Attached: israel btfo.jpg (586x903, 138.75K)

Based WHO

Attached: 1584574435618.jpg (414x474, 50.13K)

a literal WHO

wtf I love the who now

Based WHO

Attached: 56CC2064-7443-4897-92EC-22907ABFDF32.jpg (887x1024, 90.08K)

>no lie detected



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China/Iran in a propaganda war with Israel/USA?

LMAO fuck the kikes.


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wtf ethiopians are white now

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WHO bows to chinks not to kikes.

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They will regret this


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WHO confirmed commies, because this shows they are opposed to the Israel/USA noncommie side

Inb4 muh sides

and christianity is "antisemitic"
and muslimc "hate jews"
bleat harder cattle

fuck off Moshe.
We all know the WHO is run by (((you))) and that you're false flagging it as a pretense to justify your eternal victim complex.

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sorry to ruin your fun

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and in the extraordinarily near future it will all just be known as Palestine.

Attached: Palestine borders 2.jpg (1080x798, 688.36K)

whats the china stance on the yids and IQ again?

I doubt they are receiving any money from there. And the stable genius in the White House also defunded them and most of the CDC along with it some time ago.

Cringe and muslimpilled.
The no-state solution is the final outcome.

>globalist organization
OP is a faggot.

Fuck The WHO...long live the greatest ally

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They're listing Israel under the European region for whatever reason. OP is looking under the Eastern Mediterranean region. That's why Israel isn't showing up.

This takes 5 seconds to check. Stop spreading disinfo.

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Dont worry greatest ally...Trump now control the FED...75 billions are on the way

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Israel is asian

You don't get a say Anglo. You haven't had a say since the Suez. BTW the only reason you still have the Falklands is because we were gracious enough not to go full Monroe doctrine on your ass, I wish we did tho.

Attached: Learn the difference.png (960x367, 76.22K)

Oy vey

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My god, Israel is finished.

oy vey who could be behind this post

China treats them as business partner and does not worship them like the amerisharts.

fuck yeah drain gang
#d9 #gtbsg #shieldgang #drain

Nigger fucking wot?

The UN is trying to say jews are white.

WHO? More like World Based Organization

its 522am and the sabbath has started why are you on here...

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The schnoz grows

Hmmm. Interesting.

Lol what are you gonna do, shoot a Palestinian kid and imagine it's them?

Gunna use the Samson option?

Very subversive post

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newfag knownothings would do well to search UN resolution 242

Attached: israel_analogy.jpg (1769x904, 319.25K)

>Jews control the world.
>Get called Occupied Palestinian Territory.
Pick one.

Why are you here ?


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for the lulz

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As far as I know the whole IDF IG thots operation is to attract Indians to support Israel. Even for ugly people like Arabs these thots are really fucking ugly

do you understand now? The elites are ashkenazi khazarians, not real jews, and they will expend you when the time comes.

I lost

t.salty beta that never fucked IG sloots

This user gets it.


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#sbe #gtb

Literally a Christian Palestinian in America.

Attached: Jesus and Mary.jpg (1600x1259, 1011.47K)

Ok kike

that's pretty good, i bet nobody expected this timing

Let the chinks and the kikes fight each other on this one

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seething arab shitposters

Lol u got out jewed you fucking faggot

That's an interesting thought
It's obvious that it's an information war but I didn't know the factions

this is Amazin'

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Jewish girls love Chinese cock.


Suck 18 inches of donkey dick you piece of shit faggot

>acknowledging the jew has been kicked out of 109 countries and has no homeland, or right to one


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They put (((you))) in Europe where you belong

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Why are you here? Love you, mean it.

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fking based WHO

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Whatever, memeflag

Not picking a side, but since when is Palestine "Arab land"? Nobody has ever said that.

Kek it seems like even the elder kikes are giving up on israel and just sticking with jewing the goy in goyim countries.

That's fucking amazing hahahahaha
But still, fuck WHO, chink shills

Shoulda left my Werner alone! Ahahahahahaha

Ahahahahaha.. haha.. ha...

Why u cut my peepee...

Based, time to wake up to the truth

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Agree, Scofieldites are Judaizers and their heads need to be put on pikes

Free Palestine!

Top kek

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Weak and blue pilled. WHO is faggot globalist bullshit.

This. Fuck muslims


you ruin everything

Who else supports Palestine? prince Charles.

Elon has hated the media for a long time now I don't know why they are surprised

But not all Arabs are muslims

Literally crying out in pain as they strike with their WHO arm.

Israel has no right to exist.

That's rich coming from a shabbos goy

>They will regret this
Hahaha I was playing worms and just as I was reading this the worms say it out for me.

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chi-chi-chi le-le-le vamos Chile

Literal WHO?

>pic related
literally, fellow (((white))) people. Which one of you faggots wrote this?

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I really want to care, but for some reason my dick gets hard when feminists dikes like Talib and her band of she-boons seethe.

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kek I hate the WHO but this is pretty based.
Fuck jews (but not sexually), and fuck Israel.

continent of asia but sometimes treated as approximated european country for certain purposes

the map says Arab world you fucktard
and in reality only the Arabian peninsula is Arab the rest are their own ethnic groups
and Palestine belongs to the Palestinians (descendants of Philistines/Amalekites/Phoenicians) not those kike rats from Slavic and Khazarian origins

i'm pretty sure that's illegal to say in texas, you better watch out buddy