Are unions evil Yas Forums? I'm not rich but it feels like I get paid more than I deserve, as a lowly plumber.
Are unions evil Yas Forums? I'm not rich but it feels like I get paid more than I deserve, as a lowly plumber
Go suck Luigi's dick.
>Get paid more money in retirement
>Union reps will defend you when your employers try some scummy bullshit
Only salaried white collar boomers complain about unions
Unions are part of why manufacturing moved to China. They murdered the west with their greed.
Unions here are a major factor why state run business's are going bankrupt.
Like you mentioned your getting paid more than you deserve.
Now imagine 20+ excess staff that do nothing but reduce unemployment statistics yet turn a highly profitable business into a failing one
This is the state of South African businesses
Not inherently, but very often they become rackets and thugs. Any standing union structure is destined to becoming corrupt, especially when they demand union fees.
They're corrupt as fuck, but they give you guys a decent working wage, so I'm pro-union.
>Take my money to elect leaders that perform abortions.
Usually I hate the "you like vidya gaems more than this, right?" because it's usually used to prevent people from having kids or other responsibilities... But I agree here. Glad to live in the state with the lowest union membership per worker.
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against working class economic interests
>Don't have kids, video games are cheaper and more fun
Literal kike logic. You pay $700 a year and make double the money and get better benefits. Hurr Durr.
I support TRADE unions for actual TRADES and actual LABOR like the plumbing kind you are doing. Unions for government employees or dishwashers? Fuck no. Government employee unions are a big reason why this country is fucked.
>They murdered the west with their greed
You misspelled Jews.
Public and private unions are entirely different.
Good plumbing infrastructure litterally adds 5-10 years of life expectancy nationally due to reduction in disease spread
Corrupt just like anything else, but they serve their purpose also. I’m in one.
Yea, paying for the healthcare of every individual that crosses the border (especially in light of how this crisis already shows us how close our healthcare system is to its limits) is the best way for the working class to support their own interests...
Depends on the union, but corporations will pay less if you don't stand up for fair pay.
Is that a Saturn controller? BASED American Airlines.
Unions are fucking stupid and need be abolished. Just a bunch of lazy pricks getting paid too much for being uneducated imbeciles.
Union favors are some of the shittiest employees on the planet. Why? Muh Union, muh contract.
Wish I could kill all,of you cocksuckers.
Then hire non-union contractors to do it for a realistic price
Unions are mafia with a legalized permission. Union dues shouldnt be mandatory
The problem is they've turned into the corporations they fight against.
Hah fuck airline companies globally. Let em burn.
They aren't mandatory in most states now.
Yes. All factory workers should make 8.00 per hour.
Unions and Management are both shit. The state should force management to bid on labor and for a living wage. This has numerous benefits.
1. No one in your country works for less than a living wage.
2. Labor needs of management remain fully saturated so they don't start lobbying for immigration.
3. Lobbying for immigration is pointless anyway since immigrants can't undercut labor.
4. Society runs more efficiently with everyone doing their part and cared for so you don't pay massive unseen quality costs like a mass lowering of IQ because everyone is worried about other shit than what they're supposed to be worrying about for their job.
On and on. It's the K-selected choice, the National Socialist choice. Also fuck landlords.
If we had state issued currency, 8.00 could be more than enough to support an entire family.
It's a case by case basis, depends on what your specific union actually does for you in practice.. Some are borderline mafia and leeches, some are decent and can help you with issues.
Unfortunately I'd say the majority tends towards the former.
North Carolina
(check "percent union members" and "percent represented by unions")
Oh no, wait, South Carolina has us beat now, but that's ok, I was born and raised there.
Union mafia counters the Jewish banking mafia. Hoffa gave Mobsters low interest loans to build vegas out of the trust fund. They paid her m back with interest and everyone made money without the kikes dipping their sticky fingers in goy business and without the feds raping them both.
Go fuck yourself kike.
A union (state) job is allowing me to work every other week and still get full pay. I have all next week off.
Too bad you're so weak that all you can do is make empty threats and would probably take a sword to the throat against your first advesary. Weak people tend to lash out like you.
> as a lowly plumber.
>this is your brain on capitalism.
Your skill plays a crucial part in running of the society and you get paid what you deserve for it. You should change your mentality though. Don't let jews belittle your profession.
The mafia was as Jewish as they were Italian.
Dude, some freshly arrived mexican or muslim comes and they don't know what a living wage is. You'll be under cut by them every time. Go to a construction site in the south sometime and tell me if you notice something about the majority of workers.
>South Carolina
One of the biggest ZOG state governments in the entire nation. First state to pass anti BDS laws. You literally serve ZOG for free.
unions are a massive parasite on any organization.
>The mafia was as Jewish as they were Italian.
