The CCP is experiencing internal dissent over the way Xi has handled Corona-chan. There's a letter circulating among members of the CCP that's very critical of Xi's behavior. They're also whacking him for the way he handled the protests in Hong Kong and the way he handled Trump's trade war.

We may potentially be looking at factioning and dissent among the Chinese elite. The CCP could fracture.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I fear this will turn China into a shithole.

could be real. i mean there's riots in china now, not even the chinese trust the CCP's narrative regardless of their stranglehold on information. China had their shot at the chinese century and it's likely a pipe dream now. China is much more vulnerable right now than they'll ever admit to the world. the megalomaniacs in the politburo must be absolutely seething.

>implying it isn't already a shithole
Oh wait meme flag I get it

China IS a shithole user. They may have cool dystopian "smart" cities, but the rural areas between them are literally pre-industrial.

It’s because he has told them to ignore it and get back to work. The quarantine was a failure.

what are they asking for?
for him to be more radical vs trump?

also: dude trust me

Good. I want no destroyed more than China right now.

They might but our interference would probably unify them.
We should watch that from a distance and figure out of we've been attacked with a biological weapon.

I think they just didn't want him to bumblefuck his way through every single crisis he encountered. Ever since Xi assumed complete control of China he's been fucking up. He fucked up relations with Trump. He fucked up Hong Kong. Now he's fucking up the coronavirus. If you're going to be the absolute ruler, the guy who's in charge no matter what, then that means that if you repeatedly fuck up and lead to trouble for the nation the knives are going to be out and pointed at YOUR back. That's the trouble with being absolute ruler. There's no one you can pass the buck to.

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>radio free asia

KYS kike

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Kek. Brilliant.

Xi constantly passes the buck to the people under him, throwing them under the bus and absolving himself of responsibility. This is the Chinese way. Maybe people are sick of it?

t. Chang

>That's the trouble with being absolute ruler. There's no one you can pass the buck to.
The same reason the jews always gets hecked in the end.

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Bugmen bugging out

doesn't he have any uncles he can shoot with a tank or something?

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user called it

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It definitely seems like the Chinese Communist Party is sick of it. Keep in mind they have more than a few factions that have vied for control over the years. There's even still a few holdovers from when Mao was in power; at least, their children are still definitely around. It's worth doing some research on the Chinese "princelings".

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soubds like trunp gay-opping the chinese the way theyre gay-opping him.

jews and spiritual chink jews fucking around with slander machines.

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Ching Chang Ping Must Free Pooh NOW!

He banned Chinese from eating wildlife of course it was going to cause problems. Imagine, what it is like to be hungry and not go to the market and dip some live rat babies in sweet and sour sauce or eat some bat soup.

It always has been.

All this anti-West shit has only brought about the illusion that the third world is somehow capable of being anything more than what they really are.

>Radio Free Asia was founded and funded in the 1950s by an organization called "Committee for Free Asia" as an anti-communist propaganda operation
>A short-lived earlier incarnation of Radio Free Asia also existed in the 1950s, as an anti-Communist propaganda operation funded by the CIA

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huh. interesting. will this meeting be live-streamed?

Why did Xi eliminate term limits anyway?
The Chinese leaders before him (Deng and Jiang I think) at least seemed more populist and less authoritarian and knew to step down when it was time

oh shit, someone repost that thread or screencap yesterday about the shooped city and what happened to him "for the past 3 days"

Xi shoved in GULAG when?

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>Furthermore, the number of cremated remains returned to grieving families by the authorities this week is noticeably larger than the 3,200 deaths officially admitted by the CCP.

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xi g i

If billions of Chinese started to commit anarchy against their commie government which side do you think Trump would choose?

