Why did a "fascist" try to bomb a hospital?
Why not a Chinatown or something?
This is ridiculous and bad optics.
He's dead now and accomplished nothing but being a retard.
Why did a "fascist" try to bomb a hospital?
Why not a Chinatown or something?
This is ridiculous and bad optics.
He's dead now and accomplished nothing but being a retard.
Other urls found in this thread:
He wasn’t one of us you heard from me, vice
Fascists gonna fascist, buddy. If you want to effect meaningful and positive change in the world, get a better ideology.
Well he was obviously an idiot.
Making your bombe like the Unabomber is high iq but buying them is low iq as hell.
Very simple, really.
>shot because he was armed.
>Shot him when he went to pick up what they thought was a bomb
Which is it?
Probably got convinced to do it by a fed.
theres that word again
Also how did the FBI catch on him?
He should have kept a LARPed hard as a normie online and off and not said a word about what he was doing.
You only post about plans when you're actually full of shit and haven't and won't take a single step in the direction of action. Keeps the alphabets busy wasting their time on you while the real deal gets to work.
Anyone who wants to fight against the ZOG should appear as innocuous as possible and just be amassing bombs and weapons for hobbyism or something.
Because fucks like him and mass shooters deep down true aim is to become famous by attacking an easy target, even if they won't admit this to themselves
Article with picture of the man. Is he even white?
Kansas City anons, just had Minsky’s tonight. Bretty gud.
Absolutely glowing.
Anders Behring Breivik and Brenton Tarrant did it right.
Zach Davies, this guy, piano boy, and many others have all just been failures though and quickly forgotten.
>Killing people in critical care
Yeah that's totally not a glownigger gay op
Why would Chinatowns not be an easy target though?
>Attack a place that has high concentration of chinks and capitalize on anti-chink sentiment
>become a hero, inspire an uprising, increase already high tensions
I can't understand the logic of it at all. Was he hoping to help the virus spread somehow? It's already spreading like wildfire.
It's like attacking a retirement home full of people whose life is already up anyways or like when ZOG deports a 90+ year old National Socialist "do what you must, I have already won".
Zionist Occupied Government
Same thing the FBI always does to justify it's own existence.
>find an outsider who's kinda political
>have an undercover agent make friends with them and push them farther to the extremes
>the agent supplies them with instructions and materials for a bomb while also suggesting locations for it
>FBI swoops in on it's own home made terrorist
>rinse and repeat
They've done it so many times I keep getting surprised when I see them finding new people to fall for it.
>medical facility
probably an abortion clinic
It's called mk ultra, probably a cuck, not a fascist.
This. FBI entraps people all the time
>Wilson tried to pick up what he thought was a bomb, although there was no bomb
Glow 101 yet again. Find feebleminded tard, seduce him into joining your discord server, pump him up, offer to provide a bomb, lie in wait, arrest him when he goes for the dud. The only difference is that this time they just outright executed him.
Typical glowniggers. Pray on the weak, stupid, mentally ill or easily influenced and goad them into committing terrorist acts. DO NOT listen to anyone telling you to commit violence and DO NOT join an “organization” like Atomwaffen.
Doing either of these things will result in you spending the rest of your life in federal prison. There are better ways to fight the system than sacrificing yourself to be eaten by ZOG.
Looks like a sóyboy lmao
Imagine thinking you can buy a bomb. How very American. Consoomer til the end.
Killing or attempting to murder innocent people. A special place in hell.
>a long-running domestic terrorism investigation
>a months long investigation
is that what is considered long term in this fucking country?
Wew another false flag how nice
This either never happened or it was mind control.
I would assume you'd die.
Also I doubt there are better ways. Islam spreads like crazy because it has lots of martyrs.
This. It's a low effort frame up so the feds can justify their budgets.
The only one who takes life is God and no man dies before or after his appointed time. (and no, murderers are no exception to this)
If someone succeeds in taking a life it's because god willed it.
In this case God didn't want him taking any lives.
He didn't, this is the US govt trying to badmouth NS in an opportunistic moment during a crisis. Although considering this was done by the fbi, this was likely the anglo-judeo diaspora faction which did this, not the ziocons.
Sounds like they encouraged a retard to take their fake bomb to some "you monster!" location of their choosing.
I was personally investigated by the FBI for 4 years.
The best fascist attack was Breivik, you want the faggots in charge scared. They dont give a shit if you kill minorities that helps them set the tone without any actual threat to them.
