Is Trump hellbent on making the US the 110th country?
>inb4 his daughter married a kike
inb4 he has visited israel
JIDF drones and yidniggers in general, just how mad are you?

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I expected this bullshit. I ain't even mad.

the fuck you talking about nigga you drunk again?

Notwithstanding anything else that happens during this whole thing. Usurping the Feds power hold over our country is one of the biggest happenings in centuries. Fuck the fed and fuck jannies




Also open borders for Israel.

>Usurping the Feds power
when did that happen did I miss something? what the actual fuck are you guys talking about?
the fucking Fed just got 100% unregulated
they just gave them fucking 4 god damn trillions dollars AGAIN and they don't even have to be accountable for it
where the actual fucking hell did the fed get (((usurped))) retard??????????????

The day of the rake is coming you dirty snow mexican

>calling better informed people 'retarded'

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Explain this to me like I'm a nigger

The inb4 says it all, fag.

They don't understand the basics of government at all. Pol had tons of people that swore Trump had not been impeached because they thought it meant removed from office, until they got laughed at so long they finally googled it. Most of pol are larping basement dwelling loser kids that have no fucking clue what's going on and just want to project misery. Want proof, see this post and many just like it.

Rothschilds finna to take a hard L
>In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades
>This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump.
>In effect, the Fed is giving the Treasury access to its printing press. This means that, in the extreme, the administration would be free to use its control, not the Fed’s control, of these SPVs to instruct the Fed to print more money so it could buy securities and hand out loans in an effort to ramp financial markets higher going into the election. Why stop there? Should Trump win re-election, he could try to use these SPVs to get those 10,000 Dow Jones points he feels the Fed has denied everyone.

Nigga we print bills now, shiet

No, fucking Shlomo dry says it all you nigger

You can't even properly green text. Your file name outs you.

BDS, Pilpul, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, Dancing Israelis, Metzitzah B'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision for Jews and slaves of Jews, Circumcision brain damage, Goyim, Kapparot, Tay-Sachs, Jesus according to Talmud, Yebhamot 11b, Simon of Trent, Blood Libel, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Al Goldstein, Shiksa, Loxism, Jacob & Esau, New Haven Jewish slave markets, Black Hebrew Israelite, 70% of Jews v 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, Karl Marx, Moses Hess, Holodomor, Dresden Holocaust, Israeli Nukes, Samson Option, Wooden Doors, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank Typhus, Masturbation Machines, Bear & Eagle, Shitting Diamonds, TGSNT, David Irving, Magnus Hirschfeld, R@ygold, Epstein didn't kill himself, Sackler family, Sassoon family, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Bernie Madoff, גויים יודעים, אוי ואבוי, The Melting Pot: by Israel Zangweil, Poem on Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarus, I'm not white I'm Jewish, Kalergi Plan & Prize, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, Hart-Celler Act, Lavon Affair, Khazar Milkers נשים יהודיות אוהבות זין שחור גדול, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Gotthard Tunnel, Anton LaVay, Moloch, Black Cube, Red Shield, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, AIPAC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, אסד עדיין חי, Deut 6:10, Rev 2:9 יָדַעְתִּי אֶת־מַעֲשֶׂיךָ וְאֶת־צָרָתְךָ וְאֶת־רֵישְׁךָ וְאוּלָם עָשִׁיר אָתָּה וְאֶת־גִּדּוּפֵי הָאֹמְרִים יְהוּדִים אֲנַחְנוּ וְאֵינָם כִּי אִם־כְּנֵסֶת הַשָּׂטָן, Das Judenthum in der Musik

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>Pol had tons of people that swore Trump had not been impeached
He wasnt because it didnt make it through the senate retard


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>opinion piece


Quick rundown?

Yes hes giving his opinion of trump taking over the federal reserve you dumb fuck


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Brilliant argument retard

they wuz sellin coke, den some guys came along and bought all the coke, den those guys started makin erry one buy crack, den they wuz sick and anuda dude did sumtin no one understands the meanin of yet but deez chan niggas keep pushin they theories like a buncha cracked out hoodrats nawaddmsayim

you're falling for the same panic rhetoric that leftists fall for on a daily basis IDIOT
go ahead, tell everyone how THIS time it's really happening.