The Jewish mafia is based in Israel and literally made the feds destroy the Italian mafia while at the same time the Fed built the gangster state of Israel for the Jews. Get rekt kike.
fuck unions. they're mostly run by unironic communists. one of the most delicious parts of my federal job is getting the union's UNBELIEVABLY UNPARALLELED insurance plan without ever having the intention of paying a cent in dues. FUCK THE UNION. They've entirely disconnected from what their original purpose was.
A reaction brought on by organizations being parasitic. I find weak people attack their own instead of powers they consider greater than themselves. Like people who betray blood and soil because a subverted government passes a law or regulation. They fear someone they have never seen over someone they personally know.
You can blame the unions for making the businesses impossible to operate profitably or you can blame the politicians for opening up competition with low wage foreign companies. In the end everyone wants cheap shit and who cares if bubba from high school can't make a living with his high school degree running a metal press for the rest of his life. The only unionized people left now are ones who are protected from competition or are public sector and their bleeding us dry.
Yea, along with 27 other states now, way to grasp at straws,
Oh look, Union havens of NY and California also have similar laws. I guess that makes unions Jewish.
>you're a Jew because you recognize that it's the Jew's fault that Italians act like Jews, and that only Italians should be able to act like Jews.
>because you don't*
Public sector unions are bad. Private sector unions are ok
white collar salary worker here. I worked a union welder job since i was 18, they trained me to weld for free, unpaid. Then after 2 months they got me on a job site making 24 hr my first year. Ended up working for about 6 years mad journeyman scale at 46 hr welding on hospital work sites. Eventual got a CS degree, union paid 1/3 of my tuition, now work in an office. Only reason I transitioned was winters sucked working outdoors.
Unions would be fine, just like banks and other institutions if we simply banned jews from management of them.
Unions are good only if their barrier to entry gaurantees superior results.
Unfortunately, unions make shitty workers unfirable and undercuts new blood with fresh skills in favor of seniority who milk the system then hose the entire industry for their retirement bennies (just look at education).
Unions need to stop being exempt from the monopoly rules so they face competition.
That way they are forced to straddle the line between max benefits for all union members, especially the new ones, AND provide cost effective labor to business owners.
The entire reason manufacturing moved to china. 100% of the reason is lobbying to make the laws allow it. It wasnt new tech. it was just $ forcing our protectionist policies to end. Unions run by workers and for workers would be far different from the corruption we got instead.
I am not specifically pro-union, but I am pro-worker 100%. I think workers should use collective bargaining constantly - just like corporations do via lobbying and trade groups.
Collective bargaining is capitalism for workers. Silent individualism is slavery for workers.
>if my grandmother had wheels she would be a bike
just like any corporate leadership structure
What does state issued currency mean? Can’t find any reading about that idea
>feels like I get paid more than I deserve, as a lowly plumber
don't feel that way, you're getting paid what the market believes you are worth. plumbers are essential to maintaining utilities that facilitate hygiene, healthcare, food preparation and other industries.
That wasnt an argument or refutation of the poster. The poster was correct: white collar workers hate unions. White collar workers, as you know having seen both sides, are cowardly in the face of their betters (management).
No. Unions are the white working man's tool against mass immigration and (((them))).
>4 face buttons
This person isnt real. Pol is under 24/7 attack by fake libertarian bullshit.
It means money that is created not already as fiat-debt by private (((bankers))), but instead issued by the state itself.
You do know how the fed works right? In short: we are jews slaves. Utterly and totally enslaved to people who hate us.
I wish people would see things like this and understand that the real invaders are the jewish. Everyone else is a useful idiot.
Millennial tradesman here. I make higher than union rate at a younger age because I go to work to get shit done. Waiting on a job to pay you in retirement is a fool's dream. Most of the boomers here can't afford to retire, and it'll only get worse with inflation.
No what happened was labour hire mobs entered the scene and turned everyone into sub contracted temp workers.
They especially love bringing in the 3rd world to work.
the idea is that other readers who are tradesmen will understand that it's not a valid way of thinking. no need to post examples of shilling, seen that one already.
The federal reserve is privately owned? Why would they name it federal reserve? That seems kind of misleading
Everytime I have been apart of a union I have received absolutely nothing in return for it. They always talk about how they're here to help you and shit but when my hours would get cut or time clock fuckery would happen they wouldn't do shit.
>I wish people would see things like this and understand that the real invaders are the jewish. Everyone else is a useful idiot.
It is hard to make people understand things that either threaten their income or make them feel weak and powerless. Also we are generally arguing with shills or ideologues. We have to hope non-shills see this stuff and agree.
Yeah it's the fucking unions that did it, not the free trade anti-tariff scumsucking fucking Jew, libtard and republicuck traitor pieces of shit who made it simple for companies to offshore literally everything.
And yes, libtard and Republican, libs for making foreign shit "trendy" and repoops for turning "free trade" into a fucking religion. Of course dems go along with that, NAFTA was Clinton after all.
