Property owner here

6 of my 9 tenants are refusing to pay rent. I still have to make mortgage payments. This isn’t right. I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties so I could comfortably retire and tend to my passions. Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society. I have a family to feed to, why shouldn’t I get paid? Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter from my own pocket? When are property owners getting OUR bailout?

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hey nice blogpost nigger

Get rekt, lech.

shut the fuck up and write the losses off next year faggot
cash your neetbux and get off /pol

No sympathies here, (((landlord))).

Weak larp. Sage

Kill yourself leech

Larpers r us

Thanks for that user you brightened my day

Sell all your properties and completely fuck the tenants.

You had a good ride, fuck off

Sounds like you should of prepared for something like this. Better luck next time bucko!

Talking about what you deserve from the system is socialist bullshit, you made a bad investment so own up to it and stop being a nigger.

Use those emergency funds you talked about, retard.

Lender here. 6 of my 9 landlords are refusing to pay mortgage.

>lives in amerifat
>laments illegal squatters on own property
>doesn't buy assault rifle
>doesn't kill illegal squatters


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Hey dumbass. Call your mortgage company and tell them with everything going on and shutting down you want to have your next 2 months on the backend of your loan. You can even do the same thing with car payments. I already did this shit a week ago ago. Use your head not your feelings. Face it. Everyone's fucked so stop bitching and be proactive.

Wasn't this posted on Yas Forums yesterday?

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Every business has risk, you start a business with no backup plan. Stop being a crybaby, you didn't measure the risk you were taking and now you are fucked, learn to do business next time

the glowies are pushing this anti landlord shit to try and get you faggots to start rebelling so they have an excuse to send in the national guard

get fucked kike I hope you starve to death

Yas Forums doesn’t care about landlords. Yas Forums used to be lolbertarian, but then they got infiltrated by leftypol and other leftist groups. Unfortunately for the commies, Yas Forums adopted some of their socialist ideas sure, but they rejected the globohomo aspects of left wing politics, and kept their Nationalist ideas they’ve held on to all this time. Zizek said that the lefts worst nightmare is the right getting woke on labor politics, and that’s exactly what’s happening.

Way to shoot yourselves in the foot retards

No rent, no water.

dont care --- landlord threads are offtopic and mods are faggots. pay a couple of niggers $20 and a 40 ouncer of kingkobra to work over the faggots with a pipewrench

Where did Zizek say that?

>"6 out of my 9"

Funny bait, plebbit.

shut off utilities

Where is your emergency fund, dumb nigger?

>complaining about tenants not having emergency funds
>you're fucked because you don't have emergency funds

sounds like you're just as fucking stupid as they are.

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>Yas Forums adopted some of their socialist ideas
no we fucking didnt. if you turned fucking commie because you got spammed with commie shit then youre a softheaded faggot. now go watch a few reruns of will and grace and go suck a dick because thats how weakminded you are

If you can't use the court to evict them, they can't use the court to fight you for shutting off their water and power.

Kick them out. Sell the houses ASAP retire with your net equity. Let these leeches rot.

evict them

>lolberg detected

Kill them. No one will miss those niggers.

burn the building down with them inside it and then collect the insurace. say they were using open flame to fight corona virus or something.

This. Pinkos get the rope

nice blog schlomo

Why do people larp? You can't get multiple mortgages without having assets to cover them. and no "im just gonna rent it out lol" isn't an asset.

LARP, but I'll bite. Offer some emergency payment options, like a discount while lockdown is in effect, if they still refuse to pay just evict them. Simple as.

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I know OP is pretending, but I'm gonna beat my dick to this regardless and pretend it's real.

>shilling the not paying rent communist meme
Hmmmm something is going on here gents

Remove the front doors. Tell them they will be reinstated when they pay their rent.

You are a fucking dumbass burger. Right parties around the world have adapted ideas from Gramsci and Lenin for their own purposes for years


Nigger, subhuman filth doesn't count as human.

