Why the fuck aren't a lot of you joining local freemason lodges?

Why the fuck aren't a lot of you joining local freemason lodges?

They are all aging boomers.
Get in there and get those connections to boomer money.
Get in there and make connections with each other.
Get in there and finally figure out what the real deal behind masonry is.

Whats the downside? You scared? You don't want to leave Mommy's house?

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man dad is from a very small town and he casually mentioned that they offered him membership last time he was there. thinking about heading back there and namedropping, gettin fraternal n shieeet. hail moloch hail jupiter the pyramid is forever

I'm capable of doing a lot more than I do, I'd rather get there before asking for help
thank you though

>Whats the downside?
I used to be interested in masons and thought about checking with my local lodge if they accept members with spiritual belief but non-muslimjudeochristian, but lost interest when I learned one of the requirements is that you have to deepthroat all the higher ranking members.

Catholicism is incompatible with masonry.

they are all a bunch of LARPing faggots who unironically think they are the elite. its cringe as fuck

Do it user.

Do it. They accept spiritual belief.

you're damn right it is, papist scum

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®©Cola ™

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personal experience?

>Get in there and make connections
That's gay

>Do it. They accept spiritual belief.
But do you have to suck dick? That is the part that turned me off, I do not want to suck dick.

Also, I have been told the spiritual belief thing varies from lodge to lodge, that people have been turned away for that reason, some lodges are more stringent on the rules than others.

well you're pretty gay so it's a match made in gay heaven

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they will brainwash them, blackmail them. They wont let you know anything unless you have have sex with a guy or below age of consent on camera. So that they have something on you. Thats how you get in their satanist club. Even then youll always be satanist onions goy npc golem peasant cultist. Expendable blood sacrifice ready to be thrown under the bus at a moments notice.

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>Why the fuck aren't a lot of you joining local freemason lodges?

I tried last summer, I was rejected. I said, I want to join your lodge 295, I have followed all your advice, I communicated via email, You asked for my home address and said you would send me a package, I never got it, I followed up and you told me to keep coming back and avoided the direct question. I'm bummed, they seemed like fun guys and I live in a town of people who would rather check out then check in. I should drive over in my V12 twin tubro s600 and say, who wants to go play golf? This is what I wore at the last visit to dinner.

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Their food tastes like shit. No freemason int he world can cook

I can't stand effeminate sociopaths and jews. Also I really want all of them dead so they certainly don't want me in.

Honestly? No, are you kidding right now? Meme? Fuck yeah user learn to dislocate that jaw.

wrt spirituality, might as well ask. Make a throwaway email and ask if you're super duper paranoid.

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How do you know you have to suck dick?

Why are you lying to us Wayne, we know you're 32nd degree

By the rules, gays can't join. And no, there's no dick sucking.
It's just the homosexual anti-masons who think everyone must be like them and obsessed with dongs.

That's only true for America.

Because I'm not a kike.

>What's the downside
participating in rituals that curse your bloodline for generations

>Whats the downside? You scared? You don't want to leave Mommy's house?
Believing in god is a prerequisite, user. I have a feeling that the only reason anyone would ask that is to determine whether you have blind faith that can be exploited.

you should join to infiltrate and record everything that goes on

>Why are you lying to us Wayne, we know you're 32nd degree

At this moment, I'm zero degrees. Join the Masons is like an ugly guy trying to date hot women, impossible unless...

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how will rape make you a Freemason?

Jew servant faggot traitors
Freemasons are how Jews do what they do.

Thought you had to be invited.
>no frens

Haha just kidding.....unless?

maybe in the past, I'm not sure. Nowadays you literally email the lodges in your area and join the one you feel most comfortable with.


Lol like that's even a real thing, didn't quite work aswell as anti semetism did it? nobody cares, everone hates the fuckers even the normies (different reasons)

Masonry is Judaism for Goyim

Also, they're going to ask you to do increasingly fucked up and illegal shit and the moment you refuse they'll say "we respect your values" and never give you any more opportunities for advancement.

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>32nd degree
To be a 32nd degree is lots of learning, leadership and dedication only years of service achieve that level of high accomplishment., I'm grateful for the complement and I'm not at that level. It's my understanding, with the right mentors within the brotherhood you can rise quickly. My guess is that its about agreements to keep certain secrets secret. I have seen the french movie about the masons. I'm joining for the fellowship to have fun locally. I want to go fishing, motocrossing on other property other then mine 'rent' and go airplane flying. I thought about getting my licence. Play some golf. I have only been awake for a few hours today, I'm probably going to go work on gravity control. Soon I'll have that working and I'll need the masons to help me navigate best implementations for our goals.

