[FED HAPPENING] Trump merged the Fed and the US treasury. What the FUCK

Why is no one talking about this? finance.yahoo.com/news/feds-cure-risks-being-worse-110052807.html

The coronavirus is clearly a cover for this huge development. This will affect the entire world. The white hats have effectively dismantled the kikes entire piggy bank.

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Because the Goyim are confused without us to tell them what it means!

This is very very bad Goyim, Orange Man bad! Very VERY bad!

Why is this even surprising to you?

Go here to learn what a ZOG is, and who Trump serves:

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this has been in the plans from the start user. the goal is to control the money from all nations. either by bankrupting the fed and merging with treasury or printing enough money to buy everyone by abusing the hyperflation system created by the FED

How long before the kikes assassinate Trump?

>The coronavirus is clearly a cover for this huge development.
nah if anything everyone is using the Wu-flu as cover for moving all sorts of agendas.

the federal reserve is a private bank that does whatever the fuck it wants. It also is the only entity that can legally create money. It usually makes money when it buys treasury bonds. But it can also make money when it buys anything else also. The fed decided that buying the treasury bonds to create money wasnt fast enough so it started buying up all the crap to stop the stock market from failing. The federal reserve creates the money out of thin air to do this. The federal reserve didnt care and doesnt care what the president, treasury, or frankly any part of the government thinks about any of this. And the government cant do shit about it without repealing the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.

How do you manage to read the bus schedule so that you can get from counseling to your special classes?

Please explain this as if I have a room temperature IQ pls, thx

Was that funny in your head?


under guise of covid relief trump crashed the central banker's usury scheme and is now going to move the US off the fiat central banking perpetual debt usury scam system we're in
your money will be worth more
you'll have more purchasing power

times will go back to people being able to afford houses and families while being paid good money for their labor

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kike money brrr == dead

kikes lose their monopoly money and power

gold backed money (REAL MONEY) == bein spun up

On Monday morning, the world officially enters the age of totalitarian Jewish hegemony with Chabad at the controls of the US military, all it's arms, and complete foundational control of the world's currency issuing. They also have everyone at home. Remember the sealed indoctments? Now they get to use the lockdown to sweep the entire western world for "nazis" and "incel terrorists". Permanent age of darkness begins now.

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hope this is true


>Why do you think Trump is revamping the trade deals, using tariffs, cutting taxes to bring back jobs and manufacturing into the country, stimulating the economy, and nominating gold advocates to the federal reserve board? He's attempting to mitigate the inevitable crash and failure of the fiat system. He is preparing to flip from oil to metals, and restructure the federal reserve and fold it into the gov't where it belongs according the Constitution. It will probably happen in his second term.

>Did you see who's portrait Trump chose to have hanging right behind him in the oval office? Andrew Jackson, the man who repealed the Fed's predecessor, the Second Bank of the United States.

he's going to seize the assets of the deep state to pay for it all cause the link above gives him the power to

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other way around rabbi

cant wait to toss you headfirst into a pit of hungry pigs

dilate shill rat

more trust the plan, q bullshit.

Fake out first, remember the thing about the anti Christ being shot in the eye then coming back?

Trump will be shot then come back with greater support as he gives israel more power.

Watch this video for a brief explanation of the fed

The treasury made itself the lender of last resort and now owns the Federal Reserve balance sheet. The Federal Reserve is being nationalized and will be made irrelevant, this also means the debt of many countries is now owed to the treasury and US citizens.

>the fed
money printer go brrrrrr

bros we're making it happen. this is bigger than 2016. normies know about the FED now. they are going to literally reset the global economy to prevent the info from getting out.

total nothingburger faggot. Whatever the treasury faggots do means nothing.

Did you miss the part where the FED has pretty much just been nationalized?

So the new "FED" chief is effectively Trump.

Is this where pancho pays for the wall?

>Whatever the treasury faggots do means nothing.
truth inversion

Poor kike is scared

Ah yes I forgot that Kushner and Mnuchkin are totes against the Jews. Even Donald himself totally hasn't declared war om white nationalism. Yes trust the plan, we should all pray for Israel.

yeah and fucking blackrock is in the middle of it all, so the same (((masters))) keep control of it all. Same shit as always.

>Did you miss the part where the FED has pretty much just been nationalized?
lmao . pretty much.

Jews transferred power over to another Jew yet people are happy about this.

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you're deeply misinformed about the situation if you think that the executive branch can touch the federal reserve. The fed is completely independent and above all the branches of government and answers to noone but itself.

How hilarious is it that it only took 2 days of the banks having a 0% reserve mandate to fuck themselves over so much that the Treasury can just take over.

Trump has said repeatedly that his favorite president was Andrew Jackson. This should surprise no one.

why print money when the treasury can come in and say "that's mine, boy"?

Mnuchin will just control the 4 trillions slush found and with the help of Black Rock nonetheless and the retard and slimy kike on this board try to make it sound like Trump is nationalizing anything fuck it seriously

precisely why I said it's a total nothingburger. Whatever the government wants to do they will do because they have all the power. Thus why I called it a nothingburger.

interesting... I wish I believed it

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No its where Nesara/Gesara picks up.

