New Swedes are getting wiped out by Coronachan
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Has Sweden all the sudden become based and is secretly implementing a final solution to the Moslem question?
This is impossible since they are all doctors and surgeons.
>Somalians living in Sweden complaining that they can't read Swedish
I thought blacks were immune
How did they get Jaden Smith to pose twice in that photo?
>implying these dirty niggers would have any clue how viruses spread even if you explained it to them
>New Swedes
The original Swedes.
niggers are only immune in africa
its like a white supremacist cult started this virus.
good, now maybe the number of rapes will go down as well as wristband sales
Somali Trolley to make rounds next week for dead bodies?
they have to go back
Photoshopped in some fresh prints
>tell women to start coughing if they are about to be raped
>niggers run away in fear of corona
Perfect defense
Do niggers have to put those dumb looks on their face?
Im telling you guys... coronachan is based as fuck.
>try to reverse image search pic on google
>fake error message
i have no face
This is the best news I've seen in a while. I thought the news about France no quarantining in Muslim ghettos was good news.
right now that's been dealt with, what about grenade attacks?
>Somali community
Uh those are swedes
Tell them grenades cause the virus to be spread far and very likely to infect whoever threw the grenade
Just the ones with hiv which also means their rape victims and their coal burning swedish girlfriends who want social media likes die as well. As well as the Swedish males those disgusting whores spread it to.
Good. Almost worth it. I wonder what their camps are like right now.
there we go, sweden fixed
Somalis aren't Negroid genetically, their more caucasian than Black.
I hope they all die
But they said they were immunerinos?
What do you expect when you wipe your ass with your hand?
Can't get enough sun, huh?
I guess it isn't them buying up all the toilet paper though.
Someone you personally know will be denied a ventilator while a somalian will get one
I kept telling people this when it didn't seem like Africa etc were getting hit, Blacks in colder climates are fucked even worse than us because of Vitamin D probs.
The Somalian will probably just eat it or rape it.
bye bye niggers good riddance
lel I don't watch tv but if they really have started using Arabic subtitles on the news that would be fucking hilarious. I'd say it will redpill a lot of people but I don't really believe it is even possible to redpill the masses anymore.
They aren't it's just African blacks are pumped full of anti malaria drugs constants.
So they have a drug induced resistance to Corona.
Somalis in Sweden have no reason to take malaria drugs so vulnerable like anyone else.
And they have 3 test kits probably
>only in Swedish and English
Based if true.
Half of the corona infected in Belgium are dumbass Turks. Nothing of value is lost there.
126 times. That's how many times we published the information in Somalian. Good thing is that the fuckers can't read
This is awesome news.
>can't say niggers are violent, that would be racist
>Can't enforce quarantine due to potential rioting
>virus runs rampant in un-quarantined area
Sorry, we need to move niggers into Swedish homes because their areas are too disease-riddled. You honkies need to remain inside while the nogs can pass freely though, don't be a bigot.
Yeah, migrants get priority.
That's awful, though. Who do you think the Swedes will choose to take care of first?
WTF is that?
they are so ugly and clearly dangerous.
only a dishonest person would say that those subhumans are anything more than subhumans,
Tainted adrenchrome kills vampires. this is pure poetry