I'm 1/10th Ashekenazi, gross I know. What does pol thing about us. I 100% agree with you NatSoc views. Discus!
What does pol think of Mischlings?
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You're worthy.
ashekenazi arent even real jews user. the kikes bred with whites to be shapeshifters, just as they did with arabs making mizrahi jews
This is the best new I've gotten all day.
are you marked? those marked into satan's army will be eliminated.
We like to judge people as individuals user, I know it goes contrary to our reputation; that being said, do you lust after money to the extent that it blinds you from all else? Do you haggle over the most piddly purchases? Do you view yourself as superior due to your blood? This will shape how we judge you
How do you onetenth?
Mizrahi are pure Jews, they’re what they looked like before breeding with whites
That's what I thought. Fake Jews that made an ehtnostate with all included.
No all I want is a minimalist life with a white wifu and a family.
Isn't he allowed to view himself as superior because the 9 tenths white blood?
I'm 1/4 and you're obsessing over yourself, stop making slide threads
Is that the type where you turn to stone just from seeing a picture of them?
Yeah this makes no sense. OP must have meant 10/10
I'm the rest North West Euro btw. My pol friend calls me kikeboi. I'm pretty sure my great grandma ran away to America by herself because she was being molested by her family in Russia due to Talmudic law,
First of all, would it kill you to proofread? Second, I would consider you one of us.
The problem isn't with Jews but "Jewishness" as Atzmon describes it.
nah khazars are pure jews. i know a kid whos a mizrahi jew and hes literally brown like a saudi
It's not the average jew that is evil. It's the billionaire jews, illuminati hollywood jews, banker jews, news jews and blood libel jews.
Most jews are just normal people, they just wanna live their lives.
It's the elite. Based and mossadpilld
yo owen! whats up dude?
Yeah, they of course all obey the same master. There isn't several conspiracies, there is one giant conspiracy. It's a giant spider web.
I have no idea who is behind everything. Logically they are people we've never seen or heard about.
You don't want to be in the spotlight when you hold all the strings.
Rothschild? The Roman Empire? Jesuits? European nobility? God? Lucifer? Black nobility?
Is Owen still cultleadering and eating turpentine?
The Pharisees? or just rich families working together?
He’s still mogging you
The more I see the recent events of China virus play out, the more I see the Chinese get away with literally blaming other people for the virus, the more I see the entire world kissing china's as even though the avg ppl hate chinks now... the more I'm convinced Chinese money and power sits near the very top of the pyramid.
you pass the Nuremberg laws.
anti-fear homesteading is cultleadering to you?
what is this mark of which you speak?
I only ever got more fear the more I watch
who ensured Mao defeated Chiang Kai-shek?
...i think you already know
Nobody hates jews just because they're jews. They hate them for what they do. Just don't be a jew and no one would even know or care.
Apparently I pass the Nuremberg laws. Fuck China.
shitler let jews join the ss as long as no more than a single grandparent is jewish
I SEENT Owen live in portland and had a grand time wif em'. Got a picture with him and he's way too tall. Good energy at the show but ALOT of neck beards there as well. To your original question: Ideology is in the mind so whatever you can be, be it. Don't ask others for their opinion of yourself, what you aspire to be and what they think about it... Other than diet your genealogy may not be playing as big of a part in your life as you think it may. If you're serious about the question maybe ask yourself why you're asking it in the first place. I my self am 1/16th Ashkenazi and I don't let it affect me, If anything it will make you think you picked out a "good deal" at a thrift store or garage sale, either way maybe you did maybe you did not. In the end your genetics should really only play a role in your diet.
Of all those words I only recognize "mao". Chang kai shekels?
I heard he also let full bloods join with personal exemption
Wait a second. I also liveportland. We're under shelter in place and yet the Mexicans were landscaping this am. I didn't know landscapes we "essential biznus"
The Chinese Nationalist leader. Nationalist China, led by the KMT, Chiang's party, was pushed to Taiwan where it continues to represent the legitimate Chinese government in exile.
Ah. I've heard the Chinese say the cc is like a parasite on the spices of power that they can't get rid of.
They literally brag about it in outlets they assume goyim don't read
This is almost TOO easy, they're bragging about what they're doing. We really are gonna win this one, and we're all gonna make it.
kek underrated
Isn’t that just one of several theories? Even many diluted Ashkenazis are pretty swarthy
I personally wouldn’t care if you were 100% heeb,, if you would just fuck off and leave us alone.
I pray to god, literally, please just let them fuck off. It’s all I ask. But I guess various peoples have been hoping for this for 2000 years...without much luck.
You guys are just weird as fuck. I think a Michcling with a proven track record of not being a cunt should be OK... as ok as the rest of us anyway...which might not be so OK come to think of it.
Self hating Jew. You’re ignorant.
I got 4.5% on 23andme. Who cares?
Convincing boomers to drink paint stripper (but it's natural!), leading to at least one emergency room visit for internal bleeding is cult like. Having your followers mail you cash to "feed the bear" even though you are a landlord and still receive royalties from your work in Hollywood is cultlike, and incredibly Jewish. Burning your three year old childs favorite books because they have dinosaurs is cult like.
well I mean you re 1/10 jew its not like you were 1/10 nigger or something, jews are only problematic because of what they do
Hello fellow jews, i was a Polish patriot I thought i was pure now i follow the torah
kek those compagnies add 1% jew and nigger on purpuse
Self hating faggots are worse than any race could ever be. Neck yourself.
Actually they... updated my results and removed my 100% European rating :( and made me even more jewish.
I m not joking btw, there were leaks and articles that talk about it, they re compagnies run by jews and they add 1% nigger or 1% jew to everyone just to push the "no one is pure" bs
this is typical hasbara/JIDF shilling bait. sage in all fields and
I find it strange the anti Owen shilling here. He seems like he speaks Yas Forums. And has overall positive message.
I lllloooooovvvveeee BBC too user.
>Nobody hates jews just because they're jews. They hate them for what they do. Just don't be a jew and no one would even know or care.
Same is true of Europeans, no? Just don't be a God-complex genocidal colonialist European scumbag and people won't care. Don't be a Muslim who stones people for minor offenses, and people won't care, etc.
Doesn't that just reduce down to "be a good person and people will like you"? There's no point bringing race, religion, or nationality into it at all. Individualism is what matters, and is the reason America is so much better to live in than totalitarian collectivist states.
The only people who should be ostracized are those who claim their tribe is superior to others and deserves to lord over them or crush them. Ethnonationalists are the enemy of morality. (Obviously including Zionists and the Israeli state, too. Ethnonationalism is a universal cancer found in all groups of all humans since the first human was born.)
Per the thread topic, I'm half Ashkenazi and half white. Jewish supremacists and white supremacists are equally retarded and terrible.