>you're deeply misinformed about the situation if you think that the executive branch can touch the federal reserve.
this. Trump has LAMENTED about it even. even the fucking orange shabbos goy has complained. OI

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Chabad specifically. A radical supremacist organization that strictly subscribes to the "all gentiles are cattle slaves with no rights" doctrine.

>when the treasury can come in and say "that's mine, boy"?
can they ? it would be funny to see that happen

Well said, I'll share.

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Secretary of the treasury is mnuchin.
Blackwater is owned by jews.
The interests must still be paid the feds.
The feds now have access to the treasuries printing press and can loan out to more than just banks or the state.

Okay, this sounds exciting and all. But how would something as powerful as the Fed allow this to happen? How could they have let Trump just walk in and do that to them? And how long has this plan been in action?

literally,wtf does this mean?

it might be that Trump seeing that he might not have a 2nd term for whatever reason and he is dumping all of his aces one after another

> But how would something as powerful as the Fed allow this to happen?
They never did it's all patently false.

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Have a (You) you faggot for making me lol

doesnt this mean that the fed now has direct control of the treasury and where it spends money?
in what possible universe can anyone on here have confidence theres been a massive swerve away from complete kike control after 80 years of what we've seen.
theres no way this is a good thing

money printer go brrr. fuck off , retard.

Q predicted this BRRRRR

implying the fed did not control the government before.

Honestly the fact there are still fucking shills on Yas Forums is the real shock

This will just provide capital to debt markets so that companies can issue new bonds and use the proceeds to buy back stock and return money to hedge fund managers

In times of war, anything is possible.

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that's the trillion dollar coin thing

basically, by federal law that's already on the books here, the treasury can mint a coin and declare its value (regardless of whatever intrinsic value the coin does or doesn't have) and the fed is REQUIRED BY LAW to recognize it and appropriate its value to the treasury

full spectrum talmudic dominance
really awful things are going to become very commonplace until all sentient people are dead

Can someone please explain. Don't understand.

He hung them with their own rope. Allowed 0% cash reserves, and they fell for it in 2 days flat.

>The Fed hired BlackRock Inc. to purchase these securities and handle the administration of the SPVs on behalf of the owner, the Treasury.

>blackrock inc.


Found you

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my first (((you))) i may have come, a little. nevertheless, the day of the rake is nigh.

Because he is one of them, they already knew beforehand and simply just let him handle everything.

the treasury only Takes Foreign Payment in GOLD!

Weimar conditions in multiple western nations
Widespread famines
Open child prostitution
Multiple theatres of war
Intense suffering

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sequential digits. they can only print so much, its a house of a cards, a shell game if you will. the thing normies will not accept until their deaths is that it was designed that way on purpose.

it's the other way around.

No, the fed determines what gets printed and they get the interest on top of it.
Unfair? too bad, your presidents already signed it to give the jews free money.

>plan: trusted
>patriots: in control
>fed: looted
*crack* *sip* yup it's Jewish subversion time


you have it backwards

The treasury has the authority to mint coins and the fed must take them. The fed has *zero* authority over the treasury.

Slave no more! Like or hate Q, go on Twitter and see the volume of grandmas and soccer moms posting about Q, the FED, pedogate, adrenochrome etc... mind blowing amount of regular people around the world that aren’t going to let this genie go back into a bottle. Not just basement dwellers on the chans anymore

Oh, you naive soul. You can't redpill Qtards. Trump will be crowned king of Israel and they'll continue to cheer him on. The perfect goyim.

how can you have any confidence in that?
is it just hope?

Fuck up world economy. Do NESERA(cancel all debt globally). Back to gold standard. Everyone resets on even ground.

you didn't notice any of this was happening until it was too late
they thought they had more power than anyone could ever imagine
they got complacent and he used that to strike without them noticing

>The Federal Reserve is being nationalized
youve misunderstood fundamentally what is going on here.

The federal reserve bank has taken control to an even greater extent than before by directly buying failing assets using its money creation monopoly. These assets are being kept on the books at the treasury department because thats how the federal reserve keeps the toxic waste its purchasing off its own ledgers. This is happening because the federal reserve bank wants to keep the stock market from collapsing and its usual ways of doing that arent working fast enough anymore.

also this response is for


>The fed has *zero* authority over the treasury.
tell that to the orange man. he barks a lot.

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>>plan: trusted
>>patriots: in control
fucking jej

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You missed that 2 days ago they have zero leverage requirements. This means that effectively they are powerless.

Can someone explain like I'm a nigger?

>The white hats have effectively dismantled the kikes entire piggy bank.
Umm, I'd be willing to wager the fed kikes push around the US Treasury Dept. - not the other way around.

why is every Q story line ripped from homeland but reversed? you can spot lies by how unoriginal they are. liars are devoid of creativity.

wait... what? Not trying to be a dick here but I think you're misunderstanding Trump's role in this. The Federal Reserve Bank has (or had, I should say) basically unlimited authority to print money and manipulate markets and the US dollar. They do (or did) this with virtually zero oversight from the federal government, let alone POTUS.

