When and how will the US pay back its debt?
When and how will the US pay back its debt?
I don't know about debt, but I know she needs more cream filling if you get my drift (I mean I want to come inside her)
Probably never. We'll probably keep doing that until people stop buying bonds.
By printing off more dollars. It's simple and easy to do when debt is denominated in the currency of the debtor
It will be reduced to zero via hyperinflation. Why pay the debts when the Fed can just print 23 trillion dollars and call it good. That's where we are at.
Goddamn I love fat bitches
The only way that debt even can be paid back is with another like 200x inflation. So never, most likely.
is that cupcake good for me?
>pay off debt
>with dollars
>printed with interest
now THAT is a proper brapphogg'n slam ham
Checked and this/10
There’s really no consequence other than the dollar collapsing which with be shitty for a generation but not any longer because if the us fails the global economy fails.
There’s no “house” to be evicted from for us not paying the mortgage. I’ve done a bit of research on it and no one really has any answers other than “it will be bad”. Nothing in history has really happened like this
What a disgusting looking burnt out hole.
>those massive arms
Mirin. Whats her arm workout routine bros?
Make prostitution legal and tax it 60% . We'd fix the debt problem overnight.
>thinking the emperor has clothes
Look, I'm 54, I've been hearing this national debt shit my whole life, and you know what? My dad heard it his whole life. It never happens. Why? Because who do we owe? And who exactly is going to make us pay? The US is like a mafia thug owing money to a local bar keep. Exactly how does that bar keep collect? He doesn't. We could restart and retool our manufacturing base to what it was decades ago and the US could close its doors to business with the rest of the world and manufacture all of its own needs, steel, plastic, computer parts, food, everything, and tell the rest of the world to get bent. The world needs Yankee dollars. We need nothing. We just need a leader with the balls to tell it like it is.
Oh come on now, you know if that slid into your bed around the maximum Testosterone dump time of the early morning....all that soft yeast roll fluffiness crawling all over you. You'd be pounding that out like there's no tomorrow.
Ben & Jerrys
is that Selena Loca?
we won't
China might just get enough military power to become annoying enough to ask for payment
damn son bfbbc no doubt about it
Warburgs collect. You just dont know.
by giving money to billions of dollars to israel every year
Or else what? Inherit an atomic wasteland? The chinks would never try it because they are a frightened race.
Same here, all that "too much debt" shit is just the gov and their friends in high finance's way of getting the bulk of the largess then shaming common folks for missing a mortgage payment after losing a job. Typical kikery kids.
I think the only final solution is trump uses his brass balls and simply dissolves it. The fed is a private entity, not part of the US government. Some jews thought they could shekel every citizen of an entire county by using everything they do to add debt.
The whole thing has been unconstitutional from the get go, besides what the fuck are those little jew goblins gonna do if we say fuck you we aren't paying and we are never paying.
Everything in the US is collateral,
including (You)
Never thought of it this way, what you say actually stands to reason. If I remember the US has enormous amounts of untapped oil reserves as well, I remember reading a while ago that the US prioritises using other countries oil before their own, probably for something like the event you describe. America does seem surprisingly prepared in a lot of ways for this scenario
looks like the colour of my cock to be honest and um white
Hahaha.Good joke buddy.
You only have to have nukes, the balls to use them aren't even needed, because no one will ever take a gamble on you not using them.
I would cream pie her pussy
Nope, China has the precious metals.
Russia has superior missile tech.
Turkey has superior drone tech.
China and India will sell all the grain the US won’t be selling.
>anyone or any country important
>paying back debts
Pick one. Also that's a nice braphog you've got there.
Post more fat girls pls.
how fat?
The ones that make you feel an animal need to inseminate, but you're embarrassed to be seen with her in public.
What debt?
Debt is a hedge against war in which case it won't be paid. It is a means for people to buy in and not be murdered.
say no more
very BASED
Brittany venti really let herself go after being dumped by that crying faggot
you just described my entire life
>i recognize that ass
god she was perfect
damn right she was!
You're seeing it.
Cupcake -> Mouth, Repeat
>When and how will the US pay back its debt?
They will artificially create a hyperinflation 5000% annually in USA and after 10 years they will pay national dept by printing a bank note.
Technically problem solved.
if get she sneaks into your room 2nite and braps in your face while you sleep.
Will probably have to bring freedom to a few countries ex: Venezuela
Definitely would and would over & over
Wouldn’t she has a busted face and looks like she profusely stinks
god i love braphogs
When and how, is coffee good for you.
>That image
>slam ham
My sides are toast bro!
Fucking kek
Damn I want to see her sit on that cake