White Women

How do we fix them?

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Built for BBC

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by providing them unlimited access to black bulls in their teenage years. once they have it out of their system they'll be ready to raise your kids

This youtu.be/zgMAz5XP7Jk

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When the boog happens, I get to shoot that one.

That girl is Jewish.

how are they broken?

Make racemixing with niggers illegal

OP has a tiny Asian penis

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I dont see anything wrong here

Fix white men


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she's literally no meme a Jew someone post the pic of her with her family

OP that's a transgender attention whore not a white woman

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That's a jew

Fuck off

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Another month of corona chan.

The way to fix women in general is to rake away attention and in so doing their power. Be willing to pass hard on pussy that is no good and your life will improve. Never take their shit. If you want to fuck a slut go for it but treat her like a slut. Let her know she made herself a less than acceptable woman. Dont be mean but let her know her place in your life and she accepts it it is on her. Be truthful and assert your dominance. And be willing to walk.

fellow white boys its time to admit the reign of the white man is over... and the return of the kangs is here....

damn i never thought it would end like this..... i guess this is what we get for being raciss and shiet...

look at this fine specimen. how can we compete? it's over...

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OH NO NO NO NO we got too cocky black bros, it's over. People are starting to see through us, what the FUCK do we do now??? It's fucking over bros...

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i agree fellow white man. lets pack it up and stop being so racist.

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FUCK do we have a backup plan???? This was the only thing we thought we had. I might just kill myself now nigbros

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seething wh*toids. your best women are flocking to us

nobody is flocking to hapas Tenda sorry brah

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The white race needs to be exterminated by any means necessary.

Black bros, we are the ugliest race of men on the planet and all the women prefer whitebois, wtf do we do now?? The Jewish propaganda isn't working anymore and all the Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, and even Black girls prefer BWC??????????? IT'S FUCKING OVER BROS I THINK I'M JUST GONNA END IT

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Who cares? Let them be retarded. We either reach the technological singularity or go extinct within the next couple of centuries, anyhow. Just gonna live my life day by day until I either get an indefinite lifespan due to the technology or I die.

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why are black women so fucking savage and cruel to their own men?
its even worse than the relationship between white women and white men

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You cant. Too much degeneration.

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this shit is a mental disorder


/blackbruhs/ why the fuck are we so weak?? How can we compete with whitebois when they are genetically superior to us in every physical & mental way???

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Take solace in the fact that 99% of the time it's some seething non-white cuck who is angry that he can't get a white woman.

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>noooooooooo she's joooooish nooooo white girls don't like BBC

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by fixing the white male. stop being lazy ass faggots.

This is how you fix them. Simple and direct,wtf? youtu.be/zgMAz5XP7Jk

How do white men ever recover?

It's a bliss knowing africans and arabs are slowly replacing jews in Israel.


If you added up all the subscribers of these subreddits

They would still have less total subscriptions than the two incest subreddit.

Never forget: You are descendants of slaves, with the lowest avg IQ, without any contributions to humanity,

You will get what's coming to you

I cant even find a girl to kiss me and black guys are getting girls to humiliate themselves like this. What the fuck bros

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there's literally a picture of her with her kike father kys

White gf is sucking his bbc underneath
>chad thundercuck

just a reminder that all canadian and american flags that post mutts law type shit are most of the time seething niggers/poos/chinks who can't get a white girl to give them the time of day

based leaf, thank you leaf.

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false im a white boi who knows my place

dead meme

show your flag then and prove it

ok (((memeflag)))

Repeal the 19th amendment. Without the female vote, most of the leftist cancer would begin to recede: divorce rape, no fault divorce, hyper-feminism taught in universities, ever expanding welfare states, etc.

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Wish a girl like this would put my in chastity and take all my money

simple: we dont, you god damn faggot. How much of a cuck do you have to be? Get yourself a trad asian or muslim, plenty of them out there. If you breed with white women, you will just continue the circle of degeneracy.

I'm not going to lie I always wanted to have a family and city entirely white, but when I saw a BLACK BVLL for the first time I felt a desire to see him put the BBC on my wife. His body was so strong his penis was huge

BLACK BVLLS are simply superior to wh*Te men I felt inferior on that day I, a simple wh*Te man, compared to a BLACK BVLL is unfair, they are clearly blessed

I realize that now my place as wh*Te man is to serve BLACK BVLLs to maybe be spared by them



This is so true and relatable.

Fix the culture by removing Marxism and Identity Politics.

What about all these girls, also jewish?

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Why do we keep losing bros???

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these chicks aren't even that hot mate, and I'd bet my life that every single one of them has no/little to no relationship with their father.

these girls still end up fucking white Chad and will never give you the time of day Tenda

Those are mentally ill post-op trannies, they are not the same girls. Transgenders prefer blacks and browns for obvious reasons, they want to be prized and don't want to be outed as males with a tranny vag.

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probably, def looks like a downie though LOL

Answer my fucking question!

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can you imagine the uproar if the message was "no black boys" ?

White women are branding themselves with Queen of Spades tattoos to let everyone know they are built for BBC.

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