300 word essay due by Monday

>300 word essay due by Monday
>haven’t started
It’s over for me, boys

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Lol, I never did essays when I was in school. Still managed to pass classes

>tfw the bull wants me to write a 100 word essay on the cruelty of slavery by saturday night or we won't let me watch

300 words, what the hell man, you could shit that out in a few hours, you have all week end.

The fuck? Die in shame you weirdo.

Come on, that’s nothing. What’s the topic?

this sub is for ppl over 18 years of age
i reported you

> "A 300-word count is about 1⅓ pages double-spaced."
u jokin or did you miss a zero

I've seen this meme on here and Yas Forums several times. I know this is bait and for people that do not, if you cannot write a 300 word essay in a matter of at BEST one hour you are a brainlet.

15 pages by monday wouldnt be such a problem either

>300 words
Are you fucking retarded?

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>300 words

Nigger I routinely pump out 1500 word essays in two days

Write a paper on the slave ship owners. Just google slave ship owners and start writing.

Fucking retard

300 words? are you kidding me? that shit'll take half an hour are you dumb?

>300 words due in 2 days

ITT: newfags fall for one of the oldest copy pastas and they don't stop

>300 words
That's 15-30 minutes of work user just fucking do it then you won't have to worry about it

>tfw 50 word essay due by Monday
>haven't started

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Are you joking? That’s literally five words a second.

Not letters, words.

boomers and fb niggers dude

Is pol full of low IQ subhumans? 300 words is literally nothing

>19 word post calling OP a faggot due in 1 minute
>haven't started

I'm not gonna make it lads

[Edit] whew, got it in just on time

>300 words
That's easy as fuck. Stop being lazy, OP.

I hope you meant 3000


>he doesn't know pretending to fall for the pasta is part of the meme

fucking newfag

If you cant do a 2000 word paper in one waking day you have a learning disability, are hungover, or your just plain retarded.

I write more than that in a fucking shitpost

I could write a well-crafted 300-word essay in five minutes. Is this bait?

Great slide thread. Im loving these.

>did 200 words in less than 30 minutes
thanks for the free space thread i guess

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>30 word paragraph due in May.

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Just play along you fag.

300 word? kek. Shit is easy. I would wait the night before to write a 30 page case study. FTW

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Sigh... Yas Forums is full of new fag zoomers. It's over.

Glad to see there's at least some old fags left

Ohhh man. That sucks! Whats the topic?

Your post was 13 words. Just write 287 more and you've got your essay.

CTRL+C, CTRL+V you faggot

>300 word

underage b& detected. wait until you get to uni where you have 3-5 5000-20000 word essays every semester

I love this meme.
Especially when I have a 6k one due next friday


Simply write each and every line from this thread in the essay.

>300 word
Are you kiding?

300 words is barely an introduction to the essay.
It's barely 10 minutes work for something that 90% coherant.

stop being a fag and do your work.

Thats nothing

Nice shitty bait. Kys and thank you for your cervix.

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I wish I could read and write

Feeling this, lad. 5000 due by Thursday. Feminism in China. FUCK UNI.

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page AI code assignment due in 1 month

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It really is over isn't it. Is this how boomers feel? When stuff they grew up with, that they built from the ground is desecrated and ignored?

I'm doing a PhD. My chapters are 15-18k

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ITT: Newfags

300 words, not difficult unless you're a retarded. 3 pages at most.

Fuck you, School sucks

you just typed 13 words...

do that 23 more times and you basically reached 300, its really not that hard

dude you can type 300 words within a song's time. wtf is the matter with you. so whats the topic anyway

>300 word


>300 words
nigger i can do 300 in 10 mins.

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School should be the last thing on your mind , you should be thinking about when the government is gonna come give you the option to take the mark or get smoked

And they're all still oblivious even though multiple people have pointed out its one of the oldest meemz on the chans... sigh

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300 words in 2-3 days doesn't sound that difficult.

>Feminism in China.

Is the topic equal access to bat meat?

>he doesn't know pretending to fall for the pasta is part of the meme
Looks like you're the newfren here

What topic? You're a fucking brainlet btw.

Five words a minute you fucking brainlet


ok user

It's Friday night you cunt. Oh wait. you faggots have the luxury of staying at mom and dads and have no excuse to go to the bar because they are all closed. Suck my average cock.

I can write that in ten minutes, retard.

Nobody cares, get off pol with this shit.

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15 minutes, fucking underage faggot

>r*ddit spacing
go back

Easter egg some Biden quotes in there for lulz.

>My chapters are 15-18k
That sounds absolutely awful, user.
How improved economic circumstances and post-Maoist reforms change the traditional role of women. It's boring and I hate it.

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300 words is like 2 fucking pastas you ubderage faggot. Stop being a nigger and do your homework. I coukd write a 300 word essay right now on the weight of all the testicles that have slapped off your forehead as you deepthroat niggers, you fucking fortnite playing kissless virgin

>300 word essay
What are you in the 3rd grade or something?
Literally 5 minutes worth of work.


It's not as bad as you think user, footnotes are heavily annotated and they contribute to the word count. The problem actually comes in cutting down, because it's only 80-100.000 words in total (over 3-4) years, which sounds like a lot but it really doesn't leave you much room after 4 years of research.

>How improved economic circumstances and post-Maoist reforms change the traditional role of women. It's boring and I hate it.

I literally could not resist talking about the wet markets in my essay at this point if I was in your shoes

88 words wood be perfect.

>I literally could not resist talking about the wet markets
KEK, we'll see. What's your PhD program?

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