To the burgers getting absolutely destroyed by this virus, why are you in such denial?

To the burgers getting absolutely destroyed by this virus, why are you in such denial?
Every time someone tries to tell you guys that your fucked it's also

At what point will you accept that even with china lying, you guys are so far gone beyond the rest of the world.
Do you really think Trump has done a good job? Why can't he act like a man and actually get all the states on he same page. Instead he's just shitting on random governor's on Twitter.

Attached: 21112.jpg (1200x1200, 440.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>not adjusting for population and testing numbers

This is bs

China lied about numbers
This is a flu that causes pneumonia in old people and already sick people

Who cares?

And fuck off chink faggot

>you guys are so far gone beyond the rest of the world
China has 21 million deaths and Europe still has 5x our numbers

Are you going to dispute this or tell me to cope?

You cant look at the US as a whole. You have to look at individual states or even counties. We have states bigger than most countries so as it spreads in major cities ofc its gonna rocket up. If you looked at ALL of europe they'd be showing a similar straight vertical line.

>21 million deaths.
>Source: trust me, dude

Hey, post the per capita numbers, faggot. We should be competing with like the whole EU combined.

>taking any publication that uses noodle nigger numbers seriously

>21 million deaths
>based on phone records
Nice jew logic there. Remember the 21 million.

Faggot ass nigger. Kys ching chong.

Source is all the CCP shills spamming this board the past few days, you and OP included. Chinks are really trying to divert attention away from their fuck up that recently got exposed.

>Do you really think Trump has done a good job?
How the fuck is this his job? Some disgusting bug-men chinks can't stop themselves from torturing and eating every animal on planet earth that they get their disgusting insect-fingers on, and this has resulted on constant viruses in the past and will continue to result in viruses in the future unless we PUT THE HAMMER DOWN ON THEM.

Do you feel that creating viruses in vile China is the President of America's domain and we should vote according to this? Did YOU see this coming?


Also: my grandpa agent oranged your ancestors, gook.

Attached: 1576083153512.jpg (1080x1080, 75.76K)

What a faggot.

>American flag
>Sucking chink dick
Oh look another CCP shill with a vpn. How much do they pay you?

Based statkraut


You bat eating noodle niggers are being exposed. Your mass burials can't be hidden just like your slave camps.

China, large uptick and then levels off after just a couple days.

>burgers being retarded
Nothing new under the sun

>everyone who disagrees with my insane conspiracies is a shill
why does anyone even bother

The History of Vietnam

>Enslaved by China for 1000 years and used as sex slaves
>"Slave girls of Viet, sleek of buttery flesh."
>The writer Nguyen Huy Thiep writes "the most significant characteristics of this country are its smallness and weakness. She is like a virgin girl raped by Chinese civilisation. The girl concurrently enjoys, despises and is humiliated by the rape."
>Vassalized by China for the next 1000 years
>Song Emperor Taizong to King Le Hoan in 979: "You fly and leap like savages. You drink through your noses. When you talk, you sound like birds. Let us teach you the knowledge of the proper laws. Do you want to discard your garments of leaves and grass?"
>Half the "native" dynasties were founded by Han Chinese immigrants
>Enslaved by Ming China
>During military "victories" the capital was destroyed and the main "strategy" was to hide in the mountains while the invaders suffered from heat, bugs and disease and eventually left
>Begged Qing China for help against France
>Colonized and enslaved by France
>Vietnamese were called "Annamites"
>No such thing as "Vietnamese culture"
>Claims they invented rice cultivation
>Literally invented nothing
>Pho was created by Chinese immigrants
>National dish is a sandwich
>Eats rats and monkey brains
>40% of Vietnamese have the same last name
>Vietnamese women are the largest source of mail-order brides in the world
>Vietnamese "traditional" clothing isn't traditional or even indigenous
>"Vietnamese" alphabet was invented by Europeans and forced on the Vietnamese by the French
>Vietnamese "calligraphy" is ugly
>Vietnamese language is ugly
>The epitome of Vietnamese culture is the rice hat
>Traditional Vietnamese dance is a rice hat dance

Anyone who defends China is a shill. Please keep sucking chink dick.

This. Also they stole my motto I always advised females to flatten the curve.

The chinese are discipline machines. There are more infections (tested + under radar) in US than in china. FACT.

