Is this an "honest living" for women?

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ask ur mom

if she's fucking me and making money off the simps then yes

yes if there's men dumb enough to support it.

stop making this thread you faggot

yes. simps are the enemy. women follow. it's pretty SIMPle, desu

She's a mad loosh harvester

Am I the only one who doesn't find her that attractive? She looks fucking retarded.

THIS 1000 times this. Nietzsche said this 140 years ago. Men lead, women follow.

I like her

when you bring up this subject in a direct manner, almost all women admit they love having a strong man to follow. they need it. feminism is a grand level shit-test.

Lmao she is so hot, glad some retards gave her money so I can see 4 free

I’m surprised she hasn’t been rape yet

I saw this thread get moved to /bant/ earlier today.

The beauty of the aryan women never seems to disappoint me.

I ordered this and got herpes on my lips and they won't even give me a refund

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Women don't understand what honesty is.

I believe - and correct me if I'm wrong - but this is just a more modern expression of women's oldest profession...

The one they always go back to eventually...

she has no ass or tits but something about her elf appearance and face makes me find her attractive. i wouldn't pay a penny but i would totally drink the water that came out the crotch region of her one piece

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I like her simply cuz of how she had no shame blueballing her betaneet army. The pornhub vids are funny.


There is hardly such a thing as an "honest living" anymore.

It's as honest as any other part of the service industry.

If you consider prostitution honest.

Man..that face is covered with an inch of make up.

Capitalism at its finest. It's beautiful.

What does she actually *do* exactly? After seeing her here I typed her name in to YT and PH and all I got was comedic clips seconds in length. I can't wank to that. She should do asmr.

For women standards? Yes.

>Women don't understand what honesty is.
women are physical, in other words carnal. they rely on tingles. they are made to raise babies and respond to the carnal squeaks and squeals of their offspring. this is a beautiful thing in the right context, with the PROPER MEN LEADING them.

Selling your bath water to horny zoomers is a legitimate business.

>Retarded naive faggot - future cuck detected

Attention that a woman gets brings other people into relationship - there's always a more handsome, richer and tougher dog out there than you, you simp.

It never pays to pimp out your woman. She'll switch when the first good oppurtunity comes around.

Gamer girl bathwater will be the new currency in the brave new world.

I hope she gets arrested again and has to pay high fucking taxes then moves back into a tiny apartment and people see how much of a mutt she is like Brittney catlitter Venti.

I'd honestly give my Trumpbux just to have her sit on my face so I can lick both her holes, but it's probably not enough for her...

No. 'Sex work' needs to be outlawed and all sluts rounded up and gang raped by incels.

Don't blame the player and so forth and so on.
As much as I detests attention whore I can't blame them for milking fools out their money

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No. This is trashy, imo. She IS pretty but desu I dont' find her attractive. She seems completly full of herself. This is the lind of thing women (or anyone really) should be doing behind closed doors, if at all.

>As much as I detests attention whore I can't blame them for milking

Didn't she get arrested for drawing a pepe on a car or something like that?

It's her gimmick, she openly mocks her fans as pathetic losers. Smashes donations.

No shit.

A product is being offered and customers are willingly paying for it. It's certainly more ethical than 99% of the businesses on earth.

Honestly this is incredible. She's taking advantage of all you incels. Amazing

kind of thing*

She's fucking beautiful. Don't be stupid

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You think any cam whore is a wholesome whore? Pathetic loser

idk who would pay for videos like this.

She's a classic post-wall suicide case in the making. Just wait a few years. Keep popcorn handy.

She's fucking average at best, is the moth mentality of simps that makes this thots desirable for them

She btfos both roasties and simps, she's okay.

Give boners out and I send divorce papers out


I like her, she's like a female Jordan Belfort, selling garbage to garbage men making fuckloads of money without working hard, truly a work of art.

Also if we lived in a society where men could bring home the bacon women would be doing this anyway, just for one man.

She's vulgar.

She should be beaten and her orbiters shot.

Remove her make up around
her eyes and her fake eyelashes...and you will find the monster hiding behind.


>She's vulgar.
you'd do the same. the simps are the vulgar ones, imagine what they do while watching her. meanwhile she now has the ability to provide for anyone she cares about.

She looks cool even w/ liite to no makeup on, and correcting for being a normalfag she seems like a goode been. I've never given her money, I hope she is acc. a good 'un.

It's another incel containment thread.

Why? She's naked? She values her body? She's sexual?
She's a woman. This is what woman do. At least she's not out there licking man ass and snorting cum

>She's fucking average at best
I want to beat whores as much as the next Muslim, but to call her average is a joke. You're a fat LOTR goblin who lives in his basement.


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somewhat agree. thots will forever thot if given attention and money.

can someone explain to me what the fuck anyone sees in this girl? she looks like a 12 year old boy

That's why she is /our girl/

It is an honest living. She knows the social stigma surrounding it and made the decision. You're telling me if you were in the position to make mils off your bottle butthole water you wouldn't?

Where the fuck are the feet pics

i have over 2 decades worth of experience as a hedge fund consultant and, let me tell you, when i see an opportunity to make millions i invest immediately. this is one of those times. this roastie is definitely getting railed by a different chad every night. its only a matter of time before she gets an std. once that happens, so does our profits. her bath water will be classified a biohazard, and the supply will be cut off. we all took economics in hs, so what happens? inelastic supply curve

I wouldn't give her any money either but it's retarded to say she's ugly or even average.

>thots will forever thot if given attention and money.
simps are the enemy. its not a joke. these fuckers need to hang from lamp posts. they attack their brothers for a glimpse of feigned female attention. they are parasites.


when porn is free why do people do this?

Shut up, Brittany

>when porn is free why do people do this?see
>for a glimpse of feigned female attention. they are parasites.

Why not? She’s just a chorus girl in olde speak. I fucking love them, give them to me.

Actually communists dont mind performers/performance as a profession, the workers truly do own their own means of production (themselves).


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>don't ever see girl
>girl doesn't know your name
>girl has no idea you exist other than a number on her bank account
That's some real attention

Pretty much, unless you can install some sort of Islamic law where whores like this get stoned to death it's pretty much impossible to keep this type of market down, simps have a moth mentality they fly towards bright things and swarm around until death, if you shut this girl down simps will find another one to swarm and so on...

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