Does anyone else feel like they are in a state of shock ever since we all started getting told to stay home and stay away from other people?
It’s just not something I ever would have expected to happen in my wildest dreams three months ago.
My world has been turned completely upside down.
Our world has been turned completely upside down.
Have you realized that things will never go back to normal yet?
I kind of preferred back when we could forsee all of our countries slowly going to shit.
Now I don’t have a clue what the future holds
How is the Pandemic affecting your mind?
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I'm pretty much fine my job is essential
it's fucking weird. i don't leave my house much already and yet it's still weird. the whole culture feels changed, but forcefully. it's like we all took a giant shit
Joomers lost some of their stalking infrastructure so I never felt better in the last 4 years (it's still enough to make a bitch or normie to want to kill themselves, though).
I'm gonna start shitting myself when it kills more people daily than gang violence
Part of me finds it fascinating. The uncertainty is sort of exciting. I'm not really stressed, but I can see a lot of people who are. For anyone who feels stressed, work on your breathing. Breathing a certain way will switch you out of fight-of-flight and into the parasympathetic nervous system. Much better for your immune system.
It’s not, I sit at home playing video games for 16 hours a day regardless.
Its all bullshit. I am still having to work. Like nothing has changed in Houston except these morons demanded restaurants and dentists offices to close. Whats up with that? Blind leading the Blind.
I want it to hurry up and get to removing turds and fatties. I hate this waiting. I’m too sexy to die in this thank goodness. I need to get my shit together for thunder road.
I'm happy, because finally something is happening in the world. Makes me feel alive.
I'm ready for open insurrection and to kill traitors and their families.
hoping all the people i hate die
outside of that, couldn't give a fuck
i'm better than everyone and cannot die
Gave up on no fap when I saw this. Wtf yolo?
>normies shitting bricks makes me feel alive
Wait till you have to kill said normies for stealing your ass paper stash.You may never lose that erection
I already started making signs and T shirts :
You don't want to die for my 3-ply
>Does anyone else feel like they are in a state of shock ever since we all started getting told to stay home and stay away from other people?
no because im not a wageslave cuck. normies gtfo
no because im not an extrafag in constant need of attention or social activity to stay sane.
I was upset, but now feel fine now. I had the covid, got over it. I've been through worse.
Y wld any1 want 2 b around ppl? They're absolute pieces of shit. All u do is lie, steal and cheat on your spouses. Gfy low iqs.
nigger in your nigger
This whole thing doesn't bother me in the slightest. Everyone at work is on edge and stressed, and I'm just fine. Is that weird? I think we live in interesting times but I'm not sad or bothered by it.
I miss my friends, girl I was hooking up with seems to be losing interest, internship i really liked has shut down. I hate all the happening fags. Y’all have nothing to lose. Felt like I was just getting my shit together for once
Inb4 phone posting
I suddenly want to go outside now more than ever.
While I’m usually completely fine being a shut-in recluse, the idea of “oh fuck its habbening” makes me want to see it.
That's kind of weird, most people are saying women are super thirsty due to the quarantine and the threat of death looming overhead.
>software dev for health insurance company
>work from home anyways
>life is the same except now there is less cunts at the grocery store
>stacys on tinder are way more thirsty
idk my life is kind of better
I’ve been waiting my whole life for a kill or be killed scenario for all humans
I may be able to live through it now and get my chance to fulfill my destiny of becoming a violent warlord who eats my enemies and has many wives
The thot is in self isolation so nothing I can really do
It's time to bust down her door while wearing a hazmat suit with a hole cut out for your dick.
It’s the most boring happening ever.
My ugly ass has been getting attention lately, and that almost never happens. I think in times like this women are more attracted to fat guys.
I'm getting feverish from all the coverage. Like my body is under stress 24/7
alot of bored and lonely college girls trapped in their boarding houses here in my city.
Literally nothing has changed for me, I was already prepping for years and never leave my house anyways besides to go for a run, walk my dog or do garden/yard work. Can go months at a time without seeing another person. Genuinely feel bad for people that didn't prep for the grand solar minimum/magnetic reversal and Were blind sided by this, on top of not being prepared mentally for what is yet still to come
But you do have a point, have been getting more matches than usual, I guess my simp ass liked this one. Sucks but once this passes (hopefully) I’m dicking her down ASAP
Same as ever. Im mad because i realize what this bullshit ratrace has been robbing from me. Going to office was never needed, going out and spending money was never needed. Im the happiest ive been in years. I started having dreams again/remembering them. Im closer to nature. Comfy.
The quarantine is just every day life for me. Barely noticed a difference in that regard, though I do know it is a bit different out there. Not like Mad Max different, but there's a different air out there.