My union emailed to tell me they used their lobbyists to make my very virus-compromised and unessential job essential so that we could stay working and giving them their dues. They haven't so much as sent a rep in the years I've been a member.
On a long enough timeline all unions become self sustaining pyramid schemes.
I never liked Trump, but once I actually started to care to look into this faggot, I have concluded that he most certainly is on team kike.
And the only reason why I didn't vote for him before I knew the things I know about him now is because he would go into foreign countries and do shit like displace natives living in a rural area to create bullshit like golf courses "to help" stimulate the economy.
No man who displaces a group of people whose families have been there for generations is worthy of being a leader. Plus, his daughter was married to a literal kike back then as well.
Ill bite.
They named it that specifically to mislead the american people. Look up 'creature from jeckyll island" or, checkout the fabulous corbett report (not colbert) video on the topic:
Youtube for "Money masters" for another documentary option. The federal reserve is a foreign, jewish bank.
That's the point. Jews prey on the ignorance of those they're trying to subvert and destroy. Federal reserve to an ignorant person implies it's part of the federal government and therefore on team America. It's to purposefully lie.
>No man who displaces a group of people whose families have been there for generations is worthy of being a leader.
even though that's the kind of ruthless leader the US needs right now to hold the Chinese back. besides, he did it using the loopholes available to him, it's not like he took it with an army like the Chinks would do.
Trump ran on increasing immigration. Anyone who thought the wall was serious is dumb. It is what it is: we are ruled by globalists, and these globalists selected trump over clinton, specifically to keep right wing dissidents placated. I don't like him either, but completely understand why people would vote for him. Personally I think blindly supporting him has proven that he wont even give lip service to immigration issues unless forced. Trump is genocidal. He hates white people and want us dead. Anyone in any position of power that isnt screaming about western genocide is on team jew.
>way to grasp at straws,
You lick boots from birth. Your Zionist churches literally spoon-feed you slavery to likes and to not challenge your corporate masters.
What the fuck are you even going on about kike? America is literally a Union. You are either pro labor or pro kike usury. There is no in-between. You are either for the people or for the tyranny of the banks and their corporate lackeys.
Thank you user. I genuinely am not well informed on the fed. If this is the case, how could it have slipped under the noses of the American people this whole time? Seems crazy that they’ve been getting away with it this long
Luigi has some ghost game when I was a teenager it was pretty dope.
You are a fucking idiot. KYS.
Unions are morally neutral. It's just power. Same as being rich. Contrary to the old adage, power doesn't corrupt. Corruption seeks power.
As for their actions... I'd say they're short sighted & self destructive at worst. Not really evil.
I hear the same thing from a lot of union guys. A union is pretty much just a dispatch temp company that you actually have to pay.
however I do agree that shit workers shouldn’t be protected by unions, I wish there was a balance
>I'm not rich but it feels like I get paid more than I deserve
nobody thinks this
this is impossible to think
it would never even occur to a real human being
this is the most retarded thread i've ever read here and shame on every single other person who replied for falling for such idiotic /r/eltrapotraphouse or whatever the fuck it is bait
>how could it have slipped under the noses of the American people this whole time?
American's are brashly ignorant (so are europeans, dont believe the hype). In fact individuals of all backgrounds struggle to overcome the cowardice, fear and self-loathing that prevents people from drawing their own conclusions based on what they see in front of them. Looking at IQ distribution is one clue, but many very intelligent people are fully captured by the stockholm syndrome of living in a jewish society.
We are being genocided. Make no mistake.
Trump knew about the virus back in November and he down played it in the beginning. Now he's passing bills during lock down season that strip more rights and shit away. If trump was really against the Communist regime he would have cut all business with them. he hasn't been ruthless for your sake. He's been appeasing you and being ruthless for team kike.
He has done more for the wall of Israel than he has done for America. He is literally passing bills right now that the jewish owned press isn't even reporting on. Bills that make America closer in spirit to China, but under different names and terminology. The earn it bill being one such thing.
Kikes seriously think they can just do whatever they want and they need to learn their subhuman place.
Bet you a lot of white collars think it but they tell no one because they enjoy it.
How the hell can government employees be unionized when they're already bloated overpaid shit scumme.....Oh I get it now.
With added federalization waste on top.
This is the direct opposite of most left-wing bait. I am not a democrat, but this is very typical libertarian\conservative pro-globalist propaganda. Attacking our local representation of all types and defering to the multinational plutocrat class is a very tired ploy, but stupid people fall for it easily.
>higher at a younger age
Under 23 is not millennial. At least try to make your shitpost sound believable.
Also you do not make more than 78/hr + full benefits
Fuck you faggot. Every time you see an iron worker wearing a hard hat with an American flag sticker on the side, know that they’re in a union.
>t.IBEW Local 3
>lowly plumber
Don't put yourself down, bro. You got a skillset that will earn you a good living and put your kids thru school.
He fell for the college meme. Fucking retard have fun paying off your debt for the next 20 years