You're now a high school boy in india, what do?

you're now a high school boy in india, what do?

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Commit Suicide.

Poo in street

study the Vedanta; read the Vedas

Be a chad and ask for bobs and vagene

>Imagine the smell


Shit in the street, rape an old woman on the train, drink cow piss, code Windows 10.

Regularly practice yoga and work at self-transcendence.

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Work my way back to the good ol United States, either by writing code or marrying an American born Indian chick

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>Imagine the smell

Become a girl

microsoft certified c# developer

I loled hard.

Hare Krishna

Harass random white girls on Facebook

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shit everywhere then steal american jobs

Ask all the ladies to open vagene. It's a right of passage before shitting on Mahatma Ave.

>find clean street
>poo in it

Be the only kid in school who uses deodorant thus becoming an absolute Chad and slamming as much young brown hairy puss as I can.

this. op is a fag

I bust fat nuts into anyone underage poon that'll let me

Shit I'll busy nuts into the teachers too. Including men. I'ma nut in anything that fuckings moves

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Shit on the street.

Based and Lemonadepilled

aks white girls to show bob and vegene

Learn to code.

Mumbia Crypto Mafia

Work to import Ebola for when people get over the coronavirus hype.

I would do the needful...

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I am a python developer and soon going to Germany to impregent white girl seeth more incels

Join the RSS. Fight for Modi.

I'm going with gangraping bitches on busses.

As long as you don’t shit on their streets

Go into the bathroom and take a massive dump in the toilet. Start a revolution from my asshole.

I will shut on white girls mouth

The niggers ruined the whole thing.

Go to apply in google

Based poo

This only andwer

Start a company where you take thousands of dollars from clueless Americans looking for help building a website, write shitty code that doesn’t work and has nothing to do with customer requirements, then claim you fulfilled the service and cut off all contact with the client

Needs more hair

Shit in the street

Calm down Apu we’re just joking around damn


Well deutscher Liebe die shiessa


Poo in the loo with my fellow pajeets

say show bobs and vagene


Get a job in a call center scamming old ladies out of their Social Security money.

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>you're now a high school boy in india, what do?

Immediately walk 25 miles to the nearest computer that has an internet connection and go on Facebook and ask random white women to show me bobs.

Be a cricket hooligan and get into fights with Bangladesh poos

It's rite of passage you snot nosed amerimutt


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>aging german roasties desperate enough for tiny brown penis
Nothing of value lost

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suck some dick, shouldnt be too hard

Talk shit about the UK but also dream to work there.


Scam call boomers

See? Indian girls are grotesque, nobody wants them