It's the Liberal Governors.
I live in Washington State and went out today after a week in isolation, trying to do my part. Almost all business are still open despite a shelter in place order and order for all non-essential businesses to shut down. There is zero enforcement. Last weekend the local beaches were crowded and there were over 2,000 people hiking on one 4 mile trail over two days.

> If you look at the hotspots you will see local Democratic leadership.

Attached: Jay-Inslee-coronavirus-response-CREDIT-Kind-County-TV.png (924x634, 183.95K)

the virus only kills spics, chinks, jews, and boomers

>21 million numbers disappeared
What's the data on previous years of numbers going offline?
>idk lol
I fucking hate retards who don't know how to use statistics

I was in Hanoi last year at a top luxury hotel. Beautiful city, super nice people, mix of wealthy and abject poverty.

Went for a spa treatment one day at our hotel. Cute young vietnamese chick gives me massage. By the end of it, she gives me a happy ending out of the blue. Never had one before anywhere.

Love Vietnam, and I look forward to returning. But...Your young women are jerking off americans for a few extra bucks on a regular basis. Not a great look if you're arguing how great you are compared to the US.

Cope. Post it if you got it.

>China lied about numbers
You didn't even read the post brainlet

Guess what, forex quarantine/isolation and shutting off cities earlier than later actually works. Who would have thought.

Cope, excuse for Trump.
Also, show me that line of all of EU.

>John hopkins is unreliable

Seething retort

No one in VN is a CCP shill lol

>How is it the governments job to use our taxes to help protect us from a worldwide pandemic that can only be solved with mass lockdowns/quarantines
>Put that mask down too goy, this will pass by Easter

>Did you see this coming
Yes, I was here. Everyone on Yas Forums saw it coming. VN too serious action like Taiwan and hk very early.

>History of US
>Lost their nigger slaves
>Lost a war to Vietnam (ran away) after trying to big dick their way in
>Got fat off too many burgers
>Elected Obama
>Whole country died of coronavirus thanks to trump

>If you look at the hotspots you will see local democratic leadership.
First interesting reply, do you have and sources?

It's gonna kill you too mutt

Yeh, why do you think I live here you fucking retard?

>Why is the population that’s bigger than any five of those countries combined minus china suffering more infections?

Attached: 199BE45E-407D-4C1C-970D-6D04D8492BBB.jpg (904x864, 83.77K)

your post doesn't matter

>US does the most testing
>US has huge population
>US is a global hub unlike irrelevant countries
>China lies out the asshole
In all fields.

I can't wait until this blows out of proportion and we nuke china.

Or we could use bugspray. Would both eliminate their food supply and them.

these retarded graphs are never per-capita

This is the most I've ever seen Americans care about per capita statistics

What's the deal with that luxury mall in Hanoi that is staffed by vietnamese people, and has brands like Cartier? It's completely empty except for like 3-4 western shoppers, compared to like 100 vietnamese staff. That was really weird.

>Your young women are jerking off americans for a few extra bucks
American work do the same for free... Food for thought.

Accurate. But I'll take a Viet-kang over a burger any day of the week. Pls send nukes OP!

If you remove China's numbers the CFR is 30%. It's fucking vicious, definitely worse than flu.

>American work do the same for free
Sorry, I can't understand your retard level communication skills. WTF are you even trying to say here?

It’s not. The graph says Germany is virtually on the Italy track when we test 6 times as much and have 1/30th of their deaths.

What's with that weird jump in China's curve? Has that ever been explained?

Attached: whochina.png (774x4852, 1.3M)

We’re going for the largest numbered recovered

>not having a chad vertical line like the US
fucking mad virgins


>only test people sick enough to go to hospital
>act surprised when the deathtoll of confirmed infected is through the roof...

No it's not. The testing doesn't include asymptomatic or mild people. It's likely under 1%.

>per capita
>China is involved

I'm not. It's only low IQ MIGAtards who think it's not serious. They don't have the brainpower to think their way out of Normalcy Bias

Just wait two more weeks.

Show us the graphs then, capitafags

Don't know, don't live in Hanoi, don't @ me mutt

US fucks up heavily, that's how you do when most of your population are uneducated schizos.

Yep a flu that kills people on the verge of death already is worth shutting down civilization for you dipshits. If it were killing young people it'd be an issue, but it does not. And there's likely millions of mild or asymptomatic cases going around that will not be tested.

