Why are white guys such major cucks pol ?

White guys have the highest percentage of cuckholdery , faggotery and inceldom ? Why are white guys so pathetic and hopeless ?

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amerimutt simps detected *

keep seething at facts you queers.

hush this simp in the pic named martin cuckberg is cool with being cucked . He loves to watch like a creep .

Higher incidence of growing up in affluent conditions and accordingly are increasingly disconnected from reality due to the vidya and web.

This cuck in the pic is unhinged and is a retarded suicidal maniac lol

>The urbanization of the United States occurred over a period of many years, with the nation only attaining urban-majority status between 1910 and 1920. Currently, over four-fifths of the U.S. population resides in urban areas, a percentage which is still increasing today. The United States Census Bureau changed its classification and definition of urban areas in 1950 and again in 1990, and caution is thus advised when comparing urban data from different time periods.
>Currently, over four-fifths of the U.S. population resides in urban areas
>People who live in rural areas are more likely to own their own homes, live in their state of birth and have served in the military than their urban counterparts, according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.
>“Rural areas cover 97 percent of the nation’s land area but contain 19.3 percent of the population (about 60 million people),” Census Bureau Director John H. Thompson said. “By combining five years of survey responses, the American Community Survey provides unequaled insight into the state of every community, whether large or small, urban or rural.”
>Adults in rural areas had a median age of 51, making them older compared with adults in urban areas with a median age of 45. They had lower rates of poverty (11.7 percent compared with 14.0 percent) but were less likely to have obtained a bachelor’s degree or higher (19.5 percent compared with 29.0). Rural communities had fewer adults born in other countries compared with those in urban areas (4.0 percent compared with 19.0 percent).

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>memeflaggot. pol. scripting digits.
Posting on Shabbat, you should be ashamed of yourself. What if your mother knew?

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Because today, if you're a white man you are not allowed to feel proud about your identity. If you said in public "I'm white and proud!" You'd instantly be called a Nazi degenerate and you'd get beat by Tyrone. It's taught in schools, in universities and in workplaces. If you're white, you have a systemic privilege and you must feel sorrow for minorities. That's the world we live in, and it won't ever change until society is cleansed of these people. Once that is done, the next generation's birthrates will return to above replacement levels and things will be fixed.

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The cuck in the pic is a kike you dunce .

Keep dreaming simp . White women are nonwhite mens cumrag . This big eared imp even admits that .

Whatever Jew say

isn't pic related a kike? there's your answer.

His name is Martin Cuckberg and has admitted to being cucked while fapping to animal porn.

You’re using that double digit iq against me aren’t you?

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He is a freaky pathetic loser .

amerimutt this fat nosed buggy eyed simp is a actual cuck. He is a loser that now hides his face on youtube cuz people were making fun of him in public .

Those enabling weakness and the needs for comfort ruined them

>One in three American welfare recipients resides in California. Almost a quarter of the state population lives below or near the poverty line. Yet the state's gas and electricity prices are among the nation's highest.
Quite frankly it's because the white people you are talking about have been molded by the urban environment they were born in into deracinated bugmen. Everything is provided for them, their security is provided in the form of their local police department, they pay pennies a month for water and electricity that is ultimately provided by their city to them, their sewage is pumped for them by the city, their heat is provided by whoever is managing their apartment complex, transportation is often available in the form of public transit or Uber, and I can go on and on and on.
Being an Urb*nite naturally causes you to become a cuck because you are not independent from the state. You are wholly reliant on it.

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this retarded greasy haired faggot says he would pay $500 to watch his mother sleep with tyrones.

What are you hiding behind that memeflag?

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amerimutt do you think this fat nosed simp is why whites are so cucked and plastic vaginas irl.

>he doesn't know about the MRE man
Seasoned appropriately.

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My sweet summer child, you know nothing

My sweet summer child, you know nothing

little dick comeback, white incels like you are a dime a dozen like the roached infested weseal in the pic .

>spacing. buzzword salad.
BINGO. Your English is shit, you seem to stupid too even be israeli. You gotta go back!

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yup you're a trailer park rape baby.

You use the word gotta like you’re some sort of redneck hick


>i really really really wish i was White
then my inferiority complex would go away and i would stop posting such fagotry

The mutts are growing sick of the truth it would seem

>then my inferiority complex would go away and i would stop posting such fagotry

thats a good reason why whites are such suicidal cucked losers amerimutt.

It's just you and your homosexual friends

This is probably why mutts like you are in America on medication 24/7. How about this you fat mutt kill yourself

Being this dumb to take the bait sad white boi?

>It's just you and your homosexual friends

Why are you talking to yourself ? Nobody cares about your orgy you disgusting freak.

OP is a fag Jew , this is literally a slide thread

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We need something to actually do (no video games don't count)

This is a literal nigger. The seething is real!

White women openly mock you and belittle you all in public while cheating on you in record numbers .

>plays video games while being cucked

Yea... that sounds about white


Lollll. Keep seething mutt

lmfao this faggot amermutt cant handle the truth that his race of white is the MOST cucked and humilated group on the planet . Go choke on a lego queer .

The simp in the pic is the exact same way .

It’s time to bump this shill thread too the top. Are you ready?

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Bump again

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Bump moar

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This guy makes good vids but I hate how unaware he is, like, you know you're a beta incel too right?

Samefag bump

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I don’t know about the videos you’re referring too, but the pic in the op is a jew.

No I think it needs a bump

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Bump for op

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Keep coping insects.

Goldberg still won’t show us his pee pee.

White insects getting crushed by boot makes a lovely sound !

He is a dicklet there is nothing to show .

What is the abbreviated name of this board?

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Jews arent white

Who coined the term cianigger?

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jews, unironically

Came to post this
But instead came to this

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Man you shrimp dick mentally unhinged white simps are fun to laugh at .

They are forced into it by immifags

>Ctrl + F "Goldberg"
>1 result

Yas Forums is lost