You should be paid. People seem to think that if you own property then your rich. These people are retards.Rather it's an absolute pause, or a partial one. This half assed shit is what will fuck up everything.

Tell the bank you don't want to pay

>waiting for bank "I am a human being" post

i wish you had put "landlord" somewhere in the subject or text so i could have automatically filtered this thread
stop letting unironic actual redditors tell you what is important and what's worth defending and talking about, nobody here actually gives a shit about landlords because they don't even form a coherent political class, they don't import the niggers and they never escorted niggers to white schools, so who gives a shit about them?

boo fucking hoooo

Fucking bullshit post.

You fucking evict them. If you are resting to Section 8 people then you are bigger tier landlord.

Banks win either way. Most rigged game ever.

Obvious larp 1/10

Maybe you shouldn’t have imported millions of goblins and outsourced everything so that the essential workers of society didn’t pay 90% of their income into basic necessities every month. I’ve still yet to see one boomer admit that the dollar went much further for time worked in terms of rent back when they grew up. They are just denying literal mathematical facts.

Why dont you just sell one of the houses and use the lump sum of cash money to pay off your monthly mortgage payments? I cant tell if youre trolling but im sure there are retards that actually think like this

>libertarianism and communism are the only things that exist
Most people shitting on landlords here are third positionists retard. We hate communists even more than you do.

>built 8 cabins with my own hands over the course of 4 years
>rent them to decent folks that don’t have shit jobs
>they’re all still working and paying me rent like life never stopped

I would certainly hate to be a landlord anywhere but here.

Soon you'll be able to refinance into a 50yr 0.1% fixed-rate mortgage. Then inflation will allow you to raise rents to obscene levels. And you want a bailout on top of that? This is why people hate you jewish fucking landlords so fucking much. I hope your tenants put you an oven.

how boomer? How have you not learned yet?

>Why do people larp? You can't get multiple mortgages without having assets to cover them.

Loans really loosened up the last several years. There are plenty of landlords leveraged to the fucking moon and back.

fuck you, everyone has to work for a living. renting things out isn't working. when the environment falls and mobs are in the streets, do you think you'll be able to protect your land against thousands of angry poor people? you can either contribute to our society or enclose yourself in a delusion that eventually come crashing down

>refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society
shouldn't you?

get fucked faggot. RIP when you blow your brains out.

Stop hoarding houses, asshole.

You should have paid for an insur and nce fucking retard

Another fiction post from the mind of a faggot. Kys.

>9 tenants.
Man have you ever heard about having all your eggs in one basket?

I hope they hang you from a lamp post and pose for selfies in front of your corpse.

Jews jewing jews

Property owner here, I don't pay rent to live in my own house or let nonfamily live in my own house lmao

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This. It’s hilarious because people making actual good money aren’t saving shit either. The company that I work for which should be shutdown by the way at the moment but is breaking the law has an owner that says one month of no work would bankrupt them. How is this possible? Their family business pulls in 300k a year net. You’re telling me that the lower class making 25k a year should be living paycheck to paycheck as well as the actual upper class small business owners? Maybe they should have saved up too.

You’re a useless Jew, you make nothing, I hope they leave them nice and neat when they leave so that you get no insurance money.

have you tried not playing D&D?

fuck it dude. if they don't pay kick their lazy ass out.

You should’ve learned a skill. I’m not one of these landlord haters, it’s a perfectly legitmate investment, ultimately no different in principle than any other. But it also doesn’t take a genius to see how, say, a car mechanic or a baker contributes more to society. I guess this is your karmic payment for all those days you got to sleep in while your tenants went and worked for you. shrugging-emoji.emoji with it...leech.

Why the fuck did you buy more properties than you need you fucking prick? You did it with a view to fucking over tenants and contributing to the "housing crisis". You could have invested that money in a local business. Your own business prehaps, something that actually provides for people. Fucking prick I hope you hang yourself.
