New York BTFOd

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take your meds



Based I hope they start the lead fountain for every leftist. Won't be long until basedboys are wearing MAGA hats out of fear lmao.

Nobody wants New Yorkers.

> I can't use the internet

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Built for bbc

This is probably an exaggeration but Tim Pool did a video today on Rhode Island shutting out interstate travel from New York.

This virus is fucking amazing. 6 months ago I dreamed of a day when interstate travel could be severely restricted, mostly so Califags could be quarantined to their own personal hell rather than colonizing every other state with their bullshit. I never could've even imagined a scenario where that would be feasible.

I'm seriously disappointed in you anons for shouting 'muh conspiracy' because you're getting bored being at home. It's basically handing us our long term political goals on a silver platter. The future is looking mighty bright

This could get interesting. kek

Lofentanil-DMSO showers for fedcoats, steppers and gun grabbers

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>National Guard will go house to house to find people who are not in their house.

Well right off the bat I'd say that someone's house isn't the best place to find them if they're out of their house.


>Dude bro just trust me

>what do you mean i have to stay home and not spread a deadly disease.

Typhoid Mary's deserve a bullet

>look at homes for people not at home
sounds like an excuse to get into empty houses and claim stuff as "evidence"

At least in australia the idea if you aren't home when the army comes knocking it'll get handballed over to the cops who will fine you between $1k and $63K depending on what state you're in.

You unarmed cowards deserve to be rounded up and genocided

The only solution is to kill your leaders

Florida will start this shortly, and I'd bet on Pennsylvania and Texas following.
The entire state of NY needs to be locked down, now.

Typhoid Mary got her own private island and a free house.

>city fags escape their city as soon as danger faces them

Unironically FEMA them

>muh constitutional right to spread a deadly a disease

Who are the leaders?

Got a Glock Slimline in 10 min at my local pawnshop, life is beautiful

that tape won't dry up and flail when finally being used and spraying, coating the agent and you in the process, right? no way that would happen

>deadly disease
Literally only kills people who already have one foot in the grave. Outside of that it's about as deadly as enima accidents.

All of them

1 in 500 for 20-40 with no existing conditions according to China/WHO

And they can give it to people that have a 5 to 20% chance.

If you shot a 90 year old, you'll be charged with murder, even if they were going to die in a few months.

Why would you search "in" house for people that aren't quarantined ? If there is people at house they "ARE" quarantined... You would just search and patrol the STREETS for people "not quarantined" this is completely reverted...

WTF ?!

I feel as though wearing a tie on a show where power tools are used is a bad idea.

Its not the Californians who hold zero weight you need to worry about its mexicans you retard. Also Connecticut is the original liberal shithole that actually churns out competent leftist who brought marxist to California.

Because when you go into quarantine you tell them the addresses were you will be quarantining and who is staying with you. Whoever is checking on you goes to the listed address and if you aren't there then they know you're breaking quarantine.

Mexico is closing the border



It's not a dead link you stupid nigger here is your (((you))) kike

Shut up nigger


Texasbro here, we currently have a mandatory two-week quarantine for anyone coming from the tri-state area, and also New Orleans. Personally I think we should just ban them from the state altogether.

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True, but going by the show logic, Tim has made some pretty dangerous things already. Remember the nuclear powered microwave?

HEH good. New Yorkers fled the NY lockdown and went to their "summer homes"-then they went to the small local grocers and stripped them bare leaving nothing for the full time residents. They are leeches on the small local systems.
If NYorkers had not fled quarantine they would not be needing the NG to go door to door hunting them. Action-reaction.
NY people going to strain the fuck out of small local medical systems not set up for full time assholes.

FUCK NY and everyone that ran from quarantine. Welcome to exactly what spread the virus in China.

ALL states should shut their borders. Especially states near quarantine areas of this is only going to get worse. Fucking rich people escaping to their "summer homes". Read Jews.

I'm sorry, did you think that discredited anything I was saying? I want zero interstate or international travel, period.

They're going to search every house in the state...right.

The Cali and Colorado fags are all breaking quarantine and driving to my state I want them all to die and they know it but they won't go away. I'm just going to stay inside and let the beaners and red necks handle things.

if small states have no problem selling houses to wealthy new yorkers and taking their money during normal time then they should have no problem with them holing up there during a pandemic, too. can't have your cake and eat it too

Democrats who opened borders and flooded USA with diseased immigrants are suddenly concerned with border security?

Lol you from Jersey too?

What if the point of the chinese virus is actually turning us into china?

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Are you afraid of the chinese virus, shillstein?

Eat shit and fucking hang yourself





When Mexico shut down their border with the US today or yesterday or whenever there was an r/politics thread where they were gloating about how America got btfo'd and the republicans were gonna be so mad that the Mexicans executed that alpha power move on us. Their only consistent principle is 'whatever hurts America the most'

I wish we were allowed to prevent people from certain states to buy property here. Unfortunately, our laws are so crooked we can't even prevent chinks backed by CCP money from buying up our land. The average white people here aren't getting money in their pockets from these property sales, jews buy the state government and have corrupt development deals that they then use to sell the state away to cuckifornians and chinks, so fuck off trying to blame normal white working people who make up the majority of people in these states who have no power at all and suffer from this scam. Typical trash that's been infecting this board, instead of trying to protect local communities from jewish predators, you post some shitty hot take for contrarian points.

What's the point?
Do they have homes in Rhode Island?
Then they're at home, technically.

>Quarantine breach detected in sector 7G. Permission to neutralize threat?

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December 14h, same pic related same txt. What a faggot u are

>house to house
>to make sure you are in your house
How the fuck does that make any sense? They should be looking in places other than homes. Or are they looking for fuckers that were told to self quarantine who broke quarantine? And again, how does door to door really help? Just camp the fucker's home. Ain't like he has many places to go.

>live regular normal life

the literal state of leftists

It's funny. People are pretty quick to point the finger at Donald Trump for, well, that asteroid that will hit us in a few months.

But realistically, his "leadership" is simply the natural consequence of a culture that is self-indulgent, fragile, narcissistic and easily distracted. This is our fault. All of us.

I find it astonishing that any journalist working right now would think that they have the moral authority to denounce Trump - they're all part of the system that created him. And they're all complicit.

It would be like running a fairly clever raccoon for office. Journalists would pretend to be alarmed by the circumstances (how could we be here?), but would jump right on the bandwagon of turmoil because that's their bread and butter, writing the same thing over and over: warning that the raccoon might start stealing jewelry and tipping over garbage cans - and THEN would write what they thought were sufficiently convincing denouncements of everything the raccoon got its claws into. But secretly they want to see what the raccoon will do next.

Inevitablism on my part? Sure.

In my mind, though, this is entirely a systemic issue that can't simply be "blamed" on one person or one party. If opponents of Trump are really that concerned, they should blow up some mailboxes or do something more productive than whining and hurling around rape accusations. Instead they're just feigning incredulity when they know they're every bit as much a part of the problem.