What's being done to the Fed is the federal government waltzing in like a fucking mob boss tossing a quarter at the bellhop saying "cool, now I own the place"

Nigger, do you not understand what lender of last resort means? I guess you don't. The Federal Reserve couldn't contain the bullshit number games they were pulling on their own books and they went to the Treasury with pockets turned inside out. The federal reserve lost its poker face with the virus, blinked and the treasury took advantage of their desperation. The Federal Reserve effectively went to the government and said we can't manage this shit anymore and ceded it's status as a lender of last resort to the treasury. The power of making money is back under the Treasury Department as the founding fathers intended and the debt of the Federal Reserve is now owed to Americans.

from what I see, the number of Q posters on the normie web is actually in decline right now. I could be wrong.

The boomers will fucking will it into existence if they have to

>This means that effectively they are powerless.
hahahahh what?

i'm not really one to hope, user. if the administration wants to use it, they now have the legal authority to subvert many of the federal reserve's authorities and prerogatives. whether or not they plan to use it is a different story; the linked ((Bloomberg)) article suggests that this is a bad thing. essentially, whether it's jewish tricks or not, the legal relationship between the bank and the feds has changed drastically due to this crisis.

Hold the fucking phone. Hold the fuuuuucking phone. Did Trump just kill the fed?

Kike I hope you hang


>literally takes all power away from the jews

what did user mean by this?

Giving this timeline my power just in case it's true.

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>What's being done to the Fed is the federal government waltzing in like a fucking mob boss tossing a quarter at the bellhop saying "cool, now I own the place"
ok time to catch up for real.

The feds are the ones buying the treasury bonds and sending in the money in the first place you nigger.
They still get interest on top of that, they literally cannot lose money.

They are in total control.

this is huge because it means there is no longer an upper limit on any banking institutions ability to make money out of thin air. they no longer have any risk when they make any loan because they have the power to make an infinite amount of money and give it to anyone.

Banks always have created money out of thin air when they give out loans, but there was an upper limit on the total amount of loans they could make. the limit was a multiple of the amount of actual assets they had in reserve. Now that the reserve limit is gone this is insane.

Money is free, everyone should be able to get any amount of loan for no interest or nearly zero interest since there in no longer any risk to any bank for making any loan.

crazy times.

Remember how MC Hammer lost all his money, status and relevance? Now just imagine that MC Hammer is your average American.

It means that in 2 days they made a last cash grab, by allowing a zero percent reserve requirement. It was their last gasp in trying to get shit under control. Then it only took two days for the FED to cave. The FED no longer has any power.


>Kike I hope you hang

I'm just trying to understand this. I'm shocked, the federal reserve is like the fucking final boss of jewish power in the US. WTF.

No he just made it stronger, now the Fed has complete control over treasury as well.

Nah its gonna result in one world currency and then government and finally religion. This has been in the works for over a century and idk how people are blind to this. Trump is just a false hope.

>trusting a billionare because the media says hes bad and he talks funny
>implying Trump and anti Trump persons arent controlled by the same entity

>The feds are the ones buying the treasury bonds and sending in the money in the first place you nigger.
>They are in total control.
its gonna be a total shitshow if Trump walks in like a mob boss and just owns them. is that what we're seeing? it's not like we dont' know the virus could be a cover for a GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET or anything

Exactly... something is going to happen

you dont know what that means

this response sortof tangentially is related to what you dont understand about what is going on.

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The Fed has complete control over our currency, they could reduce us to Zimbabwe in a heartbeat, they are not powerless.

>shills misquoting the bible again
The antichrist isn't revealed until after Christ's return.

>BloomBERG doesn’t like it

>And the government cant do shit about it without repealing the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.

apparently the loophole is called a "special purpose vehicle"

He just gave control of the brr brr machine exclusively to anti-white Jewish supremacist gangsters. Trust the plan!

>It means that in 2 days they made a last cash grab, by allowing a zero percent reserve requirement. It was their last gasp in trying to get shit under control. Then it only took two days for the FED to cave.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this nigger culd be on to something. not even zero leverage requirements can save them and we all know that, it was just a matter of when. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

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I do know what it means. It means that by setting the reserve level that damn low, they admitted that they no longer have control over the situation.

The FED no longer has any control over the lower banks.

Nice try faggot

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It can’t be this simple, or someone should have done it before now.

Maybe but he'd be dead the moment he actually does that.

The swamp he cleared was the pro russia ones, the pro israel swamp is till in full force.
>any moment now goy any moment

>The Fed has complete control over our currency
complete control until even ZERO LEVERAGE requirements doesn't help them keep inflation in check, which is their sole purpose

Trump is ending the IRS! Wait for it. You'll see.


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The fed combined with the treasury is now a national bank. It has total control of the country and doesn't need lower banks.

Black cube and their brain dead golems itt


Trump nationilized it