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holy digits


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Consider for a minute how much worse off china is now than in February.
>What do you mean, thier case numbers went down!
If those numbers are even accurate, it will be a miracle if they don't have more outbreaks and more shutdowns to control them.
But that's not what really fucks them. What's happened is Xi tried to cover it up and interfered with the WHO pandemic declaration, which has transmitted the virus to Iran, Europe, the US and who the fuck knows where in Africa.
>But I think that might be equalising the situation for China?
You'd think wrong. Most western countries are self sufficient for food, they really can let everyone stay in for the year and do ok. Not China, they rely on food imports to meet demand and they've simultaneously fucked over thier close allies in South East Asia and Iran at the same time as forcing trading partners that usually produce a food surplus into wartime economic reactions. Even when those countries have enough food to go round the governments are going to be quick to turn around food shipments to china and instead flood the local market to drive down food prices for the newly unemployed locals.
>Yeah but ok, after that
Lol. You think after all this is over the world's going to go back to making half its shit in china? What exactly do they have that the world's going to want from them again? Yeah, exactly.

Things are just beginning

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good thing they don't have guns

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>Not China, they rely on food imports to meet demand

Which is proof that they need to die out. If you can't support yourself with basic food supplies in your given historical territory then you deserve to die.

you don't think the jews would smuggle them in for extra cash?

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What happend today in Heubi (sp?) Province is the equivalent of having military posted at all NYC positions to exit the city and not letting them leave for months, or really work.

I expect more shit to pop off between provinces.

>implying they can do jackshit when Xi orders them to the firing line for being glownigger spies

>Keep in mind they have more than a few factions that have vied for control over the years.
definitely, but how many non- Xi-ites are in positions of power now?


the mandate of heaven is lost. the strong must seize power.

well its too bad every single chinese source is glowchinks.

>a failure
A complete success*

based and correctpilled.

it would be very foolish for multinationals to continue the bulk of their manufacturing in china. they'll likely diversify their manufacturing assets so that the next time a third world natural disaster breaks out it won't freeze their entire supply chain.


Checked and based

>RFA is a private, nonprofit corporation that broadcasts news and information to listeners in Asian countries
It's propaganda. The Jews are trying to break up China.

lol not even chinese citizens believe that you CCP shilling chink. that's why not even Jiangxi police want diseased slopes from Hubei in their province.

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Super satan confirms

Xi is a dumb nigger faggot

Unless a sort of “Super UN” with actual authority is formed. The argument here is if China and U.S were under the same government this would have been prevented.

I don't understand

Overthrow could be the greatest event in the history of mankind. But only if freedom rings. If not, China is toast anyway but we wont have Xi the enemy we know.

Sounds like the CIA is trying to create trouble in China because the USA is collapsing.
Literally a single video meant to be used for perception management.

>Xi constantly passes the buck to the people under him, throwing them under the bus and absolving himself of responsibility.
That's LITERALLY what Trump does fucking Merimutt

>A short-lived earlier incarnation of Radio Free Asia also existed in the 1950s, as an anti-Communist propaganda operation funded by the CIA
That didn't take long. I knew it was the CIA doing this shit.

How does no one understand this joke?

If it is CIA I hope they go full retard like when they had that Guaido faggot stand outside some military base and pretend they’re with him

China needs to dismantle

Xi completely outplayed Trump in the trade war though, all the tariffs did was make China move some factories to Vietnam so they could stamp Made In Vietnam and ship them from there to get around it. And the Hong Kong protests were a nothingburger, a few chinks got killed and beat up by other chinks and now Hong Kong is Chinese in perpetuity.

And I doubt he's getting real flak over corona.

Fuck off ching chong

Based Xi ought to bulldozer those fucking cia instigated useful idiots like they did in 1989, no one wants to deal with millions of chink refugees.

you're a retard chang:

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Fuck off ruskie.

And trumps approval is at an all time high.
Heckin kek

Fuck you

I have never seen so many shills for china until this past week. The CCP is in panic mode.

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Hmmmm. This could really benefit the US. As China is cracking internally the US should deal a death blow and watch it all crumble, when the time is right. Then, all those chinese will rush your border.. Interesting. . .The good part is the chinese will blend in perfectly with your country.

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their numbers a total fucking bullshit, they fucked over the entire world and I hope corona chan rapes china so hard it's unrecognizable afterwards

Because its happening nigger.

Do you know what China's offical death toll from the flu is normally?
Around 180 people a year. That is it. Tell that to anyone shilling WHO info or anything that comes out of that godless land.

Didn't China eliminate the CIA's presence in China back in 2012 or some shit?

>pointing out the source is literally anti china CIA propaganda
>wow shills
Glowing with the power of ten thousand lumens