeaways from all of this is that the real danger to me and mine is the abject stupidity of the average person around me. This moron, for example.

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Because they know they're going to die, because as nurses they need the ventilators to prevent themselves from dying due to late-stage viral pneumonia, which they will not develop due to not being geriatric.


Right? Wouldn’t there be corpses lining the street of downtown LA? They have a huge homeless problem there and I would assume the virus would spread like a wildfire through them killing a lot of them given they are drug users and likely have AIDS.

I tried to give it to my wife but she said she has a headache.