>to the burgers getting absolutely destroyed by this virus, why are you in such denial?

We have less than a fourth as many deaths as Italy and we have ten times their population.

I'd say we're doing okay.

Attached: Incredulous sexy_beast.jpg (270x203, 14.26K)

coronavirus isn’t real stupid

Why is the news retarded? That isn't confirmed, it's confirmed + presumptive.

The US has more confirmed cases than China (and had much worse testing for a long time which means the actual number is much higher) but it still has about 1/3 the number of deaths.

Attached: Per Capita WooFlu Deaths 20200327.png (439x112, 15.69K)

Too bad, people there were friendlier than you.

You seem very angry. I suppose if I lived in a third world shithole, I'd be resentful of my superiors too.

Don't worry, Nguyen, maybe you'll have enough to afford clean drinking water someday. Godspeed to you!

But there are a lot of people to recover right there.

This post won't age well

Recoveries aren't often reported. You can totally ignore that column.

Ching Chang chong
You know chink cringe Aids only affects slanted eyed insect lady bois right?

>Can't argue with facts
>"But u is meme flags!!"
seething AF.

The Chinks literally stopped reporting their numbers a week right when they kicked every foreign journalist out

How does the curve look when you add all the European countries together?

>memeflag is seething
fuck off with your spam or use a real flag pussy

Isn't it more that all thess cases started mounting up very recently and very few have had time to be classified as recovered yet?

What kind of retarded generic deflection reply is this? What graph do you want me to show you to demonstrate that the US is a global hub??

Yes, possibly. But is it worth the most dead?
Mutts are strange.

How is any deaths okay in the country portrayed as the leader of the world?
You had 2 months to prepare properly and shits only getting organized after hundreds have died.

>Still seething AF

The guy is a chink shill. he literally repeats the same shit in multiple threads

New York City area looks like shit, but most of this country isn't so densely populated. Overall US curve is shaped that way because we've been testing a lot recently otherwise it wouldn't be so steep.

>too scared to show where he's from

Post your graph, capitafags
Show us all how US is winning

they started using somewhat more accurate tests.

The stats aren't corrected for per capita
USA is the 3rd most populous nation after China and India
China's numbers are lies

I am curious what the numbers in India really are. With their insane population density and horrible sanitation standards I don't understand how the virus isn't spreading like wildfire there. Are they simply not reporting it or not testing for it?

He probably means a per capita growth graph to prove that even per capita the US growth rate is not abnormally higher than other countries at the same points in time. It’s not altogether an unreasonable idea, but eyeballing this graph I’m going to bet it’s not any higher than the rest.

Trumptards need to cope

>*dry coughs* *wheeze*
>I-it's just a *haaack* flu bro!

Sometimes it sucks living in Wisconsin but when their is a virus ripping through major hubs it’s nice enough.

My girlfriend started feeling ill last week and asked her doctor about getting tested. They said they could take a sample today but there was a 3 week delay in getting results. She has a co-worker who got it and was in the SF bay area a couple weeks ago so that made her qualify for testing. She opted not to be tested. She is feeling better and never got a cough. Not clear if she had it or just some other bug.

>muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests muh tests
>start testing more
>muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike muh spike
Are you all just retarded or having a good time pretending to be?



Per capita the US is no where near as bad as Europe. You don't even need a graph, just basic math.

China is doing far worse which is evident by the fact they won't allow any outside source report on it.

>How is any deaths okay in the country portrayed as the leader of the world?
Are you retarded?

Recoveries aren't typically reported since most people don't require an ICU and there isn't any medical staff to give you "the clean bill of heath".

Love it or hate it, the capitalist system of heath care in the US has done a good job of dealing with the issue.

>Vein is popping off.
Imagine being low IQ and entire argument is generally based on people's flags. Topkek

Attached: tenor.gif (498x474, 406.55K)

I imagine no testing is being done or reported. It simply doesn't make sense. That or people in India have superpowered immune systems from living neck deep in poo.

But the majority of those cases haven't even had it long enough to recover.


Post capita graph

No, all the deaths in the US aside from returning diamond princess people were preventable if proactive action was taken earlier.
Drumpf didn't even bother with contact tracing, he was convinced it would be a waste of resources