Killing random innocent people serves no purpose
Save your psycho babble for your garage church you fuckin punk
that's how you can safely identify these incidents as glowniggers. if someone were really going to do something, they surely wouldn't go after everyday citizens just trying to get by.
Maybe you should stop trying to groom children.
He didn't ACTUALLY do anything, though. That's what gets me. Am I supposed to believe the FBI?
>Be regular user.
>Fuck the Gubmint, Niggers, Kikes, Spics, Chinks and Especially Jannies.
>Typical Shitposter.
>FBI knock knock.
>Who dis?
>FBI Open up!
>No, fuck you.
>FBI getembois.exe
>Bang Bang!
>FBI takes you to hospital.
>Doctor: "He might pull through."
>FBI: "Fuck that noise."
>Oh darn, he died.
>FBI releases statement.
>That's not enough... need moar...
>Masses quietly shake their head and move on, forgotten in a day.
How can they do this? How does anyone trust the FBI? What proof has been released? Anything other than "the fbi said so?"
Shit really bothers me, man.
Probably bullshit. They love painting themselves as heroes doesn't matter who dies. Also helps justify funding.
Fake and gay.
FBI and DOJ deep state working hard for false flag.
I dont believe anything coming from the FBI.
>Maybe you should stop trying to groom children.
I was investigated because I cheered on various mass-murderers and expressed desires to do the same as them.
you people in this thread are ignorant.
This man, no he isn't even a man! This Child tried to hurt people and all you are doing is being mad at all those heroes doing their job and stopping this fascist from hurting people.
Good job, FBI! Keep up the god work! Some of us are with you 100%!
Prove it.
Prove what?
An eye for nothing type of guy.
If you expressed views like this in my outfit than I would end you myself, son.
So he never actually had a bomb?
It was clearly his intention to have one you dumb fuck milky lickers.
Prove this man was actually what the FBI said. Prove he intended to hurt anyone. Prove it.
>If you expressed views like this in my outfit than I would end you myself, son.
I would have been fine with that as I was suicidal at the time and just trying to get the glows to kill me. However I think they realized that and they just put me in the psych ward.
Btw, you shouldn't be on here, if you don't idolize mass murderers. What the fuck you doing on an imageboard if you don't want to see the whole world burn?
The FBI has the logs, cyber vermin. It's open and shut.
Isn’t this just like that new Clint Eastwood movie
>Shit really bothers me, man.
It bothers me too. My experience with the FBI has been positive but shit like this and other incidents make me concerned.
Its nothing, just fbi trying to drum up a fake terror attack so they can pat themselves on the back when they stop it.
Remember the draw muhammed contest shooting? The shooters were goaded and instructed by FBI agents that were on the scene shortly after they started shooting... and they did nothing to stop it.
This is what happens when you dump billions of dollars into an organization with such power. They will do anything to stay relevant, and some probably actually believe it even while they instruct some lone schizo to come buy some fake explosives from them
Reads like a typical glownigger op.
They could have easily stopped him by simply not radicalizing him, not baiting him, and pushing him in a more positive direction. They also didn't have to take his life.
>cyber vermin
Hello, FBI. You should be fired and replaced with someone who can do their job without emotions getting involved.
I can't wait for faggots like you to be the victim. It's just a matter of time. You people are a waste of space. Easily controlled and manipulated.
both military/alphabets and bad at their job
Maybe they're lashing out right now instead of being professional because they know shit is fucked and their jobs are about to get pretty dangerous.
Remember this?
I'm sure the FBI does good shit all the time. But things like this and the story in the OP ain't one of them. Its a load of shit there is no accountability for the agents/managers or whatever the hell signs off on these projects to manufacture terror attacks.
At this point, I just feel bad. You really don't recognize some of the shit I'm saying?
I am an agent of chaos that frequents this site in search of lulz.
And how did you find out they were investigating you for four years?
What do you mean by "recognize some of the shit I'm saying"?
Are you speaking in code and I'm missing the code?
Because before you join the force, they investigate the fucking shit out of you.
>17 posts by this ID
yeah fucking right
someone who believed in national socialism and protecting his people wouldn't be making moves to bomb a hospital in the middle of a fucking pandemic.
sounds retarded, fake and gay
Its actually very common thing for fascits to do
Fascist are stupid. They'd rather slash their neighbors tires in protest or shoot up a small church filled with disenfranchised brown people who make kebabs for a living instead of bombing the house of a politician who has actual power and who signs laws that directly work against his interests.
Fascists are boot lickers at heart.
No. I am making references to an enraged boomer.
Also, I think I just won spot the fed.