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>Masonry is Judaism for Goyim

Do I have yo pay anything?
>I buy guns not frens

and you know this how?
Ol Alex do a freakout about them recently?

Kalergi was a Freemason with a Jewish wife.

because masons will get the rope too

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What does Jew dick taste like traitor fag?

>how will rape make you a Freemason?
I doubt they rape you. That seems a bit more hen a secret handshake. There might be homo's in the group and I'm sure their are straight men. The must have found a way to work together without sucking and fucking?

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Just use the apron

For most things in life you should be the party whom groups and individuals have to reach or initiate contact because theres a greater chance the reason they are is because theyre genuinely interested in your power level, you shouldnt be the party who is essentially a nobody, with little to their name, approaching a likely more powerful entity, individual, or group

There was literally an Anti-Masonic political party.
But most now are just yids who hate the opposition, or idiots who have been duped by the yids.

>To be a 32nd degree is lots of learning, leadership and dedication only years of service
Hah! scottishriteboston.net/en/article_view.php?news_id=562


you aren't gonna give anyone the rope, swedeboi.
what does doing absolutely nothing to change things other than raging on the internet to people who are feel like, loser fag?

Will you ever fuck off? You’re such a try hard cringey little faggot.

I was raised Catholic and was taught that the being a Mason is incompatible with being a Catholic.

I'm scared they'll make me try and do charity shit. I just wanna be a businessman who hunts, talks shit and smokes cigar/drinks whiskey. I don't want this altruism crap.

>Kalergi was a Freemason
No, he was a (((GOdF))) member.

>reddit characters

See It's never actually been incompatible.

My family is masonic I chose not to join though , I didn't even do demolay

>I was raised Catholic
I am so sorry. According to half the thread though, your fine tuned dick sucking skills would be put to good use.

>Nowadays you literally email the lodges in your area and join the one you feel most comfortable with.

Just not true. I can show you 10 email that went noplace. I made it to the monthly open hours and dinners, I asked to join twice and was rebuffed. You have to understand I live in a town of limited resources and this is the only think tank of brains around. My s600 at goat rock yesterday at sunset.

All major political parties are freemasons and theJews they push into place.
You just have to be a lucifer worshipping good goy traitor servile to Jews.

post your trip on twitter, wayne

>post your trip on twitter, wayne
Why? Will it open the door to my Lodge? Doubtful.

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Bro just take a complete oath to secrecy and say they can hang you if you violate it lol total coincidence it is banned in the entirety of Africa/Middle East/Asia/East Europe/Latin America has no political connections to CIA or NWO lmao take ur medz schizo

>All major political parties are freemasons
Sadly not.

>say they can hang you if you violate it
Legally, that's not possible.

Anyone here watch that show Lodge 49? It was about a fictional fraternal order like the Freemasons called The Order of the Lynx. I binged in while in coronavirus lockdown, it was great.

>post your trip on twitter, wayne

I hope you can help out with access to my local Lodge. It's only 2 miles away from where I live. Thank you.

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Shame there won't be a third season. But they did take it a bit far with jumping out of planes and such.
Fans are calling for at least a book to tie up all the loose ends if it doesn't get picked up by a network.

>I don't want this altruism crap.
Why not? That's the fun of it. You got to get into charity. I can't tell you all the reasons, Let's me say, their are many secret doors it opens.

Nice car Wayne. Bit hard to tell from the photo, what chassis is this, W220? Hows the reliability been?

>what does doing absolutely nothing to change things other than raging on the internet to people who are feel like, loser fag?
Oh please you traitors are an embarrassment,You fawn all over your jew owners like lovesick little faggots You get handed your "wisdom" because you're just useful Goytards to your owners, nothing is earnt. That's why they illuminate iq 90 police retards.


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Yeah, the plots did get more outlandish as it went on but the emotional core of the show held it together. Even if they never publish a book or anything and the plot if never resolved I thought the characters all ended up in good places.

wow you sure seem to have done your research there
thats a lot of money wayne

It's only 7 degree workshop.