However, the pandemic itself is worsening what was already a growing, crippling fear of premature, non-age-related death for me. I found it difficult to do much of anything in the day before, now I'm having a hard time just getting out of bed. It's a sort of hopelessness thing, rather than some kind of distress.
Tried this for years with a therapist. Wish I could say the breathing thing helped, but all it ever did to me is make my heart race.
Ignore it. Learn something instead. I turned it off and within maybe 48 hours ive become zen as fuck.
I became a comfy neet after completing my job before the pandemic so I'm all fine and dandy in my hole
It's boggling actually. I normally have no desire to go out whatsoever and since they announced the stay at home order and closed all the bars all I want to do is go to the bar and shoot pool.
I would love nothing more than to hunker down and ride out the next few years. I have the money and preps to do it but I'm a key employee of an essential industry. I have no loyalty to my employer but I would hate to see my coworkers and clients suffer if I up and quit so I keep working. I guess I'm just a social simp, the world weighs heavy on my shoulders.
I find it makes you notice your heartbeat much more. Probably not actually making it race, but makes it more noticeable. For those who want to try it, it's really easy. Just take a deep breath from the diaphragm (let your gut move out out as you breath in), then let the air out over about twice the time it took to breath it in. Repeat for 5 mins or so.
All larping and shitposting aside, this could all be the start of a great new way of life in terms of a debt reset, return to gold standard, drastically better work life balance, more family time, etc. or a horrific, dystopian hellish nightmare apocalypse. Literally a coin flip. What a time to be living, frens.
This precisely. All things rotten must eventually fall. All things that fall have new things built on top. Learn to enjoy the experience.
Really long term, we have to accept that USA is gone. We lost it like Greeks lost Anatolia. Our future is in Europe, we need to go back home.
>Now I don’t have a clue what the future holds
I can help
A Pole Shift in May
I'm beginning to think that the cure is worse than the disease...
Has that helped my anxiety levels?
Yep. Its the worst kind of happening. One where things have "shut down" but nothing exciting is actually occurring.
Relax, Kiwifriend. Trust in eternity. See the beauty that still exists in spite of current events. Watch a sunset. Go feel the breeze or the rain. Take some deep breaths. Feels good to breath.
Cheers user...
Been prepping for years, because I saw the possibility of a pandemic or economic downturn as a real possibility. I'm married, have six kids, own three businesses (2 of 3 are running in the red). I thought my prepping would help alleviate my concerns, but all it did was shift my concerns. Two months ago, we stopped all physical contact with others. We're concerned that the asymptomatic cases could be something more serious. We're spending more time as a family, in our garden, home schooling, etc. but with the purpose of surviving the recent and possible future events.
Can confirm. My wife has been extra thirsty. Might add a seventh kid soon before this virus takes out my testicles.
been fine
maybe you just consooom too much media and are prone to paranoia and anxiety
I work in healthcare too, having had a single unscheduled day off since this whole shit started, my city only has like 40 cases tho so I think we're doing ok
The only thing different for me is the bullshit in the stores now.
Pandemics make people horny af
Annoyed. It's everywhere online and it's all anyone in person wants to talk about. I've been tossed into the pit of unemployment, so now I am directly impacted myself. I go to the store, I see all of the shelves pretty much restored now, but still can't find fucking toilet paper. It makes no sense. I'm just annoyed. People are impressively stupid. It can't even be put into words. On top of it all I was in the process of moving when this all exploded, so it has made being able to enjoy that impossible to do. I'm surrounded by insufferable faggots day in and day out. I get that there is a virus. I don't ignore the fact that there is a virus, but what the actual fuck with the toilet paper. Why isn't this over and done with by now. I am in the gayest fucking pandemic ever.
Wait, that's not the gif version. Oh well.
>Killing idiot normies who've turned to looting because they failed to prepare
Stop. I can only get so erect.
My life has actually improved and is getting much better. I service and repair respirators and infusion pumps at a private non-hospital facility in my own office. Racking up lots of OT and stocking my house with food and ammo. Gas is amazingly cheap and my truck is always full. Getting some Trump bux soon which will just be an extra bonus. All the faggots just stay home and be useless.
>>>How is the pandemic effecting your mind?
It's not.
I've been practicing social distancing my whole life.
I've never been more in my element.
yeah i have to admit, i was a little confused...
And on another note when I do leave the house I know that most of the people I see out and about are Trump supporters, the world feels safer somehow
Yeah it fucking sucks, I'm slowly going crazy, and there needs to be a revolution after this shit, because otherwise we are going into green Greta fascism
We stand at a crossroads. One path leads to despair, the other to destruction. Let's hope we make the right choice.