Trump took reins of the Fed


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imagine thinking that they just handed over power without a fight.
Qoomers are complete fucking retards.
when the day comes, it will be a real scorched earth event

Imagine what the bankers are doing right now. This explains so much, Trump is seizing ill-gotten wealth from people who exploit and despise this country and have been working to bring it down while enriching themselves.

Soros, I hope this is all for you motherfucker. I hope Trump drops you into a pig sty.

Your ebonics game seems to be on point, what gives?

So all he can do is tell them to print more money and have the treasury take on the risk of handing out loans from that?
How does that help at all?

>scorched earth event
What is all this corona hype
kys shilltard


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go be in a taco or something

>better informed
ok retard
it's Yas Forums
never use finance.yahoo.com/ as a source for anything idiot

Because an american has control of our money supply for the first time since woodrow wilson

100% pure bavarian phenotype, like everyone else on Yas Forums

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that's patently false where the fuck is that bullshit coming from genuine question?

>This weenie was crushed when he finally realized impeachment was meaningless

>never use finance.yahoo.com/ as a source for anything idiot
1fuck off shill
2yahoo is a perfectly valid source
3 theyre basically reposting a bloomberg article
4fuck off shill

64 million people get the flu every season. Anywhere between 5-13% die from it. Not even a million have the corona virus and the mortality rate isn't any more serious.
BTW, the "virus" is the result of the electric smog that infests urban areas. You're hiding in a hole wearing a mask, aren't you dumbass?
This event was to create hysteria to hide the economic bubble bursting. It helped to shift blame to the "virus" and minimize economic panic. Why? Because it kept retards like you buying supplies.
The virus is spawned from within, not spread.

fucking idiot

>he doesnt know about the federal reserve
Fuck off brainlet

Trump just gave fed kikes control of the treasury

>yahoo is a valid source
>bloomberg is valid source
and I'm the shill Ok boomer
I don't know what retard can you spell it?
You fucking have any fucking god damn proof?

Very likely THIS
But some people are so dependent on a daddy that they just have to hope someone is coming to save them.

its so coherent and cogent now. Thanks!

Trump ruined the internet

no borders for israel
no israel

BlackRock is apex jewish financial control. Are you retarded?

>yahoo is a valid source
>bloomberg is valid source
Yea if i posted zerohedge youd be kvetching too maybe maybe you should go read CNN since thats seems more your speed.

na they basically just reverse reality
Trump just gave the Fed the key of the treasury and they says Trump gave the treasury the key of the Fed. You see how the kikes does it?
That's their magic.

Wtf are you babbling about?
Trump signed the stimulus bill which has protections for the fed and make it's activities even more secret.
AND just yesterday the fed removed the 10% reserve minimum requirement on accounts (this has never happened before, there is no pretense left that your money isn't yours).

So the fed is dead you say? If it is, Trump and the rest of the politicians are busting their asses to keep it up and running.

or you can just fuck away on godlikeproductions or jewbook where plenty of boomer like you sperg around connecting dots

Proofs or fuck off

Just look the company and Larry Fink up yourself.

Lmao no one cares shill fuck off

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Nah you made the claim the onus of proof is on you

>I don't care
>But I will keep answering
fuck off already retard

Yeah that's why the kike controlled media is so loving Trump right now.

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Rothschild agent Trump took control of Rothschild's Fed

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dude it'S not even hidden you lazy fat peace of shit just google it

>Is Trump hellbent on making the US the 110th country?
Whaaa whaa whaa

You lost. It's over. Trump wins 2020 no matter what and the Democrats lose as many seats as possible including in blue states.

Just fuckoff with your shitty no-link threads.

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Aww is the shill mad you gonna cry ? Maybe piss and shit ? Maybe cum your pants

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It will stick with you more if you look it up yourself -- but Fink ought to be enough. Fink, Fink, Fink. Another kiked out trumpnigger faggot denying the obvious.

terminally canadian.

You want one of my tools but all you have to trade me are shitty oranges because you suck at farming. So some guy decides we like gold and starts selling it for us to use as a medium for trade. Then they started printing paper to represent the gold you owned. The more prices inflated, the less the gold was worth. Eventually, people came to withdrawl and there was no gold left.

Now imagine where printing the paper to represent your gold was done and regulated by a government instead of a private organization for profit.