/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2637

► Detected: 598,918 ► Died: 27,402
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 200 countries and territories infected —
— 46% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —


Cats might be carriers of the virus

17 year old athlete in the US dies from COVID

Riots and chaos, police fight each other in China

Chinese company amassed Australian supplies and shipped them out

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

Virus spreads before symptoms and up to 12 days after "recovery"

Virus might spread through banknotes

48% of cases originate from pre-symptomatic transmission

Asymptomatic carriers, asymptomatic transmission

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

WHO says detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

$2.4 trillion global recession expected

White House admits they lack tests

01:33: 91 new cases in Erie County, New York state, United States.
01:20: 718 new cases and 16 new deaths in Canada.
01:05: 76 new cases and 3 new deaths in San Diego County, California, United States.
01:02: 2,166 new cases in Germany.
00:57: 55 new cases in California, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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>Dead: 27,352
lol, still only 27,352.
How many days has it been stuck at 27,352? Four days? Five days?

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1 million on Monday


Add the changes to the numbers.

What is the confirmed R0?


the N-Word
>god willing

So... How is that window of opportunity going guys?

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Don't mind me, just keeping look out for certain posts.

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Italy just had nearly 1,000 deaths in a day.
Soon to follow:

New York
São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
United Kingdom
India x10

Coronachan will reach 30-50k daily deaths in the next month.


The lockdowns are not working anywhere. Italy, Spain, the us, the UK, and Canada are all fucked m8.

>Be Chong, loyal member of CCP
>Ordered to shill propaganda on Yas Forums
>hard to see computer screen through burning corpse smoke
>I love the CCP, I am free man, they told me so, China will grow larger
>Sleep on desk because apartment door welded shut for China
>"New infections are only coming from outside country faggot kek" i post
>Replies say tiananmen square, whinnie the pooh
>I know not what these words mean, I am free man, China will grow larger
>Other CCP shill coughs, he is replaced
>"China has stopped the spread, all businesses reopen for China!"
>Americans call Trump faggot, how can they do this? are their gulags full?
>Chinese hospital outside window collapses, +1739 recovered
>"China is reducing active cases everyday! it is only possible because of Xi!"
>Lungs bleeding but Xi said i don't have virus, cough from excitement.
>Black bag covers my head, I am replaced.
>I am free man, China will grow larger

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I've got a light cough (clear to yellow phlegm) and my lungs feel like they are burning. No fever, chills, fatigue or any other symptoms. Honestly it feels like mild bronchitis/chest cold. What are the odds it's COVID and will get worse?


Housing prices going down

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How the fuck are the "experts" estimating less than 10% of the population will be infected? All the preparations and everything are counting on these consistently optimistic predictions coming true.

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25,253 dead? What do you need 19,195 deaths for?
>records 17,221 deaths in log book

How are Euros prepping for nog looters? Knives and crossbows I guess? Can bongs even buy those?

Former Neet here, going nuts on quarantine. Make the happening stop. What have we done casting. checkem

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Maybe we should go for the herd immunity


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stop being an attention whore adding nothing to the discussion you lil nigger


the N-word

uhm? get your facts straight our health minister said the curve has been flattened and our PEAK will be only 100 cases a day

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watch your temperature is the main symptom

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When Gary dies of covid then it will really hit home

Depends on your location.
But there's no place in Europe where they are 12% of the population.

Any news on a treatment or vaccine????????

I've got a baseball bat and a knife. These two things are technically illegal but they're a lot easier to get than a crossbow.

This might literally be the funniest greentext!

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Then you weren't NEETing hard enough. Quarantine isn't bad. I could wait an entire year without getting antsy.

Because they're retards

25% get infected with influenza with its shitty R0 each year. This has a R0 of 3 on the low end. That's 60-80% of the world infected in a year.

Yo my town is dead. I’m at work and no one is here. I could literally COOM if I wanted to.

President Trump activates reservists and former troops as part of virus response.


the N-word

The first or the second one?

The only cure is death

The happening only the neet incels wanted because their lives are boring with nothing exciting on it. Just like the old kids wanting a zombie apocalypse. Literally only brainlets and manlets with nothing else to do. And there are other alredy regreting this.

Many try to imitate, but there can be only one GARY

Nah, Gary can't die

>"Hey user you can't pay with that!"

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Why don't we post this stuff on Chinese social media like WeChat?

>a baseball bat is illegal
What?Aus bro I thought your country was better than that

Will it get better or worse if i take paracetamol?
>Pls respond

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im conflicted here. on one hand i want to say the n-word, on another I want to obey satan's commands.
Eh fuck it

What do you call a black man with a PhD


how many died today? (little less or little more than 3k?)

Anywhere between 2 and 10. Take your pick.

I've got a can of gas I plan to use to set myself on fire

no new news, only retards dying from rumors. We're months away from a vaccine.

I’ve been pretty down this week, but today I started getting my property surveillance and home defense weaponry in place and it soothed me unexpectedly

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It's ok.


I think they need to show id to buy these


Nobody plays baseball here so it's a pretty big giveaway that someone is keeping it as a weapon. Our country is pretty cucked but on the plus side, the average person will have even less than I do.

Why would you do that? Double neetbux soon, bud.

more than 3K just surpassed Tuberculosis

How can a baseball bat and a knife be illegal

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where is angry jordan user i expected him to shit all over this bread too

Managing markets. There’s a huge effort underway to shill optimism in order to keep the market from absolutely shitting the bed. We will be under quarantine for months, and the only way to make it possible is to wait until people’s family members start dying so they care a bit less about being under lock and key until August.

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You can use a weapon in self-defense in Oz, user, as long as it's seen as reasonable force. Read your criminal code for your state.

But, you won't need to here.

Anything you buy for self defence is 100% illegal in Australia. You're just meant to die if you're attacked. I don't plan on dying.

Sorry can’t post webm right now so this will have to do

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Cricket mallet then m8

>Nobody plays baseball here
What a sad thing to hear

What are the chances of HIPAA surviving this? Are we going to get Patriot Act 2.0?

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Speaking of tuberculosis, I wonder how long homeless shelters will survive before everyone's lungs explode in a fiery hellstorm of mycobacterium and coronavirus

Here they say it's a good idea to take Paracetomol for a fever, but they advise against Ibuprofen.

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Lube and knee pads mostly. The excitement is palpable

shut up nigger

3,270 according to worldometers.

going for a mcdonald's run, anyone want anything?

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Okay, who time traveled to shitpost
It's not funny

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This just in

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>Double neetbux soon
I'm pretty sure my DSP doesn't get doubled so nothing changes on my end.

Is that before or after I drink the bottle of scotch to stab them with?

im not angry i just want (You)s

Now watch as this black man DESTROYS the white incel

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Guess they have to protect the Abbo population somehow


Stop going outside and post your butt

Why m8?

Well over 60 of my province's 102 cases came from one funeral home over the span of a couple of days. 1 person had returned from recent travel and attended two wakes/funerals. Then they tested positive after.

Then they put out a call to those who were at the funeral home from the 15-17 of March and that many cases came from it..

So R0 of 2 can suck our catholic balls.


Lucky you. You've been getting extra all along. PLUS, you'll be eligible for that $750 which I'm pretty sure is going to happen more than once.

why'd you suck that BBC bro?

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>thinks social distancing will be enough

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Why'd you suck off a nigger user?

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you can wait at least a year for a vaccine. treatments even more. unless we get very lucky and some medicine that we already have miraculously work

Until i don't see houndred of thousands of death per day, I ain't panicking.

Kek. saved

I only have low grade fever
Want to take it as painkiller

Nice one, I see you are using my decensor, the artist just posted the official nude one which looks better imo.

Don't know if they capability to do some many tests, that's the limiting factor


Two double quarter pounders with just cheese and ketchup and a large water please

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The Patriot Act 2: Electric Boogaloo is almost guaranteed. This happening is orders of magnitude bigger than 9/11. Once shit really hits the fan, expect big daddy guberment to swoop in and 'keep us safe'.

Why you suck off a nigger mate?